SQL query for adding column value to compare with other column - sql

I have two tables
List item
inventory_item_key(primary key)
The table example are provided here DB TABLES
I need query to find out those items for which (net_qty) i.e difference b/w sum of in_coming_qty & quantity & locked_qty is negative. arranged by node_key,rack_id, item_id,net_qty
Note: each distinct set {node_key,rack_id, item_id,net_qty} will have only 1 row in output.
For ex :{node_key,rack_id, item_id} = {ABD101,RK-01,562879} has 4 rows in table_inventory
but in output net_qty= -78(single row) .
The query I made is giving me result but can we do it in some other way?
SELECT l.node_key,
( SUM(l.quantity + l.in_coming_qty) - SUM(l.locked_qty) ) AS net_qty
FROM table_inventory l,
table_item i
WHERE l.inventory_item_key = i.inventory_item_key
GROUP BY l.node_key,
HAVING SUM(l.quantity + l.in_coming_qty) - SUM(l.locked_qty) < 0

Not really. There is this minor variant:
select v.* from (
SELECT l.node_key,
SUM(l.quantity + l.in_coming_qty - l.locked_qty) AS net_qty
FROM table_inventory l,
table_item i
WHERE l.inventory_item_key = i.inventory_item_key
GROUP BY l.node_key,
) v
where net_qty < 0
- which means that the SUM calculation only needs to be coded once, but you do still need to do a SUM.


Oracle - return only the first row for each product

In the first SELECT statement, the report grabs inv details for all products with shipment activity. There is then a UNION that connect another SELECT statement to grab products without activity from the last calendar year.
However, the records that are returned in the second SELECT statement have multiple header_id’s and therefore multiple lines… instead of single lines like the first SELECT statement. Do you know how to pull only the first header_id of each record in the second SELECT statement?
Code and example result set below. In data, product #7 should only list the row for header_id 1372288 which is the last ID entered into the DB.
select 3 sort_key, header_Id,location_id,nlasinv.product,
start_inv,produced produced_inv,stored,from_stock,shipped,
(start_inv + produced + stored) - (from_stock + shipped) end_inv,nlas_ops_mtd_prodsize(111,nlasinv.product,'31-DEC-19'), nlas_ops_mtd_shipsize(111,nlasinv.product,'31-DEC-19'),nlas_ops_ytd_prodsize(111,nlasinv.product,'31-DEC-19'), nlas_ops_ytd_shipsize(111,nlasinv.product,'31-DEC-19')
from nlas_header inv,
nlas_inventory nlasinv
where nlasinv.header_id = 1372168
and inv.id = nlasinv.header_id
select distinct
3 sort_key,header_Id,location_id,nlasinv.product,
start_inv,produced produced_inv,stored,from_stock,shipped,
(start_inv + produced + stored) - (from_stock + shipped) end_inv,nlas_ops_mtd_prodsize(111,nlasinv.product,'31-DEC-19'),
nlas_inventory nlasinv,
nlas_header hdr
nlasinv.header_id = hdr.id
and hdr.location_id = 409
and hdr.observation_date >= trunc(to_date('31-DEC-19','dd-mon-rr'),'year')
and nlasinv.product not in
(select distinct product from
nlas_header h,
nlas_inventory i
where i.header_id = 1372168)
order by product, header_id des
I don't know what your query has to do with the "table" data that you show. But you seem to want row_number():
select t.*
from (select t.*, row_number() over (partition by product order by header_id desc) as seqnum
from t
) t
where seqnum = 1;
If that query is being used to generate the data, then just wrap it in a CTE.
This can also be accomplished by adding a self join in your where clause
and hdr.header_id = (
select max(hdr2.header_id)
from nlas_header hdr2
where hdr2.location_id = hdr.location_id
and hdr2.product_id = hdr.product_id)

get the incremental pattern

I have table as below
I want to write a query so that I get only the item name which have price in incremental order every greater year.
The output of above pattern would be
(D and C only have incremental price for each higher year)
I tried with self Join but I am not able the required output
I think this query will give you the results you want. It uses a self-join to find all years where an item has a price which is lower than a previous year. Items which have no later years where the price is lower (which will appear as i2.Item=NULL) will have a COUNT(i2.Item)=0:
SELECT i1.Item
FROM Items i1
LEFT JOIN Items i2 ON i2.Item = i1.Item AND i2.Price < i1.Price AND i2.Year > i1.Year
GROUP BY i1.Item
HAVING COUNT(i2.Item) = 0
SQLFiddle Demo
You may use lag analytical function as in the following select statement :
select item
select sign(price - lag(price,1,0) over (order by year)) val,
from tab t
group by item
having avg(val)=1;
SQL Fiddle Demo

Subtract two SUM GROUP BY fields

I have two tables itemOrders and itemUsage.
itemOrders has two fields: item_number and qty_ordered
itemUsage has two fields: item_number and qty_used
I'm trying to word my SQL query so that it sums up the quantity of each item number in both tables then subtracts the totals in itemUsage from itemOrders
I've come up with this so far:
SELECT itemOrders.item_number
SELECT sum(qty_ordered)
FROM itemOrders
GROUP BY itemOrders.item_number
) - (
SELECT sum(qty_used)
FROM itemUsage
GROUP BY itemUsage.item_number
) AS item_total
FROM itemOrders
INNER JOIN itemUsage
ON itemOrders.item_number = itemUsage.item_number
GROUP BY itemOrders.item_number
What happens here is that all fields come out to 0.
Example if item number "A" was showing a total quantity of 3 ordered across all instances of "A" in the itemOrders table, and only a total quantity used of 1 across all instances of "A" in the itemUsage table. The sql should show the number one in the item_total field next to 1 instance of "A" in the item_number field.
The problem is you are creating a CARTESIAN PRODUCT and repeting the values on the SUM just calculate each value separated and then LEFT JOIN both. In case no item are used COALESCE will convert NULL to 0
SELECT io_total.item_number,
order_total - COALESCE(used_total, 0) as item_total
FROM (SELECT io.item_number, sum(io.qty_ordered) as order_total
FROM itemOrders io
GROUP BY io.item_number
) io_total
LEFT JOIN (SELECT iu.item_number, sum(iu.qty_used) as used_total
FROM itemUsage iu
GROUP BY iu.item_number
) as iutotal
ON io_total.item_number = iutotal.item_number
Well it looks like you are making three queries, two separate ones, one for each sum, and one with an inner join that isn't being used.
Select itemOrders.item_number, sum(itemOrders.qty_ordered - itemUsage.qty_used) as item_total
from itemOrders INNER JOIN itemUsage
On itemOrders.item_number = itemUsage.item_number
GROUP BY itemOrders.item_number

Postgres: Making column in first row contain sum of same column in other rows

I'm a newbie in postgres and i have a troubling issue.
Suppose the output of my SQL query is
123456789;"2014-11-20 12:30:35.454875";500;200;"2014-11-16 16:16:26.976258";300
123456789;"2014-11-20 12:30:35.454875";500;200;"2014-11-16 16:16:27.173523";100
What i want is to sum up all the 4th column, and so that the first row will contain the sum of the 4th column
123456789;"2014-11-20 12:30:35.454875";500;400;"2014-11-16 16:16:26.976258";300
My query is
select l.phone_no, l.loan_time, l.cents_loaned/100, r.cents_deducted/100, r.event_time,
from tbl_table1 l
LEFT JOIN tbl_table2 r
ON l.tb1_id = r.tbl2_id
where l.phone_no=123456789
order by r.event_time desc
Any help will be appreciated.
Maybe this helps. It will add a new row containing the sum of the 4th column.
WITH query AS (
SELECT l.phone_no, l.loan_time, l.cents_loaned/100 AS cents_loaned,
r.cents_deducted/100 AS cents_deducted, r.event_time,
r.cents_balance/100 AS cents_balance,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY r.event_time DESC) rn,
SUM(cents_deducted/100) OVER () AS sum_cents_deducted
FROM tbl_table1 l
JOIN tbl_table2 r
ON l.tb1_id = r.tbl2_id
WHERE l.phone_no=123456789
SELECT phone_no, loan_time, cents_loaned, cents_deducted, event_time, cents_balance
FROM query
WHERE rn > 1
SELECT phone_no, loan_time, cents_loaned, sum_cents_deducted, event_time, cents_balance
FROM query
WHERE rn = 1
Use a window function over the whole set (OVER ()) as frame:
select l.phone_no, l.loan_time, l.cents_loaned/100
, sum(r.cents_deducted) OVER () / 100 AS total_cents_deducted
, r.event_time, r.cents_balance/100
FROM tbl_table1 l
LEFT JOIN tbl_table2 r ON l.tb1_id = r.tbl2_id
WHERE l.phone_no = 123456789
ORDER BY r.event_time desc
This will return all rows, not just the first. Your question is unclear as to that.

SQL Server: Group similar sales together

I'm trying to do some reporting in SQL Server.
Here's the basic table setup:
Order (ID, DateCreated, Status)
Product(ID, Name, Price)
Order_Product_Mapping(OrderID, ProductID, Quantity, Price, DateOrdered)
Here I want to create a report to group product with similar amount of sales over a time period like this:
Sales over 1 month:
Coca, Pepsi, Tiger: $20000 average(coca:$21000, pepsi: $19000, tiger: $20000)
Bread, Meat: $10000 avg (bread:$11000, meat: $9000)
Note that the text in () is just to clarify, not need in the report).
User define the varying between sales that can consider similar. Example sales with varying lower than 5% are consider similar and should be group together. The time period is also user defined.
I can calculate total sale over a period but has no ideas on how to group them together by sales varying. I'm using SQL Server 2012.
Any help is appreciated.
Sorry, my English is not very good :)
UPDATE: *I figured out about what I atually need ;)*
For an known array of numbers like: 1,2,3,50,52,100,102,105
I need to group them into groups which have at least 3 number and the difference between any two items in group is smaller than 10.
For the above array, output should be:
=> the algorithm take 3 params: the array, minimum items to form a group and maximum difference between 2 items.
How can I implement this in C#?
By the way, if you just want c#:
var maxDifference = 10;
var minItems = 3;
// I just assume your list is not ordered, so order it first
var array = (new List<int> {3, 2, 50, 1, 51, 100, 105, 102}).OrderBy(a => a);
var result = new List<List<int>>();
var group = new List<int>();
var lastNum = array.First();
var totalDiff = 0;
foreach (var n in array)
totalDiff += n - lastNum;
// if distance of current number and first number in current group
// is less than the threshold, add into current group
if (totalDiff <= maxDifference)
lastNum = n;
// if current group has 3 items or more, add to final result
if (group.Count >= minItems)
// start new group
group = new List<int>() { n };
lastNum = n;
totalDiff = 0;
// forgot the last group...
if (group.Count >= minItems)
the key here is, the array need to be ordered, so that you do not need to jump around or store values to calculate distances
I can't believe I did it~~~
-- this threshold is the key in this query
-- it means that
-- if the difference between two values are less than the threshold
-- these two values are belong to one group
-- in your case, I think it is 200
DECLARE #th int
SET #th = 200
-- very simple, calculate total price for a time range
;WITH totals AS (
SELECT p.name AS col, sum(o.price * op.quantity) AS val
FROM order_product_mapping op
JOIN [order] o ON o.id = op.orderid
JOIN product p ON p.id = op.productid
WHERE dateordered > '2013-03-01' AND dateordered < '2013-04-01'
GROUP BY p.name
-- give a row number for each row
cte_rn AS ( --
SELECT col, val, row_number()over(ORDER BY val DESC) rn
FROM totals
-- show starts now,
-- firstly, we make each row knows the row before it
cte_last_rn AS (
SELECT col, val, CASE WHEN rn = 1 THEN 1 ELSE rn - 1 END lrn
FROM cte_rn
-- then we join current to the row before it, and calculate
-- the difference between the total price of current row and that of previous row
-- if the the difference is more than the threshold we make it '1', otherwise '0'
cte_range AS (
c1.col, c1.val,
WHEN c2.val - c1.val <= #th THEN 0
END AS range,
FROM cte_last_rn c1
JOIN cte_rn c2 ON lrn = rn
-- even tricker here,
-- now, we join last cte to itself, and for each row
-- sum all the values (0, 1 that calculated previously) of rows before current row
cte_rank AS (
SELECT c1.col, c1.val, sum(c2.range) rank
FROM cte_range c1
JOIN cte_range c2 ON c1.rn >= c2.rn
GROUP BY c1.col, c1.val
-- now we have properly grouped theres total prices, and we can group on it's rank
avg(c1.val) AVG,
SELECT c2.col + ', ' AS 'data()'
FROM cte_rank c2
WHERE c2.rank = c1.rank
ORDER BY c2.val desc
FOR xml path('')
) product,
SELECT cast(c2.val AS nvarchar(MAX)) + ', ' AS 'data()'
FROM cte_rank c2
WHERE c2.rank = c1.rank
ORDER BY c2.desc
FOR xml path('')
) price
FROM cte_rank c1
GROUP BY c1.rank
HAVING count(1) > 2
The result will look like:
28 A, B, C 30, 29, 27
12 D, E, F 15, 12, 10
3 G, H, I 4, 3, 2
for understanding how I did concatenate, please read this:
Concatenate many rows into a single text string?
This query should produce what you expect, it displays products sales for every months for which you have orders :
SELECT CONVERT(CHAR(4), OP.DateOrdered, 100) + CONVERT(CHAR(4), OP.DateOrdered, 120) As Month ,
Product.Name ,
AVG( OP.Quantity * OP.Price ) As Turnover
FROM Order_Product_Mapping OP
INNER JOIN Product ON Product.ID = OP.ProductID
GROUP BY CONVERT(CHAR(4), OP.DateOrdered, 100) + CONVERT(CHAR(4), OP.DateOrdered, 120) ,
Not tested, but if you provide sample data I could work on it
Look like I made things more complicate than it should be.
Here is what should solve the problem:
-Run a query to get sales for each product.
-Run K-mean or some similar algorithms.