Does Cmake handle recursive builds correctly - cmake

I am currently looking at replacements for the old make system for some projects. One of the alternatives I am currently looking at is cmake. However from what I know so far, CMake prefers to have one configuration file for each directory, similar to what Autotools and others prefer as well.
I know that recursive make should be considered harmfull, because not the whole dependency graph is know at all times (see the paper for details). For that reason other tools, which rely on recursive make, either do not work correctly in all cases or need some wrappers to work around these problems.
I am currently trying to figure out how CMake handles this case, and if the issues mentioned in the paper were taken into account in the design. I will try out the examples mentioned in the paper, but in case they work, it will not give me a certainty, that recursive builds work in all cases.
So the main question is: Was this issue taken into consideration for CMake or not? If so where can I read anything about their solution.
I found the CMake FAQ entry on this issue, but I am not really satisfied by the answer. I guess the real answer is in there somewhere, but I cannot find it, because I have no knowledge so far of CMake internals and I am not planning on learning them, if I might decide beforehand, that it is not the right tool for my purposes.

CMake does not generate one makefile per CMakeLists.txt. It collects all information from all of them and than creates something, that is unbelievably complex, but presumably written that way exactly so that it's reliable and ensures files are rebuilt if the relevant CMakeLists.txt changes.


How to get cmake to find size of type in third-party header mpi.h?

I am working on a free-software project which involves high performance computing and the MPI library.
In my code, I need to know the size of the MPI_Offset type, which is defined in mpi.h.
Normally such projects would be build using autotools and this problem would be easily solved. But for my sins, I am working with a CMake build and I can't find any way to perform this simple task. But there must be a way to do - it is commonly done on autotools projects, so I assume it is also possible in CMake.
When I use:
check_type_size("MPI_Offset" SIZEOF_MPI_OFFSET)
It fails, because mpi.h is not included in the generated C code.
Is there a way to tell check_type_size() to include mpi.h?
INCLUDE (CheckTypeSize)
include_directories(SYSTEM ${MPI_INCLUDE_PATH})
check_type_size("MPI_Offset" SIZEOF_MPI_OFFSET)
It may be more common to write platform checks with autotools, so here is some more information on how to write platform checks with CMake.
On a personal note, while CMake is certainly not the most pleasant exercise, for me autotools is reserved for the capital sins. It is really hard to me to defend CMake, but in this instance, it is even documented. Naturally, setting a separate "variable" that you even have to reset after the fact, instead of just passing it as a parameter, is clearly conforming to the surprising "design principles" of CMake.

Why is cmake file GLOB evil?

The CMake doc says about the command file GLOB:
We do not recommend using GLOB to collect a list of source files from your source tree. If no CMakeLists.txt file changes when a source is added or removed then the generated build system cannot know when to ask CMake to regenerate.
Several discussion threads in the web second that globbing source files is evil.
However, to make the build system know that a source has been added or removed, it's sufficient to say
touch CMakeLists.txt
Then that's less effort than editing CMakeLists.txt to insert or delete a source file name. Nor is it more difficult to remember. So I don't see any good reason to advise against file GLOB.
What's wrong with this argument?
The problem is when you're not alone working on a project.
Let's say project has developer A and B.
A adds a new source file x.c. He doesn't changes CMakeLists.txt and commits after he's finished implementing x.c.
Now B does a git pull, and since there have been no modifications to the CMakeLists.txt, CMake isn't run again and B causes linker errors when compiling, because x.c has not been added to its source files list.
2020 Edit: CMake 3.12 introduces the CONFIGURE_DEPENDS argument to file(GLOB which makes globbing scan for new files:
This is however not portable (as Visual Studio or Xcode solutions don't support the feature) so please only use that as a first approximation, else other people can have trouble building your CMake files under their IDE of choice!
It's not inherently evil - it has advantanges and disadvantages, covered relatively well in this answer here on StackOverflow. But if you use it carelessly, you could end up ignoring dependency changes and requiring clean rebuilds of large parts of your codebase.
I'm personally in favor of using it - in smaller projects, or on certain subdirectories in larger ones - to avoid having to enter every file manually into the build files. Edit: My preference has changed and I currently tend to avoid it.
On top of the reasons other people here posted, imho the worst issue with glob is that it can yield DIFFERENT file lists on different platforms. As I see it, that's a bug. In OSX glob ignores case sensitivity and in a ubuntu box it doesn't.
Globbing breaks all code inspection in things like CLion that otherwise understand limited subsets of CMakeLists.txt and do not and never will support globbing as it is unsafe.
Write script to dump the globbed list and paste it in, its very simple, and then CLion can actually find the referenced files and infer them as useful. Maybe even put such script into the tree so that the other devs can either run it without being a moron OR set git hooks to make it happen.
In no case should some random file dropped into some directory ever get automatically linked that's how trojans happen.
Also CLion without context jumping to known definitions and what not, is like hiking barefoot /// why bother.

link library to all targets in cmake project

Let me describe what I think is a sufficiently common use case, that it should be supported. Consider a project which consists of a library and a set of executable that use that library. A straightforward approach is to add_library, followed by a sequence of add_executable() target_link_lib() pairs.
This is a lot of boilerplate coding. It would be nice to able to do something like set(PROJECT_LINK_LIBS, lib1 ...), and have cmake remove the extra boilerplate.
Thinking on this more, I realize I would like a link_libraries function that behaves similarly to include_directories. I would argue that this:
Would be useful in a lot of cases.
Would lead to dryer CMakeLists.
Would encourage better code organizations -- there would be a natural incentive to organize the folders, code, and executables in such a way that all executables have the same dependancies -- certainly a clean practice.
Is there anything like this?
As mentioned at the requested link_libraries(example example2) function is actually now a part of cmake.
This answer might be obsolete:
Check the new set of variables CMAKE_<LANG>_STANDARD_LIBRARIES
Original Answer:
It appears that now a CMAKE_STANDARD_LIBRARIES variable exists, where you can append the libraries according to your need. However, this variable seemingly expect full path to the libraries.
See here.

Is it possible to add a whole directory of source files to CMake command add_executable?

The documentation of CMake's add_executable gives the following specification of the command:
add_executable(<name> [WIN32] [MACOSX_BUNDLE]
source1 [source2 ...])
I now have a rather large project with a lot of sources and was wondering if it is possible to add a directory as a parameter for add_executable instead of specifying each source file individually? If not, are there any best practices or recommendations on how to approach this situation? I can't imagine the only way this would work is by adding each source file individually? How would this work for (really) large projects then, this doesn't seem like an elegant approach...
The best practice is indeed to list all files manually.
In particular, the CMake docs warn about using GLOB for this purpose:
We do not recommend using GLOB to collect a list of source files from
your source tree. If no CMakeLists.txt file changes when a source is
added or removed then the generated build system cannot know when to
ask CMake to regenerate.
This point is somewhat controversial, as many developers prefer that the build system just adjusts automatically to newly added files. The price for this automation is an increase in fragility of the build scripts.
You will have to remember to manually re-run CMake whenever files were added or removed. You also have to ensure that the physical layout of the files on disk matches the logical layout of the projects that you want to build. The latter point is arguably the bigger problem here. By decoupling the build system from the files on disk you add an additional safety net, but you have to pay for it with increased build script maintenance costs.
The biggest disadvantage of the explicit approach is imho that if you forget to add a new file to the CMakeLists, you might be wondering over weird linker errors for a while before realizing your mistake. I personally find the maintenance overhead for this approach acceptable. Sure, you will have a lengthy filelist in your build script, but you do not have to touch it that often and the changes will usually be trivial.
Since this point is somewhat controversial, I won't blame you if you want to use a GLOB for your project. Just be aware of the consequences and be prepared that all the cool kids will laugh at you if your build breaks one day because of this.

CMake: Best method for "subprojecting" files

I'm learning/vetting CMake at the moment as I'm thinking of migrating our code to it. One thing we do a lot of with our current make system is to "subproject" common code files. For example, we have a lot of shared, generic headers (plus some c/cpp files) which get included in every project we create. I want to replicate this in CMake but I don't see an easy way of doing it. To be precise, I want to do something like:
Parent CMakeLists.txt
add_subdirectory(shared_folder shared_build_folder)
#Next line should somehow add in the files reference in the shared_folder
add_executable([specific files for this project] build_folder)
Child CMakeLists.txt (shared_folder)
#Somehow have a list of files here that get added to the parent project
So far I've found various "ways" of doing this, but all seem a little hacky. I'm coming to the conclusion that this is in fact the way I have to do things and CMake isn't really geared towards this style of development. For clarity, most of my solutions involve doing something like creating a variable at the parent level which consists of a list of files. This variable (via some shenanigans) can get "passed" to/from any children, filled in and then when I call add_exectuable I use that variable to add the files.
All my solutions involve quite a few macros/functions and seemingly quite a bit of overhead. Is this something other people have tried? Any clues on the best approach for doing this?
We were facing the exact same problem and after some time of crying we accepted the CMake-way and it resulted in a better structured project even if it meant to change some parts of our structure.
When using sub-directories the targets are automatically exported throughout the whole project (even in subsequent other add_subdirectory-calls) once the add_subdirectory-statement was processed: sub-projects which contain common code are creating libraries.
There is also the PARENT_SCOPE which you can use to export variables to parent CMakeLists.txt
For "other" things we simulated the FindPackage-mechanism by including .cmake-files into the main CMakeLists.txt with include. In doing so we can provide variables easily, change the include_directories and do other fancy things global to the project.
As there are no dependencies between cmake-variables, we don't use cmake to configure the source (features of the project), but only the build (compiler, includes, libraries...). This split was the key element of our build-system-refactoring.