Where can one download "official" mono appliances? - mono

I used to rely on the Novell ftp site to retrieve fully fledged Linux based Mono virtual machines.
Latest VM available is Mono-2.10.2, published on April, 26th 2011 (few days before the "Attachmate" incident).
The VMWare_Image page, on the Mono project site, states that "You can download the VMware image with Mono pre-installed and pre-configured from our Downloads page.". Unfortunately, I can't find anything relevant on the Downloads page.
Now that Xamarin has came to an agreement with Novell, is there a new source where one could download preconfigured Mono appliances?

I know what you mean, there used to be official images to grab from the mono-project.com page. The images were build using open(suse) build service and based on opensuse. The official builds are outdated, but you can try searching the SUSE Gallery, which is basically a public collection of user-build opensuse images, using different software selection.
A search for mono: http://susestudio.com/search?q=mono
I have not tested any of these myself, but you might want to look these in particular:
Depending on your need, you could also create your own spin of openSUSE, adding the xamarin rpm repo in the webclient and have SUSE studio built it for you.


Why is libusb 1.0.9 still a very popular download on SourceForge?

So, wanting to access a USB device from python on Windows, I've spent the morning searching the web and it seems that the most popular, comprehensive and up to date (as of late 2014) combo is PyUSB (1.0.0-beta-2) on top of libusb-1.0 (1.0.19). In particular it took me a while to figure out the current status quo regarding all the politicking, forks, re-combinations and domain name changes that the libusb-1.0 project has undergone over the last couple of years.
So, AFAIK the current official/definitive libusb-1.0 project is hosted at
has download tarballs at
and maintains a project page at
Given all the ructions, looking at the SourceForge download page I was a bit suspicious to note that while 1.0.19 is the most recent release, 1.0.9 from a couple of years back is still the more popular download. Why?
I'm happy with TessellatingHeckler'e explanation. The zombie web site libusb.org that links to the old 1.0.9 version of the library on SourceForge has the highest Google page rank and is the first thing people find when searching for details on the project

MONO 3.2 for Windows / Linux - Missing?

Looking for a download to MONO Runtime 3.2 but I just can find this for Mac.
Are there no releases for Linux/Windows ?
Are there no releases for Linux?
The tarball is all you need to use/install Mono in Linux.
If what you want is that your favourite distro imports this version of Mono into its packaging system (e.g.: apt-get), then you would need to ask in the forums, mailing lists or other online resources about that distro.
Are there no releases for Windows?
First, I will ask you another question, are you sure do you really need Mono for Windows? For most use cases, Windows already bundles .NET into the last versions. Furthermore, Mono for Windows is not a top priority platform for the Mono team and may lack features or have worse performance than on Linux/Mac. Therefore Mono for windows is only really useful for certain uncommon scenarios.
If you're really interested in those uncommon use cases, then keep bugging Mono maintainers in their forums, mailing lists or IRC, to remind them to package it (it's not really a priority anymore since this platform is not something they target with their commercial offerings).
UPDATE: A Xamarin employee stated that the installer would be available when version 3.2.3 is released, and they complied with their promise because 3.2.3 has been released and the windows installer is available in the download page.

Distributing TideSDK application

I recently finished an application based on Titanium, Javascript, HTML, CSS. I have only been a web designer to date so I have little experience in distributing applications. I was accustomed to the TiDev Community deploying app, which prepared the app for download and made it available for download at a given link.
But tidev community is no longer supported, so I use TideSDK Developer to package the app, which doesnt do all the hard work the other one did so nicely.
I am obviously a complete rookie to this.
Could anyone outline the steps I would need to take to go from the bundled application folder I have now (put together by TideSDK Developer), to a link that will allow customers to download and install the app or online? I know there is an issue with packaoging the app for platforms other than your own, and that appcelerator is working on a solution to this I think. I also realise I would probably have to pay to host the download online. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
You must use the tidebuilder.py script. to compile a installation package. To compile a binary for a Mac, you must run the script on a Mac, to compile a binary for windows, you must be on a windows box etc.
There is some documentation on how to use it here per platform. The command is very simple and works.
Once you have your application file (DMG for OSX or a MSI for Windows) then just distribute it however you see fit, email, putting it on your web server, whatever works for you.

creating an OpenCascade Module for SALOME in the Windows Development Environment

I read a tutorial on how to do that in LINUX, but it looks like this cant be ported to windows so easily. SALOME gives us a development environment for windows and claims its crossplattform:
But the documentation does not specify the module creation process in windows (the documentation is only downloadable so i cant link it). To follow the LINUX tutorial, one has to find and edit several files that are missing in the windows distribution. Mainly these are files that are used in the make process of the linux salome module creation.
I hope anyone has some experience in this field.
SALOME doesn't support Windows currently, as the 3rd parties dependencies.

Installing print driver on Windows Azure VM

We have a native, stand alone Win32 application that we use to generate .PDF files. It is command line driven to take one of our data files in and generate a PDF file. It works in conjunction with a print driver that is installed on the computer.
I know there are libraries for generating PDF files in .NET that we can use in Azure, however, there is specific type layout being carried out in our App that we must support, and that logic is not yet on the server side. This is a short term cheat, before we port (or rewrite) our 20 year old type layout engine out of C/C++. There is alot of code here with alot of complexity.
I see that we can now run native apps in Azure (yay). However, my issue seems to be that this native application requires a print driver installed. I have not been able to find any information about installing print driver in Azure worker role.
I found this discussion: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9125385/printing-to-pdf-from-azure-worker-role. The end result of this is to use a PDF library on Azure, which is not something that will work for us.
Also, I am aware that it is not the best use of a server to fire up a process to generate a PDF file everytime somebody wants to preview their data file in our web site. We are planning on cheating by showing the user the PDF, when they want to preview our proprietary data format in a browser. This is Phase I of a project, and rewriting our 20 year old type layout engine in C# is going to take alot longer to accomplish, and we are talking about this (admitted hack) as a short term (in the bigger sense of things) measure.
How do I install a Print Driver in Windows Azure worker role? Is it possible? Are there any other options?
Many Thanks.
If you can do a command line, silent install of the Amyuni software that yms mentioned then you could run that as part of a startup task on your worker role, probably with elevated permissions. People use startup tasks to do all sorts of things and many of them have written blog posts about it or answer questions about them here on SO, but a good place to start would be the official documentation.
This may help: Amyuni PDF Converter is a PDF printer driver with an API exposed as a COM interface and as a net. assembly that allows you to silently install and uninstall the driver programmatically. This can be done by using the methods PDFDriverInit and DriverEnd from your application.
Once your application installs the driver, you can print to PDF using a memory stream as destination and upload it to a Microsoft Azure Blob Storage.
There are 2 ways of installing Amyuni PDF Converter:
1- Using the installation program provided with the package.
2- Copying the dll files to their corresponding folders and then calling the method DriverInit.
The complete process is explained here:
Using the Developer Version of the Amyuni Document Converter
About your specific scenario, if you have an application that uses Amyuni PDF Converter, then there is indeed a printer driver that should be installed with it. Your application could be installing the driver every time it is launched and removing it when it is closed, or it could be installing it only during the installation of your program.
If you do not have the source code of this application but you still have the license information of the library provided by Amyuni, you could try building a small application or batch script that just takes care of the installation process. You can contact Amyuni support for a link to the latest build of the version you are using.
You mentioned that you are using Windows Azure VM, so I am assuming that you have administrative rights on the virtual system and that you can connect to it using remote desktop and run any kind of applications.
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