Display warnings and clock alarm - objective-c

im trying to make an App that the base function is to give alerts by setting up the hour, day or week in wish the alerts will be given. an example of what i want is something like a "pill reminder".
If someone could give me a insight on how to start, since im a bit new to IOS.
Thanks in advance.

You will want to use local notifications.
The best place to start is here:
Local and Push Notification Programming Guide: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/RemoteNotificationsPG/Introduction/Introduction.html
Have fun !


Can the user set the time the push alarm sounds on the pwa? Also, can you make the alarm persist?

Hello I am trying to build a webapp using pwa.
I am trying to set an alarm by giving an app push at a time set by the user.
I have a few questions, and I would be very grateful if you could tell me how to implement it as well. (Even if it is not a method, I would be very grateful if you could tell me if it is possible!)
Can I make a push alarm go off at a user-specified time with pwa?
Can you make it vibrate and sound after the push alarm goes off until the user wakes up and presses Badge?
Can I make the push alarm go off every 5 minutes (a specific time)?
I am a beginner doing a toy project. I'm not good at development, so I'm asking a question.
I really appreciate it if you can help me :)
have a good day!
PS If the above functions are not possible with pwa, I am trying to implement it using react native, but is swift or kotlin used a lot?

React-Native Background Tasks - repeat less then 15 Minutes?

The following question: In React-Native via the library react-native-background-fetch it is possible to execute a task in the background. For example to send a push notification. I looked at the following example in the course: https://medium.com/#alihaghani/background-tasks-and-local-push-notifications-with-react-native-d63fc7fff9b
Now in the documentation of "react-native-background-fetch" it is written that it is not possible to run a task under 15 minutes interval. Does anyone know how I can still run a task for example every minute or every 2 minutes?
If not, does anyone have a solution for the following problem:
(minimal example) I have an app that searches for Bluetooth connections in your area. When a signal is found, then show a push notification. Every minute it searches for a signal. This should happen in the background of course. For this it should be checked under 15 minutes.
Is this somehow possible with react-native?
I have already built an app that displays push notifications. I have implemented this with Firebase. In my opinion, Firebase will not be able to help me here, because the push notification is only sent when a certain logic applies, right?
Thanks to anyone who can give me some thought or even a solution to the problem

Can not start watch for certain application

I'm tiring to start watch for one of my application in order to receive the daily emails. but every time i start it from https://fabric.io/settings/apps, and leave the page,it automatically disabled. i have no idea whats happening. its just happen for my IOS application. my android application works just fine.
Thanks David. You will need to reach out to support[at]fabric.io for this to be resolved. There is a rare state users can be in that makes it so they are unable to watch apps.
Your repro steps, describe this state exactly.

Is it possible for an iOS app to programmatically know if the device has its date time set as automatic or manual?

I looked for NSDate, NSTimeZone, etc classes but none of them actually confirms if current data/Time setting is set as automatic or not.
Is there any public api from iOS? I don't want to create a NTP client for this purpose atleast as of now. :)
Thanks in advance for you suggestions.

How to create a simple proximity alert?

Ive looked around but cant seem to find a clear answer so so far I have nothing. Can someone please help me create a simple proximity alert for Android so it then pops up a yes/no question with the "yes" taking it to another screen and "no" exiting the program.
Some examples would be really helpful and if you could please say which part in Eclipse its supposed to go into because Im really new to this and a lot of people just put some code and dont say where it goes, I would really appreciate it.
Thank you!
To build an Android app with proximity alert, the main ingredient are Broadcast Receiver, Intent, PendingIntent, and AddProximityAlert.
The workflow should be as following: -
Register an IntentFilter with a Broadcast Receiver
Create an Intent
Get a PendingIntent that will perform a broadcast
Set proximity alert
You can check out my post on this topic.