Which character is Ctrl+Backspace? [closed] - passwords

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Closed 11 years ago.
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There are several places that you can enter this character by typing ctrl-backspace, including windows loggon password.
Which character is this and can I use it in a password?

Depends on the control being used. Assuming a regular text box, that's character code 127 (0x7f), legacy mapping for the DEL control code. Displays as a rectangle since there's no Unicode glyph for it. This will not necessarily reproduce well, a Rich Edit control will interpret it as a "delete to begin of line" control key. Very unlikely you'll be able to enter such a password at a web page prompt for example.


Make wordard in vb6 [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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How would I be able to make a program like words WORDART that has 3d text and text effects? Would I need pictures for each letter with the cool effects of is there a different way to to it?
That seems like a good idea to have pictures for each letter or number but that's a lot of pictures for capital letters and regular letters, you also would have to load each file which can take some time, so it doesn't sound so practical to do. A better option would be to make a user control that makes a picture at run time with the word art in it wand has the cool effects, a example is here
aanother example is at http://www.xtremevbtalk.com/word-powerpoint-outlook-and-other-office-products/101964-import-ms-word-art-object-visual-basic.html

Extra space characters in MS Word translations document [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have some MS Word documents that were translated from other languages and when I click to turn on the paragraph/hidden formatting symbols setting I see a lot of added little circles where space holders for foreign punctuation would be (it looks like the degree symbol). I want to do some kind of mass delete for these extra spaces/circles. Is this possible?
I assume since they aren't "real" that you can't just ctrl+c the little circles and then do a ctrl+h find&replace and replace them with nothing?

How to get value in textbox from barcode reader using vb.net [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to take value from barcode reader to textbox. I have tvs 101 platina (barcode reader)
i am new in vb.net plz provide me solution.
I'm just giving a start :
1st here is a programme manual: http://www.tvs-e.in/pos/pdf/Programming_Guide_BS-L101-Platina.pdf
2nd the article that i used before : http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/296533/Using-a-bar-code-scanner-in-NET
What you have to do:
Scanner is similer to keyboard. so you need key event listener for focusing on text field.
programme the scanner to send the special key code for start and end of scan.(it will be given in the manual)

How to create a read only document in latex? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I am trying to generate read only pdf's with latex and I am having difficulty finding the best solution. I looked at pdftek but what are other options?
If you want truly read-only pdf's you can do what law firms do and print out the document then scan it back to a pdf.
PDF is an open format and given the right tools you can take it apart and pull out any images and any text. That being said you can add security permissions using the pdftk tool. If you encrypt it you can set permissions (like disabling editing and disabling printing)
See pdftk and permissions in the man page.

John the Ripper Custom Rule [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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I am using John the Ripper to crack a copy of the passwd file at my work. I want to alert users that have weak passwords. I happen to know that many accounts have the default password which is different for every user but matches a specific pattern.
Let's say this is the default password format:
'[2nd and 3rd characters in username]cc\d\d\l\l'
where c is a constant (the same in every password), \d is a single digit (0-9) and \l is a single lowercase letter.
How would I write a custom rule in john.conf that would check all hashes for all combinations that fit this format before trying anything else? I've tried to figure it out myself but I can't find any good documentation.