Remember sudo password in shellscript - passwords

I want to make a shellscript to install Wine on a Mac
and i want the user to enter his/her password so the script can use it later on to make the installation unattended by automatically entering the password on "sudo" commands. This is what i got for now:
echo Wine Installer v1.0
echo -------------------
echo by Sydcul
sleep 4
echo "Please enter your OS X user password."
echo "It is needed in some parts of the installation."
echo "Wine installation starting."
echo "Please do not shut down your system."
mkdir winetmp
cd winetmp
curl -O
tar xjvf MacPorts-2.0.3.tar.bz2
cd MacPorts-2.0.3
echo $PASSWORD | ./configure && make && sudo make install
echo $PASSWORD | sudo port -v selfupdate
echo $PASSWORD | sudo port -v install xorg
echo $PASSWORD | sudo port -v install wine
rm -rf ~/winetmp
echo "Wine is successfully installed and ready for use!"
But at a certain point is still asks for the password.
How can i fix this?

Honestly, I would drop all that $PASSWORD stuff and remove the sudo from all your commands. You are writing an installation script, which should be run with elevated privileges. Have your users execute your script with sudo ./, and then run the commands in the script without sudo. All your port -v stuff will inherit the elevated privileges.
If you'd like to offer your user a nice error message if they forget to run the script with sudo (rather than just having your first call to port fail cryptically), you could check to see if the effective user ID ($EUID) is 0, and print the error message and exit otherwise. See

You can prompt the user for the password for the first time and then save it in a file (and don't forget to encrypt it).
The next time when you need it you can easily read it from the same file and store it in a variable and then use this command
echo $variablename | sudo -S command

Actually I think sudo doesn't accept password from stdin (you need to specify -S parameter to enable this).
As workaround you can execute sudo su to gain root privileges for all commands.
UPD: I'm not recommend to save password to file cause it is very bad solution from security point.
UPD2: You forget about Xcode, if it is not installed this script fails on compile stage :)

Why don't you just use the custom prompt option for sudo, and let it ask for the password if it needs it?
You start by checking if they're already root or not like this:
if [[ 0 == $(id -u) ]]
SUDO="sudo "
$SUDO command 1
$SUDO command arg arg arg
and then optionally combine that with the ability to customize the sudo prompt using the -p option.
SUDO="sudo -p \"I need elevated access for this part. Please enter %u's password:\" "
You still get control over the interface, but don't prompt for a password unless you need it. Some people may have sudo set up for nopassword operation, for example. Others might run your installer as root. Or maybe their pasword is already cached with sudo. Etc. It's best to let sudo manage prompting, possibly using an askpass program (see the -A option) if necessary.


Piping the output of ssh sudo

I sometimes have a need to run commands as root on a remote server, and parse the output of the command on my local server. The remote server does not allow root login by ssh, but has sudo configured in a way that requires a password. A simplified example of what I need to do is
ssh remote sudo echo bar | tr bar foo
(Obviously in this simplified example, there's no good reason to need to run echo on a different machine to tr: this is just a toy example to explain what I'm trying to do.)
If I run the command above, I get an error that sudo has no way to prompt for a password:
richard#local:~$ ssh remote sudo echo bar | tr bar foo
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
One way I can try to fix this is by adding the -t option to ssh. If I do that, sudo does wait for and accept a password, but the output of ssh's pseudo-terminal goes to stdout, meaning the sudo prompt message is piped to tr and not displayed to the user. If the user doesn't know sudo is waiting for a password, they will think the script has hung, and passing the prompt message to the pipe probably breaks further processing:
richard#local:~$ ssh -t remote sudo echo bar | tr bar foo
[sudo] posswood foo oichood:
(This admittedly silly example shows the prompt has been processed by the tr command the output is piped to.)
The other way I can see to try to fix this is by adding the -S option to sudo. If I do that, sudo prompts on stderr for the password, so the prompt is not passed down the pipeline. That's good, but sudo also accepts the password on standard input meaning it's echoed to the terminal where anyone looking over the user's shoulder can read it:
richard#local:~$ ssh remote sudo -S echo bar | tr bar foo
[sudo] password for richard: p8ssw0rd
I've found inelegant ways of working around the problems with these two options, but my workarounds hit a problem if the user gets their password wrong the first time. That in itself is a problem. Examples of this are:
richard#local:~$ echo "[sudo] password for $USER:"; \
ssh -t remote sudo echo bar | tail +2 | tr bar foo
richard#local:~$ (read -s password; echo $password; echo >&2) \
| ssh remote sudo -S echo bar | tr bar foo
I'm sure there must be a good solution to this, as it doesn't seem an uncommon thing to want to do. Any ideas?
The best solution I've come up with is to use sudo -S and disable local echo so the password isn't shown as you type it:
$ { stty -echo; ssh remote sudo -S echo hello; stty echo; echo 1>&2; }
[sudo] password for user:
This leaves sudo in charge of the password prompting, so it works properly if the user types the password wrong.
I don't think any solution using ssh -t can ever work properly, since it combines stderr and stdout.

sudo over ssh - stuck when password is not accepted

To check, if user does have sudo (on multiple server at once), I'm using following command:
echo -e "$Password" | ssh -tt -q $Username#$Server "sudo -S -p '' echo ok" 2>&1
This approach seems to work, but only if the password is accepted. If you are (for whatever reason) asked for the password again, the command hangs, and the whole script with it.
Is there a way to force this command to end, if the password is not accepted?
The command is not hanging. It is waiting.
You have specified that the sudo command should read the password from stdin (-S) and not prompt the user to enter a password (-p ''). If you enter the wrong password, sudo will wait for you to try again -- by default, three times.
I cannot find any option to sudo -- either on the command line or in the sudo.conf config file -- that will allow you to ask only once for the password and then exit.

How to automatically setup SSH key pass on first ansible command run for each new server?

Today I started learning ansible and first thing I came across while trying to run the command ping on remote server was | UNREACHABLE! => {
"changed": false,
"msg": "(u'', <paramiko.rsakey.RSAKey object at 0x103c8d250>, <paramiko.rsakey.RSAKey object at 0x103c62f50>)",
"unreachable": true
so I manually setup the SSH key, I think I faced this as no writeup or Tutorial by any devops explains the step why they don't need it or if they have manually set it up before the writing a tutorial or a video.
So I think it would be great if we can automate this step too..
If ssh keys haven't been set up you can always prompt for an ssh password
-k, --ask-pass ask for connection password
I use these commands for setting up keys on CentOS 6.8 under the root account:
cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh ${user}#${1} -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no 'mkdir .ssh > /dev/null 2>&1; restorecon -R /root/; cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'
ansible $1 -u $user -i etc/ansible/${hosts} -m raw -a "yum -y install python-simplejson"
ansible $1 -u $user -i etc/ansible/${hosts} -m yum -a "name=libselinux-python state=latest"
${1} is the first parameter passed to the script and should be the machine name.
I set ${user} elsewhere, but you could make it a parameter also.
${hosts} is my hosts file, and it has a default, but can be overridden with a parameter.
The restorecon command is to appease selinux. I just hardcoded it to run against the /root/ directory, and I can't remember exactly why. If you run this to setup a non-root user, I think that command is nonsense.
I think those installs, python-simplejson and libselinux-python are needed.
This will spam the authorized_keys files with duplicate entries if you run it repeatedly. There are probably better ways, but this is my quick and dirty run once script.
I made some slight variations in the script for CentOS 7 and Ubuntu.
Not sure what types of servers these are, but nearly all Ansible tutorials cover the fact that Ansible uses SSH and you need SSH access to use it.
Depending on how you are provisioning the server in the first place you may be able to inject an ssh key on first boot, but if you are starting with password-only login you can use the --ask-pass flag when running Playbooks. You could then have your first play use the authorized_key module to set up your key on the server.

Unable to ssh into a newly created user on Centos on first attempt

this is what I am doing:
Creating a new server on Linode. OS is centos 6.5
Logging in as root
running the following script to add a user called shortfellow which does not have a password.
The script is:
yum -y update
adduser shortfellow
mkdir -p /home/shortfellow/.ssh
echo "ssh-rsa REALLYLONGSSHPUBLICKEY" >> /home/shortfellow/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod -R 700 /home/shortfellow/.ssh
chown -R shortfellow:shortfellow /home/shortfellow/.ssh
su - shortfellow
The problem is that first time when I try to ssh into the system. It does not work at all. It simply asks for the password. I hit ctrl + c and try to ssh again as the same user, it works.
this behaviour is really annoying because I am writing code to create the server programmatically and it does not work because of this silly issue.
Does anyone have any idea why this might not be working as expected?
I did /sbin/mkhomedir_helper shortfellow in the script before the exit and it works correctly after that.
I guess the issue was really that the home directory for a user is created only at login and when I tried to programmatically create this user this would not happen for some reason.

set environment variable SSH_ASKPASS or askpass in sudoers, resp

I'm trying to login to a ssh server and to execute something like:
ssh 'sudo echo "foobar"'
Unfortunately I'm getting an error:
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
Google told me to either set the environment variable SSH_ASKPASS or to set askpass in the sudoers file. My remote machine is running on Debian 6 and I've installed the packages ssh-askpass and ssh-askpass-gnome and my sudoers file looks like this:
Defaults env_reset
Defaults askpass=/usr/bin/ssh-askpass
# User privilege specification
root ALL=(ALL) ALL
user ALL=(ALL) ALL
Can someone tell what I'm doing wrong and how to do it better.
There are two ways to get rid of this error message. The easy way is to provide a pseudo terminal for the remote sudo process. You can do this with the option -t:
ssh -t 'sudo echo "foobar"'
Rather than allocating a TTY, or setting a password that can be seen in the command line, do something like this.
Create a shell file that echo's out your password like:
echo "mypassword"
then copy that to the node you want using scp like this:
scp somesystem:~/bin
Then when you ssh do the following:
ssh somesystem "export SUDO_ASKPASS=~/bin/;sudo -A command -parameter"
Another way is to run sudo -S in order to "Write the prompt to the standard error and read the password from the standard input instead of using the terminal device" (according to man) together with cat:
cat | ssh 'sudo -S echo "foobar"'
Just input the password when being prompted to.
One advantage is that you can redirect the output of the remote command to a file without "[sudo] password for …" in it:
cat | ssh 'sudo -S tar c --one-file-system /' > backup.tar
Defaults askpass=/usr/bin/ssh-askpass
ssh-askpass requires X server, so instead of providing a terminal (via -t, as suggested by nosid), you may forward X connection via -X:
ssh -X 'sudo echo "foobar"'
However, according to current documentation, askpass is set in sudo.conf as Path, not in sudoers.
How about adding this in the sudoers file: