Can you use Storyboard without UINavigationBar? - objective-c

As the title says, I am wondering if/how you use Storyboard without UINavigationBars? How do you disable these UINavigationBars if you just want to make use of storyboard but not this other control it comes with?

Your view controllers will only have navigation bars provided if they're part of a UINavigationController stack. You're not obligated to use UINavigationController.


How to add a bar on top of a UISplitViewController?

I would like to have a separate bar above the UISplitViewController on iPad. I will use this bar to show a logo.
I did some googling and reading but cannot find a solution to this other than create my completely own subclass to draw my screen like I want it. I'd like to avoid that if possible...
You should read about ViewController Containment to build your own Container Controller.
Helpful links:
iOS Reference: article:
Create your own container view controller. In its view this VC will add a navigation bar (or some other view that you can add your logo to) and the split view controllers view. It should also add the split VC as a child.
This is a custom subclass that you will create, but it is minimal code and requires no drawing code from you.

Add a UINavigationBar and UIToolbar to modal UITableViewController

I'm creating an app that has a similar layout as the Apple Contacts app. I have created a UITableViewController and embedded it in a UINavigationController using a Storyboard. I then have an add button that opens a UITableViewController in a modal view. I have added a top bar to this view using the storyboard and it works pretty good. The problem is that it scrolls away when you scroll in the table. It should stick to the top.
Do I need to embed this modal UITableViewController in a UINavigationController as well to get the "sticky top bar"?
What's the preferred way of doing this? Just embed using the storyboard or just create one "on the fly" in the prepareForSegue method?
I ended up just embedding the modal UITableViewControllers in UINavigationControllers using Storyboard.
Yes, you do need a UINavigationController that contains the UITableViewController to get what you aim for.
Personally, I would prefer creating it "on the fly" as you call it. But that is a matter of taste.
The way to do it in the storyboard is to have your modal view controller be a UIViewController rather than a UITableViewController. Add a view controller, then drag in a tool bar, and position it at the top. Then add a table view to take up the rest of the space below the tool bar. This will work correctly without scrolling with the table view.

UIPopoverController buttons beneath a table view

I was looking to implement something like the image below, and really have no idea how it's done and was wondering if someone had a quick design idea (no code is necessary or anything). Is it a footer view for the table view? is it some unknown footer view for a popover controller? Is it some way to integrate a toolbar from the UINavigationController 'into' the popover? I guess I could always create a custom view and display it 'like' a popover. Thanks for any help.
UIPopoverController will actually do a lot of that for you. If you set its content view controller to a UINavigationController, the contents of that navigation controller’s current view controller’s navigation item will display embedded in the top of the popover. I believe setting the view controller’s (not the navigation controller’s) toolbarItems will have the same effect at the bottom.
In this case, it looks like they wrote a custom popover controller; it doesn’t have an arrow attached, and the top of it is shaded a little differently from the standard UIPopoverController. But I’m pretty sure you can use the methods I just described to achieve a similar effect without having to roll your own popover.

How do I add UITabBarController subview to UINavigationController

I am new to Objective-C and Cocoa and I am trying my way through some tutorials with some success. One task is troubling me. I am trying to create a root view controller that is a navigation controller as given by this tutorial:
On the second page that is pushed I would like the option to load a subview that is a TabBarController. Is this within iOS view guidelines. Is this possible? If so, could someone give some code snippets and explain necessary instantiations and connections in IB? Your help is appreciated in advance!
No, you should not push a UITabBarController to a UINavigationController stack.
Perhaps tell us what you're trying to accomplish and someone can suggest an alternative.
From Apple's View Controller Programming Guide - Tab Bar Controllers:
Note: Although a navigation controller
can be embedded inside a tab, the
reverse is not true. Presenting a tab
bar interface from within a navigation
interface is potentially confusing for
users. A navigation interface uses one
or more custom view controllers to
present an interface focused on one
goal, which is usually the management
of a specific type of data. By
contrast, the tabs of a tab bar
interface can reflect completely
different purposes in an application
and need not be related in any way. In
addition, pushing a tab bar controller
on a navigation stack would cause the
tabs to be displayed for that screen
only and not for any others.
I cannot answer your question directly, but in my app I have a UITabBarController which displays multiple UINavigationControllers and other types of controllers. So I think you may have it the wrong way around. In other words, create a project which uses a UITabbarController as the base controller and when you select a tab, load up the corresponding UINavigationController (or other type of controller) as necessary.

UIToolbar more and configure views?

Is there any way to change the UINavigationBar and the colors of the more and configure views of a UIToolbar? I have an app with a black toolbar and black nav bars but the more view is now out of place. Any way to make this match?
Is there any way to get ahold of the configure view to alter it?
NOTE: This question refers to the configure view not the more view itself. There has been no answer to that yet.
Get ahold of your UITabBarController instance.
Then you can access the "More..." controller.
From a tabbar's UIViewController child you also have an implicit reference: