Creating a specific database deployment script - sql

I have been asked to migrate a schema from our testing area into our staging area.
As someone that has never done this before my first instinct would be to paste every script into one large script and hope that I have done it in the right order.
Is there a better way? If anyone could point me to this information I'd be very grateful.

You can use the Generate Script option when right clicking on database in Management Studio and even choosing to export data to the file in last step by clicking the Advanced button.
A tutorial can be found here How to: Generate a Script (SQL Server Management Studio)


How to compare table structure in two environments

I've just inherited a fairly large DB, and been just informed that the table structure does not match between Dev and Prod. This is causing us problems since the code developed for Dev ends up crashing in Prod which is causing some pretty catastrophic releases.
So, I'd like to find a way to compare the tables, keys, and indexes programatically. Adding a tool requires client approval which is quite the challenge. I can't just copy the data over because they have different data sets.
Does anyone have any scripts that could help me figure out which ones to update?
There are quite a few tools you could use. I prefer the Red Gate tool, however VS will work just as well.
Data is a non-sequitur, client approval is also a non-sequitur.
Simply script out the two tables, add them to your local client or a test server, use the tool to compare the two.
To expand on Tab Alleman's response it is typically SOP to roll Prod down to Dev. You can find tons of information on SDLC via bing / google.
A secondary option would be to rename the Dev version of the table, script out and "move" the table from Prod to Dev. Insert the data from the Dev version of the table back into the new table which will have the proper object name.
Perhaps simplest way without using any gimmicky third party tools is provided in the SQL Server Management studio it self.
Below are brief steps to give overall idea of actions involved:
STEP 1: Generate full database script for both the Dev and Prod databases using SQL Server Management Studio's inbuilt Generate a Script option.
STEP 2: Compare both the scripts using any basic text comparison utility (like Beyond compare, meld, WinMerge etc).
STEP 3: Note down differences and make plan to fix them.
and If you are still reading :)
More detailed explanation of generating database script:
In Object Explorer, expand Databases, right-click a database, point to Tasks, and then click Generate Scripts. Follow the steps in the wizard to script the database objects.
On the Choose Objects page, select Script entire database and all database objects.
On the Set Scripting Options page, select Save scripts to a specific location.
To specify advanced scripting options, select the Advanced button in the Save scripts to a specific location section.
Tricky step - In Advanced Scripting Options popup Select False for Include Descriptive Headers.
This will remove unwanted time stamps, which is a great help while comparing scripts.
On the Summary page, review your selections. Click Next to generate a script of the objects you selected.

Some useful functions of MySQL Workbench for SQL Server management studio

Our project is moving from MySQL to MS SQL and after a long time working with MySQL Workbench I really miss some features in SQL Server Management studio (2014).
Do you know whether they exist in SSMS or there is an alternative/replacement application for SSMS to work with database?
Functions are listed below:
Generate update data script to review and to be able to copy-paste it. Do not update data when I move to another row when the table is opened for editing.
Some changes are still made in database in our project, and sometimes it's easier to add some rows manually in 5 tables, get the script, test it and run the script at production environment. I don't want to write a script for each update and I don't want to make a mistake when copying data to production server using edit table option.
Review update table script BEFORE the changes were made, not after (I am talking about Tools - Options - Designer - Auto generate change scripts).
Upload a file using select file dialog into a binary field.
Again, I know about using OPENROWSET function, just interested how to do it as I used to.
Ability to view large text fields in a convenient way in SSMS. Now I have to copy data from a field and paste it into notepad. (For example, error message with a long trace log)
Save a few tabs with some useful scripts and open all of them when I open SSMS.
Is there any way to organize tabs to be able to work with 10+ tabs more effectively? Now only 6 of them can be shown on the screen (compate it to 15 tabs in MySQL WB).
Simple 'search field' (like Ctrl+F in Excel) to be able to search data in all fields displayed on the screen.
I would appreciate any ideas.
Thank you.

SQL script to show addition to tables

I have a 2 MS SQL 2005 databases,a TEST and DEV database. Now our developer added some extra columns,tables etc in the DEV database.This created differences in the TEST there a script i can write tha can tell me what the changes where in the DEV database between certain dates...i found a couple of tools but they are quite basic and dont really generate change scripts etc. Also tried the change script function in management studio but it seems to be working when the change is first made and not later.
Appreciate your thoughts.
redgate SQL Compare is a good tool to check for differences between databases and even sync them.
However, if you need to do this for free, try this: within in SQL Server Management Studio do the following:
1) script the entire schema of TEST to a file, look here if you don't know how
2) repeat step #1 but for the DEV database
3) diff the files using something like Beyond Compare, should have a 30 trial
I wrote dbscript, and one of its features is to compare two database schemas and create a migration script.
What you need is a way to manage changes to your database schema and then apply them in a controlled and consistent manner. Moreover, you need a single authoritative source for the database schema.
For all this, check out Wizardby:

How to get script of SQL Server data? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is the best way to auto-generate INSERT statements for a SQL Server table?
(24 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I'm looking for a way to do something analogous to the MySQL dump from SQL Server. I need to be able to pick the tables and export the schema and the data (or I can export the schema via SQL Server Management Studio and export the data separately somehow).
I need this data to be able to turn around and go back into SQL Server so it needs to maintain GUIDs/uniqueidentifiers and other column types.
Does anyone know of a good tool for this?
From the SQL Server Management Studio you can right click on your database and select:
Tasks -> Generate Scripts
Then simply proceed through the wizard. Make sure to set 'Script Data' to TRUE when prompted to choose the script options.
SQL Server 2008 R2
Further reading:
Robert Burke: SQL Server 2005 - Scripting your Database
SQL Server Management Studio
This is your best tool for performing this task. You can generate a script that will build whichever tables you wish from a database as well as insert the data in those tables (as far as I know you have to export all of the data in the selected tables however).
To do this follow these steps:
Right-click on your database and select Tasks > Generate Scripts
In the Generate and Publish Scripts wizard, select the "Select specific database objects" option
Expand the "Tables" tree and select all of the tables you wish to export the scheme and data for, then click Next
In the next screen choose how you wish to save the script (the Output Type must remain set as "Save scripts to a specific location"), then click the Advanced button in the top right corner
In the newly opened window, under the General section is a setting called "Types of data to script", set this to "Scheme and data" and click OK
Click Next, review the export summary and click Next again. This will generate the script to your selected destination.
To restore your database, simply create a new database and change the first line of your generated script to USE [Your.New.Database.Name], then execute. Your new database will now have all of the tables and data you selected from the original database.
I had a hell of a time finding this option in SQL Management Studio 2012, but I finally found it. The option is hiding in the Advanced button in the screen below.
I always assumed this contained just assumed advanced options for File generation, since that's what it's next to, but it turns out someone at MS is just really bad at UI design in this case. HTH somebody who comes to this thread like I did.
If you want to script all table rows then
Go with Generate Scripts as described by Daniel Vassallo. You can’t go wrong here
Use third party tools such as ApexSQL Script or SSMS Toolpack for more advanced scripting that includes some preprocessing, selective scripting and more.
Check out SSMS Tool Pack. It works in Management Studio 2005 and 2008. There is an option to generate insert statements which I've found helpful moving small amounts of data from one system to another.
With this option you will have to script out the DDL separately.
SqlPubWiz.exe (for me, it's in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Publishing\1.2>)
Run it with no arguments for a wizard. Give it arguments to run on commandline.
SqlPubWiz.exe script -C "<ConnectionString>" <OutputFile>
BCP can dump your data to a file and in SQL Server Management Studio, right click on the table, and select "script table as" then "create to", then "file..." and it will produce a complete table script.
BCP info
I know this has been answered already, but I am here to offer a word of warning.
We recently received a database from a client that has a cyclical foreign key reference. The SQL Server script generator refuses to generate the data for databases with cyclical references.

Creating a CHANGE script in Management Studio?

I was wondering if there is a way to automatically append to a script file all the changes I am making to my columns, tables, relationships etc...
The thing is I am doing a lot of different changes on a TEST db and the idea will be to apply this change script when I move the test db to production... hence keeping production data but applying all schema and object changes.
Is there an easy way to do this? Can it also migrate database diagram changes?
I have seen how you can create a change script each time I do a change but this means I have to copy and paste into a master file. Actually pretty easy!
I was just wondering if I was missing something?
Do not make changes to the test server using the UI. Write scripts and keep them under source control. You can test your scripts starting from backups of the live data and you can tune yoru scripts untill they achieve the desired result. Then you can check in the scripts for reference and later apply them on the live server. See this article Version Control and Your Database.
BTW, check out the SSMS toolpack, I think it may do what you want (I'm not sure). My advice stand none the less: version your schema, use explicitly created/saved scripts, use source control.
There's no way to directly generate a "delta" script in SSMS.
However, if every time you publish changes, you script out the entire database, including data, to SQL using the SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard you should be able to extract diffs between the versions and get your deltas that way.
If money is no object, you can purchase Visual Studio Team System Database Architect edition and use its fantastic database comparison tools to generate and version control exactly the diffs you want.
Try using TableDiff , that came with SQL Server 2005.
SQL Server 2005 TableDiff Utility
tablediff Utility
We have the process where when a developer gets done with a change, they then script it out and check it into Subversion. In Subversion we have a folder for Tables, Stored Procs, Data, etc. They script it out so it is repeatable (i.e. don’t insert the new data if it is already there.) This is important to do anyway so you keep the history of changes for a given object in the database.
In the past, we would just enter each of the files that we wanted scripted out into a text file (i.e. FileListV102.txt). When we were ready to make a release we would do “get latest” on all of the files (from VSS back then.) We then had a simple utility that would read the “file list” file and open each of those files in turn concatenating them into an output file. That is pretty easy to code.
We outgrew that and now we have a release management tools (which can be found here and will be on sale mid September), that takes all of the files and creates a big SQL script file out of it. It does it in the order that you would expect based on the folder names – so files found in the "Tables" folder are done before those in the "Data" folder, etc.
Either way, once you are done you have a big SQL script file that you can then apply to a fresh copy of production and that is what you test against.
I know I'm way late to the party, but I just wanted to add that there are tens of third party products out there. Some are very good, some are very cheap or free, and some are a mixture. I listed 22 here:
We have been using a relatively new software called Kal Admin.
It has Change Management feature and let distributing selected changes to other databases very easily. We used to do it by comparing two databases but it not satisfy our need for change tracking.
BTW Kal Admin has Metadata and data compare capabilities as well.