netTiers database schema backwards compatibility - .nettiers

I've found that the netTiers generated code relies on an exact database schema and is very unforgiving with variations. For example, adding a column to an existing table - if a column is added somewhere in the middle of the table you will see a cast error at runtime unless netTiers is recompiled. This is because the columns are accessed by ordinal and not by name. (Looking through the change log I see that this was done as a performance improvement)
This hasn't been a problem in the past, but on my current project we are trying to build a system with zero downtime upgrades. The challenge we have is database upgrades and it would be great if we could update the database without affected the code.
Has anyone using netTiers had similar problems or looked into similar requirements?
Would altering the templates to access the columns by name be more tolerant of previous schema versions? If so, for me I think this would be worth a minor hit to performance (3% is quoted here DataReader ordinal-based lookups vs named lookups)

As you have noted, .NetTiers uses ordinal based lookups in the DataReader. The only way to get .NetTiers to play nicely, is to always add new columns to the end of existing tables, and never restructure the table field order.
By doing this, your v1 code will still work against a table that has a new column appended at the end of the table, whilst your v2 code will work with the new addition.


Optimising retrieval of versioned records in SQL using a linked list approach

I have an application which has a large table of versioned records – that is to say that a record has a GUID that is shared amongst all its versions (so not a GUID at all), and an integer version number. The GUID and the version number together are the composite key for a specific row.
Business logic dictates that the most common operation when dealing with this table is retrieving the latest version of one or more of these records. The existing code does this in what appears to be the least efficient way possible - for each record, it does a subquery to find the max version number, then selects the record which has that version number.
currentRecord = record where record.ID == "{{guid}}"
and record.versionNumber ==
MAX(record.versionNumber where record.ID == "{guid}")
I really want to optimise this, but I'm inexperienced with SQL and I'm not sure how. Greater minds than mine have already tried to optimise within the constraints of this design, e.g. there are already all the indexes we can create. And yes, the inefficiency of this operation is a significant issue that's ultimately affecting our users.
The one idea I've had so far, which I intend to experiment with when I have time, is something like a linked list. As well as the version number (which is still needed for display to the user) I thought of adding a true GUID versionID, and then whenever we create a new version of a record, we point a column previousVersion at the previous version, and update the previous version's nextVersion column to point at the newly inserted row. This would allow retrieval of latest versions to be simplified to
currentRecord = record where record.ID == "{{guid}}"
and record.NextVersion = NULL
Is this a good idea? From my admittedly limited understanding it should improve this operation from O(N^2) to O(N), right? And it doesn't change the cases where we want all the versions of a record in any way. Retrieval is much, much more common than insertion, so the fact that it will take an insert and an update to add a record instead of just an insert shouldn't have any noticeable impact.
Note: There's a question already from someone with the same problem, as well as a couple of others along the same lines, but nobody suggested this linked list style approach – they did however suggest an approach which ultimately allowed the same null check to find the latest version, however it used start and end dates, which would be confusing in my particular problem space (records already have start and end dates, with a totally different meaning). I suspect that if this was a good idea, someone would have suggested it in an answer to another question, but this idea is bugging me so I'd still appreciate having someone explain why it's terrible.
If it's relevant, I'm using SQL Server.
Your method should be fine. You just need an index on (id, recordNumber). You would do this in the database:
create index t_id_recordNumber on t(id, recordNumber);
Your code should automatically use this index.
I experimented with how this would work/perform, and thought I'd answer my own question to whatever extent I can.
The code for my test can be viewed at, however it's somewhat pointless in this case as this site doesn't display execution plans/statistics. You'll probably have to run it in SSMS or whatever if you're sufficiently curious
I've created two tests so far. In the first, I try retrieving the latest version of a specific record via its record ID (shared amongst all the versions). While in most cases both the old method and the new method resulted in the exact same query (a single index seek) and took the same amount of time to return, other times the old method (with the subquery) would do two index seeks and a stream aggregate instead, and end up being significantly slower.
In the second test I try retrieving multiple records on a non-key column. I observed that the new method was consistently significantly faster. It was always a single index seek, while the old method was always two (plus a stream aggregate). Every time these two queries were run in the same batch, the old method was 71% of total execution time, and the new method 29%.
Overall, this seems to suggest that there's some merit to this idea, but I am in no way qualified to engage in SQL optimisation so I'm happy for someone who is qualified to jump in and explain just how badly I screwed up here.

Add/remove columns of a table - code maintenance / optimisation

What is the best way to maintain code of a big project?
Let's say you have 1000 stored procedures, and you have to add a new column to a table (or remove)
There might be 1-2 or 30 stored procedures, that might be affected.
Just a single "search" for the tablename might not be good enough, let's say you only need to know the places where the table has insert/update/delete.
searching for 'insert tablename' might be a good idea, but you might have a space between those 2 words or 2 spaces, or a TAB ... maybe the tablename is written like '[tablename]'
The same for all 3 (insert/update/delete.)
I am basically looking for some kind of 'restricted dependencies'
How is this being handled the best way?
Keep a database table with this kind of information, and change that table every time you make changes to stored procedures?
keep some specific code as comment next to each insert/update/delete, and in this way, you will be able to search for what you need?
Example: 'insert_tablename', 'update_tablename', 'delete_tablename'
anyone having a better idea?
Ideally, changes are backward compatible. Not just so that you can change a table without breaking all of the objects that reference it, but also so that you can deploy all of the database changes before you deploy all of the application code (in a distributed architecture, think a downloadable desktop app or an iPhone app, where folks connect to your database remotely, this is crucial).
For example, if you add a new column to a table, it should be NULLable or have a default value so that INSERT statements don't need to be updated immediately to reference it. Stored procedures can be updated gradually to accept a new parameter to represent this column, and it should be nullable / optional so that the application(s) don't need to be aware of this column immediately. Etc.
This also demands that your original insert statements included an explicit column list. If you just say:
INSERT dbo.table VALUES(#p1, #p2, ...);
Then that makes it much tougher to make your changes backward compatible.
As for removing a column, well, that's a little tougher. Dependencies are not perfect in SQL Server, but you should be able to find a lot of information from these dynamic management objects:
You might also find these articles interesting:
Keeping sysdepends up to date
Make your database changes backward compatible when adding a new column
Make your database changes backward compatible when dropping a column
Make your database changes backward compatible when renaming an entity
Make your database changes backward compatible when changing a relationship

Can data and schema be changed with DB2/z load/unload?

I'm trying to find an efficient way to migrate tables with DB2 on the mainframe using JCL. When we update our application such that the schema changes, we need to migrate the database to match.
What we've been doing in the past is basically creating a new table, selecting from the old table into that, deleting the original and renaming the new table to the original name.
Needless to say, that's not a very high-performance solution when the tables are big (and some of them are very big).
With latter versions of DB2, I know you can do simple things like alter column types but we have migration jobs which need to do more complicated things to the data.
Consider for example the case where we want to combine two columns into one (firstname + lastname -> fullname). Never mind that it's not necessarily a good idea to do that, just take it for granted that this is the sort of thing we need to do. There may be arbitrarily complicated transformations to the data, basically anything you can do with a select statement.
My question is this. The DB2 unload utility can be used to pull all of the data out of a table into a couple of data sets (the load JCL used for reloading the data, and the data itself). Is there an easy way (or any way) to massage this output of unload so that these arbitrary changes are made when reloading the data?
I assume that I could modify the load JCL member and the data member somehow to achieve this but I'm not sure how easy that would be.
Or, better yet, can the unload/load process itself do this without having to massage the members directly?
Does anyone have any experience of this, or have pointers to redbooks or redpapers (or any other sources) that describe how to do this?
Is there a different (better, obviously) way of doing this other than unload/load?
As you have noted, SELECTing from the old table into the new table will have very poor performance. Poor performance here is generally due to the relatively high costs of insertion INTO the target table (index building and RI enforcement). The SELECT itself is generally not a performance issue. This is why the LOAD utility is generally perferred when large tables need to be populated from scratch, indices may be built more efficiently and RI may be deferred.
the UNLOAD utility allows unrestricted usage of SELECT. If you can SELECT data using scalar and/or column functions to build a result set that is compatible with your new table column definitions then UNLOAD can be used to do the data conversion. Specify a SELECT statement in SYSIN for the UNLOAD utility. Something like:
The resulting SYSRECxx file will contain a single column that is a concatenation of the two identified columns (result of the CONCAT function) and SYSPUNCH will contain a
compatible column definition for FULLNAME - the converted column name for the new table. All you need to do is edit the new table name in SYSPUNCH (this will have defaulted to TBLNAME) and LOAD it. Try not to fiddle with the SYSRECxx data or the SYSPUNCH column definitions - a goof here could get ugly.
Use the REPLACE option when running the LOAD utility
to create the new table (I think the default is LOAD RESUME which won't work here). Often it is a good idea to leave RI off when running the LOAD, this will improve performance and
save the headache of figuring out the order in which LOAD jobs need to be run. Once finished you need to verify the
RI and build the indices.
The LOAD utility is documented here
I assume that I could modify the load JCL member and the data member somehow to achieve this but I'm not sure how easy that would be.
I believe you have provided the answer within your question. As to the question of "how easy that would be," it would depend on the nature of your modifications.
SORT utilities (DFSORT, SyncSort, etc.) now have very sophisticated data manipulation functions. We use these to move data around, substitute one value for another, combine fields, split fields, etc. albeit in a different context from what you are describing.
You could do something similar with your load control statements, but that might not be worth the trouble. It will depend on the extent of your changes. It may be worth your time to attempt to automate modification of the load control statements if you have a repetitive modification that is necessary. If the modifications are all "one off" then a manual solution may be more expedient.

MySQL Table with TEXT column

I've been working on a database and I have to deal with a TEXT field.
Now, I believe I've seen some place mentioning it would be best to isolate the TEXT column from the rest of the table(putting it in a table of its own).
However, now I can't find this reference anywhere and since it was quite a while ago, I'm starting to think that maybe I misinterpreted this information.
Some research revealed this, suggesting that
Separate text/blobs from metadata, don't put text/blobs in results if you don't need them.
However, I am not familiar with the definition of "metadata" being used here.
So I wonder if there are any relevant advantages in putting a TEXT column in a table of its own. What are the potential problems of having it with the rest of the fields? And potential problems of keeping it in a separated table?
This table(without the TEXT field) is supposed to be searched(SELECTed) rather frequently. Is "premature optimization considered evil" important here? (If there really is a penalty in TEXT columns, how relevant is it, considering it is fairly easy to change this later if needed).
Besides, are there any good links on this topic? (Perhaps stackoverflow questions&answers? I've tried to search this topic but I only found TEXT vs VARCHAR discussions)
Yep, it seems you've misinterpreted the meaning of the sentence. What it says is that you should only do a SELECT including a TEXT field if you really need the contents of that field. This is because TEXT/BLOB columns can contain huge amounts of data which would need to be delivered to your application - this takes time and of course resources.
Best wishes,
This is probably premature optimisation. Performance tuning MySQL is really tricky and can only be done with real performance data for your application. I've seen plenty of attempts to second guess what makes MySQL slow without real data and the result each time has been a messy schema and complex code which will actually make performance tuning harder later on.
Start with a normalised simple schema, then when something proves too slow add a complexity only where/if needed.
As others have pointed out the quote you mentioned is more applicable to query results than the schema definition, in any case your choice of storage engine would affect the validity of the advice anyway.
If you do find yourself needing to add the complexity of moving TEXT/BLOB columns to a separate table, then it's probably worth considering the option of moving them out of the database altogether. Often file storage has advantages over database storage especially if you don't do any relational queries on the contents of the TEXT/BLOB column.
Basically, get some data before taking any MySQL tuning advice you get on the Internet, including this!
The data for a TEXT column is already stored separately. Whenever you SELECT * from a table with text column(s), each row in the result-set requires a lookup into the text storage area. This coupled with the very real possibility of huge amounts of data would be a big overhead to your system.
Moving the column to another table simply requires an additional lookup, one into the secondary table, and the normal one into the text storage area.
The only time that moving TEXT columns into another table will offer any benefit is if there it a tendency to usually select all columns from tables. This is merely introducing a second bad practice to compensate for the first. It should go without saying the two wrongs is not the same as three lefts.
The concern is that a large text field—like way over 8,192 bytes—will cause excessive paging and/or file i/o during complex queries on unindexed fields. In such cases, it's better to migrate the large field to another table and replace it with the new table's row id or index (which would then be metadata since it doesn't actually contain data).
The disadvantages are:
a) More complicated schema
b) If the large field is using inspected or retrieved, there is no advantage
c) Ensuring data consistency is more complicated and a potential source of database malaise.
There might be some good reasons to separate a text field out of your table definition. For instance, if you are using an ORM that loads the complete record no matter what, you might want to create a properties table to hold the text field so it doesn't load all the time. However if you are controlling the code 100%, for simplicity, leave the field on the table, then only select it when you need it to cut down on data trasfer and reading time.
Now, I believe I've seen some place mentioning it would be best to isolate the TEXT column from the rest of the table(putting it in a table of its own).
However, now I can't find this reference anywhere and since it was quite a while ago, I'm starting to think that maybe I misinterpreted this information.
You probably saw this, from the MySQL manual
If a table contains string columns such as name and address, but many queries do not retrieve those columns, consider splitting the string columns into a separate table and using join queries with a foreign key when necessary. When MySQL retrieves any value from a row, it reads a data block containing all the columns of that row (and possibly other adjacent rows). Keeping each row small, with only the most frequently used columns, allows more rows to fit in each data block. Such compact tables reduce disk I/O and memory usage for common queries.
Which indeed is telling you that in MySQL you are discouraged from keeping TEXT data (and BLOB, as written elsewhere) in tables frequently searched

SQL table with a single row? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
What is the point (if any) in having a table in a database with only one row?
Note: I'm not talking about the possibility of having only one row in a table, but when a developer deliberately makes a table that is intended to always have exactly one row.
The sales tax example is a good one.
I've just observed in some code I'm reviewing three different tables that contain three different kinds of certificates (a la SSL), each having exactly one row. I don't understand why this isn't made into one large table; I assume I'm missing something.
I've seen something like this when a developer was asked to create a configuration table to store name-value pairs of data that needs to persist without being changed often. He ended up creating a one-row table with a column for each configuration variable. I wouldn't say it's a good idea, but I can certainly see why the developer did it given his instructions. Needless to say it didn't pass review.
I've just observed in some code I'm reviewing three different tables that contain three different kinds of certificates (a la SSL), each having exactly one row. I don't understand why this isn't made into one row; I assume I'm missing something.
This doesn't sound like good design, unless there are some important details you don't know about. If there are three pieces of information that have the same constraints, the same use and the same structure, they should be stored in the same table, 99% of the time. That's a big part of what tables are for fundamentally.
For some things you only need one row - typically system configuration data. For example, "current sales tax rate". This might change in the future and so shouldn't be hardcoded, but you'll typically only ever need one at any given time. This kind of data needs to be in the database so that queries can use it in computations.
It's not necessarily a bad idea.
What if you had some global state (say, a boolean) that you wanted to store somewhere? And you wanted your stored procedures to easily access this state?
You could create a table with a primary key whose value range was limited to exactly one value.
Single row is like a singleton class. purpose: to control or manage some other process.
Single row table could act as a critical section or as deterministic automaton (kind of dispatcher based on row values)
Single row is use full in a table COMPANY_DESCRIPTION, to obtain consistent data about that company. Use full on company letters and addressing.
Single row is use full to contain an actual value like VAT or Date or Time, and so on.
It can be useful sometime to emulate some features the Database system doesn't provide. I'm thinking of sequences in MySQL for instance.
If your database is your application, then it probably makes sense for storing configuration data that might be required by stored procedures implementing business logic.
If you have an application that could use the file system to store information, then I don't think there is an advantage to using the database over an XML or flat file, except maybe that most developers are now far more well versed in using SQL to store and retrieve data than accessing the file system.
What is the point (if any) in having a table in a database with only one row?
A relational database stores things as relations: a tuples of data satisfying some relation.
Like, this one: "a VAT of this many percent is in effect in my country now".
If only one tuple satisifies this relation, then yes, it will be the only one in the table.
SQL cannot store variables: it can store a set consisting of 1 element, this is a one-row table.
Also, SQL is a set based language, and for some operations you need a fake set of only one row, like, to select a constant expression.
You cannot just SELECT out of nothing in Oracle, you need a FROM clause.
Oracle has a pseudotable, dual, which contains only one row and only one column.
Once, long time ago, it used to have two rows (hence the name dual), but lost its second row somewhere on its way to version 7.
MySQL has this pseudotable too, but MySQL is able to do selects without FROM clause. Still, it's useful when you need an empty rowset: SELECT 1 FROM dual WHERE NULL
I've just observed in some code I'm reviewing three different tables that contain three different kinds of certificates (a la SSL), each having exactly one row. I don't understand why this isn't made into one large table; I assume I'm missing something.
It may be a kind of "have it all or lose" scenario, when all three certificates are needed at once:
FROM ssl1
If any if the certificates is missing, the whole query returns nothing.
A table with a single row can be used to store application level settings that are shared across all database users. 'Maximum Allowed Users' for example.
Funny... I asked myself the same question. If you just want to store some simple value and your ONLY method of storage is an SQL server, that's pretty much what you have to do. If I have to do this, I usually end up creating a table with several columns and one row. I've seen a couple commercial products do this as well.
We have used a single-row table in the past (not often). In our case, this table was used to store system-wide configuration values that were updatable via a web interface. We could have gone the route of a simple name/value table, but the end client preferred a single row. I personally would have preferred the latter, but it really is up to preference, especially if this table will never have any sort of relationship with another table.
I really cannot figure out why this would be the best solution. It seams more efficient to just have some kind of config file that will contain the data that would be in the tables one row. The cost of connecting to the database and querying the one row would be more costly. However if this is going to be some kind of config for the database logic. Then this would make a little bit more sense depending on the type of database you are using.
I use the totally awesome rails-settings plugin for this
It's really easy to set up and provides a nice syntax:
Settings.admin_password = 'supersecret'
Settings.date_format = '%m %d, %Y'
Settings.cocktails = ['Martini', 'Screwdriver', 'White Russian'] = 123
Want a list of all the settings?
Settings.all # returns {'admin_password' => 'super_secret', 'date_format' => '%m %d, %Y'}
Set defaults for certain settings of your app. This will cause the defined settings to return with the Specified value even if they are not in the database. Make a new file in config/initializers/settings.rb with the following:
Settings.defaults[:some_setting] = 'footastic'
A use for this might be to store the current version of the database.
If one were storing database versions for schema changes it would need to reside within the database itself.
I currently analyse the schema and update accordingly but am thinking of moving to versioning. Unless someone has a better idea.
I use and sql express
Unless there are insert constraints on the table a timestamp for versioning then this sounds like a bad idea.
There was a table set up like this in a project I inherited. It was for configuration data, and the reason that was given was that it made for very simple queries:
SELECT WidgetSize FROM ConfigTable
SELECT FooLength FROM ConfigTable
Okay fine. We converted to a generalized configuration table:
ID Name IntValue StringValue TextValue
This has served our purposes well.
I used a single datum in a SQLite database as a counter in a dynamic web page. That's the simplest way I can think of to make it thread-safe (or process-safe to be precise). But I am not sure whether it's a good idea.
I think the best way to deal with these scenarios is to, rather than using a database at all, use the configuration file (which is usually XML) or make your own configuration file that is read during start up of the application. It only takes a few minutes to write the code to read the file in.
The advantage here is that the there is no chance accidentally adding additional values for the same XML variable, and its great for testing because you don't need to write a lot of code to test the different inputs, just a simple change to the text value and re-run the application.