Get text from a single element of the etree in XML - lxml

The code below works fine, but isn't there any pythonic way to get the same functionality?
I just want to parse XML and get text from several elements (name, name_status, url).
from lxml import etree
from urllib2 import urlopen
def ask_CoL(url):
tree = etree.parse(urlopen(url))
tn=[ el.get('total_number_of_results') for el in tree.iter('results') ]
nr = int(tn[0])
except ValueError:
nr = 0
if nr == 1:
newstr = str([ el.text for el in tree.getiterator(tag='name')])\
+str([ el.text for el in tree.getiterator(tag='name_status')])\
+str([ el.text for el in tree.getiterator(tag='url')])\
newstr = 'NA\n'
return newstr
example XML:
<results id="" name="Theragra chalcogramma" total_number_of_results="1" number_of_results_returned="1" start="0" error_message="" version="1.6 rev 1152">
<name>Theragra chalcogramma</name>
<name_status>accepted name</name_status>
<name_html><i>Theragra chalcogramma</i> (Pallas, 1814)</name_html>

You could simplify both interface and implementation:
import urllib2
from xml.etree import cElementTree as etree
def f(url):
tree = etree.parse(urllib2.urlopen(url))
el = tree.find('results')
if el is not None:
lst = [el.findtext(tag) or '' for tag in "name name_status url".split()]
return ','.join(lst)


Using BeautifulSoup to exploit a URL and its dependent pages and store results in csv?

This code does not crash, which is good. However, it generates and empty icao_publications.csv f. I want to populate icao_publications.csv with all record on all the pages from the URL and capture all the pages. The dataset should be about 10,000 rows or their about in all.
I want to get these 10,000 or so rows in the csv file.
import requests, csv
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
url = ''
with open('Test1_Aircraft_Type_Designators.csv', "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
writer.writerow(["Manufacturers", "Model", "Type_Designator", "Description", "Engine_Type", "Engine_Count", "WTC"])
while True:
html = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(html.text, 'html.parser')
for row in'table tbody tr'):
writer.writerow([c.text if c.text else '' for c in'td')])
if soup.select_one(' + li a'):
url = soup.select_one(' + li a')['href']
Here you go:
import requests
import pandas as pd
url = ''
resp =
df = pd.DataFrame(resp)
print('Saved to aircraft.csv')

How to merge same consecutive entity types using Spacy

this is sample example, which uses entity_ruler to create patterns. but I want to merge same consecutive entity types into one entity and token
import spacy
from spacy.pipeline import EntityRuler
from spacy.util import filter_spans
ent_list_sample = ["brain", "ischimia", "heart failufe", "parenchyma"]
print("Adding patterns to EntityRuler:\n-----------")
patterns = []
for concept in ent_list_sample:
doc = nlp.make_doc(concept)
if len(doc) > 1:
patterns.append({"label": "SCI", "pattern":[{"LOWER":term.text.lower()} for term in doc]})
patterns.append({"label": "SCI", "pattern":doc.text.lower()})
ruler = EntityRuler(nlp)
doc = nlp("It has a brain and also might have brain parenchyma ")
output: (brain, brain, parenchyma)
expected: (brain, brain parenchyma)
PS: how we can reach expected output without adding extra pattern for "brain parenchyma"
import spacy
from spacy.language import Language
from spacy.tokens import Span
from spacy.pipeline import EntityRuler
from spacy.util import filter_spans
from spacy.pipeline import merge_entities
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
ent_list_sample = ['algorithm', 'data', 'engineering', 'software']
patterns = []
for concept in ent_list_sample:
doc = nlp.make_doc(concept)
if len(doc) > 1:
patterns.append({"label": "SCI", "pattern":[{"LOWER":term.text.lower()} for term in doc]})
patterns.append({"label": "SCI", "pattern":doc.text.lower()})
ent_list_sample1 = ["brain", "ischimia", "heart failufe", "parenchyma"]
patterns1 = []
for concept in ent_list_sample1:
doc = nlp.make_doc(concept)
if len(doc) > 1:
patterns1.append({"label": "HE", "pattern":[{"LOWER":term.text.lower()} for term in doc]})
patterns1.append({"label": "HE", "pattern":doc.text.lower()})
ruler = EntityRuler(nlp)
nlp.add_pipe(ruler, before="ner")
class EntityRetokenizeComponent:
def __init__(self, nlp):
def __call__(self, doc):
new_ents = []
for ent in doc.ents:
if ent.label_ == doc[ent.start - 1].ent_type_ and ent.start != 0:
new_ent = Span(doc, ent.start - 1, ent.end, label=ent.label)
doc.ents =filter_spans(new_ents+ list(doc.ents))
return doc
retokenizer = EntityRetokenizeComponent(nlp)
nlp.add_pipe(retokenizer, name='merge_phrases', last=True)
nlp.add_pipe(merge_entities, last=True)
doc = nlp("I love Ann is good as well data software is good for brain parenchyma and Apple is good company")
print([(ent.text, ent.label_) for ent in doc.ents])
This gave me desired output I wanted to get:
[('Ann', 'PERSON'), ('data software', 'SCI'), ('brain parenchyma', 'HE'), ('Apple', 'ORG')]

Read XML file to Pandas DataFrame [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to convert an XML file to nice pandas dataframe?
(5 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
Can someone please help convert the following XML file to Pandas dataframe:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<bathrooms type="dict">
<n35237 type="number">1.0</n35237>
<n32238 type="number">3.0</n32238>
<n44699 type="number">nan</n44699>
<price type="dict">
<n35237 type="number">7020000.0</n35237>
<n32238 type="number">10000000.0</n32238>
<n44699 type="number">4128000.0</n44699>
<property_id type="dict">
<n35237 type="number">35237.0</n35237>
<n32238 type="number">32238.0</n32238>
<n44699 type="number">44699.0</n44699>
It should look like this --
This is the code I have written:-
import pandas as pd
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
tree = ET.parse('real_state.xml')
root = tree.getroot()
dfcols = ['property_id', 'price', 'bathrooms']
df_xml = pd.DataFrame(columns=dfcols)
for node in root:
property_id = node.attrib.get('property_id')
price = node.attrib.get('price')
bathrooms = node.attrib.get('bathrooms')
df_xml = df_xml.append(
pd.Series([property_id, price, bathrooms], index=dfcols),
I am getting None everywhere, instead of the actual values. Can someone please tell how it can be fixed. Thanks!
if the data is simple, like this, then you can do something like:
from lxml import objectify
xml = objectify.parse('Document1.xml')
root = xml.getroot()
bathrooms = [child.text for child in root['bathrooms'].getchildren()]
price = [child.text for child in root['price'].getchildren()]
property_id = [child.text for child in root['property_id'].getchildren()]
data = [bathrooms, price, property_id]
df = pd.DataFrame(data).T
df.columns = ['bathrooms', 'price', 'property_id']
bathrooms price property_id
0 1.0 7020000.0 35237.0
1 3.0 10000000.0 32238.0
2 nan 4128000.0 44699.0
if it is more complex then a loop is better. You can do something like
from lxml import objectify
xml = objectify.parse('Document1.xml')
root = xml.getroot()
for i in range(len(root.getchildren())):
data.append([child.text for child in root.getchildren()[i].getchildren()])
df = pd.DataFrame(data).T
df.columns = ['bathrooms', 'price', 'property_id']
I have had success using this function from the xmltodict package:
import xmltodict
xmlDict = xmltodict.parse(xmlData)
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(xmlDict)
What I like about this, is I can easily do some dictionary manipulation in between parsing the xml and making my df. Also, it helps to explore the data as a dict if the structure is wily.
Hello all I found another really easily way to solve those question.
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import pandas as pd
import codecs
## open notebook and save your xml file to text.xml
with'text.xml', 'r', encoding='utf8') as f:
tt =
def xml2df(xml_data):
root = ET.XML(xml_data)
all_records = []
for i, child in enumerate(root):
record = {}
for sub_child in child:
record[sub_child.tag] = sub_child.text
return pd.DataFrame(all_records)
df_xml1 = xml2df(tt)
for better understanding of ET you can use underneath code to see what in side of your xml
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import pandas as pd
import codecs
with'text.xml', 'r', encoding='utf8') as f:
tt =
root = ET.XML(tt)
for ele in root[0]:
print(ele.tag + '////' + ele.text)
Once you finish running the program you can see the output underneath:
C:\Users\username\Documents\pycode\Scripts\python.exe C:/Users/username/PycharmProjects/DestinationLight/
n35237 n32238 n44699
0 1.0 3.0 nan
1 7020000.0 10000000.0 4128000.0
2 35237.0 32238.0 44699.0
<class 'xml.etree.ElementTree.Element'>
<Element 'bathrooms' at 0x00000285006B6180>
Process finished with exit code 0

Not scraping xpath correctly

I'm trying to use the following xpath for this page but it is not loading correctly.
groups = ".//*[contains(#class, 'sl-CouponParticipantWithBookCloses_Name ')]"
xp_bp1 = ".//following::div[contains(#class,'sl-MarketCouponValuesExplicit33')][./div[contains(#class,'gl-MarketColumnHeader')][.='1']]//span[#class='gl-ParticipantOddsOnly_Odds']"
The output currently is..
[['3.00'], ['3.00'], ['3.00'] etc,,
[['3.00'], ['1.30'], ['1.25'] etc,,
Data I am after
import csv
import time
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.common.exceptions import TimeoutException, NoSuchElementException
driver = webdriver.Chrome()
driver.set_window_size(1024, 600)
groups = ".//*[contains(#class, 'sl-CouponParticipantWithBookCloses_Name ')]"
#//div[contains(#class, 'gl-ParticipantOddsOnlyDarker gl-ParticipantOddsOnly gl-Participant_General sl-MarketCouponAdvancedBase_LastChild ')]
xp_bp1 = ".//following::div[contains(#class,'sl-MarketCouponValuesExplicit33')][./div[contains(#class,'gl-MarketColumnHeader')][.='1']]//span[#class='gl-ParticipantOddsOnly_Odds']"
while True:
data = []
for elem in driver.find_elements_by_xpath(groups):
bp1 = elem.find_element_by_xpath(xp_bp1).text
bp1 = None
url1 = driver.current_url
url1 = driver.current_url
with open('test.csv', 'a', newline='', encoding="utf-8") as outfile:
writer = csv.writer(outfile)
for row in data:
writer.writerow(row + [url1])
except TimeoutException as ex:
except NoSuchElementException as ex:

Concatenate Data From URLS Recursively Inside one DataFrame

I'm trying to create one dataframe with data from multiple urls I'm scraping. The code works however I'm unable to store the data in one DataFrame recursively. The DataFrame (called frame) is replaced with a new url's data each time rather than having the new data concatenated to the same frame. Thank you, I deeply appreciate your help!
import urllib
import re
import json
import pandas
import pylab
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot
from pandas import *
from pylab import *
from threading import Thread
import sqlite3
urls = ['' , '', '' , '', '' , '' , '']
regex = '<p class="commentText">(.+?)</p>'
regex2 = '<strong>Easiness</strong><span>(.+?)</span></p>'
regex3 = 'Helpfulness</strong><span>(.+?)</span></p>'
regex4 = 'Clarity</strong><span>(.+?)</span></p>'
regex5 = 'Rater Interest</strong><span>(.+?)</span></p>'
regex6 = '<div class="date">(.+?)</div>'
regex7 = '<div class="class"><p style="word-wrap:break-word;">(.+?)</p>'
regex8 = '<meta name="prof_name" content="(.+?)"/>'
pattern = re.compile(regex)
easiness = re.compile(regex2)
helpfulness = re.compile(regex3)
clarity = re.compile(regex4)
interest = re.compile(regex5)
date = re.compile(regex6)
mathclass = re.compile(regex7)
prof_name = re.compile(regex8)
while i < len(urls):
htmlfile = urllib.urlopen(urls[i])
htmltext =
content = re.findall(pattern,htmltext)
Easiness = re.findall(easiness,htmltext)
Helpfulness = re.findall(helpfulness, htmltext)
Clarity = re.findall(clarity, htmltext)
Interest = re.findall(interest, htmltext)
Date = re.findall(date, htmltext)
Class = re.findall(mathclass, htmltext)
PROFNAME=re.findall(prof_name, htmltext)
frame = DataFrame({'Comments': content, 'Easiness': Easiness, 'Helpfulness': Helpfulness,
'Clarity': Clarity, 'Rater Interest': Interest, 'Class': Class,
'Date': Date[1:len(Date)], 'Professor': PROFNAME[0]})
print frame
Use pd.concat:
frames = []
while i < len(urls):
htmlfile = urllib.urlopen(urls[i])
htmltext =
content = re.findall(pattern,htmltext)
Easiness = re.findall(easiness,htmltext)
Helpfulness = re.findall(helpfulness, htmltext)
Clarity = re.findall(clarity, htmltext)
Interest = re.findall(interest, htmltext)
Date = re.findall(date, htmltext)
Class = re.findall(mathclass, htmltext)
PROFNAME=re.findall(prof_name, htmltext)
frames.append(DataFrame({'Comments': content, 'Easiness': Easiness, 'Helpfulness': Helpfulness,
'Clarity': Clarity, 'Rater Interest': Interest, 'Class': Class,
'Date': Date[1:len(Date)], 'Professor': PROFNAME[0]}))
You are overwriting your frame with each iteration of the loop. As Phillip Cloud suggested, you can make a list of frames that you append with each loop. I simplified your code differently, but I think this gives you what you want.
import urllib
import re
import pandas as pd
urls = ['',
regex = {'pattern' : re.compile('<p class="commentText">(.+?)</p>'),
'easiness' : re.compile('<strong>Easiness</strong><span>(.+?)</span></p>'),
'helpfulness' : re.compile('Helpfulness</strong><span>(.+?)</span></p>'),
'clarity' : re.compile('Clarity</strong><span>(.+?)</span></p>'),
'interest' : re.compile('Rater Interest</strong><span>(.+?)</span></p>'),
'date' : re.compile('<div class="date">(.+?)</div>'),
'mathclass' : re.compile('<div class="class"><p style="word-wrap:break-word;">(.+?)</p>'),
'prof_name' : re.compile('<meta name="prof_name" content="(.+?)"/>')}
# Make a dictionary with empty lists using the same keys
d = {}
for k in regex.keys():
d[k] = []
# Now fill those lists
for url in urls:
htmlfile = urllib.urlopen(url)
htmltext =
for k, v in regex.iteritems():
d[k].append(re.findall(v, htmltext))
frame = pd.DataFrame(d) # Dump the dict into a DataFrame
print frame