How to Learn Prism for Silverlight Fast? - silverlight-4.0

I need to make Silverlight application With Prism. What could be best way to learn to make simple application with Silverlight + Prism? Also suggest any Good books for same.

I also have the book mentioned by 'daageu', and would also recommend it.
But to accelerate the process of learning Prism even faster, I recommend the video series presented by Mike Taulty and available for free on Channel 9.
It's a nine part series, and his introduction to the Unity Container, for example, is about the best you'll get, and you'll be up to speed on that component in about an hour.
Once you have downloaded and watched the videos, you can use the book as a vehicle to become an expert.
NOTE: actually, the 'quick starts' included in the kit are pretty transparent and understandable as well...

Great book, I started with this book myself:
Developer’s Guide to Microsoft® Prism 4: Building Modular MVVM Applications with Windows® Presentation Foundation and Microsoft Silverlight®

look this url, it will be helpful for you:


Video conferencing with Kinect

I am doing a project about video conferencing using Kinect.
However, I am not familiar with C#. Therefore, I would like to ask if there are books or/and websites available explaining how to program with it.
Remarks: I do it by Kinect SDK
These three books might help you out :
Start Here!™ Learn Microsoft® Visual C#® 2010
Start Here!™ Fundamentals of Microsoft® .NET Programming
Start Here!™ Learn the Kinect™ API (Good book if you're new to Kinect SDK
This site has excellent examples of code. It's a good way to start.

GWT & MVP in order to deliver BOTH Native (Android+ObjC) & HTML5 Mobile Apps?

So GWT best practices encourages one to use some flavour of MVP, which should in theory allow one to write different native views while sharing the presenter business logic.
This seems to be at the heart of the GWT spin off Google project which converts the non-UI part of your code to Objective-C, allowing you to write the rest natively in Objective-C.
So my question is: If this really hard part of the puzzle is being solved, how hard would it be to include an HTML5 mobile library (like MGWT or Touch4j [Sencha]) into this MVP pipeline to have the best of all worlds?
Having dabbled with , this clearly seems to be the blue-print for having a cross-plaftform build system (native android & html5 & java &...), but that project is geared for single screen drawing and event loop for game dynamics and doesn't allow for keyboard input and other typical mobile goodies.
It seems a shame that if so much of the problem has been solved, that it's not possible to go the extra mile. The answer to this question would be the best plan for actioning a solution, including such nigglies as which MVP structure to choose that would ease accommodation of the various widget libraries (GWTP vs MVP 2.1), and if the best approach is to start with the PlayN code base, and start to hack it.. what are the gotchas? Or if another path is chosen, why that one? and why would it be the best??
Thanx a lot. :-)
It is not clear whether your question is - evaluation options for multi-platform app development or mvp.
You can evaluate additional technology which are used with Sencha and GWT
1) mgwt
2) titanium
3) phonegap
You can also reference - Creating a mobile app using Google App Engine and GWT?
Note: PlayN as you mention is more of gaming platform and not suitable for business app.
MVP is definitely doable... and at times you may feel like its a lot of work, but it pays off in the end. Check out the Touch4j Kitchen Sink, which is written using MVP. You can take that down to the device with Cordova if you wish. The code is on GitHub:
The repo is actively being worked on (we are updating ourselves to Touch4j 4.0) so it won't run out the gate, but at least you can see and follow the model :-)
Titanium4j is to Appcelerator's Titanium as Touch4j is to Sencha Touch. You may want to check that out as well. Titanium4j and Touch4j rely on GWT.

Can VB.NET be used as a game engine?

I know VB.NET, and I've been planning on creating a simple 2d game engine. I got no problems with creating such engine and running the actual game. However, I've been told that VB.NET might not be the best choice for "working too much with graphics". I'd like to know if that's true. Can VB.NET truly not manage efficiently loads of graphics simultaneously on the screen? If no, what kind of software am I supposed to use for creating this engine?
I have found that people generally view VB.NET as a subpar language, and mostly associate it with Visual Basic 6.0 (or earlier).
In the .NET world, VB.NET is a first class citizen that simply has a verbose syntax. It's particularly because of the verbosity that I would probably choose C#, if not going with C++.
Still, you can use VB.NET to work with whatever drawing libraries that you want, and you can even use it with XNA and Managed DirectX. It can even be linked against unmanaged libraries as long as you are willing to do to the required interop.
As for managing the graphics on the screen efficiently, it really depends on how well you do it, and how much you want done. If someone can do it well in C#, then you can do it well in VB.NET with the exception of unsafe code. It's too general to say either way given the vague "simple 2D game engine" description, but chances are it is more than possible.
These days, managed code is quickly catching up to unmanaged code, and while it's not quite perfect, it is really impressively good.
It's not the language you need to consider as much as the Framework.
Suggest you look at XNA:
Your First Game - XNA Game Studio in 2D (step-by-step tutorial)
Also, DirectX:
DirectX Developer Center
Learn DirectX
VB.NET Already supports XNA including on Windows Phone 7. So if you are looking to develop games and if you language of choice is VB + XNA you are all set to go.
Take a look at the official announcement:
Visual Basic's primary use is for Win 32 Apps with a standard GUI. If you are planning on building a game I definitely recommend C++. It has faster execution speed and better libraries for game development. Visual Basic will not deliver as good of performance of C++ would give you. IMO It would be better for you and the user.
I don't know much of the graphics issues in vb but as far as i have heard you can't create games for xbox using, it only supports PC.
XNA game studio can be used for game development. Although it is supposed for c#, you can find how to use it with vb in here...
If you are still relatively new to programming then C++ is more than likely to make you quit early.
Don't aim at C++ until you have at learned C#.
C++ is a great and diverse language but definitely not friendly grounds for anyone who hasn't been programming for a long time. This is ESPECIALLY considering if your first language is one such a VB.
To Answer the Topic?
Yes can make a game, arcade,FPS,RPG,MMO or what ever you what within your ability to code. if you wanna learn some find playing with open source engines to get the feel helps. so try looking up some and give that a go.
my comment is at the person above's comment,
Visual Basic can do alot, and we find out new stuff all the time.
i seen vb6 game engines work well, graphical and feature wise.
wile visual basic is more down to earth for writing, C++ isnt ik its not, ive tried it.
but VB i can pick up easyr.
my experience ?? 2007 to present day, ive work with vb6 mmo game engine source codes,
ive also tried using irrlect engine years back.
for a beginner should learn or C# .
C++ is to complex.

Is there any document to work on Core animations and core graphics in iphone sdk?

I am new to core graphics in iphone can anyone suggest how to work on that and the process to go through it.Also can any one provide me a document with sample codes.
Thanks in advance.
See Core Graphics section in iOS Reference Library - you can find Quartz 2D Programming guide, class references, and some samples there.
P.S. Same applies for CoreAnimation as well - there's whole relevant section in Apple's docs
A good place to start would be:
Introduction to Core Animation Programming Guide
There are a few examples there too.
What do you plan to use Core Animation for? If you are going to take a stab at make games Core Animation is a valid choice as long as performance is not critical. Here is a good article about it here.
Hope it helps
I am learning CoreData myself right now, and I found the most useful document to be the Locations App tutorial.
In this tutorial, you create an app called Locations which utilizes CoreData utilities and also teaches you how to do TableViewControllers.
Good luck!

cryptoapi for dummies

Can some one point me to some books or online resources to help learn about the windows cryptoapi package? I did find "Cryptography for Visual Basic" by Richard Bondi. I'd be more interested in something aimed at C++ or the package in general. The MDSN is overwhelming!
Here is a simple tutorial that could point you in the right direction. I hope it helps.
MSDN can be overwhelming however there are some pieces of light. This page would provide you some context:
In any case, it really depends on what are you planning to do. If you're just using CryptoAPI to perform cryptographic operations you're fine with MSDN or just have a look to Wincrypt.h (there's a lot of info inside that header).
However, if you're panning to develop you own CSP (cryptographic service provider) with or without hardware you would need further information.
If you give me more details I can point you to the appropriate place (I did both things time ago).