After building custom netbeans platform, i can't see Anything in my Services/Databases Section - netbeans-7

After building custom netbeans platform, i can't see Anything in my Services/Databases Section..Is it because of any problem in build config?Thanks in advance..


Create GWT project in Intellij IDE

I'm beginner in using IntelliJ IDEA IDE and I want to create a new GWT project. I have added the GWT plugin to IntelliJ IDEA and now and I want to create a project. I googled but I didn't find a helpful tutorials or examples. Did you have guys a helpful tutorials to start. Thanks in advance.
Do not use the GWT project builders from IntelliJ or Eclipse. Both generate projects which use the same class path for client and server. In todays GWT development it is common to use a separate class path for client and server.
Depending on the server you prefer to use, choose:
in case you want to use Jetty or Tomcat on the server side or:
in case you want to use Spring Boot.
How to create a new GWT project in IntelliJ
Create a new project: File → New... → Project...
Select Java EE (Legacy).
Select Java 8.
Do not use Java 9 or above unless you know what you're doing. Yes, GWT 2.8.2+ works with Java 11+, but you'll need to open some internal modules for it to work. If you just want to learn GWT, stay with Java 8.
In Additional Libraries and Frameworks, check ☑ Google Web Toolkit.
In GWT SDK, fill in the path to your GWT installation.
Check ☑ Create sample application and introduce a fully qualified class name for the main class.
Click Next, and fill in the rest of needed info for your new project (this has nothing to do with GWT).
You'll end up with something like this:
If you followed the steps closely, the sample project should be fully functional. IntelliJ should've created a Run configuration for you, too, so you can run the GWT app right away and see it in action:
This is all explained in the official help documentation for IntelliJ 2020.1, which was the last version to include GWT support out of the box.

How to build jar with javafx in openjdk12

I'm trying to build jar for javafx desktop application. Working in IntelijIdea, jdk 12,using javafx12, link javafx sdk, write VM-options in menu run-edit configuration. In IDE all working correctly, my app launches and works. But when I try to create artifact and then build it to jar all brokes. IDE tell, that fx:deploy isn't there. Then my app don't work even in IDE.
I got stuck here.
Can you, please, help, how to build this javafx to launch it without IDE?
p. s. Know, that in jdk8, where javafx still includes, it's easier, but is it really no other way to create independent from IDE javafx, than using jdk8?
Built GUI with swing, created artifact and then built it to jar.
There wasn't problems.
But I don't want swing...
actual error: "Error. Java FX Packager: Can't build artifact - fx:deploy is not available in this JDK.
Will be really greatfull for tricks or tips with that.

Where is the Android Project View in IDEA Ultimate?

I have been using android stuido for quite some time now, and got quite attached to the compact project view that it provided (see picture below)
Now I switched to Intellij IDEA ultimate, but it seems that the project view I liked so much is missing? (again, see picture below)
Is there a way to add the android studio project view to IDEA ultimate? Or am I just missing something obvious?
This issue has already been filed as a bug to Android Tools team and seems to get fixed "someday".
See the bugtracker issue:
AFAIK, "Android" project view is the project view which was made by Google engineers specifically for Android Studio and wasn't merged into the Intellij platform. So no, there is no way you can enable it in the Intellij Idea (not that I know of).
Haleluya! 😁 It was just added in Intellij 2017.2 EAP build #IU-172.2656.10. Here it is in action:
Here's the Intellij issue:
And the Android issue: And finally, the EAP download:

how to create setup for objectarx plugin

I have a class library project in c#,my project is a plug-in for AutoCAD,in this project I used objectArx,now how can I correct that after installing a setup that I can not use this plug-in for AutoCAD, please give me tips.
Perhaps this link on creating Plugins is useful :
Auto Loader Whitepaper
If not, please provide some detailed information on what's not working.

Eclipse RCP - perspective not showing components

I am going through some RCP tutorials, it is quite difficult to work with RCP. I created a new RCP project using the "RCP application with a view" as my template, and it has generated a nice View class but there is just one problem and this is something that happens when I try to run any RCP project, that is when I run it as an eclipse application, it always gives the default eclipse view. I tried this tutorial here:
Vogella RCP tutorials
but everytime I run anything, it always goes into the default Eclipse view and no tutorial is telling me anything about it, it usually just says it should look like this. Could someone please help me understand what is going on and how to actually see this view that this template has generated for me.
Before running the RCP application, you have to add a new product configuration to that. To do this right click on the project folder and select New->ProductConfiguration
Now you get a .product file in which you have to create the new application as the wizard will help you..