I'm building a web application with the Symfony Framework. The purpose of this app is to book an hotel, which is part of several hotels.
The user have to choose in which hotel he wants to go, and by selecting the date, how many adults, child and rooms they want, the app have to display the available flat left in the hotel matching the criterias.
My question is : What is the best way to achieve that ? Basic SQL request or search engine like solr or zend lucene ?
That sounds like a basic SQL query to me.
I'm trying to organize a solr search engine. I've already set up the misspelling system and the suggestions.
However I can't seem to find how to retrieve the top 10 most searched words/terms/keywords in solr/lucene. How can I get this? I want to display those on my homepage.
Solr does not provide this kind of feature out of the box. There is the StatsComponent, that provides you with all kind of statistics, but all of those are numeric only.
Depending on how you access solr (directly or via your own app) you could intercept all calls an log the query string. I did this in a recent project where I logged a queries to a database. If you submit all keywords to an other core on your solr server, you can faceting queries on your search terms as described by Hyque
You could use a facet for retrieving the Top X words like this:
The value of facet.field depends on the field you like to search in. With facet.limit you'll (obviously) limit the amount of results to 10. You'll find the facet results at the end of the results, starting with "facet_counts"
Edit: I really should go to bed earlier. I didn't see the "most searched" in your question. Sorry for that.
Apache Solr does not provide any such capability as of today. There is a desire for this and a JIRA ticket corresponding to it. You can vote for it if you'd like to see it in Solr some day: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-10359.
The stats component provides information around statistics, but it's mostly numeric in nature. You could parse server logs and come up with a way to build a Frequently Searched Terms (e.g. pump those logs in SiLK or Kibana for visualization).
If you have the ability to change the front end and add some javascript code to the UI or can intercept the search request and make an async or batch calls to APIs for tracking, you can use SearchStax Analytics that provides Search Analytics that tracks searches, clicks, cart actions, revenue, etc.
I've just started looking at the documentation as we are going to need to integrate Salesforce with Social Tables shortly, so I am really new to Social Tables.
Specifically, we will need to sync data between the CRM and Social Tables Events and Guests, and maybe other objects, so it would be very helpful to have a data model or similar to check the relationships and fields available in Social Tables architecture.
I haven't found anything in the documentation, is there any way to get this, even if it's at a high level?
To make an integration with SocialTables you'll have to do a few manual steps, there is no way to do this completely programmatic from my experience. You'll also have to be prepared to contact SocialTables to get get correct guestlist ids. Also keep in mind that the API documentation isn't always correct, the API logic is also quite difficult to understand from time to time.
The first thing you need to do is figure out which version of the Venue Mapper you use. You'd want to use the 4.0 api and as far as I know this version of the api is only supported by Venue Mapper 3.0. I believe the Venue Mapper 3.0 is the frontend tool SocialTables provides to do the venue planning.
In social tables an event has two ids, one numerical one and one alpha-numerical one, when you use the 4.0/events endpoint you only get the alpha-numerical event id, and your going to need the numerical one. The only way I've been able to get the numerical id is to pull it out from the url when using the Venue Mapper, example of the url follows below:
Now you need to get the guestlist id, you can get that by using the following url, using the numerical event id:
GET https://api.socialtables.com/4.0/diagrams?event={numerical_event_id}
This endpoint return a json structure where one of the parameters is "guestlist_id".
Please be aware that the guestlist id you get from this endpoint might not be the correct one. I struggled quite a bit with this part and ended up with SocialTables sending me the guestlist id by email.
To get the guests in your guestlist use the following api endpoint:
GET https://api.socialtables.com/4.0/guestlists/{guestlist_id}
The {guestlist_id} is an alpha-numerical string similar to: cfdac1c0-yb1d-12e6-84a5-a39e92131645
And by that you should hopefully get access to your guests.
Hey thanks for using our API.
To answer your question, the best way to see the data model at the moment is to access our developer portal and use the API console to see what is returned. For events you will need to know the team id of the team you are working with use the team events endpoint to get access to the event ids.
This will return some basic information about each event for that team. You can then request additional details for specific events by using this endpoint:
I would like to create a searchbox like the standard one in Drupal but for Drupal Commerce (1.4). I did not use a product display, but all my products are created.
Is there a way to accomplish this?
I found this: http://drupal.org/project/commerce_search_api
and this: http://commerceguys.com/blog/commerce-module-tuesday-commerce-search-api (funny english :-) )
I've tried the second one, but I don't need a price ruler. I just want to give the visitor the possibility to search through my products. Not only the title field, but also the description field and if possible the taxonomy terms. It didn't work anyway.
Need help! Thx!
I thought to create this with views, but all good suggestions are welcome.
You could disable the Search API modules and simply use the default Search module provided by Drupal, this would enable searching through nodes, users, etc as usual.
The Search API may be over kill for what you want, unless you have a good mix of variations, prices, product attributes, etc that you would like users to use as search filters (price range, per attribute, etc).
I'm currently developing a back-end for chefs at various restaurants to report their daily menues in a structured format. Of pragmatic reasons have I chosen to use a web CMS and use many of the features already include including a flexible rights-management module
I want to utilise the existing functions in Joomla for access control, editing and navigation, but I need to replace the textfield with five field (each representing one day of the working week) and save this in a structured way into the database. I was planning to create a editor plugin which displays the field for the chef-users and parse the in-data into a structured data-format e.g. XML. For each week I will need to create empty templates for all the restaurants displaying the week number and dates.
I was also hoping for third-party developers to access this data through RESTful methods in the URL where the structure could be something like: http://domain.no/restaurant-name/menu for a text-menu http://domain.no/restaurant-name/json for json etc.
I guess my question is how I can start developing such features. Has there been developed anything similar and are there modules developed for Joomla which I can utilise? Does my approach sounds sensible or are there any other good way of solving my problem?
For a custom content management i would use Zoo component from Yootheme (not free!). You can define your fields,
But for developers access, i have no idea, sorry!
I'm trying to find out if there is a programmatic way to determine how far down in a search engine's search results my site shows up for given keywords. For example, my query would provide my domain name, and keywords, and the result would return a say 94 indicating that my site was the 94th result. I'm specifically interested in how to do this with google but also interested in Bing and Yahoo.
There is no programmatic access to such data. People generally roll out their own version of such trackers. Get the Google search page and use regexes to find your position. But now different results are show in different geographies and results are personalize.
gl=us parameter will help you getting results from US, you can change geography accordingly to get the results.
Before creating this from scratch, you may want to save yourself some time (and money) by using a service that does exactly that [and more]: Ginzametrics.
They have a free plan (so you can test if it fits your requirements and check if it's really worth creating your own tool), an API and can even import data from Google Analytics.