Optimising retrieval of versioned records in SQL using a linked list approach - sql

I have an application which has a large table of versioned records – that is to say that a record has a GUID that is shared amongst all its versions (so not a GUID at all), and an integer version number. The GUID and the version number together are the composite key for a specific row.
Business logic dictates that the most common operation when dealing with this table is retrieving the latest version of one or more of these records. The existing code does this in what appears to be the least efficient way possible - for each record, it does a subquery to find the max version number, then selects the record which has that version number.
currentRecord = record where record.ID == "{{guid}}"
and record.versionNumber ==
MAX(record.versionNumber where record.ID == "{guid}")
I really want to optimise this, but I'm inexperienced with SQL and I'm not sure how. Greater minds than mine have already tried to optimise within the constraints of this design, e.g. there are already all the indexes we can create. And yes, the inefficiency of this operation is a significant issue that's ultimately affecting our users.
The one idea I've had so far, which I intend to experiment with when I have time, is something like a linked list. As well as the version number (which is still needed for display to the user) I thought of adding a true GUID versionID, and then whenever we create a new version of a record, we point a column previousVersion at the previous version, and update the previous version's nextVersion column to point at the newly inserted row. This would allow retrieval of latest versions to be simplified to
currentRecord = record where record.ID == "{{guid}}"
and record.NextVersion = NULL
Is this a good idea? From my admittedly limited understanding it should improve this operation from O(N^2) to O(N), right? And it doesn't change the cases where we want all the versions of a record in any way. Retrieval is much, much more common than insertion, so the fact that it will take an insert and an update to add a record instead of just an insert shouldn't have any noticeable impact.
Note: There's a question already from someone with the same problem, as well as a couple of others along the same lines, but nobody suggested this linked list style approach – they did however suggest an approach which ultimately allowed the same null check to find the latest version, however it used start and end dates, which would be confusing in my particular problem space (records already have start and end dates, with a totally different meaning). I suspect that if this was a good idea, someone would have suggested it in an answer to another question, but this idea is bugging me so I'd still appreciate having someone explain why it's terrible.
If it's relevant, I'm using SQL Server.

Your method should be fine. You just need an index on (id, recordNumber). You would do this in the database:
create index t_id_recordNumber on t(id, recordNumber);
Your code should automatically use this index.

I experimented with how this would work/perform, and thought I'd answer my own question to whatever extent I can.
The code for my test can be viewed at http://rextester.com/GKGJX28620, however it's somewhat pointless in this case as this site doesn't display execution plans/statistics. You'll probably have to run it in SSMS or whatever if you're sufficiently curious
I've created two tests so far. In the first, I try retrieving the latest version of a specific record via its record ID (shared amongst all the versions). While in most cases both the old method and the new method resulted in the exact same query (a single index seek) and took the same amount of time to return, other times the old method (with the subquery) would do two index seeks and a stream aggregate instead, and end up being significantly slower.
In the second test I try retrieving multiple records on a non-key column. I observed that the new method was consistently significantly faster. It was always a single index seek, while the old method was always two (plus a stream aggregate). Every time these two queries were run in the same batch, the old method was 71% of total execution time, and the new method 29%.
Overall, this seems to suggest that there's some merit to this idea, but I am in no way qualified to engage in SQL optimisation so I'm happy for someone who is qualified to jump in and explain just how badly I screwed up here.


Storing Search results for Future Use

I have the following scenario where the search returns a list of userid values (1,2,3,4,5,6... etc.) If the search were to be run again, the results are guaranteed to change given some time. However I need to stored the instance of the search results to be used in the future.
We have a current implementation (legacy), which creates a record for the search_id with the criteria and inserts every row returned into a different table with the associated search_id.
table search_results
search_id unsigned int FK, PK (clustered index)
user_id unsigned int FK
This is an unacceptable approach as this table has grown onto millions of records. I've considered partitioning the table, but either I will have numerous partitions (1000s).
I've optimized the existing tables that search results expired unless they're used elsewhere, so all the search results are referenced elsewhere.
In the current schema, I cannot store the results as serialized arrays or XML. I am looking to efficiently store the search result information, such that it can be efficiently accessed later without being burdened by the number of records.
EDIT: Thank you for the answers, I don't have any problems running the searches themselves, but the result set for the search gets used in this case for recipient lists, which will be used over and over again, the purpose of storing is exactly to have a snapshot of the data at the given time.
The answer is don't store query results. It's a terrible idea!
It introduces statefulness, which is very bad unless you really (really really) need it
It isn't scalable (as you're finding out)
The data is stale as soon as it's stored
The correct approach is to fix your query/database so it runs acceptable quickly.
If you can't make the queries faster using better SQL and/or indexes etc, I recommend using lucene (or any text-based search engine) and denormalizing your database into it. Lucene queries are incredibly fast.
I recently did exactly this on a large web site that was doing what you're doing: It was caching query results from the production relational database in the session object in an attempt top speed up queries, but it was a mess, and wasn't much faster anyway - before my time, a "senior" java developer (whose name started with Jam.. and ended with .illiams) who was actually a moron decided it was a good idea.
I put in Solr (a java-tailored lucene implementation) and kept Solr up to date with the relational database (using work queues) and the web queries are now just a few milliseconds.
Is there a reason why you need to store every search? Surely you would want the most up to date information available for the user ?
I'll admit first, this isn't a great solution.
Setup another database alongside your current one [SYS_Searches]
The save script could use SELECT INTO [SYS_Searches].Results_{Search_ID}
The script that retrieves can do a simple SELECT out of the matching table.
Every search is neatly packed into it's own table, [preferably in another DB]
The retrieval query is very simple
The retrieval time should be very quick, no massive table scans.
You will have a table for every x user * y searches a user can store.
This could get very silly very quickly unless there is management involved to expire results or the user can only have 1 cached search result set.
Not pretty, but I can't think of another way.

Is it faster to UPDATE a row, or to DELETE it and INSERT a new one?

Given two scenarios on SQL Server 2008/2005 -
1 Table has 5 rows
2 Table has 1 million rows
If we need to update a few rows, what is is efficient and why?
1) UPDATE the required columns
2) DELETE the row and INSERT new row with the updated information
You should not be asking this question. You are asking "Is it better to do it the right way, or the wrong way, in the name of some nebulous idea of 'faster'?"
Do you have an application that is somehow too slow? Do you for some reason think that the problem is because your UPDATEs are taking too long? Have you done any measurement and benchmarking of the performance of your database interactions?
What you are doing is premature optimization of the worst kind, and you are doing your application a disservice by doing so. You are making wild guesses about how to speed up your code, with absolutely nothing to base it on.
Write your code right. Then try to find where you have a performance problem. Do you even HAVE a performance problem, or are you asking this question simply because you think it's something you should be asking about? You shouldn't.
Even if you specifically DID have a problem with your UPDATEs being too slow, we can't answer the question of "Is X faster than Y" because you have not given us nearly enough information, such as:
What database you are using
The table layouts
What indexes are on the database
How you're interfacing with the database
Please, write your code correctly, and then come back with specifics about what is too slow, rather than guessing at micro-optimizations.
Usually updating a single row will be faster. Reason being deleting existing row and inserting a new row, both of these operations will impact clustered index. Updating a single row will also have impact on various indices but not on clustered index. No data point to support my claim but logically DB engines should behave this way.

How to Optimize Queries in a Database - The Basics

It seems that all questions regarding this topic are very specific, and while I value specific examples, I'm interested in the basics of SQL optimization. I am very comfortable working in SQL, and have a background in hardware/low level software.
What I want is the tools both tangible software, and a method to look at the mysql databases I look at on a regular basis and know what the difference between orders of join statements and where statements.
I want to know why an index helps, like, exactly why. I want to know specifically what happens differently, and I want to know how I can actually look at what is happening. I don't need a tool that will breakdown every step of my SQL, I just want to be able to poke around and if someone can't tell me what column to index, I will be able to get out a sheet of paper and within some period of time be able to come up with the answers.
Databases are complicated, but they aren't THAT complicated, and there must be some great material out there for learning the basics so that you know how to find the answers to optimization problems you encounter, even if could hunt down the exact answer on a forum.
Please recommend some reading that is concise, intuitive, and not afraid to get down to the low level nuts and bolts. I prefer online free resources, but if a book recommendation demolishes the nail head it hits I'd consider accepting it.
You have to do a look up for every where condition and for every join...on condition. The two work the same.
Suppose we write
select name
from customer
where customerid=37;
Somehow the DBMS has to find the record or records with customerid=37. If there is no index, the only way to do this is to read every record in the table comparing the customerid to 37. Even when it finds one, it has no way of knowing there is only one, so it has to keep looking for others.
If you create an index on customerid, the DBMS has ways to search the index very quickly. It's not a sequential search, but, depending on the database, a binary search or some other efficient method. Exactly how doesn't matter, accept that it's much faster than sequential. The index then takes it directly to the appropriate record or records. Furthermore, if you specify that the index is "unique", then the database knows that there can only be one so it doesn't waste time looking for a second. (And the DBMS will prevent you from adding a second.)
Now consider this query:
select name
from customer
where city='Albany' and state='NY';
Now we have two conditions. If you have an index on only one of those fields, the DBMS will use that index to find a subset of the records, then sequentially search those. For example, if you have an index on state, the DBMS will quickly find the first record for NY, then sequentially search looking for city='Albany', and stop looking when it reaches the last record for NY.
If you have an index that includes both fields, i.e. "create index on customer (state, city)", then the DBMS can immediately zoom to the right records.
If you have two separate indexes, one on each field, the DBMS will have various rules that it applies to decide which index to use. Again, exactly how this is done depends on the particular DBMS you are using, but basically it tries to keep statistics on the total number of records, the number of different values, and the distribution of values. Then it will search those records sequentially for the ones that satisfy the other condition. In this case the DBMS would probably observe that there are many more cities than there are states, so by using the city index it can quickly zoom to the 'Albany' records. Then it will sequentially search these, checking the state of each against 'NY'. If you have records for Albany, California these will be skipped.
Every join requires some sort of look-up.
Say we write
select customer.name
from transaction
join customer on transaction.customerid=customer.customerid
where transaction.transactiondate='2010-07-04' and customer.type='Q';
Now the DBMS has to decide which table to read first, select the appropriate records from there, and then find the matching records in the other table.
If you had an index on transaction.transactiondate and customer.customerid, the best plan would likely be to find all the transactions with this date, and then for each of those find the customer with the matching customerid, and then verify that the customer has the right type.
If you don't have an index on customer.customerid, then the DBMS could quickly find the transaction, but then for each transaction it would have to sequentially search the customer table looking for a matching customerid. (This would likely be very slow.)
Suppose instead that the only indexes you have are on transaction.customerid and customer.type. Then the DBMS would likely use a completely different plan. It would probably scan the customer table for all customers with the correct type, then for each of these find all transactions for this customer, and sequentially search them for the right date.
The most important key to optimization is to figure out what indexes will really help and create those indexes. Extra, unused indexes are a burden on the database because it takes work to maintain them, and if they're never used this is wasted effort.
You can tell what indexes the DBMS will use for any given query with the EXPLAIN command. I use this all the time to determine if my queries are being optimized well or if I should be creating additional indexes. (Read the documentation on this command for an explanation of its output.)
Caveat: Remember that I said that the DBMS keeps statistics on the number of records and the number of different values and so on in each table. EXPLAIN may give you a completely different plan today than it gave yesterday if the data has changed. For example, if you have a query that joins two tables and one of these tables is very small while the other is large, it will be biased toward reading the small table first and then finding matching records in the large table. Adding records to a table can change which is larger, and thus lead the DBMS to change its plan. Thus, you should attempt to do EXPLAINS against a database with realistic data. Running against a test database with 5 records in each table is of far less value than running against a live database.
Well, there's much more that could be said, but I don't want to write a book here.
Let's say you're looking for a friend in another city. One way would be to go from door to door and ask whether this is the house you're looking for. Another way is to look at the map.
The index is the map to a table. It can tell the DB engine exactly where the thing you're looking for is. Thus, you index every column that you think you will have to search for, and leave out the columns that you are just reading data from, and never searching for.
Good technical reading about indices and about ORDER BY optimization. And if you want to see what exactly is happening, you want the EXPLAIN statement.
Don't think about optimizing databases. Think about optimizing queries.
Generally, you optimize one case at the expense of others. You just have to decide which cases you're interested in.
I don't know about MySql tools but in MS SqlServer you have a tool that shows all of the operations a query would take and how much of the processing time of the entire query would take.
Using this tool helped me to understand how queries are optimized by the query optimizer much more than I think any book could help because what the optimizer does is often not easy to understand. By tweaking the query and possibly the underlining database I could see how each change affected the query plan. There are certain key points in writing queries but to me it looks like you already have an idea of those so optimizing in your case is much more about this than any general rules. After a few years of db development I did look at a few books specifically aimed at database optimization on the SQL Server and found very little useful info.
Quick googling came up with this: http://www.mysql.com/products/enterprise/query.html which sounds like a similar tool.
This was of course on a query level, database level optimizations are again a different kettle of fish, but there you are looking at parameters such as how your database is divided on the hard drives etc. At least in SqlServer you can select to divide tables to different hdd's and even disk plates and this can have a big effect because the drives and drive heads can work in parallel. Another is how you can build your queries so that the database can run them in several threads and processors in parallel, but both of these issues again depend on the database engine and even version you are using.
[Caution: Most of this Answer does not apply to MySQL. I bring this up because the OP tagged the Question with mysql.]
"I'm interested particularly in how indices will affect joins"
As an example, I'll take the case of equijoin (SELECT FROM A,B WHERE A.x = B.y).
If there are no indexes at all (which is possible in theory but I think not in SQL), then basically the only way to compute the join is to take the entire table A and partition it over x, take the entire table y and partition it over y, then match the partitions, and finally for each pair of matching partitions compute the result rows. That's costly (or even outright impossible due to memory restrictions) for all but the smallest tables.
Same story if there do exist indexes on A and/or B, but not any of them has x resp. y as its first attribute.
If there does exist an index on x, but not on y (or conversely), then another possibility opens up : scan table B, for each row pick value y, lookup that value in the index and fetch the corresponding A rows to compute the join. Note that this still won't win you much if no other further restrictions apply (AND z = ...) - except in the case where there are only few matches between x and y values.
If ordered indexes (hash-based indexes are not ordered) exist on both x and y, then a third possibility opens up : do a matching scan on the indexes themselves (the indexes themselves are likely to be smaller than the tables themselves, so scanning the index itself will take a shorter time), and for the matching x/y values, compute the join of the corresponding rows.
That's the baseline. Variations arise for joins on x>y etc.

Sorting based on calculation with nhibernate - best practice

I need to do paging with the sort order based on a calculation. The calculation is similar to something like reddit's hotness algorithm in that its dependant on time - time since post creation.
I'm wondering what the best practice for this would be. Whether to have this sort as a SQL function, or to run an update once an hour to calculate the whole table.
The table has hundreds of thousands of rows. And I'm using nhibernate, so this could cause problems for the scheduled full calcution.
Any advice?
It most likely will depend a lot on the load on your server. A few assumptions for my answer:
Your calculation is most likely not simple, but will take into account a variety of factors, including time elapsed since post
You are expecting at least reasonable growth in your site, meaning new data will be added to your table.
I would suggest your best bet would be to calculate and store your ranking value, and as Nuno G mentioned retrieve using an ordered clause. As you note there are likely to be some implications, two of which would be:
Scheduling Updates
Ensuring access to the table
As far as scheduling goes you may be able to look at some ways of intelligently recalculating your value. For example, you may be able to identify when a calculation is likely to be altered (for example, if a dependant record is updated you might fire a trigger, adding the ID of your table to a queue for recalculation). You may also do the update in ranges, rather then in the full table.
You will also want to minimise any locking of your table whilst you are recalculating. There are a number of ways to do this, including setting your isolation levels (using MS SQL terminonlogy). If you are really worried you could even perform your calculation externally (eg. in a temp table) and then simply run an update of the values to your main table.
As a final note I would recommend looking into the paging options available to you - if you are talking about thousands of records make sure that your mechanism determines the page you need on the SQL server so that you are not returning the thousands of rows to your application, as this will slow things down for you.
If you can perform the calculation using SQL, try use Hibernate to load the sorted collection by executing a SQLQuery, where your query includes a 'ORDER BY' expression.

`active' flag or not?

OK, so practically every database based application has to deal with "non-active" records. Either, soft-deletions or marking something as "to be ignored". I'm curious as to whether there are any radical alternatives thoughts on an `active' column (or a status column).
For example, if I had a list of people
name VARCHAR(100),
active BOOLEAN,
That means to get a list of active people, you need to use
SELECT * FROM people WHERE active=True;
Does anyone suggest that non active records would be moved off to a separate table and where appropiate a UNION is done to join the two?
Curiosity striking...
EDIT: I should make clear, I'm coming at this from a purist perspective. I can see how data archiving might be necessary for large amounts of data, but that is not where I'm coming from. If you do a SELECT * FROM people it would make sense to me that those entries are in a sense "active"
You partition the table on the active flag, so that active records are in one partition, and inactive records are in the other partition. Then you create an active view for each table which automatically has the active filter on it. The database query engine automatically restricts the query to the partition that has the active records in it, which is much faster than even using an index on that flag.
Here is an example of how to create a partitioned table in Oracle. Oracle doesn't have boolean column types, so I've modified your table structure for Oracle purposes.
id NUMBER(10),
name VARCHAR2(100),
active NUMBER(1)
PARTITION active_records VALUES (0)
PARTITION inactive_records VALUES (1)
If you wanted to you could put each partition in different tablespaces. You can also partition your indexes as well.
Incidentally, this seems a repeat of this question, as a newbie I need to ask, what's the procedure on dealing with unintended duplicates?
Edit: As requested in comments, provided an example for creating a partitioned table in Oracle
Well, to ensure that you only draw active records in most situations, you could create views that only contain the active records. That way it's much easier to not leave out the active part.
We use an enum('ACTIVE','INACTIVE','DELETED') in most tables so we actually have a 3-way flag. I find it works well for us in different situations. Your mileage may vary.
Moving inactive stuff is usually a stupid idea. It's a lot of overhead with lots of potential for bugs, everything becomes more complicated, like unarchiving the stuff etc. What do you do with related data? If you move all that, too, you have to modify every single query. If you don't move it, what advantage were you hoping to get?
That leads to the next point: WHY would you move it? A properly indexed table requires one additional lookup when the size doubles. Any performance improvement is bound to be negligible. And why would you even think about it until the distant future time when you actually have performance problems?
I think looking at it strictly as a piece of data then the way that is shown in the original post is proper. The active flag piece of data is directly dependent upon the primary key and should be in the table.
That table holds data on people, irrespective of the current status of their data.
The active flag is sort of ugly, but it is simple and works well.
You could move them to another table as you suggested. I'd suggest looking at the percentage of active / inactive records. If you have over 20 or 30 % inactive records, then you might consider moving them elsewhere. Otherwise, it's not a big deal.
Yes, we would. We currently have the "active='T/F'" column in many of our tables, mainly to show the 'latest' row. When a new row is inserted, the previous T row is marked F to keep it for audit purposes.
Now, we're moving to a 2-table approach, when a new row is inserted, the previous row is moved to an history table. This give us better performance for the majority of cases - looking at the current data.
The cost is slightly more than the old method, previously you had to update and insert, now you have to insert and update (ie instead of inserting a new T row, you modify the existing row with all the new data), so the cost is just that of passing in a whole row of data instead of passing in just the changes. That's hardly going to make any effect.
The performance benefit is that your main table's index is significantly smaller, and you can optimise your tablespaces better (they won't grow quite so much!)
Binary flags like this in your schema are a BAD idea. Consider the query
SELECT count(*) FROM users WHERE active=1
Looks simple enough. But what happens when you have a large number of users, so many that adding an index to this table would be required. Again, it looks straight forward
ALTER TABLE users ADD INDEX index_users_on_active (active)
EXCEPT!! This index is useless because the cardinality on this column is exactly two! Any database query optimiser will ignore this index because of it's low cardinality and do a table scan.
Before filling up your schema with helpful flags consider how you are going to access that data.
We use active flags quite often. If your database is going to be very large, I could see the value in migrating inactive values to a separate table, though.
You would then only require a union of the tables when someone wants to see all records, active or inactive.
In most cases a binary field indicating deletion is sufficient. Often there is a clean up mechanism that will remove those deleted records after a certain amount of time, so you may wish to start the schema with a deleted timestamp.
Moving off to a separate table and bringing them back up takes time. Depending on how many records go offline and how often you need to bring them back, it might or might not be a good idea.
If the mostly dont come back once they are buried, and are only used for summaries/reports/whatever, then it will make your main table smaller, queries simpler and probably faster.
We use both methods for dealing with inactive records. The method we use is dependent upon the situation. For records that are essentially lookup values, we use the Active bit field. This allows us to deactivate entries so they wont be used, but also allows us to maintain data integrity with relations.
We use the "move to separation table" method where the data is no longer needed and the data is not part of a relation.
The situation really dictates the solution, methinks:
If the table contains users, then several "flag" fields could be used. One for Deleted, Disabled etc. Or if space is an issue, then a flag for disabled would suffice, and then actually deleting the row if they have been deleted.
It also depends on policies for storing data. If there are policies for keeping data archived, then a separate table would most likely be necessary after any great length of time.
No - this is a pretty common thing - couple of variations depending on specific requirements (but you already covered them):
1) If you expect to have a whole BUNCH of data - like multiple terabytes or more - not a bad idea to archive deleted records immediately - though you might use a combination approach of marking as deleted then copying to archive tables.
2) Of course the option to hard delete a record still exists - though us developers tend to be data pack-rats - I suggest that you should look at the business process and decide if there is now any need to even keep the data - if there is - do so... if there isn't - you should probably feel free just to throw the stuff away.....again, according to the specific business scenario.
From a 'purist perspective' the realtional model doesn't differentiate between a view and a table - both are relations. So that use of a view that uses the discriminator is perfectly meaningful and valid provided the entities are correctly named e.g. Person/ActivePerson.
Also, from a 'purist perspective' the table should be named person, not people as the name of the relation reflects a tuple, not the entire set.
Regarding indexing the boolean, why not:
ALTER TABLE users ADD INDEX index_users_on_active (id, active) ;
Would that not improve the search?
However I don't know how much of that answer depends on the platform.
This is an old question but for those search for low cardinality/selectivity indexes, I'd like to propose the following approach that avoids partitioning, secondary tables, etc.:
The trick is to use "dateInactivated" column that stores the timestamp of when the record is inactivated/deleted. As the name implies, the value is NULL while the record is active, but once inactivated, write in the system datetime. Thus, an index on that column ends up having high selectivity as the number of "deleted" records grows since each record will have a unique (not strictly speaking) value.
Then your query becomes:
SELECT * FROM people WHERE dateInactivated is NULL;
The index will pull in just the right set of rows that you care about.
Filtering data on a bit flag for big tables is not really good in terms of performance. In case when 'active' determinate virtual deletion you can create 'TableName_delted' table with the same structure and move deleted data there using delete trigger.
That solution will help with performance and simplifies data queries.