Is there any document to work on Core animations and core graphics in iphone sdk? - objective-c

I am new to core graphics in iphone can anyone suggest how to work on that and the process to go through it.Also can any one provide me a document with sample codes.
Thanks in advance.

See Core Graphics section in iOS Reference Library - you can find Quartz 2D Programming guide, class references, and some samples there.
P.S. Same applies for CoreAnimation as well - there's whole relevant section in Apple's docs

A good place to start would be:
Introduction to Core Animation Programming Guide
There are a few examples there too.
What do you plan to use Core Animation for? If you are going to take a stab at make games Core Animation is a valid choice as long as performance is not critical. Here is a good article about it here.
Hope it helps

I am learning CoreData myself right now, and I found the most useful document to be the Locations App tutorial.
In this tutorial, you create an app called Locations which utilizes CoreData utilities and also teaches you how to do TableViewControllers.
Good luck!


Creating a simple, single-view Quartz app

I'm an Objective-C newbie. Most of my experience is in Java. Also, I've never really used Xcode before and so I'm pretty new at that as well.
I'm trying to create a simple, single-view Quartz OS X app (not iOS) to display agent-modeling simulations. The graphics are pretty simple; just colored squares and grids. I have been looking at Quartz tutorials and I can see how I could accomplish this (as far as drawing things are concerned). What I can't find is an example that tells me how to tie it all together. What do I put in AppDelegate? Do I need a WindowController? How do I link that up with AppDelegate? I got as far as creating a Quartz Composer View in Interface Builder for my app, but I have no idea where to go from there.
As I mentioned before, I've looked for numerous tutorials but there is nothing that I can find that gives me information as far as linking everything together.
You should visit this web page before you do anything else. It will show you how a Cocoa application is structured and where the appropriate entry points are to place your code.
While the entire article merits reading, visit the section "Entry and Exit Points," which best addresses your particular questions.

How to Learn Prism for Silverlight Fast?

I need to make Silverlight application With Prism. What could be best way to learn to make simple application with Silverlight + Prism? Also suggest any Good books for same.
I also have the book mentioned by 'daageu', and would also recommend it.
But to accelerate the process of learning Prism even faster, I recommend the video series presented by Mike Taulty and available for free on Channel 9.
It's a nine part series, and his introduction to the Unity Container, for example, is about the best you'll get, and you'll be up to speed on that component in about an hour.
Once you have downloaded and watched the videos, you can use the book as a vehicle to become an expert.
NOTE: actually, the 'quick starts' included in the kit are pretty transparent and understandable as well...
Great book, I started with this book myself:
Developer’s Guide to Microsoft® Prism 4: Building Modular MVVM Applications with Windows® Presentation Foundation and Microsoft Silverlight®
look this url, it will be helpful for you:

Where to get sample Code for titanium code?

I am just a beginner in Titanium and searching for few sample source code to learn from and run. Downloading and working with kitchen sink or with the API is a big pain, to understand as well as to work with.
Although everything is there in both and they have given sample but that seems like not an implementation. I just want to have some source code to learn how, when and where to use the elements? How things work, how are they integrated etc.
Usually at the Q&A section there are samples of code. Just search what you are looking for:
The Wiki provides examples:
Even this website provides code samples, check out the Titanium Tag:
And last, but not least, there seem to be more and more code samples in the API Docs:
Good luck!
As an option, you can find good application samples on CodeCanyon. They're not free but you can learn a lot by examining how to start from scratch to build an application like;
Simple Foursquare like apps
Photo gallery apps
TODO apps etc.
I found this Forging Titanium series on to be one of the best. Just watch out this complete series. Beside providing you with basics and advanced limelight on elements and functionality, also provide link to many github public repository we can follow and get numerous sample codes.

What is a good Mac objective-c 2D game engine?

Now that Apple is going to release the Mac App Store there is bound to be lots of games. I'm curious, in your opinion, what is a good Mac 2D game engine to use for game development that has an objective-c interface?
Cocos2D which I understand is popular for the iPhone also now has Mac support.
Disclaimer: I haven't tried it.
Currently the most widely popular is Cocos2D, although I would suggest to go with either Kobold2D (free) or KoboldTouch (subscription, in active development).
You can find some information about Cocos2D here:
Those are the materials from this year's Macoun' session on Cocos2D. It has some slides (german only, sorry) as well as some links and the sources. The slides have some examples. Might help to get you startet.
"Love" is an epic game engine
Although it's not objective-c (it's lua)
At the time of writing i haven't tried it yet.

Is there any Graphic tool to Localize strings in Objective-C?

genstrings is a mess, diffstrings from facebook is a bit better but still. I can't find a great tool to localize iPhone Objective-C programs! Any ideas?
I don't do localization myself, but there are a few Apple developer tools that are for this intended purpose, including AppleGlot. I've also heard of Loc-Suite, iLocalize, and Polyglot. You may wish to read Wil Shipley's post on localization, called "Lost In Translations", and perhaps this blog post and this screencast tutorial as well. CocoaDev is always good to consult, too.
I just create a graphical localization tool, but it's still in review, will be available in Mac App Store, you can watch the video here: Localization Helper Video