Will we be able to access life events on a timeline? - api

Is Facebook planning to add functionality to allow developers to access the new "life events" posted on a user's timeline?
How about those posted on a friend's timeline?

Life events are not currently readable via the API for a user or their friends.
Keep an eye on the updates at http://developers.facebook.com/blog which is where we'll announce this functionality if and when its it built.
if you're building an app which wants to publish life events, the best current suggestion is to model them as custom actions and custom objects on the open graph and build timeline aggregations which show these objects off to at their best.

The bug reported on facebook about this issue was closed on 3rd October 2013. So, I don't think anybody at Facebook is working on making this feature available via API.
Read: https://developers.facebook.com/x/bugs/121450681328551/


Is there a way to register an application on Google+ like on Facebook?

In particular I'm interested in the possibility of getting an App Access Token with no expiration time, exactly as I do with Facebook.
I want to publish on behalf of the user via server, and I found very useful and convenient the Facebook's procedure in which we ask for the user permissions only the first time.
I have been working with this kind of social-networks interaction for merely three weeks, so I will be very happy to hear any type of suggestions or critics.
Google+ does not currently have a public write API. There are selected partners that they work with (such as HootSuite) that provide this feature, but they are making access to it available very slowly. See https://developers.google.com/+/api/pages-signup for further details.
Google+ does have a concept of Moments, which are activities that happen in your app that are reported to Google+ and which the user may later wish to share, or may make available to people in their circles on a limited non-notification basis. This is probably not what you want, but may serve some needs. See https://developers.google.com/+/api/latest/moments for more info and examples how to use it.
Simply, No there is no way to do that in Google+ in current time. In general, apps for Google plus is read only.

Autopost with facebook graph api

I'm writing an iOS game that has some social features. I'm confused as to how to make an "autopost" functionality without prompting the user with a dialog box.
I'm kinda overwhelmed by the Facebook Graph API as I've been reading through it for about a day now.
From what I understood, I can make events such as User (performed action) on (an object). But what about "User has leveled up on (APPNAME)!"
How can I enable autopost? And how about 'event' type posts like the one mentioned above?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
it can be done. Here is a link for it. Although, I should suggest that you should abstain from it as it would be considered spamming if you post a lot on the user's feed.

How to get in touch with the users of your WP7 apps?

This is a problem that every developer will face when building their apps: how to contact the reviewer of your app to notify them of an update, new release, help topics, etc?
Some things I am thinking:
Include an RSS feed in your app which you can update to notify the users of the app.
Include a twitter feed regarding your app. How to go about this?
Include a way for the users to subscribe to a mailing list. This way, I can send a mass-email to the users who opted-in? Any suggestions here?
Any other ways that you think this can/should be done? Any existing solutions you can point me to will be great. Thanks in advance.
One way, for contacting a specific user who created a review of an application is to go to Zune Social (at http://social.zune.net/home) and create a new message. You can then enter the Zune Tag of the user who created a review.
Personally, I'd try to do all three - have a web page/site, with an RSS feed, and a subscription link (so they can subscribe to the RSS feed via email) and then post any updates to your twitter account as well.
You can't really force a user to do any of these, but having the options available, and linked from inside your app on the about page is probably good practise.
You could also include some kind of "Update Available" feature inside the application. Try to make this as unobtrusive as possible obviously. Obviously if they've still got the app installed they'll get an update notification from the marketplace anyway.
Besides the suggestions made by samjudson, I'll also recommend having a support-page with a direct option to send a email to you. Here's a example of a support-page from one of my applications. I've received lot of emails with suggestions for improvements, or complains about bugs. And since it's by email, it gives you the option to respond directly to people.
Another thing about reviews. Don't take them to serious. Most people only rate negatively (since humans like to complain), and by such a lot of reviews are often misinformed, outdated, or the users just been plain ignorant.

Is it possible to access text message information through iPhone SDK

I am developing an application where in i want to alert the user if he receives a message from a contact.
I have been struggling for the same yet haven't found any solution to this.
I also wanted to know if the sdk 3.0 allows access to the call history..
There is no access to SMS messages from the application sandbox, and there is no access to call logs from the application sandbox. You can file a feature request with Apple, but I doubt you will see changes to this any time soon. You will not be able to provide any functionality in your app that depends on this information.
Similar question here regarding call history:
Reading call history in iPhone OS
Short answer is, not possible. I do not believe this has changed in 3.0.

Is it possible to develop a Facebook app that filters updates out of a feed?

Namely, does the Facebook API make this possible? I'd like to leave my news feed intact, but remove posts that meet some criteria for things I don't want to see (e.g., don't show me anything that sounds like Dick Cheney might have said it). Does the Facebook API allow apps to customize a user's normal news feed? I spent a few minutes looking at the facebook developer pages, but didn't see any direct answers to my question, so I was hoping some developers who were experienced with Facebook's API could help me here.
Before anyone mentions it, I don't want to just hide updates from those users. They may post other updates that I want to see, so I'd prefer to filter out updates based on content.
There is a Greasemonkey script called "Facebook Purity" which does this. You could probably look at the source and alter it to your specifications.
You could parse the news feed into a database on your site then use code to parse whether or not to display it.
yes this is possible but only if all your friends decide to add your application! otherwise you may be not able to access their feeds.
Its been a while since i used Facebook SDK so this may have changed.
The API provides very little news feed integration, and no you can't use the api to prevent news feed items from showing up in a users feed. All you can do is post and get, and you can only post 10 items a day, "significant" interactions. The Facebook API wasn't designed to enhance or alter the core Facebook experience, it was designed to allow developers to create third party apps that add to Facebook within a very limited and tightly controlled sandbox.
The Linq to facebook project looks quite interesting and may allow you to do what you are asking (if using .NET 3.5). My apologies for a link to such a pink website ;-)