SMSS IDE: Addon to colour tab or background by server? - sql

I haven't been able to find anything that can colour the background and/or add a tab bar to the SMMS IDE to better identify the difference between prod, test and dev servers. SMSS Tools appears to be the only plugin trying to do this but I'm yet to see it work (appears to be a common problem based on my searches).
Just wondering if anybody knows of an addon (paid or free) that accomplishes this?

All version of SSMS since at least SQL Server 2008 R2 (and I think 2008) include a built-in ability to change the colour of the connection bar at the bottom of a query window - when setting up a new connection for a query, click the Options >> button, then set the colour by ticking use custom colour (then selecting your chosen colour) on the Connection Properties tab.
I've had SSMS Tools Pack connection colouring working but I prefer the built-in option.
I just tried SSMS Tools pack colouring again, and I agree it appears not to be working in the current verion (2.1.0) in SSMS 2008 R2.


SQL Server Management Studio 2017 - Tabs Not Repainting

I'm having a minor issue (more annoying than anything else) in SQL Server Management Studio 2017 the workspace in my tabs (when I have more than one open, which I almost always do) aren't repainting properly. The content from one tab bleeds into another.
To correct this I close the tab and open it again (on a file open), move the cursor up and down (when I click into another tab) or click back and forth between 2 tabs until the content is correct.
As I said, it's more of an annoyance than anything else, and I do have a work around, but I'm concerned because SSMS asked me if I wanted to save the file when I opened an existing file today and found it had the wrong content and closed it. If I wasn't paying attention I might have overwritten the file.
As an FYI, I am using the most recent version of Red Gate SQL Prompt (10.4) which I uninstalled and reinstalled after I downloaded and installed SSMS 18.4.
Thanks in advance, Peter
I remember this problem on an older version of SSMS 18, but pretty sure it was fixed in SSMS 18.1 or 18.2 (which ever version came out after the probkem was introduced). Also your title says SSMS 2017 but you close by saying you're using 18.4, so I've assumed you're using 18.4.
If you are still getting the problem, try disabling hardware graphics acceleration: Tools -> Options -> Environment/General -> Use hardware graphics acceleration if available, as that used to be the cause if I recall correctly.

Ctrl R not working in SQL Server 2012

In SQL Server 2012, Ctrl+R not working. Any other shortcuts for that.
Any setting changes available or is there any alternative?
Go to Tools > Options > Environment > Keyboard / General.
In the middle box,
Select Window.ShowResultsPane
Change the Use new shortcut dropdown to SQL Query Editor (Global did not work for me)
Put your cursor in the "Press shortcut keys:" box and hit CTRL + R. You should see the following:
Click Assign and then OK.
Unlike some other changes that still require an SSMS restart to take effect, the change takes effect immediately, and CTRL + R should start working again.
I blogged about this three years ago.
Another way is to select Default and hit the Reset button. This worked for me.
I'm using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio version 11.0.3128.0 (SSMS 2012).
Started having the above issue for no aparent reason.
Solved like this: click "Tools -> Options". On the options window, open Environment -> Keyboard on the tree. Then, on the right, press the "Reset" button.
Worked for me.
I am using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio version 12.0.4100.1 (SSMS 2014).
I had the same issue and resolved it by following below steps -
Click "Tools -> Options".
On the Options window, expand Environment -> Keyboard -> Keyboard.
Then, in the right side panel, press the "Reset" button.
Go to the Keyboard Settings as mentioned by #aaron and then change the keyboard mapping scheme (first drop down). This gave me back the shortcuts that I am used to like Ctrl+R and Ctrl+E
I am troubled with this after I installed Visual Studio 2015. When Ctrl+N is pressed in SSMS, instead of opening a query window, SSMS showed up selection page of the VS files. A Reset as posted above revert to SSMS shortcuts.
Thanks for the posts.
--In 'thoughts'...

Ctrl+N doesn't open new query window in Management Studio (MS SQL 2008)

I have install Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 10.0.1600.22
But the keyboard shortcut of Ctrl+N is not doing anything. (Not opening the new query window)
I have check in Menu >> Options >> Environment >> Keyboard but did not found any thing
Any Trick for opening new query window by shortcut key?
Your copy is broken, or your keyboard is broken, of you have some other software causing problems. If you safe boot (or at least limit the start via winconfig or suchlike) you can see if disable other software solves it.
If you can open via mouse click on the New Query button or use the Menu options you at least have a work-around.

Creating shortucts in SSMS 2008 R2

I'm looking to create a shortcut to change the connection of a query in SSMS. Is there a way to manually assign shortcut keys to buttons?
Look in Tools - Options - Keyboard.
See also this.
SSMS Tools Pack Snippets is the nearest I can find to highly customisable keyboard shortcuts/hotkeys. For SQL 2012 on it's no longer free. The options mentioned above (unless I'm missing something obvious) don't seem to allow you to set your own shortcuts. There are twelve keyboard shortcuts listed (from Alt+F1 to Ctrl+0) but for the life of me I can't work out how you can add your own to this list.

SQL Management Studio 2008 - Server name on Query Editor tabs...where did they go?

I recently upgraded to SQL Management Studio 2008 (full not express, if it matters).
In 2005, when I was in the Query Editor, each tab (with an unsaved query) would have the servername-instance-query name or something like that, but all I cared about was seeing the server name there so I knew which server I was running my query on.
In 2008 it appears that they've decided to change the tab title to query name-servername, and the result of this is I can't see what server I'm working on without hovering over the tab and looking at the tooltip thing that pops up, which really slows me down. So currently all my tabs are titled something like "SQLQuery5.sql..." which is useless to me.
How can I get the servername back to the front the tab title?
It can be turned off/on in SSMS 2005, so possibly in 2008 you have it switched off.
Go to Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> Editor Tab and Status Bar. Under "Tab Text" in the right hand panel, make sure "Include server name" is set to True.
If you have the SQL Editor menu checked up top then there is a drop down that tells you exactly what database you're in for the currently selected tab.
You should be running any queries in the active window? At the bottom there is a status bar with the server name and database name in it. That way you don't have to clutter the limited tab space with all that data.