SSAS how to turn the following SQL script into MDX? - sql

I want to calculate the daily number of children as a measure in SSAS. The logic should be written in SQL as follows:
Select Count(distinct ChildID)
From Child
Group by CurrentDate
How could I translate this script into MDX for calculation? I'm new to SSAS.

It depends a lot on how your dimensions are set up but shooting from the hip you could set up a measure that is a count of childid. To do that in SSAS under the cube structure create a new measure and select count under the usage property and the proper table under the source table. You could call this measure Child Count or something like that.
With a distinct child count measure set up the MDX would be something like this:
{ [Measures].[Child Count] } ON COLUMNS,
{ ([Dim Child].[CurrentDate].[CurrentDate].ALLMEMBERS ) } ON ROWS
FROM [Your Cube]


MDX OLAP Cube Query Optimization

Problem: I'm trying to write a MDX query that will show the first date a member has measure values.
Data obstacles:
1. I don't have access to the data warehouse/source data
2. I can't request any physical calcs or CUBE changes
Looking for: I know this goes against what a CUBE should be doing, but is there any way to achieve this result. I'm running into locking conflicts and general run time issues.
Background: After some trial and error. I have a working query but sadly it's only is practical when filtered for <10 employees. I've tried some looping but there are ~60k employee ids in the cube with each one having 10-20 emp keys (one for each change in their employee info).
//must have values for measure 1 or 2
set NE_measures as
[Measures].[measure1] ,
//first date with measure values for each unique emp key
MEMBER [Measures].[changedate] AS
NonEmpty([Dim Date].[Date].[Date].allMEMBERS, NE_measures)
SELECT non empty {[Measures].[changedate]} ON COLUMNS,
non empty [Dim Employee].[Emp Key].[Emp Key].allmembers ON ROWS
FROM [Cube]
Try this:
MEMBER [Measures].[changedate] AS
[Dim Date].[Date].[Date].allMEMBERS,
OR NOT(ISEMPTY([Measures].[measure2])),
[Dim Date].[Date].CurrentMember.MemberValue,
I’m assuming the KeyColumn or ValueColumn is more likely to sort properly than the name. So if MemberValue doesn’t work then try Member_Key.
The most efficient way of accomplishing this would be to add a date column in the fact table with measure 1 and measure 2 then create a AggregateFunction=Min measure on it. But you said you couldn’t change the cube so I didn’t propose that superior option.

SSAS new measure with a fixed dimension value

I am trying to create a measure in SSAS 2012 that looks something like that in MDX:
{[Measures].[DWH FACT Events Count]} ON COLUMNS
[DWH DIM Event Name].[Event Name].&[wizard_done-button_click];
This gives me the result of counting rows (DWH FACT Events Count) when the Event Name is fixated to be "wizard_done-button_click".
I want this measure to update on each slice of the cube (i.e choose a country). While this query works, I don't know how to get it to become an actual measure.
One solution I saw was to create a Calculation:
[Measures].[DWH FACT Events Count] ,
[DWH DIM Event Name].[Event Name].&[wizard_done-button_click]
This calculated member gives me the result I want, but it doesn't update when I browse the cube and try to slice it by different dimensions.

MDX show all sales until now

i have a huge table of cashflows that means there are +int values for income and -int values for outcome.
I have MeasureGroup for Sum the amount of money.
I now want to display not only the sum of money per month but also the sum of all the past time until the current month so like that:
Month MoneyAmount Total
1 20 20
2 -10 10
3 5 15
4 -10 5
So i know for the first part its just like
select [Measures].[Money] on 0,
[Date].[Month].Members on 1
From MyCube
but how can i add the sum column?
i thought about something like SUM( { NULL : [Date].[Month].CurrentMember } , [Measures].[Money] ) but that didnt work as well :(
In MDX, the total is already there. You do not have to do complex calculations to get it.
But it depends on your exact hierarchy structure how the All member is called. If you have a date user hierarchy named [Date].[Date], and it has a month level named [Date].[Date].[Month], then the all member of the hierarchy would probably be called something like [Date].[Date].[All]. If [Month] is an attribute hierarchy of the Date dimension, then the "all member" would probably be called [Date].[Month].[All]. In the latter case, the all member would already be the first member of the set [Date].[Month].Members. As you are asking the question, I am assuming this is not the case, and you are using a user hierarchy. Then you could change your MDX query to
select [Measures].[Money] on 0,
Union([Date].[Month].Members, { [Date].[Date].[All] }) on 1
From MyCube
Please note that you can change the name of the All member in the property settings of a dimension when designing an Analysis Services dimension, hence I cannot know the definitive name without knowing the details of this setting in your cube. So you might have to adapt the name of the all member.
You can find this name out in SQL Server Management Studio in an MDX window as follows: open the hierarchy that you are using, and then open the "Members" node, below which you should find the "All Member". You can drag this into your MDX statement, and the proper name will appear there.
As in a running sum?
You need a calculated measure, like this:
With Member [Measures].[Running Sum] as Sum( ( [Date].[Months].Members.Item(0) : [Date].[Months].CurrentMember ), [Measures].[Money])
Select [Date].[Months].Members on Rows,
{[Measures].[Money], [Measures].[Running Sum] } on Columns
From [MyCube]

Filtering dimensions in MDX inside a SUM

I am new to MDX expressions and I am trying to create one that sums the value of a given measure filtered by dimensions.
In my database I have several different dimensions that have the same name: "Answer". To sum them up, I have created the query below:
WITH MEMBER Measures.Total as SUM ({[Activity].[Activity].&[14], [Activity][Activity].&[22]},
[Measures].[Activity time])
SELECT NON EMPTY [Measures].[Total] on COLUMNS from [My Analytics]
This query works, however I had to use the "&[14]" and "&[22]" statments that correspond to two different "Answer" dimensions.
Since I have more than two dimensions with the same name, is there a way to rewrite the query above in a way that I would select all these dimensions without having to add their unique ID? For example, I would re-write the query as something like this:
WITH MEMBER Measures.Total as SUM ({[Activity].[Activity].&["Answer"]},
[Measures].[Activity time])
SELECT NON EMPTY [Measures].[Total] on COLUMNS from [My Analytics]
Is this possible?
You can use the Filter function as following:
set [my-answers] as
Filter( [Activity].[Activity].members,
[Activity].[Activity] = 'Answer'
member [Measures].[Total] as Sum( [my-answers] )

SSAS & OLAP cube: twice same measure

I'm not very experienced in OLAP Cube + MDX, and I'm having a hard time trying to use twice the same measure in a cube.
Let's say that we have 3 Dimensions: D_DATE, D_USER, D_TYPE_OF_SALE_TARGET and 3 tables of Fact: F_SALE, F_MEETING, F_SALE_TARGET
F_SALE is linked to D_USER (who make the sale) and D_DATE (when)
F_SALE_TARGET is linked to D_USER, D_DATE, D_TYPE_OF_SALE_TARGET (meaning: user has to reach various goals/targets for a given month).
I can browse my cube:
Rows = Date * User
Cols = Number of sale, Total amount of sale + the value of 1 target (in the WHERE clause, I filter on [Dim TYPE SALE TARGET].[Code].&[code.numberOfSales])
How can I add other columns for other targets? As all the targets are in the same table, I don't see how to add a second measure from [Measures].[Value - F_SALE_TARGET] linked to a different code, ie. [Dim TYPE SALE TARGET].[Code].&[code.amountOfSale].
your question is not clear to me but it seems like one way to accomplish that is by creating Calculated Members. Basically, select you cube in BIDS, go to the Calculations tab and create Calculated Members. You would be able to insert your MDX query there. For each target type you can create a different calculation such as: ([Measures].[Value - F_SALE_TARGET], [Dim TYPE SALE TARGET].[Code].&[code.amountOfSale])