Parsing Push notification iOS - objective-c

trying ot parse the push I geting with my app.
but i get some problems here:
NSString *resourcePath = [[launchOptions objectForKey:UIApplicationLaunchOptionsRemoteNotificationKey] objectForKey:#"aps"];
NSLog(#"resourcePath: %#", resourcePath);
alert = cb;
badge = 1;
sound = default;
url = cxb; }
I NSLog it as String... how to get the URL?
Thank you!

Its a dictionary Object. Get object for url key. Like this:
NSString *resourcePathURL = [[[launchOptions objectForKey:UIApplicationLaunchOptionsRemoteNotificationKey] objectForKey:#"aps"] objectForKey:#"url"] ;
NSLog(#"URL : %#",resourcePathURL);


PHPhotoLibrary getting album and photo info

I am trying to get info on all the albums/photos using the PHPhotoLibrary. I barely know objective C, and i've looked at some tutorial/sample but couldn't find everything that I needed.
Here is a link to the sample code I based my code on.
So far I was able to get the albums name and identifier. And I am getting a list of photos, I am able to get their identifier as well, but not the filename. But if I put a break point in my fonction and look at my PHAsset pointer values, I can see the filename there (inside _filename), but if I try to call the variable with the filename in it, the variable does not exist.
So if anyone can provide a sample code to get all info on albums/photos/thumbnail that would be awesome. Or just getting the filename would be a good help.
Here is the code I have tried so far:
NSMutableArray *allPhotos = self.getAllPhotos;
for (int x = 0; x < allPhotos.count; x ++)
PHAsset *photo = [self getPhotoAtIndex:x];
PHAssetSourceType source = photo.sourceType;
NSString *id = photo.localIdentifier;
NSString *description = photo.description;
NSUInteger height = photo.pixelHeight;
NSUInteger width = photo.pixelWidth;
NSLog(#"Test photo info");
-(PHAsset*) getPhotoAtIndex:(NSInteger) index
return [self.getAllPhotos objectAtIndex:index];
-(NSMutableArray *) getAllPhotos
NSMutableArray *photos = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
PHFetchOptions *allPhotosOptions = [[PHFetchOptions alloc] init];
allPhotosOptions.sortDescriptors = #[[NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey:#"creationDate" ascending:YES]];
PHFetchResult *allPhotos = [PHAsset fetchAssetsWithOptions:allPhotosOptions];
PHFetchResult *fetchResult = #[allPhotos][0];
for (int x = 0; x < fetchResult.count; x ++) {
PHAsset *asset = fetchResult[x];
photos[x] = asset;
return photos;
As you can see, I can get the image height and width, its id, but cannot get the url to it.
I have found a way to get the url of my photo.
-(void)getImageURL:(PHAsset*) asset
PHContentEditingInputRequestOptions *options = [[PHContentEditingInputRequestOptions alloc] init];
[options setCanHandleAdjustmentData:^BOOL(PHAdjustmentData *adjustmentData) {
return [adjustmentData.formatIdentifier isEqualToString:AdjustmentFormatIdentifier] && [adjustmentData.formatVersion isEqualToString:#"1.0"];
[asset requestContentEditingInputWithOptions:options completionHandler:^(PHContentEditingInput *contentEditingInput, NSDictionary *info)
NSURL* url = contentEditingInput.fullSizeImageURL;
Filenames in the Photos library are an implementation detail and subject to change. There are various private API for discovering them (or ways to use valueForKey or other public introspection APIs to find where they're hidden), they aren't something to be relied upon. In particular, an asset that's been edited is likely to have a different filename than the original.
What do you need a filename/URL for? If you're just uniquely identifying the asset across launches of your app, use localIdentifier. If you're showing it to the user... why? Something like IMG_0234.jpg vs IMG_5672.jpg has little meaning to the average user.
To fetch the assets in a specific album, use fetchAssetsInAssetCollection:options:. To fetch the album(s) containing a specific asset, use fetchAssetCollectionsContainingAsset:withType:options:. To discover the list(s) of albums, use other APIs on PHAssetCollection and its superclass PHCollection.

Convert AVPlayer NSData to NSString (Or player format)

I need to know how to convert saved NSData from an AVPlayer back into a playable format. But I cannot figure out how to convert this NSData into a dataString, which would then allow me to create and NSUrl. Let's say I have the following code:
NSURL *videoUrl=(NSURL*)[info objectForKey:UIImagePickerControllerMediaURL];[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:videoUrl];
Now later on when I get this data back, I call:
NSString *dataString = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:[ bytes]];
But the dataString is always nil. Why? Am I decoding it in the wrong format or something?
A URL is a reference to data. The data is a (possibly complicated) encoding of something like a movie.
I am not sure exactly what you are asking, but I think you want to get the data (as an NSData object) and then save it somewhere. If this is correct, then what you need to do is
[ writeToFile:myFilePath atomically:YES]
where myFilePath is a path to somewhere where you can store files.
You could implement AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate to provide data for AVPlayer.
func resourceLoader(resourceLoader: AVAssetResourceLoader!, shouldWaitForLoadingOfRequestedResource loadingRequest: AVAssetResourceLoadingRequest!) -> Bool {
if let data = videoData {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) { () -> Void in
if let infoRequest = loadingRequest.contentInformationRequest {
infoRequest.contentType = "public.mpeg-4" // UTI
infoRequest.contentLength = Int64(data.length)
infoRequest.byteRangeAccessSupported = true
if let request = loadingRequest.dataRequest {
let part = data.subdataWithRange(NSRange(location: Int(request.requestedOffset), length: Int(request.requestedLength)))
return true
return false
To create an AVPlayer:
let asset = AVURLAsset(URL: NSURL(scheme: "yourcustomscheme", host: nil, path: "/pathtovideo"), options: nil)
asset.resourceLoader.setDelegate(self, queue: dispatch_get_main_queue())
let item = AVPlayerItem(asset: asset)
let player = AVPlayer(playerItem: item)

Persisting bookmark in core-data

I have an OSX application that is supposed to have a list of files from anywhere in the user's disk.
The first version of the app saves the path to these files in a core-data model.
However, if the file is moved or renamed, the tool loses its purpose and the app can crash.
So I decided to use bookmarks. It seems to be working, but every time I try to recover the data, I get the old path of the files. Why is that? What am I missing?
My core-data entity uses a binary data field to persist the bookmark.
The bookmark itself is done like this:
NSData * bookmark = [filePath bookmarkDataWithOptions:NSURLBookmarkCreationMinimalBookmark
And on loading the application, I have a loop to iterate all the table and recover the bookmark like this:
while (object = [rowEnumerator nextObject]) {
NSError * error = noErr;
NSURL * bookmark = [NSURL URLByResolvingBookmarkData:[object fileBookmark]
if (error != noErr)
DDLogCError(#"%#", [error description]);
DDLogCInfo(#"File Path: %#", [bookmark fileReferenceURL]);
If I rename the file, the path is null. I see no difference between storing this NSData object and a string with the path. So I am obviously missing something.
I also often get an error like this: CFURLSetTemporaryResourcePropertyForKey failed because it was passed this URL which has no scheme.
I appreciate any help, thanks!
I can't find any issues in my code, so I changed it.
After looking for the reason of the "no scheme" message, I came to the conclusion some third-party application is required for this code to work, and that's undesirable.
I am now using aliases. This is how I create them:
FSRef fsFile, fsOriginal;
AliasHandle aliasHandle;
NSString * fileOriginalPath = [[filePath absoluteString] stringByReplacingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
OSStatus status = FSPathMakeRef((unsigned char*)[fileOriginalPath cStringUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding], &fsOriginal, NULL);
status = FSPathMakeRef((unsigned char*)[fileOriginalPath cStringUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding], &fsFile, NULL);
OSErr err = FSNewAlias(&fsOriginal, &fsFile, &aliasHandle);
NSData * aliasData = [NSData dataWithBytes: *aliasHandle length: GetAliasSize(aliasHandle)];
And now I recover the path like this:
while (object = [rowEnumerator nextObject]) {
NSData * aliasData = [object fileBookmark];
NSUInteger aliasLen = [aliasData length];
if (aliasLen > 0) {
FSRef fsFile, fsOriginal;
AliasHandle aliasHandle;
OSErr err = PtrToHand([aliasData bytes], (Handle*)&aliasHandle, aliasLen);
Boolean changed;
err = FSResolveAlias(&fsOriginal, aliasHandle, &fsFile, &changed);
if (err == noErr) {
char pathC[2*1024];
OSStatus status = FSRefMakePath(&fsFile, (UInt8*) &pathC, sizeof(pathC));
NSAssert(status == 0, #"FSRefMakePath failed");
NSLog(#"%#", [NSString stringWithCString: pathC encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]);
} else {
NSLog(#"The file disappeared!");
} else {
NSLog(#"CardCollectionUserDefault was zero length");
However, I am still curious on why my previous code failed. I appreciate any thoughts on that. Thanks!

dataWithContentsOfURL - What is expected from the server?

I am trying to create NSData with the contents of an URL:
NSString *theUrl = [NSString stringWithString:#""];
NSError *connectionError = nil;
NSData *inData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:theUrl] options:NSDataReadingUncached error:&connectionError];
NSInteger code = [connectionError code];
if (code != 0)
NSString *locDesc = [NSString stringWithString:[connectionError localizedDescription]];
NSString *locFail = [NSString stringWithString:[connectionError localizedFailureReason]];
NSLog(#"Error: %d %# %#", code, locDesc, locFail);
else if ([inData length] == 0)
NSLog(#"No data");
I have a super simple Java http server running on the local host that returns Hello World to a client:
DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(s.getOutputStream()); // s is the socket
os.writeBytes(new String("Hello World\0"));
When pointing Google Chrome to it displays Hello World as expected so data is sent back. When I run the objective-c code the inData is empty (0x0, data length is 0), and the error code is 0 so I don't have an error to inspect. If I change theUrl to "" it seems works fine as the data length becomes > 0.
So my question is why inData is empty when I go the to local http-server. Does the stream have to be terminated with a specific data sequence?
Is the server outputting an HTTP status code like it's supposed to? If the response doesn't contain a 200 status indicating that the request was completed successfully, that might be causing dataWithContentsOfURL:options:error: to fail.
A little more context would be useful, but a wild guess is that your "super simple" HTTP server does not send any headers or not the ones expected by NSURL.
Have you tried curl -i to see what the output actually looks like?

KeyOff without effect

I'm using FMod for first time, and I don't understand why my code doesn't trigger Sound Designer's keyoff.
Working env
.fev and event's keyoff tested with fmod_eventPlayer
Here the code processed chronologically
-(void) initFmod
//load music bank settings
result = FMOD_OK;
[[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#/_music.fev", [[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath]] getCString:buffer maxLength:200 encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
result = _eventSystem->load(buffer, NULL, NULL);
-(void) onMusicGameStart
///////////// LOAD Game Music ////////////
//Build Event name
NSString *musicGameEvent = #"music/music/music_sample_with_keyOff";
const char *eventGame = [musicGameEvent UTF8String];
//Get event from Fmod
result = _eventSystem->getEvent(eventGame, FMOD_EVENT_DEFAULT, &_musicGame);
result = _musicGame->start();
-(void) stopMusic
//Stop current Music
[self triggerEventKeyoff:_musicGame];
-(void) triggerEventKeyoff:(FMOD::Event*)event
//Get Event's Parameter
FMOD::EventParameter *param;
result = event->getParameterByIndex(0, &param);
//Check error message
[self checkResult:result even:nil];
//trigger KeyOff
if(result == FMOD_OK)
result = param->keyOff();
//Check error message
[self checkResult:result even:nil];
The music associated to _musicGame doesn't play its KeyOff and just continue playing.
_musicGame is only set in onMusicGameStart().
I don't know what to test from this point.
By the way, I'm not able to launch fmod_profiler (crash at launch).
Thanks for your replies.
There is a bug with the current fmod_profiler, it's simple to fix though:
Open the terminal and navigate to the location of
Navigate into
Type: "chmod u+x fmod_profiler
Now you can run the app properly from the finder.
Regarding keyoff, I would contact FMOD support.