Any way to predefine an image for flattr-things? - flattr

Is there any possibility to manually define an image for flattered things?
Or are there plans by the devs to implement this?

Specify the image using Open Graph metadata in the page that is submitted, like you do for eg. Facebook:
If you're using WordPress or such there's likely a plugin that you could use.

I just checked the API and there seems to be no way of defining the image upfront. Not with an auto-submit URL and not with the create-thing request.
Only thing I could find is once you created a thing, you can edit it using this URL:<thing-id>
The form has a text field that is labeled Change image by providing an url. (will take some time to update). Enter a URL to an image.
I tried it and it took about 30 secs to update.


Jquery add loading=lazy to all images

I have a bigger webpage and it would take days to add the loading=lazy attribute to all img tags on my site. Is it useful to use something like $('img'). attr('loading', 'lazy') (does this work?) to the site, or will it just make the site more slower?
It doesn‘t necessarly have the expected effect - if you‘re adding the attributes via JavaScript, the page itself has already been parsed by the browser and their preloading scripts as well and all of those images would be been put to the download queue, as if the attribute wouldn‘t have existed on them.
So I would heavily recommend to add those attributes within the source code itself already.

How to add a custom image (<xh:img>) to PDF

We would like to add an image to our PDF in Orbeon. We explorered different tags and came up with tag. This worked the way we wanted but this tag keeps the PDF from building. We don't get any (visible) errors but a time-out occurs after couple of seconds.
To cross check: PDF build fine without the xh:img tag.
I was wondering what other options do we have. I thought about a PDF template but we would like to give the form author the option to choose his/hers own jpg from a web resource.
This is on 43PE.
User error yet we didn't change much after all.

Modifying photosphere on website thing

What i am trying to do is to use a photosphere on my website so that it shows up on full screen as a website cover page. The problem is the the code to embed a photosphere in a webpage given here by google
lets only the photosphere size to be hardcoded as
what ever the values but its still hardcoded. What i want is that it gets adjusted to the screen of the user and gets displayed in the whole browser window. Any one got an idea how to pull it off? I didn't find any stuff about 'photosphere on web' other than the google link i gave above.
Indeed the API is currently designed to take static values. I think it's a good point that users might want to set the dimensions to 100% and let it resize dynamically.
I put it on the TODO list and will try to get to it shortly.
In the meantime, one work around is the following: After the viewer loads you will find an iframe on the page which contains it. You can change it's dimensions dynamically to your liking and the viewer should adapt.
The API provided by Google wraps the whole photosphere in layers of iFrames.
You can use the API to request a certain photosphere but only use the response to parse it for the values you need. Then you create your own request and the result can be shown fullscreen.
An example link is this
I created this link dynamically from the JSON response from the elements
media$group media$content 0 url
Hope it helps.
Can't you take the raw image and just use webgl to project it on the inside of a sphere?

How do I get a Captcha off a website and display it in a picturebox using VB.NET?

In Visual Basic .NET is there a way to access a website/signup page and then get the Captcha and load it into a picturebox? How would I do it?
From your question, I can't tell if you are looking for a captcha plug-in or use a plug-in from another site. If you're looking for a plugin, try Recaptcha.
Trying to pull a the captcha image off of a site could be done in two ways, but it the captcha rotation were done correctly, it would no do you any good to be able to pull it off.
One way would be to just right-click on the image and reference that URL in your code. However, as stated previously, this would not be that reliable. The service that generates the image would rotate, and the image URL would be different on every refresh. In other words, the copied URL would only be good for the one time you copied/captured it via right-click or whatever. If the URL did not rotate, then that would be a security issue for the site which is why the image source is different on each refresh.
Another way would be to make a direct request to the page, scrape the content for the captcha image's source, and pull the source from the parsed content. The code for this would be fairly specific per page, and, with my limited knowledge, I can't think of a way to make a generic application to do so.
I don't know why you would want to do what you are wanting to do, unless this is a homework assignment, or you are up to no good.
Depends on the captcha service the website uses.
If the site uses reCAPTCHA, you would probably need to look for the image tag that has id "recaptcha_challenge_image" and display that image tag in a web browser control.
Here is the demo page I found: If the captcha itself is in a frame (or iframe), you will need to check the code in the frame itself.

Is there a way to find the browser window height and width in VB.Net without having using javascript?

I am needing to get the browser height and width of the browser window with vb. I can get these values by setting an ASP.Net hidden input control using javascript, after the page has loaded and a post back is done. I need to be able to get these values when the page initially loads so I can create an image based on those values.
I am still new at VB.Net, so any help would be great. Thanks!
Quick answer: No, you cannot.
BUT: You may have access to those values by looking at the request headers values.
Please note that the value may not always be there and that different browser may or may not sent those values with different keys.
The best way to have this value should be usign javascript or vbscript (ie CLIENT script). You may use ajax you create your image async way.
ASP.NET is a SERVER side programming language (like JSP or PHP) and has nothing to do with which browser access it...
Look at it this way, what is the screen size of Google Bot "browser" ? Or what if a access your site with telnet ?
So you should use client script to have acces to client properties.
Do not hesitate to comment if I am not clear or right.