Using WCF Message - wcf

I am still confused when it is appropriate to use the Message type in WCF like below
public interface IMyService
Message GetData();
void PutData(Message m);
Why would you want to use it?
Can you use it for streaming?

MSDN lists the follow reasons for using the message class directly:
When you need an alternative way of creating outgoing message contents (for example, creating a message directly from a file on disk) instead of serializing .NET Framework objects.
When you need an alternative way of using incoming message contents (for example, when you want to apply an XSLT transformation to the raw XML contents) instead of deserializing into .NET Framework objects.
When you need to deal with messages in a general way regardless of message contents (for example, when routing or forwarding messages when building a router, load-balancer, or a publish-subscribe system).
See Using the Message Class for more detailed information.
Edit to address the streaming question
I didn't find a definitive answer in my quick scan via google, but the article above states "All communication between clients and services ultimately results in Message instances being sent and received" - so I would assume it could be used directly in streaming.

While the reasons listed by Tim are valid, we use messages directly in our services to create one uber routing service.
we have one service that can take any method call you throw at it, Clients are generated by wsdls supplied from multiple sources.
This service would take the message, examine its content and route it accordingly.
So in my opinion if you want to get closer to the wire, or when you dont know the type of incoming messages, you can use the message in the signature directly.
Streaming is a separate concept than message signature, streaming is supported by wcf under very specific bindings and security mechanism and the method signature has to be very specific (i.e it should return/accept stream). Also in streaming the actual stream of data travels outside the scope of soap message.


WCF Custom Message implementation

In the context of a WCF project, I need to handle in the same way xml and non-xml messages (eg. Standard SOAP, WS-Attachments, etc..). The normal flow of WCF creates a Message object which can handle an Xml message, this is done by the encoder, so if one wants to handle different messages, it's needed to implement different kind of message-handling...
My needs is to create a message derivation class, which represent the concept of "received message" but not "handled" in the form of special data handling, but , about real data-handling, deferred in a secondary step.
so in the catch-all service I will get a Message messageObject as parameter, so the signature of the service will be Message Accept(Message messageObject)
Any idea?
thanks in advance
There is only single base Message type in WCF. This is a core type which is used by WCF infrastructure. The type is abstract so generally you can create your custom implementation but in such case you will probably have to replace some WCF channels to correctly use your new type.
If you need to transport message in custom format you are probably not looking for replacing Message type but either replacing encoder, serializer or both.

Action vs Reply action WCF

What's the use of action/reply action for service operation in WCF. So far, what I've understood is; action is used by WSDL to identify the service operation to which the message from the client belongs and in return reply action is used by service operation to identify the caller to which reply message belong --> Please correct me if I am wrong with this!
Now, I want to understand; what's the real use (apart from handling anonymous messages by using aster ix [*]), I mean this could well be handled internally by WCF instead of exposing it to the developer.
Also, why is action and replyaction required at all? I mean, we already have a name property for the service operation to identify the method and when I call Proxy.SomeMethod() then somemethod is already mapped to the Name property and it should be enough to identify the destination method for the message and similarly the replyaction. Please clarify.
Can I please get a simple real world scenario/or link to that to understand Action/ReplyAction in real life.
Many Thanks.
Actions are part of the various SOAP and WS-* specifcations.
So the first point is that this is not something unique to WCF it is a standard part of the specification you need to support if you want to have interoperable web services. They are used for message routing and other message handling functions.
Second, WCF DOES manage these by default. You only need to specify them yourself if you wish to customise or manage them in some other way. E.g. WCF will automatically generate them into the WSDL for you. WCF will also use them by default when it is selecting which operation to invoke for an incoming message. Again, WCF provides extension points to customise this behavior if you require.

WCF Web Method that Accepts Different Message Types

Microsofts's WCF is easy to work with when you create Web services where each message has it's own Web method. WCF generates all of the WSDL and everything is easy.
What I want to do is have one Web method that accepts multiple different messages (I don't want to add a mew method every time I add a new message type). The messages themselves will have header information that identify the message type. Once I know the message type, I'll know the structure of the rest of the message.
The only way I've found to do this with WCF is to have the method accept a string, which I parse in as XML and and use. However, I can see no clear way to publish the various message types in the WSDL; so, the whole service is essentially undocumented.
Anyone know of a technique to use in WCF?
You can write an operation contract that accepts any message by setting the Action to * and having it take in a Message object:
public interface IMessageContract
[OperationContract(Action = "*", ReplyAction = "*")]
Message ProcessRequest(Message request);
The Message object gives you access to the headers and has methods to deserialize the body.
To export your own WSDL, you will need to implement IWsdlExportExtension on a contract behavior or operation behavior and attach it to your service. This will give you access to a WsdlExporter, and you can create a ContractDescription yourself and call ExportContract to have it appear in the generated WSDL.

MsmqIntegrationBinding Serialization with Unknown Message Body Types

I'm looking to use the MsmqIntegrationBinding to integrate with a legacy queue which has a serialized object as the message body. Has anyone come up with a way to obtain the "metadata" of the message body and create a service side class to use within the service?
For example, if I put in a serialized Product object from System A and my service needs to consume it, how do I provide MsmqMessage the type if I do not have the Product class on my side? I was thinking of reading off a message in a separate program, deserializing, and then emitting via the code dom. Ideas?
I wholeheartedly recommend against attempting to emit the deserialized type at runtime in the message destination. Either work with the XML at the destination to obtain the data you desire, or build data contracts that both the source and destination can adhere to.
Hmm... in WCF, you can define service methods which take (and optionally return) an untyped Message type. This seems to fit your bill quite nicely.
Other than with strongly typed messages, you'll have to do all the putting together of the message on the client and the taking apart on the server by means of reading the raw XML - but that seems to be what you're looking for, right?
Find more information and samples here:
WCF - Handling Generic Messages
How to pass a generic object through WCF
Untyped messages on WCF
Untyped messages have some restrictions, e.g. you can only read them once on the server, but you should be able to manage your scenario with this, I think.

View underlying SOAP message using

I have a VB.NET web service that calls a third party web service. How can I view the SOAP message generated by .NET before it is sent to the third party web service and how can I see the SOAP response before it is serialized by .NET.
When creating a standalone EXE, I see the Reference.vb file that is automatically generated, but don't see a similar file when my project is a web service. I have found lots of C# code to do this, but none in VB.NET.
Edit - Fiddler and TCP loggers are great, but will not work for my purposes. I need to be able to access the raw SOAP messages from within the application so I can log them or modify them. I need to do more than just see the messages going back and forth.
You can use fiddler or a tcp sniffer to filter and identify all outgoing and incoming traffic on your host.
This is if you want to see the xml request and response.
How about using an extension to allow you to examine the SOAP message?
Accessing Raw SOAP Messages in ASP.NET Web Services
I was trying to do the same thing and this seems to work for me:
Dim message As String = OperationContext.Current.RequestContext.RequestMessage.ToString()
I didn't think it would be that easy since most of the time ToString() returns the name of the class, but I tried it out and low and behold.
I know you asked this back in January so if since then you've figured out a better way let me know.
Please note that if you're catching the exception in a class that implements IErrorHandler then you have to perform this operation from within the ProvideFault() method instead of the HandleError() method because the context is closed before it gets to call the HandleError() method.
Hope this helps.