AddressOf with parameter -

One way or another I need to link groupID (and one other integer) to the button I am dynamically adding.. any ideas?
What I can do;
AddHandler mybutton.Click, AddressOf PrintMessage
Private Sub PrintMessage(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
MessageBox.Show("Dynamic event happened!")
End Sub
What I can't do, but want to;
AddHandler mybutton.Click, AddressOf PrintMessage(groupID)
Private Sub PrintMessage(ByVal groupID as Integer)
MessageBox.Show("Dynamic event happened!" & groupID .tostring)
End Sub

There is no way to do this with AddressOf itself. What you're looking for is a lambda expression.
AddHandler myButton.Click, Function(sender, e) PrintMessage(groupId)
Private Sub PrintMessage(ByVal groupID as Integer)
MessageBox.Show("Dynamic event happened!" & groupID .tostring)
End Sub

You can create your own button class and add anything you want to it
Public Class MyButton
Inherits Button
Private _groupID As Integer
Public Property GroupID() As Integer
Return _groupID
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
_groupID = value
End Set
End Property
Private _anotherInteger As Integer
Public Property AnotherInteger() As Integer
Return _anotherInteger
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
_anotherInteger = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
Since VB 2010 you can simply write
Public Class MyButton
Inherits Button
Public Property GroupID As Integer
Public Property AnotherInteger As Integer
End Class
You can access the button by casting the sender
Private Sub PrintMessage(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim btn = DirectCast(sender, MyButton)
MessageBox.Show( _
String.Format("GroupID = {0}, AnotherInteger = {1}", _
btn.GroupID, btn.AnotherInteger))
End Sub
These new properties can even be set in the properties window (under Misc).
The controls defined in the current project automatically appear in the toolbox.

Use the Tag property of the button.
Button1.Tag = someObject
AddressOf gets the address of a method, and thus you cannot pass parameters to it.

You can use delegate which very clear for your code follow as:
Define a delegate
Public Delegate Sub ControlClickDelegate(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Custom button class
Public Class CustomButton
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Button
#Region "property delegate"
Private controlClickDelegate As ControlClickDelegate
Public Property ClickHandlerDelegate As ControlClickDelegate
Return controlClickDelegate
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As ControlClickDelegate)
controlClickDelegate = Value
End Set
End Property
#End Region
Public Sub RegisterEventHandler()
AddHandler Me.Click, AddressOf OnClicking
End Sub
Private Sub OnClicking(ByVal sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs)
If (Me.controlClickDelegate IsNot Nothing) Then
Me.controlClickDelegate(sender, e)
End If
End Sub
End Class
Public Class MainForm
Public Sub New()
' This call is required by the designer.
' Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.
Me.CusButton1.ClickHandlerDelegate = AddressOf Me.btnClick
End Sub
Private Sub btnClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Me.TextBox1.Text = "Hello world"
End Sub
End Class

The below worked for me:
Dim bStart = New Button With {.Text = "START"}
AddHandler bStart.Click, Function(sender, e) TriggerProcess(any Long value)
Private Function TriggerProcess(ByVal paramName As Long) As Boolean
' any processing logic
Return True
End Function

My solution:
AddHandler menuItemYear.Items(i).MouseUp, Sub() menu_year(2019)
Private Sub menu_year(ByVal intYear As Integer)
'do something
End Sub

There are few ways to do that depending of the complexity and number of parameters required.
1. Use Tag for adding a complex structure
2. Inherit the the Button class and add the values as class members then populate them before using it. That gives you a lot more flexibility.
If you are using web version
3. You cannot add it to Tag, but for simple values assign it to index use .Attributes.Add("name"). This gets added to the HTML tags and not the Server side. You can then use the index to access a server side structure for complex systems.
4. Use sessions to store values and store the session reference to Name attribute as described above (#3).

No problem ;-)
For example:
Private ComboActionsOnValueChanged As New Dictionary(Of ComboBox, EventHandler)
'somewhere in function
dim del = Sub(theSender, eventArgs)
MsgBox(CType(theSender, ComboBox).Name & " test")
End Sub
ComboActionsOnValueChanged.Add(myCombo, del)
'somewhere else
Dim delTest = ComboActionsOnValueChanged(myCombo)
RemoveHandler myCombo.SelectedValueChanged, delTest
myCombo.DataSource = someDataSource
AddHandler myCombo.SelectedValueChanged, delTest
as we expect, event won't fire after DataSource change in this place


Getting Event Handler from Instance of Class

I'm just getting started with custom classes so I wrote a button strip. It inherits a panel and populates it with buttons from strings passed to my .Add().
ButtonStrip1.Add("Button","Texts","Go Here")
I'd like for it to be able to naturally grab ButtonStrip1.Click's handler and pass it on to child buttons and delete it from ButtonStrip1.
I haven't been able to figure that out, so I've been doing
Public Class ButtonStrip
Inherits Panel
Public Property Innermargin As Integer = 5
Dim Offset As Integer = Innermargin
Dim Buttons = New List(Of ButtonStrip_Button)
Dim StoredFN As EventHandler
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Function Add(fn As EventHandler, ParamArray ByVal Values As String())
StoredFN = fn
For Each V In Values
Dim B As New ButtonStrip_Button
B.Text = V
B.Left = Offset + Innermargin
B.Top = Innermargin
Offset = B.Left + B.Width
AddHandler B.Click, fn
RemoveHandler Me.Click, fn
Me.Width = Offset + Innermargin
Me.Height = Buttons(0).height + Innermargin * 2
End Function
Function Add(ParamArray ByVal Values As String())
If StoredFN Is Nothing Then
Throw New Exception("First Add() must supply a function")
End If
Me.Add(StoredFN, Values)
End Function
End Class
Public Class ButtonStrip_Button
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Button
Public Sub New()
AutoSize = True
AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink
End Sub
End Class
which is called by
ButtonStrip1.Add(AddressOf ButtonStrip1_Click,"Button","Texts","Go Here")
What I'd basically like to do is (psuedo-code)
Function Add(fn As EventHandler, ParamArray ByVal Values As String())
If StoredFN is Nothing Then StoredFN = Me.Click
AddHandler B.Click, Me.Click
RemoveHandler Me.Click, Me.Click
End Function
I've tried changing a few things and googled a lot. I've also tried using CallByName(Me,"Click",CallType.Method) and with CallType.Get, but the error I get is Expression 'Click' is not a procedure, but occurs as the target of a procedure call. It also returns this exact same message for unhandled events, such as ButtonStrip1 has no MouseDown Event.
I've also tried using MyClass.
Not seen here is an alternative .Add() that add StoredFN to
For instance, this click event works with my code
Private Sub ButtonStrip1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ButtonStrip1.Click
msgbox("You clicked " & sender.text & ".")
End Sub
What I was suggesting was something like this:
Public Class ButtonStrip
Inherits Panel
Public Event ButtonClick As EventHandler(Of ButtonClickEventArgs)
Protected Overridable Sub OnButtonClick(e As ButtonClickEventArgs)
RaiseEvent ButtonClick(Me, e)
End Sub
Private Sub Buttons_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
OnButtonClick(New ButtonClickEventArgs(DirectCast(sender, Button)))
End Sub
Public Sub Add(ParamArray values As String())
Dim btn As New Button
AddHandler btn.Click, AddressOf Buttons_Click
End Sub
End Class
Public Class ButtonClickEventArgs
Inherits EventArgs
Public ReadOnly Property Button As Button
Public Sub New(button As Button)
Me.Button = button
End Sub
End Class
Now there's no need to pass event handlers around. When a Button is clicked, the ButtonStrip handles that event and then raises its own ButtonClick event. Neither the ButtonStrip nor the Buttons have to care about any methods that handle that event as it will be handled the same way any other event is. In a form, you'd then handle the ButtonClick event of the ButtonStrip and get the Button that was clicked from e.Button. You could also add an Index property if you wanted to know the position of the Button rather than the Button itself.

Can't Remove Listview Item From Second Form

I am having an issue when trying to delete ListView Items from a second form.
For example, if I use the following command on Form1 it works:
However, if I attempt to remove from Form2 like so:
I get the following error:
"Invalid argument=value of '0' is not valid for 'index'. Parameter name: index"
I then tried to get a count of items from the listview on Form2 and it gives me a return of 0
I'm not sure what my problem is.
I have posted a brief example of my code (using your suggestion as I can understand it):
Private Sub ViewMessage()
Dim frm As New frmViewMailMessage
End Sub
Public Sub DeleteItem(ByVal index As Integer)
End Sub
Private instanceForm as frmShowMessages
Private Sub frmViewMailMessage_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
instanceForm = New frmShowMessages()
End Sub
Private Sub cmdDelete_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles cmdDelete.Click
End Sub
Hopefully my code can help identify where my issue is.
In usually you get a default Form instance for each of your Form. Probably you are creating an instance of Form1 and then you are trying to access ListView1 of default instance.
Sub ButtonClick()
Dim f As New Form1()
' at this point if you access f's ListView you will get correct count
' however if you try to access default instance it will NOT have any item
End Sub
It means your instance f is NOT equal to default Form1 instance.
Solution can be, make the f variable as class level variable and use it everywhere. Or if Form1 will have only 1 instance, then you can use the default instance everywhere.
Personally I would NOT go with direct control accessing over forms. I would create a Public method which should return the data as list to the caller, in this case your Form2.
As per your given scenario, I am simplifying things for you, and doing implementation using Event.
Public Class frmShowMessages
Private Sub btnOpenMessage_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOpenMessage.Click
Dim frmView As New frmViewMessage(Me.ListView1.SelectedItems(0).Index)
AddHandler frmView.MessageDeleted, AddressOf DeleteMessageHandler
End Sub
Private Sub DeleteMessageHandler(sender As Object, e As frmViewMessage.MessageDeletedEventArgs)
End Sub
End Class
Public Class frmViewMessage
' a class which will be used for Event communication
Public Class MessageDeletedEventArgs
Inherits EventArgs
Public Property MessageIndex As Integer
Public Sub New(ByVal iIndex As Integer)
Me.MessageIndex = iIndex
End Sub
End Class
' main event which will alert the parent that a message deletion should be done
Public Event MessageDeleted As EventHandler(Of MessageDeletedEventArgs)
' private variable that will hold the MessageIndex
Private Property MessageIndex As Integer
' method that is responsible to raise event
Protected Overridable Sub OnMessageDeleted()
RaiseEvent MessageDeleted(Me, New MessageDeletedEventArgs(Me.MessageIndex))
End Sub
' we want to create this Form using the MessageIndex of ListView
Public Sub New(ByVal iMessageIndex As Integer)
Me.MessageIndex = iMessageIndex
End Sub
' the delete button will raise the event to indicate parent that
' a deletion of message should be done
Private Sub btnDelete_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDelete.Click
End Sub
End Class

How to Pass Additional Parameters When Calling and Event

Public Event DocumentCompleted As WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler
Dim arg() As Object = {homeTeam, guestTeam}
AddHandler browser.DocumentCompleted, New
WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(AddressOf DoStuff)
Private Sub DoStuff(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs)
End Sub
How can I pass the homeTeam and guestTeam when firing the DocumentCompleted event.
I want to ge the above to values to inside the Dostuff method.
Please help.
First of all, you cannot have this hanging in the middle of nowhere:
Dim arg() As Object = {homeTeam, guestTeam}
AddHandler browser.DocumentCompleted,
New WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(AddressOf DoStuff)
AddHandler probably needs to be in some Initialize method, which could be inside Sub New, after InitializeComponent, or inside Form_Load, or as soon as you expect it to be triggered (after a specific event). Notice here that you are using a default event of a native .NET component, with a default event type. In this case you cannot directly consume anything other than what it already provides, when triggered. See WebBrowser.DocumentCompleted Event on MSDN.
You can, however, override all relevant classes and have your own MyWebBrowser control and your own event, with would contain additional properties. See below example:
Public Class Form1
Sub New()
' This call is required by the designer.
Dim browser As New MyWebBrowser
AddHandler browser.MyDocumentCompleted, AddressOf DoStuff
End Sub
Private Sub DoStuff(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MyWebBrowserDocumentCompletedArgs)
Dim guestTeam As String = e.GuestTeam 'guest team
Dim homeTeam As String = e.HomeTeam 'and home team are both accessible
'so you can do some processing on them
End Sub
Public Class MyWebBrowserDocumentCompletedArgs : Inherits WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs
Dim _homeTeam As String
Dim _guestTeam As String
Public ReadOnly Property HomeTeam
Return _homeTeam
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property GuestTeam
Return _guestTeam
End Get
End Property
Sub New(url As Uri, homeTeam As String, guestTeam As String)
_homeTeam = homeTeam
_guestTeam = guestTeam
End Sub
End Class
Public Class MyWebBrowser : Inherits WebBrowser
Public Delegate Sub MyWebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(e As MyWebBrowserDocumentCompletedArgs)
Public Event MyDocumentCompleted As MyWebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler
Protected Overrides Sub OnDocumentCompleted(e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs)
'homeTeam and guestTeam need to be extracted from the current instance of MyWebBrowser, and passed further
RaiseEvent MyDocumentCompleted(New MyWebBrowserDocumentCompletedArgs(e.Url, "homeTeam", "guestTeam"))
End Sub
End Class
End Class
If your project is relatively small, you can indeed have those as global variables, as #Vlad suggested in the comments.

Access control in masterpage from shared function of same masterpage

I'm calling a shared function of a masterpage from a content page. In that shared function I want to access a control in the masterpage, but I don't know how.
<asp:Literal ID="ltCurrency" runat="server" />
Partial Public Class main
Inherits System.Web.UI.MasterPage
Public Property CurrencyText() As String
Return ltCurrency.Text
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
If value <> "" Then
ltCurrency.Text = value
End If
End Set
End Property
Public Shared Function DoSomething() As String
ltCurrency.Text="SOME TEXT" 'throws error: Cannot refer to an instance member of a class from within a shared method or shared member initializer without an explicit instance of the class.
CurrencyText="SOME TEXT" 'this property isn't found at all
'I also tried instantiating a new class of the current masterpage:
End Function
End Class
From page1.aspx I call:
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
End Sub
What else can I do?
For what it's worth (I don't know why you need to make it shared), you can use HttpContext to get the reference to your page and from there to your master:
Public Shared Function DoSomething() As String
Dim myPage = TryCast(HttpContext.Current.Handler, Page)
If myPage IsNot Nothing Then
Dim myMaster As main = TryCast(myPage.Master, main)
If myMaster IsNot Nothing Then
myMaster.ltCurrency.Text = "SOME TEXT"
myMaster.CurrencyText = "SOME TEXT"
End If
End If
End Function
Step1: Create an event in your content page.
Public Event DoSomething(sender as object, myString as String)
Step2: On your mainpage add an eventhandler to the event that you just created in your content page.
Addhandler contentPage.DoSomething, AddressOf ChangeCurrentText
Step3: In the handler do whatever you would like to do.
Private Sub ChangeCurrentText(sender, text)
ltCurrency.Text = text
End Sub
Step4: Raise the event in the content page
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
RaiseEvent DoSomething(ME, "BLAH BLAH")
End Sub

Do Delegate arguments Need to Match Event Signature?

Please have a look at the code below:
Public Delegate Sub TestButtonClick(ByVal test As Integer)
Public Class Person
Private Name As String
Private ID As Integer
Public Event ButtonClick As TestButtonClick
Public Sub DelegateTest1(ByVal Test As Integer)
End Sub
Public Sub ChangeName()
RaiseEvent ButtonClick(1)
End Sub
Public Sub DelegateTest2()
MsgBox("Delegate Test 2")
End Sub
Public Sub DelegateTest3()
MsgBox("Delegate Test 3")
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim p1 As Person = New Person
AddHandler p1.ButtonClick, AddressOf p1.DelegateTest1
AddHandler p1.ButtonClick, AddressOf p1.DelegateTest2
AddHandler p1.ButtonClick, AddressOf p1.DelegateTest3
End Sub
End Class
The output is:
I do not understand why this application compiles i.e. the delegate accepts an integer in its signature but Person.DelegateTest2 and Person.DelegateTest3 do not.
If I change Person.DelegateTest2() to the following then I do get an error as I would expect:
Public Sub DelegateTest2(ByVal Test As Integer, ByVal Test2 As Integer)
MsgBox("Delegate Test 2")
End Sub
Why does the Delegate allow you to pass zero arguments when it has arguments i.e. an integer in my case?
Don't forget that VB.NET inherits all the legacy baggage from the beloved VB. You could make it strict by putting the following to the top of your file so that it behaves as a real .NET programming language and not some hybrid crap:
Option Strict On
Also I would recommend you setting this to be the default option so that you don't find yourself in the wilderness.