QuickLook Preview Panel - objective-c

I'm looking for some examples on how to use the QuickLook preview feature. I have an URL for a file on the hard drive and want to achieve the same functionality as pressing the 'Space' key in finder on a file or folder and get a preview windows on top of all windows.
From what i've read in the quickLook API, QLPreviewRequest returns a preview of the file.
Now the question raises, do i have to design my own window/panel for presenting the preview in or is there a way to do that automatically ?

The QLPreviewRequest stuff is for writing a QuickLook plug-in. To present a QuickLook panel from an app, look at the QLPreviewPanel class.


How to embed PDF viewer in DSPACE

How can I embed PDF viewer in my DSPACE instance. I have tried many solution but nothing works. There are many suggestion on DSPACE official site
No soluton has a documnetation how to configure these viewer in dspace code.
I want a step wise soultion for embeding PDF Viewer. Please help me out of this problem. Thanks in advance.
I have researched through these site -
It depends which version and which UI of DSpace you are using. I will describe roughly what we did to embed PDF.js into DSpace 6.3 JSPUI. We released all necessary code changes on github, so please take a look over there for details.
DSpace uses maven overlays to separate local code changes from the officially released code. Therefore, I will use paths within these overlays in the following description. If files that we changed do not exists within your local code repository, you have to copy them from there original location within [dspace-source]/dspace-jspui/src/main. It should also work if you do the code changes directly there, but I would consider that bad practice.
We added PDF.js and all files it needs to dspace/modules/jspui/src/main/webapp/static/pdfjs. We then changed dspace/modules/jspui/src/main/java/org/dspace/app/webui/jsptag/ItemTag.java. This class builds the item view. While I wish there would be a better separation of concerns, some HTML code is generated by this class, including the section of the item view that list all bitstreams. For every file that is listed, we check if its mime type is set to application/pdf and add a "preview" button for those files. The preview button links to the html site that renders the pdf viewer and loads the targeted file. We also added an attribute "download" to the default "Open/View" button, to ensure that it does not start another PDF viewer of the browser, but downloads the file. This is important to have one button called "preview" that opens the embeded PDF viewer and one button "download" that downloads the file to the user's computer. You can change the name of the button from "open/view" into "download" in the DSpace's message catalog. Last but not least we added JavaScript to dspace/modules/jpsui/src/main/webapp/display-item.jsp. The JavaScript suppress that the PDF viewer is loaded as a normal site, but loads it as an overlay over the item view, using JQuery UI. Then we wrote a small CSS file that helps us to position that overlay within the item view and referenced that file in dspace/modules/jspui/src/main/webapp/layout/header-default.jsp.
As mentioned above all these changes are published as open source under the DSpace Source Code BSD License on github.

PDF - Open Bookmarks Panel when pdf opens

When I open a certain pdf file on SharePoint, I wish to see the Bookmarks Navigation tab open by default. I can do this manually by File > Properties > initial View and changing the Navigation tab to "Bookmarks Panel and Page".
I need to do this with hundreds of pdf files and then upload them to SharePoint.
I am using VBA. I don't mind using other forms of automation.
Currently, I have AVDoc (CAcroAVDoc) and can open the Bookmarks Pane but it's not changed in the settings.
AVDoc.SetViewMode 3
I tried PDDoc.SetInfo etc but nothings changing the "settings".
Any suggestion will be appreciated.
I am running a lot of code in Excel VBA, that does a lot of pdf manipulation. The only thing that remains is to change the settings.
With Acrobat as the runtime, there is no scriptable interface to the initial view settings. However, you can easily use any of several .NET PDF libraries to make this change. A Google search for ".NET PDF Library" will yield both free and commercial varieties. You'll need to research which one is best for your task and skill set.

Use leaflets over pdf files using angularjs

I am trying to do something like this
Currently I am using background image and angular-leaflets tool for the click and comment.
I am trying to find out a way where I can have pdf file actually rendering on browsers, and able to click on different section of pdf file, have popover and enter comment about that section.
This is similar to what https://app.fieldlens.com/ and www.plangrid.com is doing.
is there something available in angularjs or any other solution is appreciated.

How can i Load and save pdf on iPhone simulator 5.0

Like in iPhone simulator we can drag and drop an image and store it in photo library by double clicking and saving. How can we store pdf formatted files in iPhone simulator version 5.0 specifically.
I can't speak for iOS simulator v5 but in 7.1 you can simply drag your PDF to an open simulator. The PDF will open in safari where you can either save it your home screen or bookmark it. Alternatively, you could type the file path into the URL bar ala:
What you want is in the NSFileManager APIs. "… from library or something like that" is too vague - where exactly will the PDF come from? Did your application download it? Are you saving it correctly to your own application's sandbox (i.e., in the Documents directory)? iPhoto Library does not handle PDFs (only images), so for PDFs (and all other non-picture types) you have to handle storing/finding it yourself.

Hiding Adobe Toolbars, menubars, scrollbar, etc

I am using the "Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Browser Control Type Library 1.0" control to view PDF's in my vb.net application. I want it to show just the PDF with no menus and toolbars. I have used the following code:
AxAcroPDF1.src = "C:\ShippingForm.pdf"
I am still getting the Navigation Panel on the left side of the panel. Does anybody have information on which method would disable this or maybe a list of all the methods? A google search didn't get me anywhere.
I believe that you need:
This turns off thumbnails and bookmarks.
There is a decent reference document located here.