Updating Labels on a different UIViewController - objective-c

I am still new to iOS development and I wanted to know how to accomplish something. What I have is s UIViewController objects FirstController and SecondController. In the NIB file for FirstController I have a UITextField. In the NIV file for SecondController I have a UILabel.
What I want to do is update the UILabel with a new value as I update the UITextVew. So far, I have the following in my FirstController:
- (IBAction)tbxName_EditingChanged:(id)sender;
In the SecondController I have the label in an Outlet Collection like so:
#property (retain, nonatomic) IBOutletCollection(UILabel) NSArray *lblName;
Now, I have made the collection because I intend, in the future, to add more labels that will need to be changed and have all have the same value.
So, what I was thinking that I have to do is place a reference of my SecondController into my FirstController so that I can then run a custom 'update' method. Something like this:
FirstController *viewController1 = [[[FirstController alloc] initWithNibName:#"FirstController" bundle:nil] autorelease];
SecondController *viewController2 = [[[SecondController alloc] initWithNibName:#"SecondController" bundle:nil] autorelease];
viewController1.secondView = viewController2;
// do the rest to load the views...
Now, I have learned that a lot of the stuff I have learned, in .net., is not the way you do things in Objective C. I was wondering if this is what I have to do, or is there another way that I am not finding with Google?
Thanks for any help, and I hope that I explained this clearly enough.

Solving problems like these in a predictable, proven way is the whole point of the Model-View-Controller design pattern. The point is, you want the first UIViewController to update the model, which will signal the second UIViewController to update its view.
I'd suggest having a model somewhere. Either by using a singleton, first initialized in the app delegate, or core data, which is a little more advanced but very powerful.


Getting NSTextField Value from another Class

I have a class called TextFieldMagic which handles the NSTextField manipulations, animation,validation etc.
I want to get the NSTextField instance from tne TextFieldMagic class in my AppDelegate. I tried the following and I couldnt get it working. I'm just getting (null)
- (IBAction)testHide:(id)sender {
TextFieldMagic *textFieldMagic = [[TextFieldMagic alloc] init];
NSLog(#"%#",[textFieldMagic.textField stringValue]);
Of course, I could create an IBOutlet for NSTextField in my AppDelegate to get this working, but I want to understand how to do it w/o creating an IBOutlet in AppDelegate.
That's not the correct approach. With MVC, which is the design pattern adopted with Cocoa apps, the NSTextField is part of the View and should be used exclusively by the Controller in order to populate the Model.
In other words you need to expose some or all of the Model data for other classes to use, and you should not be attempting to use the same View from multiple Controllers.

Navigate to a specific UIViewController after receiving a NSNotification

I am developing an iOS application that handles a hierarchy of UIViewController objects using a UINavigationController:
The application receives local NSNotification objects with information of a certain animal or plant. The usual behavior when you touch the notification is to open the application and load the first view controller in hierarchy.
Is there a way of programmatically navigating to an instance of a UIViewController deep in the hierarchy instead?
EDIT: I am not asking for pushing the controller into the navigation stack, but for pushing the previous controllers as well, i.e. I would like to keep the navigation schema above.
I'm gonna have to disagree with Suresh. While this solution may work in a simple case like this where you only have 1 previous ViewController, what if you wanted to add a 10th ViewController and keep the entire hierarchy? First of all you'd have to pass the final piece of data you want to show (in this case the plant or animal) through every ViewController and you'd be creating 10 ViewControllers at once. The transition between the current ViewController and the 10th would be far from seamless, performance would be terrible. Also no need to go and create your own navigation system, no need to make things more complicated than they are since this issue isn't too difficult.
Just push the ViewController you want to show, that way you'll only be creating 1 ViewController. In every ViewController that can be pushed as a result of a notification (and all the ones below that), override the behavior of the back button. Check in the viewControllers property of the navigationController if the ViewController before is is the one you expect, using NSStringFromClass. If not, create an NSMutableArray as a copy of the viewControllers, create the ViewController you do expect and insert it at the second to last spot in the array. Then replace the entire stack by calling the setViewControllers:animated: method on the navigationController with the mutable array, animated NO. Finally do the pop. Again you'll have created just 1 ViewController at a time, keeping your performance optimal.
Ican't post code right now since I'm on an iPad but if you need it, just ask and I'll add an example when i have a real keyboard.
If you know the name of the class you can use the following code to navigate.
NSString *className = #"viewControllerName";
UIViewController* myClass = (UIViewController*)[[NSClassFromString(className) alloc] init];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:myClass animated:YES];
I think you will have to invent your own mechanism for following the navigation order since there's nothing in an iOS view controller's static definition that defines an ordering. (Segues seem to be as close as it gets and that's not very close.)
If I had to do this for a hierarchy of view controllers with some unknown depth, I'd consider creating a superclass that worked with a path, sort of like network routing. It would have a method such as displayNextControllerOnPath:(NSString *)path. A MenuViewController that was a RoutingController subclass would receive a path like #"ListOfAnimalsViewController.AnimalDetailsViewController", strip off the first path element, instantiate it (it being another RoutingController subclass), and send it #"AnimalDetailsViewController".
Other details would involve knowing when to stop and perhaps passing an object or dictionary as a payload for the last controller to use as content.
I would reconstruct the stack in the following way:
MenuViewController *menuController = [[MenuViewController alloc] init];
ListOfAnimalsViewController *listController = [[ListOfAnimalsViewController alloc] init];
AnimalDetailsViewController *detailsController = [[AnimalDetailsViewController alloc] init];
UINavigationController *navigationController = [[UINavigationController alloc] init];
[navigationController setViewControllers:#[menuController, listController, detailsController]];
self.window.rootViewController = navigationController;
You may need to set some properties to based on your implementations.

IOS - The correct way for using #import classes

I am writing a test project to learn to write everything in code. I want to do this way so that I can better understand what the Elements in Storyboard do for me behind the scene's
In my project I have several UIViewControllers which share the same UI elements. For Example I have a UITool bar at the top of the screen with several buttons in it.
Now I want to put that UIToolbar in a separate class so that I do not have to write it all out or copy n paste it in every controller.
Now I know I can achieve this by doing this:
#import "General_Add_ons.h" //the UIToolbar is properly set up in this file
#interface FirstViewController : General_Add_ons
and then I just use [self topToolBar]; //topToolBar is the name of the toolbar
Now I just want to clarify is this the best and or only way to this?
Somehow I feel I should be able to do this:
General_Add_ons *gao = [[General_Add_ons alloc] init];
[gao topToolbar];
Am I thinking about this the wrong way? The first way seems to be limiting in case I have multiple external classes.
Thanks in advance.
Your approach seem correct. If you have several UIViewController instances that need the same UI elements or other controller code, you can put those elements in a UIViewController subclass. In your case, I believe the class General_Add_ons is the UIViewController from which your subclasses will inherit.
This class (your General_add_ons) should have a property for the reusable toolbar, e.g.
#property (nonatomic, strong) UIToolbar *toolbar;
As an aside, class names in Cocoa, by convention are: prefix+capitalized words without underscores. Apple has a great reference on naming conventions.
For clarification, you can subclass your custom subclass as many times as you need. For example in my code, I have a class CCFViewController that encapsulates common properties and behaviors that I want all of my view controllers to have. In the project, then, all of the view controllers inherit from that parent controller. Similarly, your toolbar will live in the superclass and the other controllers inherit from it.
I am not 100% sure but i think you should try it this way:
General_Add_ons *gao = [[General_Add_ons alloc] init];
[gao.topToolbar anypossiblemethodcall];

viewDidLoad vs appDelegate methods

I persist to be a little confused about when to put something in a viewController and when to put it inside an AppDelegate, and if it is ok to reference viewController methods from the AppDelegate (i know you can but that doesn't mean it is encouraged).
Really, I wouldn't be confused if it weren't for all this multi-tasking stuff that seems to complicate the concepts for me. First, if anyone knows of a good, thorough and easy to read overview of how to deal with multitasking, I'd love to know.
Here's the deal: there are things I need my app to do when it loads, whether loading fresh or loading from the background. Stuff like perform a network reachability test, setup the interface based on data received from the internet, and this or that.
One of my main questions relates to how the viewcontroller's view interacts with background states. If the app resumes from the background and the view is immediately present without loading, then I assume it is still in memory and I have verified that viewDidLoad was not called with a basic NSLog. So, is it safe to say that any and all objects retained by my viewcontroller (like the data models and all subviews) are thus still in memory? If not, what's the best practice discovering which objects need to be re-loaded, what are still there, etc?
I think it's safe to assume that the standard memory management rules apply, even in a multi-tasking environment. That means that your controller, and anything you've got a reference to in your controller should still be valid until either:
You explicitly deallocate your controller/objects
Your app terminates
It seems like your assumption is that the system is going to mess with your objects behind your back, which (I hope) can't happen. Those methods are there in the app delegate in case you want to explicitly do anything when those particular events occur.
Regarding the viewDidLoad question, you could implement viewDidUnload or check the isViewLoaded method to make sure your view wasn't unloaded due to a low memory condition or otherwise. More on this in the UIViewController documentation.
One way to approach this problem is with lazily-loaded properties. In your .h file:
#interface YourViewController : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSArray *exampleObject;
And in your .m file:
#implementation YourViewController
#synthesize exampleObject = _exampleObject;
- (NSArray *)exampleObject {
// reload only if necessary
if (!_exampleObject) {
_exampleObject = [[NSArray alloc] init];
// do whatever other setup you need to
return _exampleObject;

Accessing parent view controller (custom) properties

I have written a UITabBarController subclass (called MainViewController) and added a few instance variables, specifically a venue of type Venue. Each tab of the MainViewController needs to access the venue variable of the MainViewController. In the first tab, a UIViewController subclass named HomeViewController, I wrote my viewDidLoad method and tried to output to NSLog with both...
NSLog(#"%#", self.parentViewController.venue.name);
NSLog(#"%#", self.tabBarController.venue.name);
But XCode gives the error
error: request for member 'venue' in something not a structure or union
I can access the venue property from within MainViewController just fine so have ruled out an error there. The iPhone simulator does see both self.parentViewController and self.tabBarController as an instance of MainViewController. The line...
NSLog(#"%#", self.tabBarController);
2009-06-05 17:54:46.502 Venue[29729:20b] <MainViewController: 0x536600>
Since it's seen as a MainViewController instance, I doubt using casting would help. Is my only other option to initialize the HomeViewController with a copy of the venue or am I just doing something completely wrong with 'self.parentViewController.venue.name'? Thanks, Rob
You're doing something completely wrong. parentViewController is declared as a UIViewController. NSLoging it outputs its real type due to the wonders of polymorphism.
UIViewController doesn't have a Venue member. Your MainViewController does. Casting it is, in fact, the right answer. Make sure to import MainViewController.h as well.
#import "MainViewController.h"
NSString *name = ((MainViewController *)self.parentViewController)).venue.name;
Also make sure, of course, that venue is declared as a #property of MainViewController, and name is a #property of Venue.
int currentVCIndex = [self.navigationController.viewControllers indexOfObject:self.navigationController.topViewController];
//previous view controller
AccountViewController *account = (AccountViewController *)[self.navigationController.viewControllers objectAtIndex:currentVCIndex - 1];
account.property = object;
[account doSmthng];
Your NSLog() statement is "seeing" it as a MainViewController because that's what the object actually is. The problem you're having though, is that the compiler doesn't actually realize this because the parentViewController property is declared as a plain old UIViewController. Even though you're actually returning a subclass of it, as far as the compiler knows you're trying to call that method on a UIViewController, and it's going to complain. Casting it to a MainViewController will solve the issue.