Click on NSTextField Label to emulate hyperlink to a folder - objective-c

I have an NSTextField label and I want something to happen when a user clicks on it.
I thought I could create an IBAction and link this to the label but nothing seems to happen.
Any suggestions?
The reason why I am doing this is because I want a label that is a hyperlink to a folder. Perhaps I am taking the wrong approach altogether?
IBAction definition in my PersonController.m
- (IBAction)surnameLabelSelected:(id)sender {
NSLog(#"This should do something!");
XIB File
In the XIB file I have made a Received Actions connection between surnameLabelSelected and the StaticText NSTextField label.

You've got a couple options. Francis's answer is one option. Another option is to subclass NSTextField and override -mouseDown:. Something like this (written off the top of my head, not tested):
#interface ClickableTextField : NSTextField
#implementation ClickableTextField
- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
[self sendAction:[self action] to:[self target]];
If NSTextField is closer in style to the appearance you need, this might be the better approach. If you need NSButton's features (highlight upon click, etc) go with Francis's solution.

Labels are non-editable text fields thus don't send actions to their targets. You want to use an NSButton and turn off its border-drawing and size it to fit its text as best as possible to simulate a label.

Another option is to create a transparent button (without title/image/border, momentary push in) in front of the label, with the same frame as label's. And set button's action accordingly.


Two States -> Two Actions -> One UIButton for iOS 7

I want to accomplish something that It's even hard for me to explain to you, but I'm going yo try to do.
I have one UIButton (Button 1) and want it do to two different actions depending on the context or state of this particular button, but the context or state is controlled by another UIButton (Button 2).
I hope this image can explain what I'm looking for:
Now... i'm not looking for the exact code I need to implement, but an idea of how to accomplish this, maybe some hint about some methods or classes to use.
Note: I already think about to change the UIButton tag to control the action, but I can't change the tag because I need it as it is to control the behavior of actions. Also, (Button1) must return to it's original state once the second action it's used.
From what you've described, I suggest you should have two IBActions and set a property of UIButton 1. Your .h header file will look something like -
#property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIButton* button1;
Where the button1 property is hooked up to your button one via ctrl-drag in the interface builder.
Then within your .m implementation file, the following set-up will enable you to do what you're looking for.
if (self.button1.selected){
self.button1.selected = NO;
self.button1.selected = YES;
So when you press button2, this will change the state of button1 by making it 'selected' or not, which means button1 will do what ever you need, where the state is controlled by button2.
if (self.button1.selected){
//Place your code here for button 1 to do something in this state
} else
//Place your code here for button 1 to do something in this UN-selected state
I hope this helps with what you're trying to do.
Thanks, Jim.
You can use the UIButton's UIControlState, with if statements.
if I understand correctly?

Click textfield and button disappears (it doesn't, but i want it to)

I have a textfield and a button. When I click inside the textfield, I want the button to disappear. I defined the textfield as both outlet and action ( with event “Did end on exit”). In the method for the textfield, I have self.testButton.hidden = YES; When I click inside the textfield, the button does not go away. Instead, it remains until I hit the return key on the keyboard – causing the keyboard to go away. I tried the same thing w/ touchup inside as the event on the text field. When you click in the text field, nothing happens to the button.
Instead of using the Target-Action mechanism ("Did end on exit" and "Touch Up Inside") use the Delegate mechanism.
First, make your class conform to the UITextFieldDelegate protocol. In your *.h (header) file add the following:
// Here I'm assuming your class is inheriting from UIViewcontroller but it
// may be inheriting from some other class. The really important part here
// is: <UITextFieldDelegate>. That's how you make your class conform to that protocol
#interface THE_NAME_OF_YOUR_CLASS : UIViewController <UITextFieldDelegate>
Second, implement the -(void)textFieldDidBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField method. Also, remember to set yourself as the delegate too: self.textField.delegate = self. That way, the method will get called every time the user starts editing. Inside that methdod call self.testButton.hidden = YES;. In your *.m (implementation) file add the following:
-(void)viewDidLoad {
// here I'm assuming you have a 'strong' reference to your text field.
// You're going to need one to set yourself as the delegate.
self.textField.delegate = self;
// This is one of the methods defined in the UITextFieldDelegate protocol
-(void)textFieldDidBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField {
self.testButton.hidden = YES;
Similarly, to make your button appear again, implement the - (void)textFieldDidEndEditing:(UITextField *)textField method. Inside it un-hide your button. Again, in your *.m file add the following:
// This is another method defined in the UITextFieldDelegate protocol
-(void)textFieldDidEndEditing:(UITextField *)textField {
self.testButton.hidden = NO;
Although delegates may be a mystery to you right now once you become familiar with them
you will realize they're very easy. And this is very important because iOS programming
relies heavily on delegates.
A delegate is a "notification" mechanism based on the "Hollywood" principle which is: don't call us; we'll call you.
In your case the class that contains the UITextField is interested in knowing when the UITextField begins editing and when it ends editing. But your class cannot be "polling" (that is, constantly asking) the text field to find out if the state changed. Instead you register your class with the text field and it will be the text field the one that will let you know when something happened. That will be thanks to the methods that you implemented.
Further reading: protocols and delegates
Hope this helps!
Have you made sure that testButton has its IBOutlet set before you hide it?
If you want to button to disappear when the user begins editing the text field, try UIControlEventEditingDidBegin.

How to attach an object to the NSCursor? OSX

I want to attach a WebView to the cursor when the user hovers a button. And remove it when the mouse exits.
Even when the cursor moves inside the button I want to WebView to keep following the cursor.
Any ideas on how to perform this?
Here's an example on how it should be:
so you have a NSButton ... subclass THAT so you attach a view:
#interface ButtonWithWebViewOnHover : NSButton
#property(strong) WebView *webView;
override mouseEntered and mouseExited there and toggle hidden
...... wait.... we seem to be reinventing the wheel
use NSPopover (from apple directly, but not as graphically flexible as the next:)
or MAAttachedWindow (
You can subclass WebView, and consider that to draw it this method is called:
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect;
Ao if you call [super drawInRect: dirctyRect] in this method, the view will be normally drawn, otherwise nothing will be drawn.So you can see if the mouse is over the view and decide if to draw it or not.
To resize it, instead you can use this method:
- (void)setBounds:(NSRect)boundsRect;
To detect mouse events you shall implement methods like mouseDown (see NSResponder) in your main view.

Xcode - setFocus on a text field, becomeFirstResponder isn't enough

At the moment, I trigger a method on 'Did End On Exit' in my app (I'm aware that this may not be the greatest way of doing it but I'm very new to Objective C and Xcode for that matter and I'm simply doing what feels comfortable to me).
This method resigns the firstResponder from the current text field and applies it to a later text field.
The problem I'm facing is that the keyboard covers the next text field so that the use has no idea where the focus is and therefore what they are required to type.
How do I get it so that my keyboard shifts down and actually shows the text box that is currently active? Making something the firstResponder simply doesn't do what I want it to, unless there's part of the implementation I'm missing.
Here's my simple method:
- (IBAction)firstNameNext:(id)sender {
[firstNameTextField resignFirstResponder];
[surnameTextField becomeFirstResponder];
Any advice would be super.
Add UIScrollView in your main view then all contents as subview to UIScrollView
Now when specific UITextField needs to be able to visible in view use its delegate like this:
Note: add UITextFieldDelegate in .h file like this
#interface yourViewController : UIViewController<UITextFieldDelegate>
Also bind with File's Owner
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField;
if(textField == yourSpecficTextField) //one u want move upwards
yourScrollView.contentOffset = CGPointMake(0,200); //required offset
... //provide contentOffSet those who needed
return YES;
- (void)textFieldDidEndEditing:(UITextField *)textField
yourScrollView.contentOffset = CGPointMake(0,0); //make UIScrollView as it was before
If you have keyboard input fields that will be covered by the virtual keyboard, then you need to move those fields out from under the virtual keyboard.
The normal way to do this is to have the controller's view be a scrollable view like UIScrollView. Moving Content That Is Located Under the Keyboard gives a very robust way of adjusting your scroll view and ensuring the required field shows.

In Xcode, make a button look like a text field or a textfield look like a button

In Xcode (iOS), I have a screen with a combination of buttons and text fields. However, they look different. Is there a way that I can have a button look like a textfield? Or is there a way I can make a textfield act like a button (perform some action when pressed and don't bring up the keyboard)?
You can try one of these:
place a transparent (custom with no image) button on top of the text field and attach the desired action to it
show your view in the implementation of the textFieldShouldBeginEditing: UITextFieldDelegate protocol method
Subclassing is also an option, but it will probably complicate your task too much.
If You want to perform an action and do not bring up the keyboard when pressed on UITextField You can do it like this:
-(BOOL)textFieldShouldBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField {
// do here everything you want
NSLog(#"Pressed on TextField!");
[self.view endEditing:YES]; // Hide keyboard
return NO;
This function will be called every time when pressed on textField.
** Don't forget to delegate UITextField.
Note: With this You will face the problem: if keyboard is shown it will not hide, so You need also add -endEditing:YES.
You need to custom one of them ... or both
Exemple : create a class CustomTextField : UITextField
in this class use :
#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
Play with style
Late answer, but nevertheless. I did this to make a UIButton look like a UITextField
#property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIButton *resolutionButton;
And in viewDidLoad:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[[self.resolutionButton layer] setBorderColor: [UIColor colorWithWhite:0.6f alpha:0.6f].CGColor];
self.resolutionButton.layer.cornerRadius = 5.0f;
self.resolutionButton.layer.borderWidth = 0.5f;