Trello API - Get Organization's Boards with ID - api

I have been working with the Trello API (pretty neat, btw), but I can't simply found why I can't get the list of boards of an organization. The documentation says that I have to make a call in the form of:
But I keep getting an empty array as response. I am member of the organization that I want the boards from, but still, I don't see any boards.
If I try doing this but through the members (I can get my membership's boards), I get only a board that I created.
Thanks in advance for you comments!

Unless all of the boards are public, you will need to provide both an application key and a token authorizing you to see the boards in the organization.
The application key is used only to let Trello know which application
is making the request; it doesn’t tell Trello who the request is being
made on behalf of. For example, if you’re using your own application
key, you still need to generate a token to be able to access any of
your private boards.
The "Getting Started" guide includes a section on Getting a Token from a User


Apple Music API - How to get user identifier?

I am trying to retrieve the user's information after getting the Music Token from the Apple Music API. It seems that the /me endpoint is not available for queries other than the storefront (
Problem is, I need to identify each user with a unique ID, so I need to retrieve any good information to do that (for example, the email address could be a good starting point).
From the Apple Music API developer page, I can't find any endpoint to do so. Is there something I am missing?
Thank you :)
No, you're not missing anything. It's really frustrating that you can't get any user data from the api, because it probably means you'll have to also provide another sign-on method like Google or email/password to get information. Apple has just released its own SSO here, but I think the user would still have to authenticate that and MusicKit.

API to check Periscope User is Online

I've scoured for any information regarding an Open API for Periscope.
I have a twitter feed, that should only show if Periscope is Live (the said user will share the broadcast via Twitter).
I can parse the word "IS LIVE" but then I'd have to parse multiple languages.
I'm looking to check an API if the user is Online in periscope, if so, then display the latest twitter feed (which is the broadcast).
There was this User Online button that could be generated
it calls an api like
but it seems that the certificate is invalid, so I keep getting errors ..
Any help / workarounds would be much appreciated!
I've Searched OPEN Periscope, but mostly requires an Authentication token etc.
There is no open API for Periscope. At least, not that I'm aware of. Which would explain your difficulty in finding anything. The closest thing would be the Unofficial Periscope API, documented by Pmmlabs (the same folks who run the OpenPeriscope project). However, as you've already discovered, most of the calls to the Periscope API, including all user-related calls, require an auth token.
Outside of using the API or screen scraping, the only other way I can think of to tell if a user is live or not is to try accessing their Periscope page directly. When you go to a user's Periscope page at{userId}, Periscope will redirect you to that users most recent broadcast, where you can parse the broadcast id from the redirect URL. Once you have the broadcast id of the most recent broadcast, you can use the following API call (which does not require an auth token):{broadcastId}
... to determine whether the broadcast is live or not. Look at the JSON response and if the "type" field equals "StreamTypeReplay", then it's a replay, otherwise it's a live broadcast.

linkedin api v2: "Not enough permissions to access" for /people

My question is similar for Linkedin v2 api: Not enough permissions to access: GET /countriesV2, LinkedIn V2 api: Not enough permissions to access /me GET, Not enough permissions to access /me GET and others, but works with /v2/organizations/ endpoint (that's why I think the app is already applied for api:
That's not my app - my client's one.
My task is getting members' info, but any calls to /v2/people/ endpoint fall.
The r_basicprofile permission is set and I no need for extra profile fields.
Now I see a couple of problems with linkedin REST API:
most of examples are for v1
v1 doesn't work at all
links to the linkedin site (like mostly don't work (about 95-99%)
I can't even call samples from
I asked about this on linkedin help forum. I don't understand is this api works or not?
Does anyone have a successful experience with /v2/people/ endpoint?
if you really want to use V2 apply to the partnership that is required.
but because you need only basic profile info try this :,first-name,last-name,headline,picture-url,email-address,public-profile-url)?format=json
this will return the information of the person who is loggedin.
if you want information of another person try this:[user_id]:(id,first-name,last-name,headline,picture-url,email-address,public-profile-url)?format=json
hopefully this works for you.

How to obtain an Edmunds API key?

This is my first attempt to use an API. I followed the instructions for registering for an Edmunds API (
I registered for an account, got an email from them to confirm, clicked on that link, and got a request to register my application, which I filled out.
But when I log into my account and click on "keys", all I get is the message "You don't have any keys yet".
What am I missing? Thanks in advance.
Here is the email response I got from Edmunds:
Thank you for your interest in the Edmunds Open API Program.
Unfortunately, we are in the process of retiring our Open API Program. Therefore, we are unable to issue you an API key at this time.
The Edmunds API has been shutdown.
I would like to also recommend this website, it contains a list of the latest car information/database APIs.
I can't remember exactly how I created mine, I believe I created my dev account and then received an api key link via email. I clicked the link and it took me to a page where I could setup my app and receive an api key. You should have received said email by now.
If that doesn't work then try emailing:
An alternative to Edmunds API would be Marketcheck Cars API
The developer portal is given here with Comprehensive API documentation
The APIs supported are
Inventory Search API
VIN History API
Dealers API
VIN Decoder API
CRM Cleanse API
and lots more APIs coming up like - Market APIs with active and historical market averages, trends, dealer sales stats, dealer ranking, deal ranking, total cost to own, car market values (like Edmunds TMV) coming up

After Google+ People API list endpoint is deprecated. It is possible to get the visible friends list in circle?

Using "" api, we are getting the access to a list of people in the user's circles in addition to their name and profile information. After api deprecation, we using people.connections.list api "" as per documentation but we get list contacts only, not friends list in google+. please help us to retrieve the friends list in google-plus. Thank you
This is probably only telling you what you already know or have guessed.
From the deprecated People API page: "... calls to the API return empty circle data for those new sign-ins." and "In place of the social connection data from the Google+ People API, you can get rich contacts data from the new Google People API."
It seems that there will no longer be a public API for getting a Google+ friends list. Consider supporting an alternate social media platform for your app or utilizing Google Contacts.
It sounds like the People API will actually be more powerful than the G+ people.list method. The G+ API only listed people that the user had circled--that isn't the same as being a friend or close contact. The people API likely better reflects closer connections between individuals as well as exposing a broad number of contacts to apps. I think for most apps, this is an improvement.