Stop executing code -

I am compiling and running code at runtime. Can I stop this code midway through if I wish? Like the 'stop' feature in Visual Studio that stops the code if desired?

You can, if you attach the Visual Studio debugger to the running process.
Load the solution that produced the application into Visual Studio
Run your application outside of Visual Studio
Choose Debug -> Attach to process... from the Visual Studio menu
Select your application in the process list
Click Attach
You should now be able to use the normal debugging controls to pause execution of your application, step through code, etc.

Yes, it's called the task manager (find your process and kill it). Or if you're in a console window, just use Ctrl+C.


Visual Studio Application not killed properly

When I run an application in Debug mode in Visual Studio and close it, the application does not get killed as expected. The window closes successfully but the process keeps on running in the background.
As a result, when I try to launch the application again, Visual Studio gives me an error stating that .dll is being used by another process.
What could be the issue?

Auto Attach Process in Visual Studio 2015

I'm using Visual Studio 2015 to debug a website running on a .NET framework. When setting break points in one of my .aspx.vb files it gives me an error saying:
"The break point will not be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document."
Now I have solved how to fix this error by going to Debug -> Attach to Process then attaching it to the process of my IIS.
The issue is I have to do this every time I stop and restart debug mode. Is there anyway to get this process to automatically attach when I begin debugging?
The ReAttach extension gives you an easy way to ReAttaching your prior debug targets.

See how Visual Studio compiles my project so I can compile it from command line

I have a Visual Studio (.Net) project. When I hit the rebuild option in VS it compiles perfectly. In the Output window I only see the progress but it doesn't show how Visual Studio is compiling (compiler, arguments, etc. etc.)
How can I see the exact thing visual studio is executing in order to compile my solution?
Open Visual Studio and in the Quick Launch (Ctrl+Q) window type "MSBuild".
Then in the window that pops up, change the msbuild project output verbosity to Detailed. Or, play around with the settings to get the amount of output that you like.

Tell the add-in to open Visual Studio and jump to debug mode on a certain line of code?

I have created a COM add-in for Excel.
I know that I can enter debug points into my code and then choose to "play" my code from Visual Studio. When a debug point is hit, execution stops and I enter debug mode.
But is it possible to create debug points that cause execution to stop and debug mode to start when I am not running my code via "play" in visual studio but just opening an Excel file as normal?
You can attach the debugger after you run Excel manually outside of Visual Studio. See Attach to Running Processes with the Visual Studio Debugger and How to: Attach to a Running Process for more information.

Class running when I open VS 2012

I'm working on Visual Studio 2012, on a .NET project.
I have a class that pops up a window asking the user for input. The window isn't set to show up at start-up.
Whenever I load my project, before I even build it, that class starts shows up.
When I run my program using the exe file, I don't have the same problem.
Does anybody know how I can prevent it from happening?