sending mail from yii - yii

public function mailsend($name, $contact_no, $email,$website,$content,$subject,$address )
$message = new YiiMailMessage;
$message->view = 'viewfilenm';
$message->setBody(array(), 'text/html');
$body = $message->message->getBody();
/****** preg_replace :Perform a regular expression search and replace ******/
$body = preg_replace('/\[FNAME]/',$name,$body);
$body = preg_replace('/\[CONTENT]/',$content,$body);
$find = array("[CONTACT_NO]"=>$contact_no,"[FNAME]"=>$name,"[EMAIL]"=>$email,"[ADDRESS]"=>$address);
/****** strtr :Translate characters or replace substrings ******/
$newstr = strtr($content, $find);
$body = str_replace($content,$newstr,$body);
$body = preg_replace('/\[CONTACT_NO]/',$contact_no,$body);
$body = preg_replace('/\[EMAIL]/',$email,$body);
$body = preg_replace('/\[SUBJECT]/',$subject,$body);
$body = preg_replace('/\[WEBSITE]/',$website,$body);
$message->message->setBody($body, 'text/html');
$message->subject = $subject;
$message->from = ('');
in $message->addTo() if I pass my gmail id then in gmail I got the mail.
but if i pass my yahoo or other id in $message->addTo() then I don't get the mail and no error also display.

If email is getting delivered to some addresses but not others, it's probably not an issue with your code. It's probably your sever.
Email delivery is complicated. Almost every endpoint (Gmail, Yahoo, etc) has different spam rules. The biggest problem you are going to face is getting the IP address you are sending from to be recognized as "safe".
I've had the best luck sending email using an established SMTP server (like Gmail) as my send agent in Yii.
Here are a some other resources about deliverability:


How to do a web request call to sqlpad?

Hi I have been trying to do a web request call to sqlpad.
I have got the basis of the script to make the connection
Invoke-WebRequest -uri
However when I run the command I get connection 200 showing it has made a connection but how do I use cached cookies or how do I sign into sqlpad using credentials and run query all from using web request.
Sorry I am new to powershell and webrequest so I appreciate all your advice thank you.
That should be doable. You'd need to use sqlpad api. To keep cookies you need to create a session variable when calling signin and reuse it in later calls. To extract query data you'd need to use query-result end point. You need to know connectionId (can lookup at api/connections using browser) and SQL code (query text). Turns out there is no direct way to run query by query name. So you either need to know the sql of the query or you can extract it from /api/queries for specific query
$baseUrl = "http://localhost:39325/api"
$user = "yourEmail"
$password = "yourPassword"
$signinUrl = "$baseUrl/signin?email=$user&password=$password&redirect=false"
# sign in and create session variable $ws
if(!$ws) { $r = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $signinUrl -SessionVariable ws -Method Post } else { Write-Host "connected"}
# list of available queries and connections. May need to run this to determine connection id or existing query sql
$QueryList = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$baseUrl/queries" -WebSession $ws
$ConnectionList = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$baseUrl/connections" -WebSession $ws
Write-Host "Available queries:"
$QueryList.queries | select name, connectionId, queryText | ft -AutoSize
# Execute Query
$params = #{
connectionId = "vhsNXMXCJeI9QlUL" #use $ConnectionList var or just look up on http://localhost:39325/api/connections/
cacheKey = "null" #just some dummy value, parameter is required but it's not really affecting anything
queryName = "test2" #optional
queryText = "select top 15 * from sys.columns" # required
} | ConvertTo-Json
$head = #{'Content-Type'='application/json'}
$data = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$baseUrl/query-result" -Method Post -Body $params -Headers $head -WebSession $ws
$data.queryResult.rows | ft

sending email to multiple accounts using php ews

The below code is used for sending email using jamesiarmes/php-ews
in my application
$request = new \jamesiarmes\PhpEws\Request\CreateItemType();
$request->MessageDisposition = "SendOnly";
$request->SavedItemFolderId->DistinguishedFolderId->Id = "sentitems";
$request->Items->Message->ItemClass = "IPM.Note";
$request->Items->Message->Subject = "exchange new mail";
$request->Items->Message->Body->BodyType = 'HTML';
$request->Items->Message->Body->_ = "This is a test mail as a part of exchange settings set up ";
$request->Items->Message->ToRecipients->Mailbox->EmailAddress = "";
$response = $this->app['ews']->CreateItem($request);
But the problem is I can add only one email address as recipient, how can I add multiple email addresses in ToRecipients?
I checked out the php-ews documentation. You can create an array with multiple recipients this way:
$toAddresses = array();
$toAddresses[0] = new EWSType_EmailAddressType();
$toAddresses[0]->EmailAddress = '';
$toAddresses[0]->Name = 'John Harris';
$toAddresses[1] = new EWSType_EmailAddressType();
$toAddresses[1]->EmailAddress = '';
$toAddresses[1]->Name = 'Sara Smith';
And then add it to your object like this:
$request->Items->Message->ToRecipients = $toAddresses;
Try this and feedback me please.
Seems to me that your problem has not been solve yet?
Following works for me:
$toAddresses = array();
$api = MailAPI::withUsernameAndPassword("server", "username", "password");
$message = new Type\MessageType();
$message->setBody('Some Text');
$message->setSubject('Test Subject');

Optimise mail sending process of phpmailer

I am trying to send mails using phpmailer and code is working fine. However when I see the CPU usage history in task manager I could see it is fluctuating rapidly between 0% to 100%. And RAM usage is constant around 4.65GB of 6GB.
I was able to send 500 emails in 15 minutes or so and I feel its bit slow because my CPU usage is fluctuating a lot, may be I am wrong in my assumption.
Can anyone help me in optimizing max usage of my system and fasten the process?
Also I have created a column in table email_sent to check how many mails have been sent and avoid any duplication but the code is not updating the database and giving up! (so it is commented out below).
//this code sends mails in HTML format using emailids from database. It also sends attachment if needed.
ini_set("display_errors", "on");
ini_set('max_execution_time', 30000000); //300 seconds = 5 minutes
ini_set('memory_limit', '6500M'); //Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (128MB by default)
//include("class.smtp.php"); // optional, gets called from within class.phpmailer.php if not already loaded
$mail = new PHPMailer();
$body = file_get_contents("contents.html");
//$body = preg_replace('/[\]/','',$body);
$body = preg_replace('/IDontKnowWTFThisFunctionIsdoing/','',$body);
$mail->IsSMTP(); // telling the class to use SMTP
$mail->Host = "ssl://";
$mail->SMTPAuth = true; // enable SMTP authentication
$mail->SMTPKeepAlive = true; // SMTP connection will not close after each email sent
$mail->Host = "ssl://"; // sets the SMTP server
$mail->Port = 465; // set the SMTP port for the GMAIL server
$mail->Username = ""; // SMTP account username
$mail->Password = "password"; // SMTP account password
//$mail->SetFrom ('', 'me');
$mail-> From = "";
$mail->FromName = "me";
$mail->AddReplyTo ('', 'me');
$mail->Subject = "Subject";
$startnum1 = 501;
$endnum1 = 5000;
//$query = "SELECT emailid FROM test WHERE email_sent = 0 Limit $startnum1,$endnum1";
$query = "SELECT emailid FROM test Limit $startnum1,$endnum1";
$result = #MYSQL_QUERY($query);
echo "message sending in process";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($result)) {
$mail->body = $body;
$mail->AltBody = "To view the message, please use an HTML compatible email viewer!"; // optional, comment out and test
$mail->AddAddress($row["emailid"], $row["emailid"]);
//$mail->AddStringAttachment($row["emailid"], "contents.html");
if(!$mail->Send()) {
echo "Mailer Error (" . str_replace("#", "#", $row["emailid"]) . ') ' . $mail->ErrorInfo . '<br />';
} else {
//$query1 = "UPDATE test SET Email_Sent= 1 WHERE EmailID= emailid Limit $startnum1,$endnum1";
//$result1 = #MYSQL_QUERY($query1);
echo "Message sent to :" . $row["emailid"] . ' (' . str_replace("#", "#", $row["emailid"]) . ')<br />';
// Clear all addresses and attachments for next loop
[CPU history] (
[System information] (

Retrieving email-id from database and send mail to them

In yii i am creating sendemail functionality. I am using mailer extension and its working correctly after making all settings of SMTP. i had made method actionEmail in controller as-
public function actionEmail()
$model=new User;
$mailer = Yii::createComponent('application.extensions.mailer.EMailer');
$mailer->SMTPAuth = true;
$mailer->SMTPSecure = "ssl";
$mailer->Host = "";
$mailer->Port = 465;
$mailer->CharSet = 'UTF-8';
$mailer->Username = "";
$mailer->Password = "abc";
$mailer->From = "";
$mailer->FromName = "";
$mailer->Subject = "welcome to Balaee";
// $html = $this->renderPartial('myview',array('content'=>'Hello World'),true);
$mailer->Body = "Welcomeclick on link for other detail ".$url="http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
if($mailer->Send()) {
echo "Please check mail";
//Yii::app()->user->setFlash('register','Thank you for contacting us. We will respond to you as soon as possible.');
// $this->refresh();
else {
echo "Fail to send your message!";
This method is implementing correctly.It is sending mail to address which is mentioned in mailer->AddAdress.But now i want to retrive email id's from database corresponding to specific user's id and send mail to him. i.e.I dont want to insert hard coded value for this field. So how can i do this. Please help me.
for fetch use id of user to get email address as
and set in email as
where id and email_id are the table column name.
check other ways .
For this to be done, you can fetch email id from database using following query:
$email = SELECT email FROM USER WHERE user_id = "X";
Here X is user_id of user whom you want to send email.
And provide this $email in the receipient's email field. Thanks.

Why do I get HTTP 401 Unauthorized from my call the to Yahoo contacts API?

This is driving me crackers. I'm implementing a friend invite scheme on a website and need access to the user's Yahoo contacts list. To do this, I'm using OAuth and the yahoo REST api. Here's a complete rundown of the sequence of events:
I have a project set up on which is configured to have read access to Contacts. It's on a made-up domain which I point to in my hosts file (On the off-chance that localhost was causing my woes). For this reason, the domain is not verified though my understanding is that this simply means I have less restrictions, not more.
Firstly, on the server I get a request token:
Which returns with (Formatted for vague attempt at clarity):
I then pop-up the xoauth_request_auth_url page to the user and receive a verifier code to my callback page. I then send that back to my server so that I can exchange it for an access token:
&oauth_verifier=b8ngvp <- verifier given via callback
That seems to work, and I get an access token back:
I then immediately attempt to get the contacts list with the access token and the GUID:
(HTTP Header added and formatted with line breaks for clarity...)
Authorization: OAuth
From this call I get a 401 Unauthorized, but it seems impossible to find out why. To sign these calls, I'm using this oath lib on github. I don't think it's doing anything extraordinary or incompatable. For the signature, I'm including the consumer key/secret and the access token/secret. I've looked at the signature base that's being hashed and it looks to be the same form as the examples visible on yahoo's documentation. I'm guessing that I'm missing something from the parameters that isn't being hashed. Is there a way to find out why the call is unauthorized, or does anyone know of an example showing exactly what form the signature base and authorization header must take?
Solved this myself. Adding the answer just in case it happens to help anyone who makes the same silly mistake I did. When I made the API call, I was using the token secret returned from the original request token call instead of the new one returned from the access token call.
this is the code with which I solved, the trusted code to use if yahooapis returns 403 forbidden:
init CODE
* Call the Yahoo Contact API
* #param string $consumer_key obtained when you registered your app
* #param string $consumer_secret obtained when you registered your app
* #param string $guid obtained from getacctok
* #param string $access_token obtained from getacctok
* #param string $access_token_secret obtained from getacctok
* #param bool $usePost use HTTP POST instead of GET
* #param bool $passOAuthInHeader pass the OAuth credentials in HTTP header
* #return response string with token or empty array on error
function call_yql($consumer_key, $consumer_secret, $querynum, $access_token, $access_token_secret, $oauth_session_handle, $usePost=false, $passOAuthInHeader = true){
global $godebug;
$response = array();
if ($consumer_key=='' || $consumer_secret=='' || $querynum=='' || $access_token=='' || $access_token_secret=='' || $oauth_session_handle) return array('0' => 'Forbidden');
if ($querynum == 1) {
$url = '';
// Show my profile
$params['q'] = 'select * from social.profile where guid=me';
} elseif ($querynum == 2) {
$url = '';
// here other query
$params['format'] = 'json'; //json xml
$params['Authorization'] = 'OAuth';
$params['oauth_session_handle'] = $oauth_session_handle;
$params['realm'] = '';
$params['callback'] = 'cbfunc';
$params['oauth_version'] = '1.0';
$params['oauth_nonce'] = mt_rand();
$params['oauth_timestamp'] = time();
$params['oauth_consumer_key'] = $consumer_key;
$params['oauth_callback'] = 'oob';
$params['oauth_token'] = $access_token;
$params['oauth_signature_method'] = 'HMAC-SHA1';
$params['oauth_signature'] = oauth_compute_hmac_sig($usePost? 'POST' : 'GET', $url, $params, $consumer_secret, $access_token_secret);
if ($passOAuthInHeader) {
$query_parameter_string = oauth_http_build_query($params, true);
$header = build_oauth_header($params, "");
$headers[] = $header;
} else {
$query_parameter_string = oauth_http_build_query($params);
// POST or GET the request
if ($usePost) {
$request_url = $url;
$headers[] = 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
$response = do_post($request_url, $query_parameter_string, 443, $headers);
} else {
$request_url = $url . ($query_parameter_string ? ('?' . $query_parameter_string) : '' );
$response = do_get($request_url, 443, $headers);
// extract successful response
if (! empty($response)) {
list($info, $header, $body) = $response;
if ($godebug==true) {
echo "<p>Debug: function call_yql info: <pre>" . print_r($info, TRUE) . "</pre></p>";
echo "<p>Debug: function call_yql header: <pre>" . print_r($header, TRUE) . "</pre></p>";
echo "<p>Debug: function call_yql body: <pre>" . print_r($body, TRUE) . "</pre></p>";
if ($body) {
$body = GetBetween($body, 'cbfunc(', ')');
$full_array_body = json_decode($body);
if ($godebug==true) echo "<p>Debug: function call_yql full_array_body: <pre>" . print_r($full_array_body, TRUE) . "</pre></p>";
// return object
return $full_array_body->query;
END code