How to create a simple proximity alert? - proximity

Ive looked around but cant seem to find a clear answer so so far I have nothing. Can someone please help me create a simple proximity alert for Android so it then pops up a yes/no question with the "yes" taking it to another screen and "no" exiting the program.
Some examples would be really helpful and if you could please say which part in Eclipse its supposed to go into because Im really new to this and a lot of people just put some code and dont say where it goes, I would really appreciate it.
Thank you!

To build an Android app with proximity alert, the main ingredient are Broadcast Receiver, Intent, PendingIntent, and AddProximityAlert.
The workflow should be as following: -
Register an IntentFilter with a Broadcast Receiver
Create an Intent
Get a PendingIntent that will perform a broadcast
Set proximity alert
You can check out my post on this topic.


Clickable command in text with variable auto-fill discord

this is a follow up to a previous problem
this post does answer my original question in my mind on how you could do it, I saw so many bots do it, but I wanted to know if you could auto-fill parts of it
I have gone through the discord api docs to try to find how to autofill the command
I can't seem to find how to do this, but I think it's possible, if it is possible, how do you do it?
thank you in advanced <3
if the command was /get_key key:12345
I was trying stuff like </get_key:1073067208936271933:key=12345>
and many more from the discord api docs issue page

Having problem Charging cards with Paystack js

I have been trying to integrate Paystack for a while and I got stuck in the card charging phase. After submitting the form, my code returns and error that says readPin() is not defined. Paystack asked me to programmatically pass the pin provided by my customer and I don't even know what that is. What do they mean by the pin provided by customer? Will be glad if anyone can help?
what programming language are you using? What have you tried so far? It is best to provide a code sample and the exact response you get when you make the request.
(it's good practice to provide as much detail as possible when asking questions on StackOverflow.)
However, what I suppose it means is that when you collect the PIN provided by the customer, you should make a POST request to with the collected PIN.
Here is the API reference for that at
You can also reach out directly to Paystack via your Paystack Dashboard > Get Help (on the bottom right corner) for quicker resolution.

How to set wallpaper for lock screen in iPhone or iPad

I have gone through many of similar post that I have asked here. I have understood that there is no public API for doing this in iOS devices and if we use the private API for this purpose, apple will not accept it too. But I have found an application in itunes which does the same feature.
Here is the link :
If apple do not support this, how this application is in Appstore. Then they may have did this in some other way. So I hope this feature can be implemented somehow.
Does anybody have any idea regarding this.
Thanks in advance
Thats impossible to do.
Have you bought the app you referenced to? Did you see it?
The app that you reference generates a picture that you -- by hand -- need to set as lockscreen/wallpaper.
One thing that goes in that direction is the MPNowPlayingInfoCenter; it allows you to set what's being shown in the "now playing" info on the lock screen, but that's about how far you will get.

How can I import iPhone notes to my app?

Is it possible to import a note from iPhone notes app to my app? I googled a lot to get an idea about it. Nothing helps. Can someone give any idea about it?
Thanks in Advance
Third-party apps do not have access to the notes database. There is no public API for accessing the notes data.
You can try using a flow for syncing apps (eg.
Create a rule that says "If a new note has been created (if a Gmail message has the label 'notes'), forward it to my db."
The solution is very clunky, but it's a starting point.
You could then find a way to scale this for your app.

Display warnings and clock alarm

im trying to make an App that the base function is to give alerts by setting up the hour, day or week in wish the alerts will be given. an example of what i want is something like a "pill reminder".
If someone could give me a insight on how to start, since im a bit new to IOS.
Thanks in advance.
You will want to use local notifications.
The best place to start is here:
Local and Push Notification Programming Guide:
Have fun !