MS Access - Continuous Form Select with Dropdown from Another Table - sql

I've been using's excellent example on how to do a continuous form select with a invisible button overlaying a checkbox to assign employees to a specific shift. I'd like to make it so that said continuous form also has a dropdown of the different Paycodes so that when they are selected I can use a combobox to indicate "Regular Pay, Overtime, etc....". I'm running into a wall because with the query as-is from the example, the recordset for the Paycode field is not updateable.
Messing with the primary key for the employee's table fixes the paycode issue but prevents the selection code from working properly.
I'm a bit out of my depth here, what's the easiest way to accomplish this?
SELECT CAT.EmployeeID, CAT.FirstName, CAT.LastName, ASGN_TEMP.ShiftNum, ASGN.PayCode, IIf(ASGN_TEMP.[ShiftNum] Is Null,0,-1) AS IsSelected
FROM tblEmployees AS CAT
LEFT JOIN (SELECT ASGN.EmployeeID, ASGN.ShiftNum, ASGN.PayCode FROM tblAssignedEmployees AS ASGN
WHERE ASGN.ShiftNum = Forms!frmMainMenu![txtShiftNum]) AS ASGN_TEMP
ON CAT.EmployeeID = ASGN_TEMP.EmployeeID;
Paycode is a static table with an ID, a Paycode and a description and would only correspond with each record in "tblAssignedEmployee". That is to say, there is no relationship between the employee or the shift with what Paycodes are available, I'd just like a second table for ease of updates.
Table: Employees
Table: AssignedEmployees
Table: PayCodes
Regular Pay


When was “Checked” added and who added it - SQL

I'm beginning to study SQL queries and attempting to understand some more difficult ones. I have these 2 tables:
The data entry interface looks like this:
User Column Date Old Value New Value
David (assistant) Status 02/2022 Pending Processing
David (assistant) address 02/2022 Miami New York City
David (assistant) Type 02/2022 House Apartment
David(assistant) Size 02/2022 Small Big
Peter(QA) Size 06/2022 - Medium
Peter(QA) Status 06/2022 - Checked
I'm trying to figure out how to join User and Tracking tables in order to know when the word “Checked” was added and who added it.
know when the word Checked was added and who added it
You can filter the tracking table for the keyword, and then bring the user name with a join on the user table:
select t.*,
from tracking t
inner join user u on u.id_user = t.id_user
where t.new_value = 'Checked'
You can add more conditions in the where clause if you need more filtering criteria.

Select items where count in another field matches (not updatable)

Here I am trying to get the record for my products where the # swab location in Main table matches the count of swab locations in swab Table and Users can checked off the Y/N to verify that the description of the locations are correct.
Here is the example of my 2 tables.
Asset_ID EquipmentName Num_SwapLocations Verified
234 Saijimon 2 N
235 Pasquale 3 N
Asset_ID Swap_location
234 Particle Cannon
234 RailGun
235 Particle Cannon
I use the following query to count the number of records, i avoided using a having query to combine both tables since it is not updatable.
SELECT MSL.Asset_ID, Count(Asset_ID) AS [Count]
FROM tblMainSwapLocation AS MSL
This will give me the result of
Asset_ID count
234 2
234 1
I used the following as a record source for my form to allow users to verify the inputs.
SELECT MEQ.Asset_ID, MEQ.Equipment_Name,MEQ.Num_swapLocations MEQ.Verified
FROM tblMainEquipment AS MEQ, qryMainSwapLocationCount AS MSLC
WHERE (((MEQ.Asset_ID)=[MSLC].[Asset_ID]) AND ((MEQ.Num_SwapLocations)=[MSLC].[Count]);
This result would be
Asset_ID EquipmentName Num_SwapLocations Verified
234 Saijimon 2 N
However this record set is not editable. Is there any reasons for this?
I think you should put your table tblMainEquipment as your recordsource and bring all the fields from that on to your form:
Then insert an unbound textbox (perhaps close to your Num_SwapLocations field for easy comparison):
Then in this new textbox, put the following in the ControlSource:
=DCount("ASSET_ID","tblMainSwapLocations","ASSET_ID=" & [Asset_ID])
Then open your form and it should count the number of records in table tblMainSwapLocations that have the same Asset_ID as the record currently showing:
You'll then be able to update the Verified field in your tblMainEquipment table.

SQL Server 2005 - Updating table in a one to many relationship

I have a staging table that was created from a flat file and modified before copying to a final destination. Some of the records will be inserted and the rest updated if needed.
The only issue I have is it is a one to many relationship. The table is a list of retailers and some of them are entered with the same store name and SS# more than once but with a different contact type.
Like this:
Store_ID SS# First_Name Last_Name Type Description
1234 123-12-1234 JP Crawford A Owner
1234 123-12-1234 JP Crawford D Other Contact 1
1234 987-76-9876 Aaron Nola E Other Contact 2
1236 321-12-3210 Mikael Franco A Manager
1236 321-12-3210 Mikael Franco J Other Contact 7
I need to be able to select one of the records when there is a duplicate store_id/SS#. There is no date available so I do not know which record was added last. In cases where one of the records is "Owner" and the other is "Other Contact" I can assume the correct one is "Owner". Same for if one of them is "Manager" for instance. But there are some examples where one record may be "Other Contact 5" and the next is "Other Contact 6".
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Assuming the highest Type (eg A) is the one you would like to select in case of duplication, the following should work:
SELECT temp.store_id,, temp.first_name,
temp.last_name, temp.type, temp.description
(SELECT t.store_id,, t.first_name,t.last_name,
t.type, t.description,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY t.store_id,ss# ORDER BY t.type) num
FROM YourTable t) temp
WHERE temp.num=1;

Table Join issue

Right now I've got a Main table in which I am uploading data. Because the Main table has many different duplicates, I Append various data out of the Main table into other tables such as, username, phone number, and locations in order to keep things optimized. Once I have everything stripped down from the Main table, I then append what's left into a final optimized Main table. Before this happens though, I run a select query joining all the stripped tables with the original Main table in order to connect the IDs from each table, with the correct data. For example:
Original Main Table
--Name---------Number------Due Date-------Location-------Charges Monthly-----Charges Total--
John Smith 111-1111 4/3 Chicago 234.56 500.23
Todd Jones 222-2222 4/3 New York 174.34 323.56
John Smith 111-1111 4/3 Chicago 274.56 670.23
Bill James 333-3333 4/3 Orlando 100.00 100.00
This gets split into 3 tables (name, number, location) and then there is a date table with all the dates for the year:
Name Table Number Table Location Table Due Date Table
--ID---Name------ -ID--Number--------- ---ID---Location---- --Date---
1 John Smith 1 111-1111 1 Chicago 4/1
2 Todd Jones 2 222-2222 2 New York 4/2
3 Bill James 3 333-3333 3 Orlando 4/3
Before The Original table gets stripped, I run a select query that grabs the ID from the 3 new tables, and joins them based on the connection they have with the original Main table.
Select Output
--Name ID----Number ID---Location ID---Due Date--
1 1 1 4/3
2 2 2 4/3
1 1 1 4/3
3 3 3 4/3
My issue comes when I need to introduce a new table that isn't able to be tied into the Original Main Table. I have an inventory table that, much like the original Main table, has duplicates and needs to be optimized. I do this by creating a secondary table that takes all the duplicated devices out and put them in their own table, and then strips the username and number out and puts them into their tables. I would like to add the IDs from this new device table into the select output that I have above. Resulting in:
Select Output
--Name ID----Number ID---Location ID---Due Date--Device ID---
1 1 1 4/3 1
2 2 2 4/3 1
1 1 1 4/3 2
3 3 3 4/3 1
Unlike the previous tables, the device table has no relationship to the originalMain Table, which is what is causing me so much headache. I can't seem to find a way to make this there anyway to accomplish this?
Any two tables can be joined. A table represents an application relationship. In some versions (not the original) of Entity-Relationship Modelling (notice that the "R" in E-R stands for "(application) relationship"!) a foreign key is sometimes called a "relationship". You do not need other tables or FKs to join any two tables.
Explain, in terms of its column names and the values for those names, exactly when a row should turn up in the result. Maybe you want:
FROM the stripped-and-ID'd version of the Original AS o
JOIN the stripped-and-ID'd version of the Device AS d
USING NameID, NumberID, LocationID and DueDate
FROM the stripped-and-ID'd version of the Original AS o
JOIN the stripped-and-ID'd version of the Device AS d
ON o.NameID=d.NameId AND o.NumberID=d.NumberID
AND o.LocationID=d.LocationID AND o.DueDateID=d.DueDate.
Suppose p(a,...) is some statement parameterized by a,... .
If o holds the rows where o(NameID,NumberID,LocationID,DueDate) and d holds the rows where d(NameID,NumberID,LocationID,DueDate,DeviceID) then the above holds the rows where o(NameID, NumberID, LocationID, DueDate) AND d(NameID,NumberID,LocationID,DueDate,DeviceID). But you really have not explained what rows you want.
The only way to "join" tables that have no relation is by unioning them together:
select attribute1, attribute2, ... , attributeN
from table1
where <predicate>
union // or union all
select attribute1, attribute2, ... , attributeN
from table2
where <predicate>
the where clauses are obviously optional
optionally you could join the tables together by stating ON true which will act like a cross product

MS Access: Selecting the first item according to a rank

Imagine I have a query called QueryA that returns stuff like this:
Employee Description Rank
John Happy 1
John Depressed 3
James Happy 1
James Confused 2
Mark Depressed 3
I am trying to make a query that grabs the Employee and the Description, but only one description -- the one with the best "rank." (the lower the rank the better). I sort QueryA by Employee then by Rank (descending).
So I'd want my new query QueryB to show that John as Happy, James as Happy, and Mark as Depressed.
However I try selecting Employee and then First of Description and it doesn't always work.
I'm not able to check this for Access, but it should work fine. Check my SQL Fiddle
r.employee, d.description
table1 as d
inner join (select min(rank) as rank, employee
group by employee) r on d.rank = r.rank
and d.employee = r.employee