Circle Summation (30 Points) InterviewStree Puzzle - puzzle

The following is the problem from Interviewstreet I am not getting any help from their site, so asking a question here. I am not interested in an algorithm/solution, but I did not understand the solution given by them as an example for their second input. Can anybody please help me to understand the second Input and Output as specified in the problem statement.
Circle Summation (30 Points)
There are N children sitting along a circle, numbered 1,2,...,N clockwise. The ith child has a piece of paper with number ai written on it. They play the following game:
In the first round, the child numbered x adds to his number the sum of the numbers of his neighbors.
In the second round, the child next in clockwise order adds to his number the sum of the numbers of his neighbors, and so on.
The game ends after M rounds have been played.
The first line contains T, the number of test cases. T cases follow. The first line for a test case contains two space seperated integers N and M. The next line contains N integers, the ith number being ai.
For each test case, output N lines each having N integers. The jth integer on the ith line contains the number that the jth child ends up with if the game starts with child i playing the first round. Output a blank line after each test case except the last one. Since the numbers can be really huge, output them modulo 1000000007.
1 <= T <= 15
3 <= N <= 50
1 <= M <= 10^9
1 <= ai <= 10^9
Sample Input:
5 1
10 20 30 40 50
3 4
1 2 1
Sample Output:
80 20 30 40 50
10 60 30 40 50
10 20 90 40 50
10 20 30 120 50
10 20 30 40 100
23 7 12
11 21 6
7 13 24

Here is an explanation of the second test case. I will use a notation (a, b, c) meaning that child one has number a, child two has number b and child three has number c. In the beginning, the position is always (1,2,1).
If the first child is the first to sum its neighbours, the table goes through the following situations (I will put an asterisk in front of the child that just added its two neighbouring numbers):
If the second child is the first to move:
And last if the third child is first to move:
And as you notice the output to the second case are exactly the three triples computed that way.
Hope that helps.


No of Passes in a Bubble Sort

For the list of items in an array i.e. {23 , 12, 8, 15, 21}; the number of passes I could see is only 3 contrary to (n-1) passes for n elements. I also see that the (n-1) passes for n elements is also the worst case where all the elements are in descending order. So I have got 2 conclusions and I request you to let me know if my understanding is right wrt the conclusions.
Conclusion 1
(n-1) passes for n elements can occur in the following scenarios:
all elements in the array are in descending order which is the worst case
when it is not the best case(no of passes is 1 for a sorted array)
Conclusion 2
(n-1) passes for n elements is more like a theoretical concept and may not hold true in all cases as in this example {23 , 12, 8, 15, 21}. Here the number of passes are (n-2).
In a classic, one-directional bubble sort, no element is moved more than one position to the “left” (to a smaller index) in a pass. Therefore you must make n-1 passes when (and only when) the smallest element is in the largest position. Example:
12 15 21 23 8 // initial array
12 15 21 8 23 // after pass 1
12 15 8 21 23 // after pass 2
12 8 15 21 23 // after pass 3
8 12 15 21 23 // after pass 4
Let's define L(i) as the number of elements to the left of element i that are larger than element i.
The array is sorted when L(i) = 0 for all i.
A bubble sort pass decreases every non-zero L(i) by one.
Therefore the number of passes required is max(L(0), L(1), ..., L(n-1)). In your example:
23 12 8 15 21 // elements
0 1 2 1 1 // L(i) for each element
The max L(i) is L(2): the element at index 2 is 8 and there are two elements left of 8 that are larger than 8.
The bubble sort process for your example is
23 12 8 15 21 // initial array
12 8 15 21 23 // after pass 1
8 12 15 21 23 // after pass 2
which takes max(L(i)) = L(2) = 2 passes.
For a detailed analysis of bubble sort, see The Art of Computer Programming Volume 3: Sorting and Searching section 5.2.2. In the book, what I called the L(i) function is called the “inversion table” of the array.
re: Conclusion 1
all elements in the array are in descending order which is the worst case
Yep, this is when you'll have to do all (n-1) "passes".
when it is not the best case (no of passes is 1 for a sorted array)
No. When you don't have the best-case, you'll have more than 1 passes. So long as it's not fully sorted, you'll need less than (n-1) passes. So it's somewhere in between
re: Conclusion 2
There's nothing theoretical about it at all. You provide an example of a middle-ground case (not fully reversed, but not fully sorted either), and you end up needing a middle-ground number of passes through it. What's theoretical about it?

SQL Max Consecutive Values in a number set using recursion

The following SQL query is supposed to return the max consecutive numbers in a set.
FROM Mystery m1, Mystery m2
WHERE m2.X = m1.Y + 1)
SELECT MAX(Y-X) + 1 FROM Mystery;
This query on the set {7, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 18} returns 3, because {14 15 16} is the longest chain of consecutive numbers and there are three numbers in that chain. But when I try to work through this manually I don't see how it arrives at that result.
For example, given the number set above I could create two columns:
If we are working on rows and columns, not the actual data, as I understand it WHERE m2.X = m1.Y + 1 takes the value from the next row in Y and puts it in the current row of X, like so
The main part on which I am uncertain is where in the SQL recursion actually happens. According to Denis Lukichev recursion is the R part - or in this case the RECURSIVE Mystery(X,Y) - and stops when the table is empty. But if the above is true, how would the table ever empty?
Since I don't know how to proceed with the above, let me try a different direction. If WHERE m2.X = m1.Y + 1 is actually a comparison, the result should be:
But at this point, it seems that it should continue recursively on this until only two rows are left (nothing else to compare). If it stops here to get the correct count of 3 rows (2 + 1), what is actually stopping the recursion?
I understand that for the above example the MAX(Y-X) + 1 effectively returns the actual number of recursion steps and adds 1.
But if I have 7 consecutive numbers and the recursion flows down to 2 rows, should this not end up with an incorrect 3 as the result? I understand recursion in C++ and other languages, but this is confusing to me.
Full disclosure, yes it appears this is a common university question, but I am retired, discovered this while researching recursion for my use, and need to understand how it works to use similar recursion in my projects.
Based on this db<>fiddle shared previously, you may find it instructive to alter the CTE to include an iteration number as follows, and then to show the content of the CTE rather than the output of final SELECT. Here's an amended CTE and its content after the recursion is complete:
Amended CTE
UNION (SELECT m1.X, m2.A, Z+1
FROM Mystery m1
JOIN R m2 ON m2.A = m1.Y + 1))
CTE Content
The Z field holds the iteration count. Where Z = 1 we've simply got the rows from the table R. The, values X and Y are both from the field A. In terms of what we are attempting to achieve these represent sequences consecutive numbers, which start at X and continue to (at least) Y.
Where Z = 2, the second iteration, we find all the rows first iteration where there is a value in R which is one higher than our Y value, or one higher than the last member of our sequence of consecutive numbers. That becomes the new highest number, and we add one to the number of iterations. As only three numbers in our original data set have successors within the set, there are only three rows output in the second iteration.
Where Z = 3, the third iteration, we find all the rows of the second iteration (note we are not considering all the rows of the first iteration again), where there is, again, a value in R which is one higher than our Y value, or one higher than the last member of our sequence of consecutive numbers. That, again, becomes the new highest number, and we add one to the number of iterations.
The process will attempt a fourth iteration, but as there are no rows in R where the value is one more than the Y values from our third iteration, no extra data gets added to the CTE and recursion ends.
Going back to the original db<>fiddle, the process then searches our CTE content to output MAX(Y-X) + 1, which is the maximum difference between the first and last values in any consecutive sequence, plus one. This finds it's value from the record produced in the third iteration, using ((16-14) + 1) which has a value of 3.
For this specific piece of code, the output is always equivalent to the value in the Z field as every addition of a row through the recursion adds one to Z and adds one to Y.

The King's March

You’re given a chess board with dimension n x n. There’s a king at the bottom right square of the board marked with s. The king needs to reach the top left square marked with e. The rest of the squares are labeled either with an integer p (marking a point) or with x marking an obstacle. Note that the king can move up, left and up-left (diagonal) only. Find the maximum points the king can collect and the number of such paths the king can take in order to do so.
Input Format
The first line of input consists of an integer t. This is the number of test cases. Each test case contains a number n which denotes the size of board. This is followed by n lines each containing n space separated tokens.
Output Format
For each case, print in a separate line the maximum points that can be collected and the number of paths available in order to ensure maximum, both values separated by a space. If e is unreachable from s, print 0 0.
Sample Input
e 2 3
2 x 2
1 2 s
e 1 2
1 x 1
2 1 s
e 1 1
x x x
1 1 s
Sample Output
7 1
4 2
0 0
1 <= t <= 100
2 <= n <= 200
1 <= p <= 9
I think this problem could be solved using dynamic-programing. We could use dp[i,j] to calculate the best number of points you can obtain by going from the right bottom corner to the i,j position. We can calculate dp[i,j], for a valid i,j, based on dp[i+1,j], dp[i,j+1] and dp[i+1,j+1] if this are valid positions(not out of the matrix or marked as x) and adding them the points obtained in the i,j cell. You should start computing from the bottom right corner to the left top, row by row and beginning from the last column.
For the number of ways you can add a new matrix ways and use it to store the number of ways.
This is an example code to show the idea:
dp[i,j] = dp[i+1,j+1] + board[i,j]
ways[i,j] = ways[i+1,j+1]
if dp[i,j] < dp[i+1,j] + board[i,j]:
dp[i,j] = dp[i+1,j] + board[i,j]
ways[i,j] = ways[i+1,j]
elif dp[i,j] == dp[i+1,j] + board[i,j]:
ways[i,j] += ways[i+1,j]
# check for i,j+1
This assuming all positions are valid.
The final result is stored in dp[0,0] and ways[0,0].
Brief Overview:
This problem can be solved through recursive method call, starting from nn till it reaches 00 which is the king's destination.
For the detailed explanation and the solution for this problem,check it out here ->

Split a string to its subwords

Every letter has a value
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
String Length Value Subwords
exampledomain 13 132 #example-domain#example-do-main#
creditcard 10 85 #credit-card#credit-car-d#
Words Length Value
example 7 76
do 2 19
main 4 37
domain 6 56
credit 6 59
card 4 26
car 3 22
d 1 4
TableA has string based over milion rows, and it will be new added 100k rows/daily to tableA.
And also "string" column has no whitespaces
TableB has words based over milion rows,there is every letter and words in 1-2 languages
What i want to do
i want to split strings in TableA to its subwords, as you see in example; "creditcard" i search in TableB all words and try to find which words when comes together matches the string
What i did,and couldnt solve my question
i took the string and JOIN the TableB with INNER JOINS i made 2-3 times INNER JOINS because there can be 3word 4word strings too, and that WORKED!! but it takes too much time even doing it for 100-200 strings. Guess i want to do it for 100k/everyday???
Now what i try to do
i gave values to everyletter as you see above,
Took the strings one by one and from their including letters i count the value of strings..
And the same for the words too in TableB..
Now i have every string in TableA and everyword in TableB with their VALUES..
1- i will take the string,length and value of it (Exmple; creditcard - 10 - 85)
2- and make a search in TableB to find the possible words when they come together, with their SUM(length), and SUM(value) matches the strings length and value, and write theese possibilities to a new column.
At last even their sum of length and sum of values matches each other there can be some posibilities that doesnt match the whole string i will elliminate theese ones (Example; "doma-in" can be "moda-in" too and their lengths and values are same but not same words)
I dont know but,i guess with that value method i can solve the time proplem??? , or if there is another ways to do that, i will be gratefull taking your advices.
You could try to find the solutions recursively by looking always at the next letter. For example for the word DOMAIN
D - no
DO - is a word!
M - no
MA - no
MAI - no
MAIN - is a word!
No more letters --> DO + MAIN
DOM - is a word!
A - no
AI - no
AIN - no
Finished without result
DOMA - no
DOMAI - no
DOMAIN - is a word!
No more letters --> DOMAIN

Understanding The Modulus Operator %

I understand the Modulus operator in terms of the following expression:
7 % 5
This would return 2 due to the fact that 5 goes into 7 once and then gives the 2 that is left over, however my confusion comes when you reverse this statement to read:
5 % 7
This gives me the value of 5 which confuses me slightly. Although the whole of 7 doesn't go into 5, part of it does so why is there either no remainder or a remainder of positive or negative 2?
If it is calculating the value of 5 based on the fact that 7 doesn't go into 5 at all why is the remainder then not 7 instead of 5?
I feel like there is something I'm missing here in my understanding of the modulus operator.
(This explanation is only for positive numbers since it depends on the language otherwise)
The Modulus is the remainder of the euclidean division of one number by another. % is called the modulo operation.
For instance, 9 divided by 4 equals 2 but it remains 1. Here, 9 / 4 = 2 and 9 % 4 = 1.
In your example: 5 divided by 7 gives 0 but it remains 5 (5 % 7 == 5).
The modulo operation can be calculated using this equation:
a % b = a - floor(a / b) * b
floor(a / b) represents the number of times you can divide a by b
floor(a / b) * b is the amount that was successfully shared entirely
The total (a) minus what was shared equals the remainder of the division
Applied to the last example, this gives:
5 % 7 = 5 - floor(5 / 7) * 7 = 5
Modular Arithmetic
That said, your intuition was that it could be -2 and not 5. Actually, in modular arithmetic, -2 = 5 (mod 7) because it exists k in Z such that 7k - 2 = 5.
You may not have learned modular arithmetic, but you have probably used angles and know that -90° is the same as 270° because it is modulo 360. It's similar, it wraps! So take a circle, and say that its perimeter is 7. Then you read where is 5. And if you try with 10, it should be at 3 because 10 % 7 is 3.
Two Steps Solution.
Some of the answers here are complicated for me to understand. I will try to add one more answer in an attempt to simplify the way how to look at this.
Short Answer:
Example 1:
7 % 5 = 2
Each person should get one pizza slice.
Divide 7 slices on 5 people and every one of the 5 people will get one pizza slice and we will end up with 2 slices (remaining). 7 % 5 equals 2 is because 7 is larger than 5.
Example 2:
5 % 7 = 5
Each person should get one pizza slice
It gives 5 because 5 is less than 7. So by definition, you cannot divide whole 5items on 7 people. So the division doesn't take place at all and you end up with the same amount you started with which is 5.
Programmatic Answer:
The process is basically to ask two questions:
Example A: (7 % 5)
(Q.1) What number to multiply 5 in order to get 7?
Two Conditions: Multiplier starts from `0`. Output result should not exceed `7`.
Let's try:
Multiplier is zero 0 so, 0 x 5 = 0
Still, we are short so we add one (+1) to multiplier.
1 so, 1 x 5 = 5
We did not get 7 yet, so we add one (+1).
2 so, 2 x 5 = 10
Now we exceeded 7. So 2 is not the correct multiplier.
Let's go back one step (where we used 1) and hold in mind the result which is5. Number 5 is the key here.
(Q.2) How much do we need to add to the 5 (the number we just got from step 1) to get 7?
We deduct the two numbers: 7-5 = 2.
So the answer for: 7 % 5 is 2;
Example B: (5 % 7)
1- What number we use to multiply 7 in order to get 5?
Two Conditions: Multiplier starts from `0`. Output result and should not exceed `5`.
Let's try:
0 so, 0 x 7 = 0
We did not get 5 yet, let's try a higher number.
1 so, 1 x 7 = 7
Oh no, we exceeded 5, let's get back to the previous step where we used 0 and got the result 0.
2- How much we need to add to 0 (the number we just got from step 1) in order to reach the value of the number on the left 5?
It's clear that the number is 5. 5-0 = 5
5 % 7 = 5
Hope that helps.
As others have pointed out modulus is based on remainder system.
I think an easier way to think about modulus is what remains after a dividend (number to be divided) has been fully divided by a divisor. So if we think about 5%7, when you divide 5 by 7, 7 can go into 5 only 0 times and when you subtract 0 (7*0) from 5 (just like we learnt back in elementary school), then the remainder would be 5 ( the mod). See the illustration below.
7) 5
With the same logic, -5 mod 7 will be -5 ( only 0 7s can go in -5 and -5-0*7 = -5). With the same token -5 mod -7 will also be -5.
A few more interesting cases:
5 mod (-3) = 2 i.e. 5 - (-3*-1)
(-5) mod (-3) = -2 i.e. -5 - (-3*1) = -5+3
It's just about the remainders. Let me show you how
10 % 5=0
9 % 5=4 (because the remainder of 9 when divided by 5 is 4)
8 % 5=3
7 % 5=2
6 % 5=1
5 % 5=0 (because it is fully divisible by 5)
Now we should remember one thing, mod means remainder so
4 % 5=4
but why 4?
because 5 X 0 = 0
so 0 is the nearest multiple which is less than 4
hence 4-0=4
modulus is remainders system.
So 7 % 5 = 2.
5 % 7 = 5
3 % 7 = 3
2 % 7 = 2
1 % 7 = 1
When used inside a function to determine the array index. Is it safe programming ? That is a different question. I guess.
Step 1 : 5/7 = 0.71
Step 2 : Take the left side of the decimal , so we take 0 from 0.71 and multiply by 7
0*7 = 0;
Step # : 5-0 = 5 ; Therefore , 5%7 =5
Modulus operator gives you the result in 'reduced residue system'. For example for mod 5 there are 5 integers counted: 0,1,2,3,4. In fact 19=12=5=-2=-9 (mod 7). The main difference that the answer is given by programming languages by 'reduced residue system'.
lets put it in this way:
actually Modulus operator does the same division but it does not care about the answer , it DOES CARE ABOUT reminder for example if you divide 7 to 5 ,
so , lets me take you through a simple example:
think 5 is a block, then for example we going to have 3 blocks in 15 (WITH Nothing Left) , but when that loginc comes to this kinda numbers {1,3,5,7,9,11,...} , here is where the Modulus comes out , so take that logic that i said before and apply it for 7 , so the answer gonna be that we have 1 block of 5 in 7 => with 2 reminds in our hand! that is the modulus!!!
but you were asking about 5 % 7 , right ?
so take the logic that i said , how many 7 blocks do we have in 5 ???? 0
so the modulus returns 0...
that's it ...
A novel way to find out the remainder is given below
Statement : Remainder is always constant
ex : 26 divided by 7 gives R : 5
This can be found out easily by finding the number that completely divides 26 which is closer to the
divisor and taking the difference of the both
13 is the next number after 7 that completely divides 26 because after 7 comes 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 where none of them divides 26 completely and give remainder 0.
So 13 is the closest number to 7 which divides to give remainder 0.
Now take the difference (13 ~ 7) = 5 which is the temainder.
Note: for this to work divisor should be reduced to its simplest form ex: if 14 is the divisor, 7 has to be chosen to find the closest number dividing the dividend.
As you say, the % sign is used to take the modulus (division remainder).
In w3schools' JavaScript Arithmetic page we can read in the Remainder section what I think to be a great explanation
In arithmetic, the division of two integers produces a quotient and a
In mathematics, the result of a modulo operation is the
remainder of an arithmetic division.
So, in your specific case, when you try to divide 7 bananas into a group of 5 bananas, you're able to create 1 group of 5 (quotient) and you'll be left with 2 bananas (remainder).
If 5 bananas into a group of 7, you won't be able to and so you're left with again the 5 bananas (remainder).