create week function, but instead of Sunday start day of the week, Monday - sql

Anyone know of a script, that creates a week table, that is based on Monday as the start day of the week and not Sunday? For MS SQL

You can adjust the way SQL Server sets the first day of the week using if that helps?

Basically this is putting every sunday to the week before, with week=0->week=52


SQL if last day of pervious month has value change the beginning date of next month to start from that day

Need help with this sql code, I would like to roll back start day of new month if last day of pervious month has values.
I would suggest nesting EOMONTH() in an IF statement.
Not sure what table(s) you're working with, but general layout would be:
IF(MAX(date_column) = EOMONTH(MAX(date_column), MAX(date_column), new_date)
Reference for EOMONTH():

How to add/subtract weeks to the third day of the week?

I'm trying to figure out how to translate this line of PROC SQL code into Snowflake SQL but haven't found a way yet.
%LET last_post_dt = %SYSFUNC(INTNX(WEEK.3,%SYSFUNC(TODAY(),),-2,B),DATE9.);
Basically, its subtracting 2 weeks from the third day of the current week (monday = 1).
I've tried altering the session by using WEEK_START and other functions such as DATEADD, but haven't been able to solve this.
Thanks in advance!
You can use date_trun() to get whatever today is to a Monday. Then add 2 for 3rd day of the week, and then subtract 2 weeks from that.
SELECT DATE_TRUNC('week',current_date()) as week_start,
DATEADD('day',2,week_start) as week_3rd_day,
DATEADD('week',-2,week_3rd_day) as weeks_ago,
DATEADD('week',-2,DATEADD('day',2,DATE_TRUNC('week',current_date()))) as all_in_one_line_date

Amazon Redshift- How to get start date of the Week from existing daily date field from the table?

I am trying to get start date of the week from existing daily date field from the same table. For example daily dates from 05/08/2022 to 05/14/2022 , the start of the week date output need to come as 05/08/2022 for all days in the week. week start on Sunday.
Also similar thing require to first date of the Month and quarter(3 month division)
The date_trunc() function performs this operation -

Hive - Query to get Saturday as week start date for a given date

I have an requirement in hive to calculate Saturday as week start date for a given date in hive sql.
Date week_start
03-27-2021 03-27-2021
03-28-2021 03-27-2021
03-31-2021 03-27-2021
04-07-2021 O4-03-2021
04-09-2021. 04-03-2021
I tried using pmod and other date functions but not getting desired output. Any insight is much appreciated.
Hive offers next_day(), which can be adapted for this purpose. I think the logic you want is:
select date_add(next_day(date, 'SAT'), -7)
This is a little arcane. next_day() gets the next date after the argument date with a given day of the week. So, go to the next Saturday and then subtract 7 days for the start of the week.

How can I Format the Date so that the fiscal week starts in December?

I want to format a date as follows: Y17W15, but there is no option to set the start of the year. However, there is no consistent way of calculating this. I cannot just subtract a month (other times I will need to show the month too), and I cannot just add 4 or 5 to the week field due to leap years, etc.
Our year starts on a Saturday that is closest to December 1. This means if November 30 is on a Saturday, the Fiscal Year will start on November 30.
Currently what I have is below, which works fine except it shows Y17W10. The easiest option in my head is to have a way to actually set the start of a fiscal year, but if I have to go through a bunch of if statements it's okay as long as it works.
MsgBox(Format(Now, """Y""yy""W""mm"""))
Thanks for your time!
I am aware that: Given a 4-5-4 calendar and a date, how do I determine what fiscal week that date falls in? exists but I am looking for an answer that isn't as hard-coded.