I am using the "Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Browser Control Type Library 1.0" control to view PDF's in my vb.net application. I want it to show just the PDF with no menus and toolbars. I have used the following code:
AxAcroPDF1.src = "C:\ShippingForm.pdf"
I am still getting the Navigation Panel on the left side of the panel. Does anybody have information on which method would disable this or maybe a list of all the methods? A google search didn't get me anywhere.
I believe that you need:
This turns off thumbnails and bookmarks.
There is a decent reference document located here.
When I open a certain pdf file on SharePoint, I wish to see the Bookmarks Navigation tab open by default. I can do this manually by File > Properties > initial View and changing the Navigation tab to "Bookmarks Panel and Page".
I need to do this with hundreds of pdf files and then upload them to SharePoint.
I am using VBA. I don't mind using other forms of automation.
Currently, I have AVDoc (CAcroAVDoc) and can open the Bookmarks Pane but it's not changed in the settings.
AVDoc.SetViewMode 3
I tried PDDoc.SetInfo etc but nothings changing the "settings".
Any suggestion will be appreciated.
I am running a lot of code in Excel VBA, that does a lot of pdf manipulation. The only thing that remains is to change the settings.
With Acrobat as the runtime, there is no scriptable interface to the initial view settings. However, you can easily use any of several .NET PDF libraries to make this change. A Google search for ".NET PDF Library" will yield both free and commercial varieties. You'll need to research which one is best for your task and skill set.
I want to extract the coordinates of a PDF document with the help of a mouse click. I have gone through some posts but since I'm new to this, I'm not being able to understand it properly. Also, can this be done if I render the PDF file in a web page?
You can add javascript to a pdf document. Although you only get access to a limited subset of the language.
If you only need the coordinates once (for instance when doing layout of the document), you can simply open it with adobe and activate the rulers/grid option to see where your mousepointer is currently located.
I am generating a PDF document and displaying it in a Web browser (current version of IE is most important target). I want to suppress the floating toolbar (see below) that appears and disappears depending on mouse movement.
Is there a way to suppress this? I can control the PDF document (it's built using itextpdf), as well as the Url.
I think that is the preference of the user.
What you can do is to add #toolbar=0 to the end of the URL.
For example,
Something you might want to do is:
<embed src="MyFile.pdf#toolbar=0&scrollbar=0&navpanes=1" width="530" height="300" />
For details of parameters, please visit PDF Open Parameters.
What you're looking for isn't possible.
Read the answer by Leonard Rosenthol (Adobe's PDF architect) on the iText mailing list: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.java.lib.itext.general/55112/focus=55120
Since version X of Adobe Reader, there is a new mode called "Read Mode",
which is the default viewing mode when you open a PDF in a web browser.
In "Read Mode" you can find a semi-transparent floating toolbar containing
basic reading controls, such as page navigation, print and zoom.
Unchecking "Display in Read Mode by Default" can be done from Edit > Preferences > Internet
in Adobe Reader X but it there is no way to disable "read mode" programmatically.
This the way:
You are welcome...
I've worked on a requirement that allows me to show a PDF file inside a browser by doingo a Response.ContentType = "application/pdf".
The problem is that the default view of the PDF is always showing the bookmarks menu at the left, is there a way by using HTTP headers or something to tell the PDF viewer not to show the bookmarks section?
Thanks in advance.
There's two ways that you can do it. The way that I would recommend is to actually open the PDF in Adobe Acrobat and go to File, Properties. On the Initial View tab you'll see a lot of options for how to display the PDF. The second way I haven't tested but Adobe says you can pass various querystring options to the PDF. The one you'd probably want is http://example.org/doc.pdf#pagemode=none
The way how a PDF document is displayed can be configured inside the PDF document.
There are a lot of PDF editors that can modify the "viewer preferences" as it is mostly called. One free example is BeCyPDFMetaEdit.
We have a downloadable PDF file which looks great at 72% magnification in Adobe Reader and not so good at 101%. When downloaded and opened in the reader, its default magnification is 101%.
Is there a way to define the default magnification in the PDF file itself so that we ensure the best user experience?
Thank you!
If you can control the URL used to download, you can put parameters in the URL to control how the built-in reader will display the file.
For example, http://example.org/doc.pdf#zoom=50 will set the magnification to 50%.
See: https://www.evermap.com/AutoBookmark/Manual/OpenParameters.htm
The above applies to the built-in reader supplied by Adobe. Other readers may not honor the parameters. In particular, see the answer to this question regarding Chrome.
An example of how to define magnification when opening a file (regardless of the default one):
AcroRd32 /A "zoom=50=OpenActions" sh.pdf
First, this is a programming website, so you should identify a programming context. This question will probably be closed because it belongs on the soon to be launched serverfault.com
To set the default magnification, you need Adobe Acrobat Standard or Professional not Reader to have the ability to edit pdfs. Then when you open the document, click File | Properties. Click the Initial View tab and enter 72% in the magnification text box and click ok. Save your pdf and reopen it. It should default to 72% magnification when it is opened.
Note: I am unsure if other open source pdf editors provide this type of functionality.
Update: Standard doesn't work for saving magnifications.
For Adobe Standard, go to "Edit" then "Preferences."
When you click on the "Page Display" tab on the left, you'll see a panel with a field called "Zoom," where you can select a percentage from a drop-down menu.
If the above suggestions are not working it may be because the bookmarks can contain zoom instructions in their properties. To look at the bookmark properties select a bookmark in the bookmark panel and right click it to open properties. Choose actions. There should be a description of actions that will be applied when clicking on the bookmark.
The best solution I have found is that you can add a subsequent property for zoom instructions that will execute following the initial one, and set the page zoom to your specifications. To do this, select all of the bookmarks, right click to open properties, then actions, then choose the add function. After choosing add, find the zoom instruction that is the best fit for what you are looking for.
If you want to edit the initial zoom instruction through the edit function in bookmark properties on all bookmarks, you cannot select all, because, although the zoom will be set correctly, every bookmark will be set to one bookmark page. If you wish to edit the properties this way you must edit each, one by one.