Issue installing my own block in moodle 2 - block

I'm using moodle 2.
I want to add my own block, so I visited the oficial moodle page in order to learn how to add new blocks.
I've created the same code in the page, but when I click upgrade, the page
http://localhost/admin/index.php?confirmplugincheck=1 appears blank and does nothing.
Can you help me please?

Problem solved! I've had 1 extra square bracket. The code of the web is ok.


Aurelia tutorial stuck building out contact list

I'm an experienced WPF developer, but new to web development.
I'm stuck at point where you replace the Contact List Placeholder
with the contact-list custom element.
When I run it the web page still shows the placeholder text instead of the contact list. I assumed this was a cache issue, but I've tried everything I can think of to clear the cache. I have also tried deleting the app.html and running the site to see what kind of error I'd get, but still I get the template with Contact List Placeholder. I've tried reverting to the original tag and changing the inner text, and I still get "Contact List Placeholder".

Bootstrap 3 - the menu occupies the entire screen when on mobile

I cannot figure out what I have done wrong...
What I am trying to do is make the Twitter Bootstrap menu behave correctly.
The problem I am experiencing is that on a mobile the menu can collapse and retract but it covers the entire mobile, i.e. you cant see the rest of the page below.
I have literally copied and pasted a bootstrap 3 example and that doesn't work when I host it!!! Have I missed something very obvious? This is probably best viewed on a mobile....
Here is the page that I put my code on
And the original page here:
Can anyone pls see what I am doing so wrong?
Thanks -

Prestashop: how to stop CMS editor from redirecting after save

In Prestashop, it is so annoying that after editing and saving a CMS page (in the BO), I am automatically redirected to the CMS main page. If I want to edit again, I have to click on "edit" again and it gets really repetitive.
Is there any way to alter the admin/tabs/adminCMS.php so that saving edits does NOT redirect me to the CMS main list page?
Any help would be much appreciated.
Hello Jay Na? Which version of PrestaShop are you using? In 1.5 there is a feature called "Save and Stay" in which you will not be redirected to the main page.
thank you for the reply. I'm using Prestashop 1.4.9, so I didn't have that functionality. Someone on Prestashop forum let me know the solution:
Go to admin directory/tabs and open AdminCms.php. About line 295 find and delete or comment out
Tools::redirectAdmin($currentIndex.'&id_cms_category='.(int)$cms->id_cms_category.'&conf='.(int)($cms->id ? 3 : 4).'&token='.Tools::getAdminTokenLite('AdminCMSContent'));
and add
Works perfectly

Wiki Page Library issue in SharePoint 2010

I would really appreciate it if someone would help me out with this issue.
I'm using SharePoint 2010. I created a Wiki Page Library without changing any of the library settings, and created a new Wiki page, all that went fine but once I started adding text and then tried to save the changes on the page, this message appears:
"You must specify a value for this required field"
I don't know what to do, there is no required field and I can't really fix that... so please help me with that message!!
Fatima, I don't know if you ever got your question answered, but this is a known issue with Publishing features. There is a field that is marked as required, but is not displayed on the page. I beleive it's the column/field called "Name". If you look through the Site Content Types and find "wiki page", you'll see that status is marked as "Required". Changing that should fix the issue for you.
This was caused by a Place holder missing from the Main area of your master page.
Even if you’ve moved it to a asp:Panel and declared it as false at the bottom of your master page you’ll still get the error.
All you need is to move content place holder
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder id=“PlaceHolderPageTitleInTitleArea” runat=”server”></asp:ContentPlaceHolder>
within the s4-bodyContainer div , within the s4-ca div seems to work best. Save the master page and that’s it. that no more irritating message.
Alternatively, you can try the solution suggested here

Web part lost when page post back

Here is the brief detail of issue.
I have Page1 where I have put LinkButton. The LinkButton Has property PostBackUrl pointing to Page2.
When user is redirected to page2, I am using Page Load method to access controls from previous page & get the needed value. To make clear, I am using this approach becuase I cant use querystring.
Page 2 has 2 web parts on it. The web parts use data received in Page Load event from page1 and renders data.
This works perfect on first page load. When user clicks on a URL in page which posts back, the web parts gets lost.
Note that if I come directly to page2 without going at page1, then web parts are retained in the page and they are not lost.
Can anyone give me the clue of issue cause?
Thanks in advance.
Do you have any debugging enabled? you are most likely looking for values on page load that don't exist and might be getting exceptions that aren't handled properly.
I am not sure why but somehow code was throwing an exception when I tried to access the property Page.PreviousPage. Though I had made sure to check null on each step. Even code was never get hit when web part was lost. So it is still a mystery for me.
Just in case someone comes across this issue my workaround may help. I used Post back to page2 using post method. I accessed the variables using Page.Form[] variables. This way my issue of getting web parts lost got resolved.