how to get this result - sql

I have a dropdown on page when user selects any value from it ; i am passing that value and filtering the result.
suppose if user select any bike from dropdown then from user table only those record should come which have that
bike and also those records should come where user have not any bike .
username vehicleID
========= =======
john 1
peter 1
maria 2
pritam 4
if user selects vehicleID 2 then raso should also come along with maria.
I do not want to use UNION for this .
IF user does not select any thing all data should come by default on page
any other idea. thanks in advance

Use the following query, where the #VehicleID is the SelectedValue of the dropdownlist.
SELECT Username
FROM Table
OR VehicleID=#VehicleID


MS Access - Continuous Form Select with Dropdown from Another Table

I've been using's excellent example on how to do a continuous form select with a invisible button overlaying a checkbox to assign employees to a specific shift. I'd like to make it so that said continuous form also has a dropdown of the different Paycodes so that when they are selected I can use a combobox to indicate "Regular Pay, Overtime, etc....". I'm running into a wall because with the query as-is from the example, the recordset for the Paycode field is not updateable.
Messing with the primary key for the employee's table fixes the paycode issue but prevents the selection code from working properly.
I'm a bit out of my depth here, what's the easiest way to accomplish this?
SELECT CAT.EmployeeID, CAT.FirstName, CAT.LastName, ASGN_TEMP.ShiftNum, ASGN.PayCode, IIf(ASGN_TEMP.[ShiftNum] Is Null,0,-1) AS IsSelected
FROM tblEmployees AS CAT
LEFT JOIN (SELECT ASGN.EmployeeID, ASGN.ShiftNum, ASGN.PayCode FROM tblAssignedEmployees AS ASGN
WHERE ASGN.ShiftNum = Forms!frmMainMenu![txtShiftNum]) AS ASGN_TEMP
ON CAT.EmployeeID = ASGN_TEMP.EmployeeID;
Paycode is a static table with an ID, a Paycode and a description and would only correspond with each record in "tblAssignedEmployee". That is to say, there is no relationship between the employee or the shift with what Paycodes are available, I'd just like a second table for ease of updates.
Table: Employees
Table: AssignedEmployees
Table: PayCodes
Regular Pay

Select items where count in another field matches (not updatable)

Here I am trying to get the record for my products where the # swab location in Main table matches the count of swab locations in swab Table and Users can checked off the Y/N to verify that the description of the locations are correct.
Here is the example of my 2 tables.
Asset_ID EquipmentName Num_SwapLocations Verified
234 Saijimon 2 N
235 Pasquale 3 N
Asset_ID Swap_location
234 Particle Cannon
234 RailGun
235 Particle Cannon
I use the following query to count the number of records, i avoided using a having query to combine both tables since it is not updatable.
SELECT MSL.Asset_ID, Count(Asset_ID) AS [Count]
FROM tblMainSwapLocation AS MSL
This will give me the result of
Asset_ID count
234 2
234 1
I used the following as a record source for my form to allow users to verify the inputs.
SELECT MEQ.Asset_ID, MEQ.Equipment_Name,MEQ.Num_swapLocations MEQ.Verified
FROM tblMainEquipment AS MEQ, qryMainSwapLocationCount AS MSLC
WHERE (((MEQ.Asset_ID)=[MSLC].[Asset_ID]) AND ((MEQ.Num_SwapLocations)=[MSLC].[Count]);
This result would be
Asset_ID EquipmentName Num_SwapLocations Verified
234 Saijimon 2 N
However this record set is not editable. Is there any reasons for this?
I think you should put your table tblMainEquipment as your recordsource and bring all the fields from that on to your form:
Then insert an unbound textbox (perhaps close to your Num_SwapLocations field for easy comparison):
Then in this new textbox, put the following in the ControlSource:
=DCount("ASSET_ID","tblMainSwapLocations","ASSET_ID=" & [Asset_ID])
Then open your form and it should count the number of records in table tblMainSwapLocations that have the same Asset_ID as the record currently showing:
You'll then be able to update the Verified field in your tblMainEquipment table.

Fill a drop-down list parameter with specific available values

I have an SSRS report that creates report from a SQL table:
id type name
1 fruit wilk
2 fruit scot
3 paper jon
4 pen brad
5 tape lin
6 water james
The report has two data sets: one feeds query for report, and the other feeds data to parameter. So in the report the multi-value parameter gets its values from dataset2.
-- dataset1::
select ID, TYPE, name from table1 where type in (#types)
-- dataset2::
select TYPE from table1
The report is generated based on type selected from dropdown list (which is a multi select list).
For example if we select "fruit" the report displays:
wilk, scot
If we select "water":
Now the thing is that I need to create a name for all the values "TAPE", "pen", and "paper", say the name "STATIONARY", such that the dropdown list should show only:
fruit, stationary, water
And when I select "STATIONARY" from thedropdown list the report should display:
jon, brad, lin (all 3 have some form of stationary, i.e paper, pen, tape)
And when I select type as "STATIONARY" and "water" it should display:
jon, brad, lin, james
Just from the hip here.
Consider adding a category field to your table. So for your fruit and water you could have a category called "Food", and for your pen, paper, and tape the category would be called "stationary".
Add another dataset to your report called "category".
SELECT Category FROM table1
Add another parameter that is a multiple selection of your new data set called #Category.
In your main query add:
...AND Category IN (#Category)
Keep in mind this advice completely ignores normalization in your database. I understand that is not the intent of your question but it is something you should always consider. If it were me I would even add a category table. Then with the "table1" as you call it I would add a foriegn key pointing at an ID in the category table. You can even see this issue with your type column. Notice how fruit is used more than once.
I'd create another couple of tables for this called Item and ItemType.
ItemType has two fields: ItemTypeId (the auto-incrementing primary key) and Name. ItemType will have values like:
ItemTypeId Name
1 Food
2 Stationery
Item has three fields: ItemId (the auto-incrementing primary key), Name and ItemTypeId (from the ItemType table above). It looks like this:
ItemId Name ItemTypeId
1 Fruit 1
2 Paper 2
3 Pen 2
4 Tape 2
5 Water 1
Add the ItemId field to table1 and remove the type field, so it now looks like:
id ItemId name
1 1 wilk
2 1 scot
3 2 jon
4 3 brad
5 4 lin
6 5 james
We now know the type of the item from the link to the ItemType.
Create two parameters: #ItemTypes and #Items as multi-value.
#ItemTypes populates from the ItemType table:
SELECT ItemTypeId, Name FROM ItemType
ItemTypeId is the Value and Name is the Label.
#Items populates from the Item table but is filtered on the #ItemTypes parameter like so:
SELECT ItemId, Name FROM Item WHERE (ItemTypeId IN #ItemTypes)
ItemId is the Value and Name is the Label.
Now when you select #ItemTypes in the first parameter, the second parameter will only show items of that type.
Okay, back to your query. Your main query now looks like:
SELECT Item.Name AS ItemName, ItemType.Name AS ItemTypeName, table1.Name
FROM table1
INNER JOIN Item ON Item.ItemId = table1.ItemId
INNER JOIN ItemType ON ItemType.ItemTypeId = Item.ItemTypeI
WHERE (ItemType.ItemTypeId IN #ItemTypes)
AND (Item.ItemId IN #Items)
and I think our work here is done.

SQL filter search according to multiple column values

I am dealing with one table(3+ million rows,SQL Server)
I need to filter results according to the two columns below:
...FromID| ToID |Column5|....
...1001 2001
...1002 2020
...1003 5000
...1001 3000
...2001 1001
Now User1 can access records with FromID or ToId 1001.
User2 can access records with FromID or ToID 1002,1003,3000
What is the most efficient way to do this ?
Do i need to create a view for each user ?(this is working on enterprise,user count will be
max 100 )
PS. My very first question. O.o
Your access criteria seem to be fairly arbitrary. User1 gets 1001, user2 gets 1002, 1003, and 3000, and I assume users 3 through 99 have arbitrary access as well. In that case, I recommend that you create a table, call it useraccess for this example:
user |accessID
... |...
Now when you want to know what rows a user has, you can do this:
SELECT t.FromID, t.ToID, [[other columns you care about]]
FROM yourtable t
JOIN useraccess a ON t.FromID = a.accessID OR t.ToID = a.accessID
WHERE a.user = 'user2'
You can either run that query dynamically or you can create a view based on it. The usual tradeoffs between views and direct queries will apply as usual.
Edit: I just saw your note that you already have a UserRights table, so you already have step 1 completed.

selecting point in time when change was made

Say i have the following table:
id Name Status Date
1 John Working 11/11/2003
2 John Working 03/03/2004
3 John Quit 04/04/2004
4 John Quit 04/05/2004
5 John Quit 04/06/2004
6 Joey Working 03/05/2009
7 Joey Working 02/06/2009
8 Joey Quit 02/07/2009
9 Joey Quit 02/08/2009
10 Joey Quit 02/09/2009
I want to get the date when the change between working and quit occured, so that i get:
3 John Quit 04/04/2004
8 Joey Quit 02/07/2009
How would i do that?
select ID, Name, Status, Date
from tableName
where ID in (
select min(ID)
from tableName
where Status = 'Quit'
This will get the first record that has the status of 'Quit' for each person. It is not necessarily the chronologically first record though. If that is what you're are looking for let me know. Also, if so, can you be sure there won't be any duplicated names; this could be problematic if there are two different John's or Joey's.
select id, name, date
from tableName WHERE date =
(select MIN(date)
FROM tableName
WHERE NAME='<name>' AND date >= (select MAX(date)
FROM tableName WHERE NAME='<name>' AND status = 'Working')
Hopefully I didn't screw things up badly in the nested query there. This would only give you 1 user, you could wrap it in a function and call it passing the username or do something like make a temp table with distinct name inserted into it and loop through those names.
A lot of options exist for bringing it form just one user to all users.