Markdown for automatic doc generation? [closed] - documentation

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I've use javadoc, as well as a variety of different XML based doc-generation systems. Javadoc is fine, XML based doc-generators are hideous, with the XML getting all over the comments and turning the comments into soup.
I've looked at markdown, and the fact that it is easily parseable into structured data but also super human-readable would make it perfect for in-code comments, where the readability of both the docs and the plaintext is of utmost importance.
Are there any markdown based doc-generators out there already? Is there any reason why it wouldn't work which I don't know of?

There exits some Markdown-Doclets (f.ex. ) which can be used with JavaDoc.
Maybe you are also interested in the famous doxygen tool. It doesn't use Markdown but the format is very similar to it (f. ex. unordered lists with - etc.).

You may try mdoc to generate Markdown based documentation. It reads all the .md files and produces HTML based documentation. It also creates a TOC. Check it out.


Generate custom documentation (based on SQL table) [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm currently using a software with its own command-line interface, accepting its own commands with parameters, but these commands are documented in several places and files, so I can't simply run doxygen on it, and its not possible to add documentation to these files now.
Dumping everything in one text document seems a bit annoying to use, so my first idea is to generate a table, SQL for example, and add the documentation there, with several columns, such as command and its description, arguments and description of them, example command, execution time, etc., and add some kind of GUI to easily display the commands.
Are there already solutions for this, especially easy to maintenance ones?
Or is it better to have a different approach for this, such as html based Helpfiles?
you could build one yourself or use some third party tools like REDGATE SQLdoc..
below is one example of how documentation is generated for one sample table as HTML,PDF as well

What documentation system to use for user guide [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm currently trying to find a documentation (user guide) system that would have following features:
documentation files in text mode (so svn could diff/merge it)
possibility to use images, table, cross-references and table of
export to pdf (or .doc/.odt) that would support cross-references
I tried markdown for documentation source files and pandoc for pdf export but markdown does not support tables.
I really appreciate any help you can provide.
We use Sphinx for this scenario.
It can generate html, pdf and some other formats from reStructuredText Files.
And have a look at list-table when you want to add complex tables.
I use the TeX for electonic and printable documentation
Probably the most commonly used solution set for documentation is XML in Docbook or DITA. You can certainly manage those in SVN as well as perform diffs. They both provide processing toolchains with many output types include PDF through XSL FO.

Style Guides for ASCII Text Documents [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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What is a good style guide for formatting documents, outlines and procedure descriptions using ASCII text only?
I am thinking of a set of rules for using capitalization, 'underlines" (with '-' or '=' on the line below), indentation, etc to help visually organize text into sections, subsections, etc.
Guide supported by vi would be especially nice.
Consider using Markdown or MultiMarkdown for formatting your plain-text documents. There is a vim Markdown syntax plugin available, and it's widely used on Stack Overflow and GitHub:
Beside Markdown and reStructuredText there exists also AsciiDoc, which is more powerful than Markdown: There are f.ex. plugins that define how you can write diagrams in ASCII Text.
AsciiDoc is less popular than Markdown, but after Github supports now AsciiDoc too it will get more popular.
All these three text formats also have vim plugins.

Favorite Documentation Generator system? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm a jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none programmer and as I jump around languages, quality consistent documentation is becoming more and more important to me. I've recently been using Doxygen, but Wikipedia reveals the usual ridiculous list of similar frameworks.
What is your favorite documentation generator and why? (Vote where you agree to keep it tidy!)
I use different files written in MediaWiki MarkUp, since this is easy to learn for everyone. I convert this to HTML and a CHM file, and to LaTeX for the PDF documentation.
This was the most painless way for me to generate Online documentation AND printable documentation in one strike with a simple way of input.
The tools I use are org.eclipse.mylyn.wikitext with a custom DocumentBuilder for LaTeX, the Microsoft Help compiler (which sadly only runs on windows), and a LaTeX distribution.
EDIT: I managed to get the Microsoft Help compiler running with Wine, so my Linux build server is now able to create the whole documentation automatically.

Does anyone know of a good MAML editor [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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At work we use Sandcastle for creation of help files. I have been using SandCastleGUI for some time and I'm looking for a way to create additional pages in the help file.
These pages are written in XML format called MAML.
The only problem is that I couldn't find any decent editor for these file format.
I'm looking for a WYSIWYG editor to create & edit additional documentation pages.
You could use a generic XML editor with WYSIWYG support like Oxygen or Serna. You would need a Xml Schema or DTD for MAML, I assume there is one somewhere in an SDK or such. Probably the harder part is that you would need a stylesheet that renders the XML to an display format that can be used by the editor to provide a WYSIWYG view of the document.
It works rather well for standard XML formats such as Docbook, but I don't know how easy it is to find/create the needed stylesheets for MAML. But generally there is no reason why it couldn't be done.
Finally I found a solution the good people of SandCastle Help File Builder have included an HTML to MAML converter.
There are many good HTML editorsout there - and now I can use one of them and then convert the result to MAML
Don't know if you are still looking for a solution to this, but I've been looking at help editors and ran across a codeproject article that might be useful. The article can be found at It features an editor that might be just what you need.