Cocoa: hide NavigationBar - objective-c

I'm using UIXOverlayController to show custom popup in my application.
Popup has some buttons, one of them is "Send SMS" which uses MFMessageComposeViewController.
When i click "Send SMS" button, sms composer appears, but without it's TOP bar (where "Cancel" button is located).
Suppose, that my application's Navigation Bar overlaps SMS composer Bar and i need to bring sms top bar to front.
I also tried to hide navigation bar when popup window is active, but there is no method "self.navigationBar" in overlayController ".m" file. And i think that all work with hide/show navbar should been done in overlaycontroller.
Any suggestions? Thanks!

Have you tried adding self.navigationBar.hidden = YES;? That should hide the navigation bar.


How do you add a button to the "navigation bar" in IntelliJ?

By default, in IntelliJ, the main toolbar is hidden. When it is hidden, there are essential buttons that are shown in the navigation bar. I don't need the full toolbar, but it would be nice to be able to add a single button to the navigation bar.
How do you add a button to the navigation bar?
You can customize any menu or toolbar in IDEA in settings by going to:
Settings-> Appearance and Behavior -> Menus and Toolbars
The item you are looking for is called
Navigation Bar Toolbar

How to implement the pull-down search bar in objective c?

In the native Calendar app, the search bar is not shown until I click the search icon and then the search bar is pulled down from top like this
If I tap the Cancel button, the search bar is pulled back to top.
I think i can mimic the effect by hiding a search bar at the top and moving it down with animation upon a button click and so on. But I wonder if there is an SDK-provided way for doing this. Thanks!

Re-create Cocoa application menubar

I'm making a statusbar application and load a new xib containing the main window for the application when clicking on a statusbar menu item. However, in the process I deleted the application menu bar. I don't see a way to hook up the NSMenu object I created in the interface builder.
The window loads just fine, and the status bar icon is still present, but when I make the main window the key window, the application menu bar doesn't change, it just shows the previous app that was active.
I have followed the instructions/suggestions here and here, but neither of them work. Is there some other step I've missed?
The behavior you're describing is normal for background applications. If you don't have an icon in the Dock, you don't get your own menubar, even if you have a window in the foreground.

ios search bar customize cancel button

Is it possible to change the text of this button or even use an icon?
In IB the button is not selectable and I can't find how to do it in the documentation.
Styling the cancel button in a UISearchBar

Making the Name of the App appear in the Menubar (top-left corner) when the App is LSUIElement

How would I make the name of the app appear here ( like with a normal app )…
alt text
… when the app is an LSUIElement.
My Problem is that when the App is LSUIElement the name is not by default displayed in the menu bar like an normal app. Basically all I want LSUIElement to do is to hide the dock icon not the name in the menu bar.
For those who's native language isn't English, when I say 'App' i mean 'Application'.
Don't do this; it's not what users expect. A dock icon and menu bar go together. If you want to get both a dock icon and menu bar icon in your UIElement app, use TransformProcessType.
If you really must, you can draw your own menu bar window (if you use the appropriate window level it'll appear over the top of the existing menu bar).