Access tokens expire after only 1 day - flattr

With my Flattr client using the REST API, it seems that access tokens expire after 1 day. I checked my settings and the client is still authenticated. But when I issue a request to I get the following response:
"error_description":"You are unauthorized to access the resource",

I think I now know what the problem is. I am logging into Flattr with an iPhone and with the iPhone Simulator using the same account. It seems that using the API with more than one device will cause the user to need to login every time he changes devices.
I guess support for more than one access token at the same time is needed. Please confirm.


avoid auth token to expire

I want to use the gmail api to update myself about the status of a programm I'm running locally 24/7. Basicly once a day it should send me a status report per email from the emailaccount I created just for this case to the same account.
I've got a project set up, the api enabled, got my credentials and created a token.json file. I managed to have it send me emails yada yada yada.
I concentrated on the further development of the programm for some time and then wanted to jump back to this to test out another feature where I wanted to implement a ping me feature. I'd send myself an email asking for a ping back just to check if my program is still running.
While doing that I noticed that my token expired. I tried reading into what I can do about that. Ideally I'd like to have the program just run autonomously. I read for my case that a service account would be ideal but after setting that all up and 2 hours later after a lot of errors I read that interacting with the gmail api with a service account is only open to workspace users since I can't delegate domain-wide authority without one.
So after some further reading I read that next to the access token I created I can refresh that token with refresh tokens. for that I was trying the request function noted in the quickstart tutorial:
if os.path.exists('token.json'):
creds = Credentials.from_authorized_user_file('token.json', SCOPES)
if not creds or not creds.valid:
if creds and creds.expired and creds.refresh_token:
now running creds.refresh(Request())
I get this error:
google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError: ('invalid_grant: Token has been expired or revoked.', {'error': 'invalid_grant', 'error_description': 'Token has been expired or revoked.'})
Upon further reading here I read that refesh tokens are only available to projects whose status is set to in progress and not in testing. Projects set to testing are required to have the user manually log in at least once a week which I don't want.
Now for me verifying my project doesn't make sense since I won't have any other users using my access to the gmail api and frankly I wouldn't want that either.
What are my options here to have the script running continuously without having to manually sign in once a week? Considering also that I will be at all times the only user.
Thank you,
Your still have a few options. For one, you could get a Google Workspace account. The lowest tier would set you back around $6 per user per month. This would allow you to publish the app as internal-only and you don't need to go through the verification process, but you can only use the app with the Workspace account. You can still send emails out to any addresses, though.
If you don't want to pay, you can still set your app to Published status and you do not necessarily have to go through the verification. There are some limitations, such as the app warning that shows up when signing in and a user cap of 100 users, but since you know that the app is safe and you don't need more users you can just ignore this, Google says so in their own documentation:
What app types are not applicable for verification?
Personal Use: The app is not shared with anyone else or will be used by fewer than 100 users. Hence, you can continue using the app by bypassing the unverified app warning during sign-in.
As you already know, the refresh token expires in 7 days only when the app status is set to "testing", so as long as you have it set as "In production" and ignore the unverified app warnings, you should be able to have a normal refresh token that you can use without needing to sign in every 7 days.
Just keep in mind that other users could have access to the app but if you're careful to keep your OAuth credentials to yourself that should not be an issue.
Unverified apps
OAuth API verification FAQs
OAuth overview

Get Nike API Access Key

I am trying to make requests to the Nike+ API to get information but I do not know where to get a long-term access token from.
I know that I am making the actual request correctly (using AJAX) because I send the same request that Nike+ send when using their test console (I take it from the Chrome network tab when the test console sends). This request works for about an hour before saying the token has expired.
How do I get a long-term token? I have looked around the API and can't find it which makes me think I am missing something pretty obvious here.
Update (12/09/2016)
I need to have a client id to start making the implicit flow requests. I took one from the network tab of the chrome browser (from when I logged in) and used it as a parameter(as well as other things) for the first api call but it said it couldn't load partner details.
Any ideas? Am i even allowed to do what I want to do?
Nike+ API uses OAuth 2 for authentication. In his API there is no long-term token, but you can use refresh_token (30 days) to get new access_token (bound with expired_in) when your authentication expires and get unauthorized response. You can read more at Nike+ API documentation.

OAuth v2 (Google API) expiry Access Token

I am building an integration component using a graphical framework who has a pre-build OAuth2 connector.
This framework required following fields for OAuth v2:
Grant type
Auth Server URL
Client Id
Client Secret
Access Token
Refresh token
I need to get data from Google Analytics API, so I went to Google Dev Console
( I generated a 'Client ID for web application'. From the parameter of this object I was able to fill some of the parameters above
Grant type : 'authorisation_code'
Client Id : ''
Client Secret : 'RANDOMCHARSiSwBA5OH5qYLUa'
Then using Google Oauth Playground ( I was able to fill the missing bits
Scope : ''
Auth Server URL : ''
Access Token : 'RANDOMCHARSQAQv4HRF5-JsQEzUS61lj2YremyCocv0PQ4-agpzJe'
Refresh token : 'RANDOMCHARSLPJnL4FPaDc2KP6V8kCzjjHO2Kj4Np_3X0'
Everything works fine, I am authorised to access and I get data from Google Analytics, but just for a while, after few minutes if I retry I receive an authorisation failure error.
I believe that the problem is related to the expiration of the Access Token, but I don't know how to solve that.
Worth to mention that this activity it's batch (no human interaction), so nobody can request a new access token.
The integration framework is not extensible (I cannot write code to renew the code) so I believe there's a way to get a access token that never expire or some other mechanism to achieve the same result.
Bottom line, I am not sure if I approached the requirement correctly since the beginning (Client ID for web application).
Any help is much appreciated,
Access tokens typically expire after 60 minutes. If you have a refresh token you can use the refresh token to get a new (valid) access token.
This doc explains how to do that:
To answer your overarching question, yes, you are approaching everything correctly. All you need to do is handle the case where the access token has expired by refreshing it. Also, when you originally requested the access token the response should tell you how long it's valid for, so you should only refresh that token if it's expired.
You can use Refresh tokens to make it more long used.
The Google Auth server issued Refresh tokens never expire,
A token might stop working for one of these reasons:
The user has revoked access.
The token has not been used for six months.
The user changed passwords and the token contains Gmail scopes.
The user account has exceeded a certain number of token requests. There is currently a limit of 50 refresh tokens per user account
per client.If the limit is reached, creating a new token automatically invalidates the oldest token without warning.
This limit does not apply to service accounts.

Quickbooks API reconnect issue

I've been implementing connectivity to Quickbooks via the v3 API with ColdFusion, and have most everything working except reconnect ( I can get customer info, create/update invoices, etc, but no luck with reconnect.
From my app I get an Error Code 22 (Authentication required), but I'm sending the same auth header that I send for any of the other API call to access a protected resource. The oauth spec does not specifically have a "reconnect" action so my question is what specific oauth properties need to be included in the auth header for the Quickbooks reconnect call?
From the oauth 1.0 spec is it the headers for Consumer Requests an Access Token?
Or is it the header sent for accessing a protected resource
Or, is it some other header set?
Also, I've tried using the Dev Playgorund to test reconnect, and from there I get a
24 - Invalid App Token
So I'm at a loss at this point. For what it's worth Disconnect works fine :)
Any help, guidance, suggestions would be appreciated.
The first issue if you are doing things in the order you specify is that you cannot disconnect first and then subsequently reconnect. The reconnect API must be called with a valid access token, as the current access token will be invalidated and a new access token will be issued.
Secondly, there is a window for calling this API to refresh the 6 month life of the access token, it must be called in the last 30 days. This allows your app to refresh the token without prompting the customer again.
However in all cases if you disconnect, or the customer manually disconnects you cannot call the reconnect API. You need to take them through the authorize flow again.
hope that helps
To test reconnect from developer playground, use the following steps-
1. Navigate to IPP Playground- Go to Manage My Apps->Click on your app
Fill in consumer key and consumer secret in links below.
Alternatively, you can navigate to the Manage page for your app on stage or prod and click ‘Test connect to app (OAuth)’. Screen shot attached.
2. Enter the duration you would like for the issued OAuth tokens (e.g., 3600 for successful Reconnect) in the ‘Access Token Duration’ field. Screen shot attached.
3. Click on the Connect to QuickBooks button, go through OAuth flow to authorize a connection to a realm.
4. Under the resulting Post-Connection Interactions heading, click ‘Reconnect API Test’. Screen shot attached.
5. A new page will launch where your OAuth tokens are displayed. Copy these values to your application to test Reconnect
As Jarred mentioned that for dev/live apps, there is a window for calling this API to refresh the 6 month life of the access token, it must be called in the last 30 days.
I received this error as well. Error Code 22 (Authentication required) for me meant that the OAuth signature was wrong. This was confusing because I couldn't find this error listed in the Quickbooks documents for reconnect.
I was signing the request as a "POST" request instead of a "GET" request which is what Quickbooks requires for calls to the reconnect endpoint.

How to get user data from Google API with OAuth remotely from a server?

I've been reading lots of documentation about Google API access and OAuth flow using it but I don't seem to get it working in my mind, so I want to get some help first in order to have a clear idea about how it works then I can code it using the corresponding API.
What I want to achieve is feed a Java application running in a PC with specific Google user data, like localization through Google Latitude API. In order to get this, OAuth must be used, so I need getting the user consent, then access the user data from the application running in my computer, and I don't know how to manage this.
I've already registered my application with the Google APIs Console and enabled the Google Latitude module. I've also tried the Latitude console application here and it works properly (a browser tab opened asking for a Google user; I entered it and I got the location data), but I'm having problems when trying to adapt the program flow to my needs.
In my application, the 'remote' user is supposed to send a request (a custom JSON message) to the server asking for service enable/disable, like allowing the server to track his/her position through Latitude. Then, AFAIK, the server should send to the user a URL so the user can give the consent, but I don't know how to get this URL and how the server realizes about this consent and gets the token (automatically? Google tracks this authorization process?). Once my server gets the specific user token, then I should be ready to get service data for that user using the received token.
As I said before, I've tried according to different references, but as the documentation seems to be really scattered and much of it is already deprecated, I've been unable to get it working.
Judging from your description, the installed app OAuth2 flow seems to be the right one for you.
At some point, presumably when a user is installing your desktop app, you should fire up a browser - either embedded one in your app or the default browser - and sent them to this Google OAuth2 endpoint. In your request, fill out all the parameters as required by the doc: Latitude API scope, client_id, etc. Google, as an authorization server, will take care of user authentication, session selection, and user consent. If the user grants access to her data to your API, you will receive an authorization code either in the title of the browser window or at a localhost port.
Once you have the code, you can exchange it for an access token and a refresh token. The access token is what you need to call the API and access the user's data. It is short lived though - check the expired_in parameter in the response, I believe it is 3600 sec. - so you will need to periodically ping the token endpoint with your long lived refresh token and exchange it for an access token.
You can find a more thoroough description of this flow in the doc linked above.