SSH connection failed to EC2 instance after Port change - ssh

I am working on an Amazon EC2 web server. I have changed default ssh port to 8083. After restarting the sshd service, I cannot access to the server using new port and old port. How can I resolve the problem to connect to my server again?

You need to allow access to port 8803 in the EC2 instance security groups.
Check in the Amazon Ec2 Management Console under Network and Security.


Connectivity to AWS EKS control plane via Client VPN

I have created EKS cluster with API server endpoint access as "Private". Cluster is configured in private subnet. I'd like to allow kubectl access from local PC. I have created Client VPN, it has access to private network (verified that by SSH to an EC2 instance running in the same private subnet). But kubectl gets "unable to connect to the server: dial x.x.x.x:443 i/o timout". "aws eks update-kubeconfig" can see that cluster and updates local context properly. What could be the problem?
Found out what was was missing. 443 had to be enabled in authorization rules

Unable to connect to openstack instance using NoVNC console

While trying to access to instances via NoVNC console from other nodes such as storage and compute connection at cannot be established but everything works well on the controller node.
Still looking for the missing configuration
this IP '' is a localhost IP, which means that this IP can resolve from the server on that server and another server, point to a different destination.
you should run noVNC on some IP from the network and you can configure this at /etc/kolla/nova-novncproxy/nova.conf

Connect host ldap server to local VM

I have a server installed on VM and a LDAP(opendj) server created using Apache Directory Studio on my host computer. Now, I would like to connect that LDAP server to local VM so that the VM server can pull user's information from LDAP server. is it possible to do that? I could not understand how to establish a communication between these two server.
Remote Port Forwarding actually does work here.
my ldap server port was 10389.
I have created a tunnel from host to vm:
ssh -R 10389:localhost:10389 root#
after then, vm can reach to the host through this port (10389).
Sorry, I don't have that much knowledge on ssh. But this one worked for me.

Port forwarding EMR Zepplin through SSH

I'm trying to establish a secure connection to my emr server on AWS.
I have successfully connected through putty to it. However I would like to use zeppelin through the SSH tunnel.
Does the following look correct to forward the port 8890 from the EMR host to my local machines 8890 so that traffic is encrypted? Im on a windows machine.
Destination is in respect to the SSH Server. Providing Localhost:8890 will mean 8890 of the machine on which SSH server is running.

What's the best way to reverse ssh tunnel to access system behind corp firewall?

I am trying to access a linux server through ssh. Typically this is accessed through a Win2012 jump server using putty.
I was able to setup a reverse ssh connection in putty from jump server to a AWS VM through HTTP proxy. And this was supposed to forward it to my linux server. But when I connect to my AWS VM and initiate ssh over my remote port, the whole thing just hangs. What am I doing wrong, and is there a better/easier way? No malicious intent, I have physical access to both jump server and linux server. Just bypassing shitty corp firewall.
Can you explain what you did in details ?
Typically on unix systems, for a reverse ssh tunnel, you can do this on your server behind the firewall:
ssh -NR ssh_port_AWS:localhost:ssh_port_local_server user#ip_AWS
You need to replace
ssh_port_AWS by the port of the distant server that you want to use to access the local server.
ssh_port_local_server by the port of the ssh server of your local server (if you don't change anything, 22).
user#ip_AWS by your AWS connection details (user#IP)