Ruby/Obj-C require command fails - objective-c

I'm currently trying to port twurl, a Ruby client for the Twitter API, into a OS X command line application using MacRuby. My goal is to "tweet" a NSString, but this turned out harder than expected. At first I was using native cocoa libraries, but I ended up not exactly knowing what to do.
However, twurl is capeable of simply "tweeting" a string and should be called to tweet the string passed to it as argument.
I am aware that this is far away from a good solution, but after 7 days of trying to get any of the native Obj-C libraries to work, I'm really close to tears and this is my last chance of getting close to what I want. If anybody can show me a working command-line solution with native code, please do so. I'd really appreciate that.
However, my concrete problem is that, as soon as I run my project, I get the following error: /Users/User/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/projectname-.../Build/Products/Debug/ `': no such file to load -- oauth (LoadError)


AUv3 MacOS Instrument, auval failure "Bad Max Frames - Render should fail"

This is the umpteenth time I've tried to create an AUv3 plugin, all with various amounts of success (no complete joy, ever :/ )
It works in the app, but auval fails with
Bad Max Frames - Render should fail
ERROR: AudioUnitRender should have returned an error for too many frames but returned noErr
Current OS: 10.13.5
XCode: 9.4
created an AUv3 MacOS Instrument by creating a Cocoa Objective C app
added an AudioUnit app extension
added a Cocoa framework
etc. Details supplied if needed. (I made notes about my steps since I've never completely succeeded previously.) It is essentially the same as the Demo MacOS AUv3 instrument but I started the project from scratch. The only swift code is in SimplePlayEngine.swift. The rest is Objective C, Objective C++, and straight-up C++.
The only web search hit I found on this problem is add arg to prepareInputBufferList but there are two problems with this link:
Applying the change doesn't fix my problem
The demo AUv3 instrument builds and passes auval validation on my system with no modification.
I don't know if this is related but I find that NO breakpoint I set in the audiounit or related files (BufferedAudioBus.hpp) is ever hit. Since the audiounit functions in the app I must assume that the code is getting executed but something about the way it was built is wrong. (NSLog messages don't get printed either ... ??? (yes I know that when realtime rendering, printing to the console is a bad idea)).
I diffed between my AU source and the demo AU and the only changes are name changes. The "Build Phases" are comparable.
I know this is a pretty non-specific question, but I've run out of ideas. Does anyone have any ideas where to look to resolve the "Bad Max Frames" auval failure?

Using JFace ProjectionViewer in Standalone App

I've been trying to use the JFace ProjectionViewer to implement folding in a standalone Java app. I got the idea from this article:
However the source code provided with the article is for an Eclipse plug-in, not for a standalone.
The particular problem I'm having is that I can't get the VerticalRuler to respond and cause folding/unfolding.
Since I get the expected results, i.e. line numbers in the ruler, when I change from using a VerticalRuler to a LineNumberRuler while leaving everything else the same, I think my problem is specific to the implementation of the relationship among the ProjectionViewer, the VerticalRuler, and the Annotations.
My exact question is whether anyone has gotten this to work in a stand-alone code and, if so, how?

is there anywhere where I could start MobileSubstrate tweaks programming?

After a search here on the forum I found a question like that, and it redirected me to a tutorial which gave em some basic instructions on manipulating SpringBoard with CapitainHook.
To start I'd like to do it with normal %hooks only. Any hint where I could start?
This little introduction is meant for whoever has a minimal knowledge on Objective-C and knows what he is doing.
NOTE: I will refer to the theos install path as $THEOS. This could be ~/theos, /var/theos, /usr/theos... Yeah.
The most popular way of creating MobileSubstrate extensions, also known as tweaks, is using Dustin Howett's theos build suite. Details follow:
What is theos?
So, we should start with what theos is not:
The Operating System
A Greek God
A compiler
And of course, what theos doesn't do:
Teaches you how to code.
Creates tweaks without having you to think
Sets up a whole building environment and/or installs the iOS SDK.
Theos is a cross-platform suite of development tools for managing, developing, and deploying iOS software without the use of Xcode, featuring:
A robust build system driven by GNU Make, which makes its Makefiles easily deployable through everywhere with theos installed too.
NIC, a project templating system which creates ready-to-build empty projects for varying purposes.
Logos, a built-in preprocessor-based library of directives designed to make MobileSubstrate extension development easy and with optimal code generation.
Automated packaging: Theos is capable of directly creating DEB packages for distribution in Cydia, the most popular mean of package distribution in the jailbreak scene.
How to install theos?
On OSX: Have the iOS SDK installed and follow these instructions.
On iOS: Install the BigBoss Recommended Tools package from Cydia and run installtheos3.
On Linux: Find a mean to have the toolchain installed, and follow these instructions.
On Windows: Nothing is impossible, but if you actually manage to do so, please let me know. :P
How to use theos?
This is a very asked question and too vague. Since theos is a whole suite of development tools, it doesn't make sense to ask How to use it, but more specifically, to ask How to create software using theos.
First of all, always have the Theos Makefile Reference in hand. It covers the basics of creating a theos Makefile, and that includes solving your linking issues adding a framework or private framework to the project.
Now, you can either create your own Makefile from scratch, create your little theos clone/symlink and start coding, but theos makes this step easier. You can just use
A very simple example of running NIC to create something can be found here. It's very straight-forward and sets you up right-away for programming.
Now, here's where we start getting back to topic.
Creating a tweak with theos
First of all, do not run NIC when inside $THEOS/bin. NIC will create the project directory exactly where you're running it from, and it avoids any project being created in $THEOS/bin. Therefore, you'll end up with a simple error which can be avoided by creating the project directory somewhere decent.
Run $THEOS/bin/ and choose the iphone/tweak template. You will be prompted by simple information which you may well know well how to answer, except for the last field: MobileSubstrate bundle filter.
Since a big part of MobileSubstrate is not just the hooker (the library which switches original methods/functions with yours), but also the loader (the part which gets your hooking to be inserted into certain processes), you have to supply this basic information for the Loader to know where to load your tweak. This field is but the bundle identifier for the application where this project will be inserted., the default option is the bundle identifier for SpringBoard, the application which is:
The iOS Homescreen
The launcher/displayer of common applications
The iOS Status Bar
Handler of some high-level essential background processes
Therefore, there's where many tweaks take place, altering behavior from something as trivial as app launching to something like how the whole homescreen UI looks like.
Programming a tweak with Logos
Now, the directory generated by NIC will contain:
The Theos Makefile, where you'll change information related to compiling
The control file, where you'll change packaging-related information
A symbolic link (or shortcut) to $THEOS named theos/
The main code file, defaulted as Tweak.xm. It is already added to the Makefile for compiling, so you can start coding right-away with it!
On knowing what to do
Now, you don't have SpringBoard's source code laying around, and you can't guess what methods to hook from nowhere. Therefore, you need a SpringBoard header set. For that, you need to use a tool named class-dump-z and run it into the SpringBoard binary (which is inside the iOS filesystem) to obtain header files including all class declarations and its methods inside the application.
From that (a deal of guessing and logging a method call is involved) you can start messing around with what you want in a tweak.
Of course, if you are not hooking SpringBoard you can use class-dump-z as you would in other binaries, such as UIKit, MobileSafari, etc.
Note that for when reversing App Store apps, they'll be encrypted. You'll need to decrypt those (I am unfortunately not allowed to tell you how-to), and then just run class-dump-z on them.
On obtaining private headers
Stuff like preference bundles require the headers for private frameworks, in that case the Preferences framework's headers. Else you'll get endless missing declaration errors (as I guess you could assume).
Getting them has the same logic applied the previous step. Run class-dump-z on, at this case, the Preferences binary and throw the headers at your INCLUDEPATH. The INCLUDEPATH is where the compiler will go looking for headers you include like #include <stdio.h>. Yes, stdio.h is inside one of the directories which build a compiler's INCLUDEPATH!
When compiling with a theos Makefile, $THEOS/include counts as part of your INCLUDEPATH, which means, you can just throw your dumped headers over there and include them later.
(Note that class-dumped headers aren't always perfect, so you're likely to have a couple of header-related compilation errors which can be easily fixed with something like removing a #import directive or changing it, or adding a couple of declarations.)
Code tips
You can't link against SpringBoard, so whenever you require a class from SpringBoard you have to use either the Logos %c directive or the objc_getClass function, as defined at <objc/runtime.h> to get it. Example: [%c(SBUIController) sharedInstance], [objc_getClass("SBUIController") sharedInstance].
When not knowing what a method does or how something works in SpringBoard, try disassembling it with IDA or others. I use IDA Demo (<- noob!) for my disassembling.
Looking at example code is amazingly helpful for both learning and figuring out how something works inside SpringBoard or others (again..). Great people at GitHub to have a projects looked at are rpetrich, chpwn, DHowett, EvilPenguin, and of course way more.
To also find about how SpringBoard and other works (...), have a look at a class's article at the iPhone Dev Wiki!
Wait, where's the good part? Where do I learn about coding in Tweak.xm?
Well, the original question was actually How to start MobileSubstrate tweaks programming?. You're all setup, hopefully with all headers placed, ready to type in make and see your project magically compiled with theos.
All you need to do is now to actually dig into your headers or your disassembly and go hooking, calling, etc.!
Logos Reference contains exactly how to hook and use other features of Logos, and the MobileSubstrate article on the devwiki is also a great read.
In case there is any doubt, don't hesitate joining the #theos IRC channel. It's a great way to discuss theos-related topics and ask questions. I'm mostly there, along with other greatly smart people ;)
You are looking for Theos created by DHowett.. Theos allows you to make tweaks, but it doesn't give you everything you need. You don't get every header for iOS, so you have to class-dump-z the frameworks/private-frameworks from the iOS SDK. Get started here:, or join #theos for more help. You can also look at my projects that use theos:
You sound like you're looking for theos. Take a look at this, it should help get you started.

Having trouble debugging class library plugin

I have a windows form application in which I'm attempting to utilize a plugin (class library). In the code I have it load the assembly from a dll file, which means I have not been able to debug. Furthermore I have not found out how to compile the library so I've had to use the debuged dll version for testing. I've run into a bug in which I create a new object and send that data through an interface to the plugin in an attempt to retrieve a blank slate group box from the plugin. However instead of reading the parameter as a new object i managed to step through the code once (don't ask me how, I don't know and I haven't been able to repeat it) and it appeared that the code was registering the parameter as "nothing" thus why I received a null reference error in the main program.
Is there a better way to debug this mechanism and find out where the problem is? Any ideas on what the problem could be. As I read over this is seems somewhat vague and I'm not sure how to describe it, but I'm willing to host a connect now meeting if anyone is willing to look at what is going on and I'm not making myself understood very well.
I'm not sure if I follow exactly what you're doing but I usually find that the best way to debug a class library is by in the solution for the class library I add a new project, either a WinForms one or a Console one, I then set this new project as the start up project and add a reference to the Class Library project (via the Project tab in the Add Reference dialog).
You'll then be able to call the methods in the class library from the other project and you can put breakpoints anywhere to see what's really going on easily.
Ok, so the problem was that any time you edit the class library you have to compile (and the only way I know how is debugging, I can't find a compile button and the publish button doesn't work and building doesn't appear to make a dll). But anyways you have to compile, transfer the file so you are reading the most recent one. If you edit the code during runtime it does NOT update the dll in use...which was my problem.

Is there a way to mix MonoTouch and Objective-C?

I'd like to know if there is a way to mix C# and Obj-C code in one project. Specifically, I'd like to use Cocos2D for my UI in Obj-C and call some MonoTouch C#-Library that does some computations and get some values back. Is there a way to do this? Or maybe the other way around, i. e. building in MonoTouch and calling Cocos2D-functions?
The setup that you describe is possible, but the pipeline is not as smooth as it is when you do your entire project in MonoTouch. This is in fact how we bootstrapped MonoTouch: we took an existing Objective-C sample and we then replaced the bits one by one with managed code.
We dropped those samples as they bitrot.
But you can still get this done, use the mtouch's --xcode command line option to generate a sample program for you, and then copy the bits that you want from the generated template.m into your main.m. Customize the components that you want, and just start the XCode project from there.
During your development cycle, you will continue to use mtouch --xcode
Re: unknown (google):
We actually did this as described.
See this page for a quick start, but the last code segment on that page is wrong, because it's omitting the "--xcode"-parameter.
What you have to do to embed your Mono-EXE/DLL into an Objective-C program is to compile your source with SharpDevelop, then run mtouch with these parameters:
/Developer/MonoTouch/usr/bin/mtouch --linksdkonly --xcode=output_dir MyMonoAssembly.exe
This only works with the full version of MonoTouch. The trial does not allow to use the "--xcode"-argument . The "--linksdkonly"-argument is needed if you want mtouch to keep unreferenced classes in the compiled output, otherwise it strips unused code.
Then mtouch compiles your assembly into native ARM-code (file extension .s) and also generates a XCode template which loads the Mono-Runtime and your code inside the XCode/ObjC-program. You can now use this template right away and include your Obj-C-code or extract the runtime loading code from the "main.m"-file and insert it into your existing XCode-project. If you use an existing project you also have to copy all .exe/.dll/.s files from the xcode-output-dir that mtouch made.
Now you have your Mono-Runtime and assembly loaded in an XCode-project. To communicate with your assembly, you have to use the Mono-Embedding-API (not part of MonoTouch, but Mono). These are C-style API calls. For a good introduction see this page.
Also the Mono-Embedding-API documentation might be helpful.
What you have to do now in your Obj-C-code is to make Embedding-API calls. These steps might involve: Get the application domain, get the assembly, get the image of the assembly, locate the class you want to use, instantiate an object from that class, find methods in class, call methods on object, encapsulate method arguments in C-arrays and pass them to the method-call, get and extract method return values.
There are examples for this on the embedding-api-doc-page above.
You just have to be careful with memory consumption of your library, as the mono runtime takes some memory as well.
So this is the way from Obj-C to C#. If you want to make calls from C#/Mono into your Obj-C-program, you have to use the MonoTouch-bindings, which are described here.
You could also use pure C-method calls from the embedding/P/Invoke-API.
Hope this gets you started.
Over the weekend it emerged that someone has been porting Cocos2D to .NET, so you could also do the whole work on .NET:
Cocos2D started as a Python project, that later got ported to Objective-C, and now there is an active effort to bring it to C#. It is not finished, but the author is accepting patches and might be a better way forward.
Calling Objective-C from MonoTouch definitely looks possible. See the Objective-C selector examples
What library are you calling? Perhaps there's an Objective-C equivalent.