MDX to SSAS calculation - ssas

I have written a MDX query which works fine in SQL Server Management Studio. My query is as follows:
SELECT [Measures].[Item Count]
ON 0
FROM [Inventory]
where [DateDiscontinued].[Date].[Discontinued Cal Year].&[0].&[0]
This query gives me all the items which are Discontinues.Now the problem is that when I copy paste the query in BIDS(SSAS Cube Calculation) as a calculated Member I get an error. It says it can't read the select statement. Do I need to write different MDX to support SSAS Calculated member or different function which supports SSAS Calculated Memeber?

The create member right syntax is:
AS MDX_Expression
[,Property_Name = Property_Value, ...n]
Then ,your create member should be like:
([Measures].[Item Count] ,
[DateDiscontinued].[Date].[Discontinued Cal Year].&[0].&[0])


Reading Data from different dimension when creating MDX queries in SSAS

I am trying to create a query but it utilizes two different dimensions. I receive this error "Members, tuples, or sets must use the same hierarchies in the function." I've run this with/without the brackets in the row section and got the same error. How do I resolve this issue?
Error Message/MDX Query
You are using two different hierarchies of the same dimension [Dim Course] in the tuple which is not allowed.
You will have to change your query, something like this should work:
select {[Measures].[Dim Course Count],[Measures].[Dim Semester Count]} on 0,
{([Dim Course].[Course Code].[Course Code], [Dim Semester].[Academic Year].[Academic Year]) } on 1
from [CCSE-DM]
where [Dim Course].[Level1].[Level1]

icCube MDX on distinct count in relation to same dimension in axis or filter

I have the following MDX statement on the $Monitoring cube:
MEMBER [Measures].[Unique Users] AS distinctcount(([User].[User].[User L].members
, [Measures].[Open Report Count])),format_string="#,#0"
NON EMPTY { {[Measures].[Unique Users],[Measures].[Open Report Count]} } ON COLUMNS,
NON EMPTY { [Time].[Time].[Day L] } ON ROWS
{ lag(strtomember("[Time].[Time].["+right("0"+str(day(SchemaRefreshTime())),2) +"-"+ right("0"+str(month(SchemaRefreshTime())),2) + "-"+str(year(SchemaRefreshTime()))+ "]"), 6):strtomember("[Time].[Time].["+right("0"+str(day(SchemaRefreshTime())),2) +"-"+ right("0"+str(month(SchemaRefreshTime())),2) + "-"+str(year(SchemaRefreshTime()))+ "]") } ON 0 FROM [$Monitoring])
axis 1 NON EMPTY order(nonempty(Descendants([Report].[Report], ,leaves),[Open Report Count]),[Open Report Count],desc)
FILTERBY /*ic3*/ {[Time].[Time].[ALL].&[2015].&[2015-11-27].&[27-11-2015]}
FILTERBY /*ic3*/ {[User].[User].[All Users].&[<user>]}
*) change <user> with the actual user name
*) the ...lag.. formula is used to give the last 7 days based on schema refresh time
***) this MDX query can be run on any $Monitoring cube if you have filled in an existing user
I would expect the distinctcount function to take into account the FILTERBY. So the result should be 1 (there is just one user selected). The strange thing is, that it does not. It shows more than one user, so I assume the FILTERBY on users is not taken into account for the distinctcount.
The same thing happens when I move the FILTER BY to the AXIS or to the ROWS or COLUMNS.
Is this a bug or is this something how MDX/ MDX++ works in icCube?
Please advise.
It's the expected behaviour. Welcome to advanced MDX !
A FilterBy is exactly the same as a sub-select.
Members are not filtered by a subselect or a where clause in a calculated members.
In a calculated member, a tuple that defines a hierarchy will 'overwrite' the one defined in a subquery or where clause.
------ UPDATE ------
If you want to filter the set with the where clause/subselect you've the EXISTING operator.
MEMBER [Measures].[Unique Users] AS count( Existing [User].[User].[User L].members),format_string="#,#0"
if you want only users with data for the cell tuple :
MEMBER [Measures].[Unique Users] AS count( nonempty( Existing [User].[User].[User L].members, [Measures].[Open Report Count])),format_string="#,#0"
If you've a large number of users I'd advise adding a measure [Distinct Users] that is a distinct count on the user id. This way you avoid all complexity that we're facing here.

MDX Error while creating Calculated Measure

I am trying to create a calculated measure that finds the difference between two measures by using the following mdx query
WITH MEMBER [Measures].[Available]
AS ([Measures].[Capacity days] ,[Project].[Projects by Name].[All],[Project].[Projects by Code].[All])
- ([Measures].[Worked Days] ,EXCEPT([Project].[Projects by Name].[Project].MEMBERS,
[Project].[Projects by Name].[Project].&[1214]),[Version].[Version].[Combined],[Charge].[Charge].[All])
In case of second measure Worked Days I want to access it with respect to all projects except one ,so am using EXCEPT function which results in the following error
" The function expects a string or numeric expression for the argument. A tuple set expression was used"
Is there any other way to perform this operation?
The query is mixing tuples with sets. Perhaps you can check this gentle introduction of MDX for main concepts and notations.
The second tuple is using a set (the result of EXCEPT) as its second member which is not possible. You could use the aggregate function as following to compute the [Worked Days] over the members of this set instead :
AS ( [Measures].[Capacity days], ... )
- Aggregate(
Except (
[Project].[Projects by Name].[Project].MEMBERS,
[Project].[Projects by Name].[Project].&[1214]
( [Measures].[Worked Days], ... )

Adding a filter to a MDX query

I'm new to SSAS and need help with what would be equivalent to a where clause in SQL and I'm sure an easy answer for a MDX regular.
I have this pulling values for a multiple select parameter list in report builder but I need to filter out the contracts based on what project the user is currently viewing. Here is the query that is pulling all the values correctly.
WITH MEMBER [Measures].[ParameterCaption] AS [dimContracts].[ContractName].CURRENTMEMBER.MEMBER_CAPTION
MEMBER [Measures].[ParameterValue] AS [dimContracts].[Contract Name].CURRENTMEMBER.UNIQUENAME
SELECT {[Measures].[ParameterCaption],
[Measures].[ParameterValue]} ON COLUMNS,
[dimContracts].[Contract Name].Children ON ROWS
FROM [cubeProjectEntities]
I need to add what would be equivalant to:
WHERE dimContracts.[Project Id] = 1
I've added which produces the correct filtered set but from here I don't know how to use the report parameter to get it to work. Every time I test it just gives and empty dataset. I have the parameter just printing on the page so I know that it is set correctly.
WHERE [dimContracts].[Project Id].[1]
This does not work:
WHERE [dimContracts].[Project Id].[#ProjectId]
And then in Report builder I will pass a parameter to the query to replace the 1 for #projectId.
Thanks for any help!
WITH MEMBER [Measures].[ParameterCaption] AS [dimContracts].[ContractName].CURRENTMEMBER.MEMBER_CAPTION
MEMBER [Measures].[ParameterValue] AS [dimContracts].[Contract Name].CURRENTMEMBER.UNIQUENAME
SELECT {[Measures].[ParameterCaption],
[Measures].[ParameterValue]} ON COLUMNS,
[dimContracts].[Contract Name].Children ON ROWS
FROM [cubeProjectEntities]
Where (STRTOMEMBER(#projectid))
In MDX, the where clause is a slicer. Here's a good article about the differences between SQL and MDX.
Here's a link about using SSRS parameters with MDX queries. You'll actually want to pass the entire member name to the query rather than just the value (ex: [DimContracts].[Project ID].[1])

SSAS how to turn the following SQL script into MDX?

I want to calculate the daily number of children as a measure in SSAS. The logic should be written in SQL as follows:
Select Count(distinct ChildID)
From Child
Group by CurrentDate
How could I translate this script into MDX for calculation? I'm new to SSAS.
It depends a lot on how your dimensions are set up but shooting from the hip you could set up a measure that is a count of childid. To do that in SSAS under the cube structure create a new measure and select count under the usage property and the proper table under the source table. You could call this measure Child Count or something like that.
With a distinct child count measure set up the MDX would be something like this:
{ [Measures].[Child Count] } ON COLUMNS,
{ ([Dim Child].[CurrentDate].[CurrentDate].ALLMEMBERS ) } ON ROWS
FROM [Your Cube]