Is it possible to access text message information through iPhone SDK - iphone-sdk-3.0

I am developing an application where in i want to alert the user if he receives a message from a contact.
I have been struggling for the same yet haven't found any solution to this.
I also wanted to know if the sdk 3.0 allows access to the call history..

There is no access to SMS messages from the application sandbox, and there is no access to call logs from the application sandbox. You can file a feature request with Apple, but I doubt you will see changes to this any time soon. You will not be able to provide any functionality in your app that depends on this information.

Similar question here regarding call history:
Reading call history in iPhone OS
Short answer is, not possible. I do not believe this has changed in 3.0.


Where do you find Mac App Store analytics

I have recently published my first Mac app onto the Mac App Store, forgive me if this is a stupid question but i can find no place on iTunes Connect that shows the analytics for it, the App Analytics section on iTunes Connect only shows my iOS app? There must be somewhere to see how many units i have sold?
So i contacted apple an there reply was:
App Analytics is available only for iOS developers at this time, and it reports data only from customers using iOS 8 and above. Therefore you will not see data from your Mac app.
If you would like, I can submit feedback on your behalf for a possible future enhancement. If this is something you would like me to do, please reply with a clarification of your request, and I will be happy to send it up for you.
So the short answer is there is nowhere for you to find how many downloads/revenue you have earned. Which is well, shit

Connecting to iMessage functionality with iOS8

I am making an iPhone app and need to be able to minimally see when a message comes in, when I myself look at it, and when I answer it. I need to see when this happens on the message app that is within the iPhone iOS. I have been looking around for a solution on this and have not been able to find one.
Is this possible to access this data on the iPhone or is it completely closed off?
There is no Messages SDK available currently (as of iOS 8.1) that would allow a developer to interact with (or receive) messages.
The most you can do is to share content through MFMessageComposeViewController.
Be aware other search results suggesting you can use CoreTelephony - you app will be rejected by Apple because CT is a private framework.

API error when testing Win Phone 8 App for the Store

I get this error when testing my Win Phone 8 app for the store.
I can't find much information about solving it or even what it means. The app runs perfectly in debug and release.
Any ideas?
You or some subroutine is calling CreateMutexExA() somewhere, which you can't use on WP. If it's in your code, you can call CreateMutexExW() instead. If not, you're stuck looking for another library for that functionality. See this link for more information on which calls can be made on WP.

Does apple rejects the application that reads the call history of iphone using FMDB database in iphone sdk?

I am using FMDB database to read the call history of the iphone.I need to know whether apple rejects my application if I go under this process.
Thanks to all,
Since this is not only user's private information but also phone internal I guess Apple will reject the app. You are not supposed to access files outside your app sandbox (see point 2.6 of the linked App Store guidelines) except with the classes that Apple has provided (e.g. for accessing the phone book).

VB.NET Use API Messenger

I know how you can use the api in IM
I wish simply by pressing a button sends a message to all my contacts.
I apologize for my ignorance but I'm still learning, thanks
You don't mention what IM network you're talking about so I'm assuming you're talking about Live Messenger. If that's not the case, only the bit about Pidgin might still be relevant.
Unfortunately, my understanding is that nowdays there's no easy API for doing what you want, and you might have to write your own client to do this, here's a website that discusses the protocol:
You might also want to look at Pidgin since it supports Messenger and is open source:
There's a Live Messenger API, but I don't think that can be used to send a message from a standalone VB.Net desktop client since it seems more for writing Addins to the standard Live Messenger client, but here's the information about it in case I'm wrong:
If you're running XP or earlier you might be able to use the Windows Messenger SDK: