I created the following awk command in order to print only the line that match the host and the ETH parameters
my problem is that I don’t know which eth1-8 is the real argument
How to print the line from the file by awk if ETH could be eth0 or eth1 or eth2 ....etc until eth8
awk -v host=$HOSTNAME -v ETH=$LAN '$2 == host && $3 == ETH' file
more file linux1 eth0 linux1 eth1 linux2 eth2 linux3 eth3 linux4 eth4 linux5 eth5 linux6 eth6 linux7 eth7 linux8 eth8
using awk:
awk -v host="$hostname" -v lan="$lan" '$2==host && ($3~lan)' yourFile
actually for your problem, grep works too:
grep -P 'linux1\s.*?eth\d' yourFile
if you want to use the variables in grep:
grep -P "${hostname}\s.*${lan}\d" yourFile
Use a regular expression to specify the possible matches, e.g.:
awk '$2 == "linux1" && $3 ~ /^eth[0-8]$/'
In terms of the shell variable, you'll want something like:
awk -v host=$HOSTNAME -v ETH=$LAN '$2 == host && $3 ~ ETH' file
I've searched all over and couldn't find a solution.
How would I awk or grep the following:
$ mbimcli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 -p --query-ip-configuration
[/dev/cdc-wdm0] IPv4 configuration available: 'address, gateway, dns'
IP [0]: '11.22.333.44/55'
Gateway: ''
DNS [0]: ''
DNS [1]: ''
DNS [2]: ''
DNS [3]: ''
So that I end up with:
I've tried a bunch of different combinations with both grep and awk and couldn't find a solution.
Using cat file as I don't have mbimcli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 -p --query-ip-configuration:
$ cat file | awk -F"'" '/IP \[/{print $2}'
$ cat file | awk -F"'" '/Gateway/{print $2}'
or maybe this is all you need if the output of that command always looks like the example you posted:
$ cat file | awk -v RS= -F"'" '{print $5}'
$ cat file | awk -v RS= -F"'" '{print $8}'
You can do this in a single awk:
mbimcli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 -p --query-ip-configuration |
awk '$1 == "IP" {gsub(/\047/, "", $NF); print $NF}'
something like this:
grep '[0-9]' file_with_text | awk '{print $NF}
grep [0-9] only lines with numbers and pipe the output into awk.
The $NF will return the last element.
If you want only the line that has the /, just add it to grep [0-9]/.
Also, for a complete answer, you can pipe the output of the command into grep:
mbimcli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 -p --query-ip-configuration | grep '[0-9]/' | awk '{print $NF}
I would harness tr for preprocessing and GNU AWK for processing, let file.txt content be
IP [0]: '11.22.333.44/55'
Gateway: ''
DNS [0]: ''
DNS [1]: ''
DNS [2]: ''
DNS [3]: ''
cat file.txt | tr -d "'" | awk '/IP/{print $NF}'
Explanation: use tr to delete ' then awk to print last column ($NF) if row contain IP.
(tested in tr (GNU coreutils) 8.30 and GNU Awk 5.0.1)
Using cut, I want to know how to use it as:
awk -v id=3 -v RS= -F '::' '($1==id) {print $3}' jenny | a=1 ;cut -d$'\n' -f$a
I want to use it in a loop where i is replaced with, e.g., -f 1...3
0::chkconfig --list autofs::
autofs 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off
1::grep "^PROMPT=" /etc/sysconfig/init::
2::rpm -q prelink::
3::if [ -z "$(grep -l "hard core" /etc/security/limits.conf /etc/security/limits.d/*)" ]; then echo "empty"; else echo -e "$(grep -l "hard core" /etc/security/limits.conf /etc/security/limits.d/*)"; fi::
4::sysctl fs.suid_dumpable::
fs.suid_dumpable = 0
5::stat /etc/motd::
File: `/etc/motd'
Size: 17 Blocks: 16 IO Block: 4096 regular file
Device: fd00h/64768d Inode: 10125343 Links: 1
Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--) Uid: ( 0/ root) Gid: ( 0/ root)
Access: 2019-04-09 07:56:19.000000000 +0500
Modify: 2019-03-30 19:22:13.000000000 +0500
Change: 2019-03-30 19:22:13.000000000 +0500
Expected Output
As field 1 and field currently it's all coming in $3. I tried separating with newline in awk; it doesn't seem to catch.
To get your desired output from the given input, try:
$ awk '/^$/{f=0} f{print} /3::/{f=1}' file
To get only one output line as selected with a variable i:
$ awk -v i=1 '/3::/{n=NR+i} n==NR' file
$ awk -v i=2 '/3::/{n=NR+i} n==NR' file
The awk variable i can, of course, be set to the value of a shell variable i:
$ i=2
$ awk -v i="$i" '/3::/{n=NR+i} n==NR' file
The stanza can also be selected from a variable:
$ i=2
$ k=3
$ awk -v i="$i" -v k="$k" -F:: '$1==k{n=NR+i} n==NR' file
How it works:
-v i="$i" -v k="$k"
These options set awk variable i and k to the values of the shell variables $i and $k, respectively.
This sets the field separator to ::.
$1==k {n=NR+i}
If the first field of the current line equals the variable k, then set variable n to the current line number, NR, plus i.
If the current line number, NR, is n, then print this line.
With sed:
$ id=3; sed -En "/^$id::/,/^$/{/^[[:blank:]]*\//p}" jenny
Your shell will interpret the command and replace id by its value.
/^$id::/,/^$/{} the scope {} will be executed only between the lines that starts with the value of id followed by :: (/^$id::/) until an empty line (/^$/)
/^[[:blank:]]*\//p for the lines that start with some POSIX blank character class (e.g. space/tab) followed by / print the line. This will print your two paths.
To specify a line:
$ id=3; line=1; sed -En "/^$id::/,/^$/{/^[[:blank:]]*\//p}" jenny | cut -d$'\n' -f"$line"
$ id=3; line=2; sed -En "/^$id::/,/^$/{/^[[:blank:]]*\//p}" jenny | cut -d$'\n' -f"$line"
$ id=3; line=1; sed -En "/^$id::/,/^$/{/^[[:blank:]]*\//p}" jenny | sed -n "${line}p"
$ id=3; line=2; sed -En "/^$id::/,/^$/{/^[[:blank:]]*\//p}" jenny | sed -n "${line}p"
Assuming you want to build onto your previous question rather than coming up with a completely different approach
$ awk -v id=3 -v lineNr=1 -v RS= -F '::' '$1==id{ split($3,lines,/\n/); print lines[lineNr+1] }' file
$ awk -v id=3 -v lineNr=2 -v RS= -F '::' '$1==id{ split($3,lines,/\n/); print lines[lineNr+1] }' file
I am using this code to get ip entries from host file with ignore case and it doesn't seem to work on AIX
Input file enboprtpapzp04.digjam.com enboprtpapzp04
# enboprtpapzp04.digjam.com enboprt enboprtpapzp04 enboprtpapzp04.fixture.com enboprtpap enboprtpapzp04
awk -v client="$client" 'BEGIN {IGNORECASE = 1}{k=0; for (i=1;i<=NF;i++){if ($i==client){print $1}; k++}}' file
See the output below
awk -v client="$client" 'BEGIN {IGNORECASE = 1}{k=0; for (i=1;i<=NF;i++){if ($i==client){print $1}; k++}}' file
Nothing comes up
expected output
grep -i ENBOPRTPAPZP04 /etc/hosts | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v "^#"
It works here:
$ awk -v client="$client" 'BEGIN{IGNORECASE = 1} $2==client && /^[^#]/{print $1}' your_hosts
Are you sure you are using GNU awk? If not, you could:
$ awk -v client="$client" 'tolower($2)==tolower(client) && /^[^#]/{print $1}' your_hosts
In the light of the resent - whoops, I meant recent - edits to the question and the mentioning of the loop in the comments I'll add this:
$ awk -v client="$client" '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if(tolower($i)==tolower(client) && $1!~/^#/)print $1}' your_new_hosts
Also, check #EdMorton's last comment below for a non-looping version.
The check for the /^#/ could be outside of the action block in the condition part:
$ awk ... '!/^#/ {for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if(tolower($i)==tolower(client)) print $1}' your_new_hosts
I used this command but I am unable to print multiple values before each '.'
This command is only printing the 192 of I want to print the rest as well in the same line.
sudo tcpdump -i 2 -c 20 -n | awk -F '>' '{print $2}' | awk -F ':' '{print $1}' | awk -F '.' '{print $1}'
Please help.
sudo tcpdump -i 2 -c 20 -n | awk -F '>' '/>/{sub(".[^.]*:.*$", "", $2 ); print $2}'
I am trying to pipe tshark output to awk. The tshark command works fine on its own, and when piped to other programs such as cat, it works fine (real time printing of output). However, when piped to awk, it hangs and nothing happens.
sudo tshark -i eth0 -l -f "tcp" -R 'http.request.method=="GET"' -T fields -e ip.src -e ip.dst -e
tcp.srcport -e tcp.dstport -e tcp.seq -e tcp.ack | awk '{printf("mz -A %s -B %s -tcp \"s=%s sp=%s
dp=%s\"\n", $2, $1, $5, $4, $3)}'
Here is a simplier version:
sudo tshark -i eth0 -f "tcp" -R 'http.request.method=="GET"' | awk '{print $0}'
And to compare, the following works fine (although is not very useful):
sudo tshark -i eth0 -f "tcp" -R 'http.request.method=="GET"' | cat
Thanks in advance.
I had the same problem.
I have found some partial "solutions" that are not completely portable.
Some of them point to use the fflush() or flush() awk functions or -W interactive option
I tried both and none works. So awk is not the appropriate command at all.
A few of them suggest to use gawk but it neither does the trick for me.
cut command has the same problem.
My solution: In my case I just needed to put --line-buffered in GREP and not touching awk command but in your case I would try:
sed -u
with the proper regular expression. For example:
sed -u 's_\(.*\) \(.*\) \(.*\) DIFF: \(.*\)_\3 \4_'
This expression gives you the 3rd and 4th columns separate by TAB (written with ctrl+v and TAB combination). With -u option you get unbuffered output and also you have -l option that gives you line buffered output.
I hope you find this answer useful although is late
Per our previous messages in comments, maybe it will work to force closing the input and emitting a linefeed.
sudo tshark -i eth0 -f "tcp" -R 'http.request.method=="GET"' ...... \
| {
awk '{print $0}'
printf "\n"
Note, no pipe between awk and printf.
I hope this helps.
I found the solution here https://superuser.com/questions/742238/piping-tail-f-into-awk (by John1024).
It says:
"You don't see it in real time because, for purposes of efficiency, pipes are buffered. tail -f has to fill up the buffer, typically 4 kB, before the output is passed to awk."
The proposed solutions is to use "unbuffer" or "stdbuf -o0" commands to disable buffering. It worked for me like this:
stdbuf -o0 tshark -i ens192 -f "ip" | awk '{print $0}'