Yacc, different execution for if part of if an if/else syntax - yacc

Following code gives "IFST2 rule is useless due to conficts" error. I am trying to print different things for if part of if and if/else blocks. How can I do this?
IFST1:IF {printf("if begin");};
IFST2:IF {printf("ifelse begin");};
'{' statement '}';
IFST1 '(' expr ')' singlestatement ELSEST singlestatement {};
IFST2 '(' expr ')' singlestatement %prec IFX {};

Check this for a general help on the issue. I think you'll have to "specialize" your case to match the general form. Though this is bison, not YACC, both are LALR parser generators.


How to deal with nested expressions in grammar kit?

I'm trying to write BNF file for my custom language intellij plugin. I'm getting confused with the rules for nested expressions. My custom language contains both binary operator expressions and array reference expressions. So I wrote the BNF file like this:
expr ::= binary_expr| array_ref_expr | const_expr
const_expr ::= number
binary_expr ::= expr '+' expr
array_ref_expr ::= id '[' expr ']'
But when I tried to evaluate expressions like 'a[1+1]' , I got an error:
']' expected, got '+'
Debugging the generated parser code, I found that when analyzing an expression like
, the expression in the brackets must have lower priority than array_ref_expr, thus binary_expr will not be included. If I swapped the priorities of the two expressions, the parser will not analyze expressions like
. I also tried to make them same priority, or to make one expression right associative, each doesn't work for some specific expressions.
What would I need to do?
Many thanks
Getting rid of the left-recursion in the plus should fix this.
file ::= expr*
expr ::= plus_expr | expr_
expr_ ::= array_ref_expr | const_expr
plus_expr ::= expr_ '+' expr
const_expr ::= number
array_ref_expr ::= id '[' expr ']'
The expr ::= plus_expr | expr_ could also be expr_ ('+' expr)? but - to me - it makes more sense to use plus_expr so it gets its own node in the Psi tree.

ANTLR4 problem with balanced parentheses grammar

I'm doing some experiments with ANTLR4 with this grammar:
: '(' srule ')'
| srule srule
| '(' ')';
this grammar is for the language of balanced parentheses.
The problem is that when I run antlr with this string: (()))(
This string is obviously wrong but antlr simply return this AST:
It seems to stop when it finds the wrong parenthesis, but no error message returns. I would like to know more about this behavior. Thank you
The parser recognises (())) and then stops. If you want to force the parser to consume all tokens, "anchor" your test rule with the EOF token:
: srule EOF
Btw, it's always a good idea to include the EOF token in the entry point (entry rule) of your grammar.

How to make a simple calculator syntax highlighting for IntelliJ?

I'm making a custom language support plugin according to this tutorial and I'm stuck with a few .bnf concepts. Let's say I want to parse a simple calculator language that supports +,-,*,/,unary -, and parentheses. Here's what I currently have:
package com.intellij.circom;
import com.intellij.lexer.FlexLexer;
import com.intellij.psi.tree.IElementType;
import com.intellij.circom.psi.CircomTypes;
import com.intellij.psi.TokenType;
%class CircomLexer
%implements FlexLexer
%function advance
%type IElementType
%eof{ return;
WHITESPACE = [ \n\r\t]+
NUMBER = [0-9]+
{WHITESPACE} { return TokenType.WHITE_SPACE; }
{NUMBER} { return CircomTypes.NUMBER; }
expr ::=
expr ('+' | '-') expr
| expr ('*' | '/') expr
| '-' expr
| '(' expr ')'
| literal;
literal ::= NUMBER;
First it complains that expr is recursive. How do I rewrite it to not be recursive? Second, when I try to compile and run it, it freezes idea test instance when trying to parse this syntax, looks like an endless loop.
Calling the grammar files "BNF" is a bit misleading, since they are actually modified PEG (parsing expression grammar) format, which allows certain extended operators, including grouping, repetition and optionality, and ordered choice (which is semantically different from the regular definition of |).
Since the underlying technology is PEG, you cannot use left-recursive rules. Left-recursion will cause an infinite loop in the parser, unless the code generator refuses to generate left-recursive code. Fortunately, repetition operators are available so you only need recursion for syntax involving parentheses, and that's not left-recursion so it presents no problem.
As far as I can see from the documentation I found, grammar kit does not provide for operator precedence declarations. If you really need to produce a correct parse taking operator-precedence into account, you'll need to use multiple precedence levels. However, if your only use case is syntax highlighting, you probably do not require a precisely accurate parse, and it would be sufficient to do something like the following:
expr ::= unary (('+' | '-' | '*' | '/') unary)*
unary ::= '-'* ( '(' expr ')' | literal )
(For precise parsing, you'd need to split expr above into two precedence levels, one for additive operators and another for multiplicative. But I suggest not doing that unless you intend to use the parse for evaluation or code-generation.)
Also, you almost certainly require some lexical rule to recognise the various operator characters and return appropriate single character tokens.

no viable alternative error

I'm using ANTLR to generate recognizer for a java-like language and the following rules are used to recognize generic types:
: singleType ('.' singleType)*
: Identifier typeArguments?
: '<' typeArgument (',' typeArgument)* '>'
: referenceType
Now, for the following input statement, ANTLR produces the 'no viable alternative' error.
Iterator<Entry<K,V>> i = entrySet().iterator();
However, if I put a space between the two consecutive '>' characters, no error is produced. It seams that ANTLR cannot distinguish between the above rule and the rule used to recognize shift expressions, but I don't know how to modify the grammar to resolve this ambiguity. Any help would be appreciated.
You probably have a rule like the following in the lexer:
RightShift : '>>';
For ANTLR to recognize >> as either two > characters or one >> operator, depending on context, you'll need to instead place your shift operator in the parser:
rightShift : '>' '>';
If your language includes the >>> or >>= operators, those would need to be moved to the parser as well.
To validate that x > > y isn't allowed, you'll want to make a pass over the resulting parse tree (ANTLR 4) or AST (ANTLR 3) to verify that the two > characters parsed by the rightShift parser rule appear in sequence.
280Z28 is probably right in his diagnosis that you have a rule like
RightShift : '>>';
An alternative solution is to explicitly include the possibility of a trailing >> in your parser. (I have seen this in other grammars, but only in LALR.)
: ('<' typeArgument (',' typeArgument)* '>') |
('<' typeArgument ',' referenceType '<' typeArgument RightShift );
In Antlr3, that will need to be left factored.
Whether this is clearer or having a second pass that validates your right shift operator depends on how often you need to use this.

Using precedence in Bison for unary minus doesn't solve shift/reduce conflict

I'm devising a very simple grammar, where I use the unary minus operand. However, I get a shift/reduce conflict. In the Bison manual, and everywhere else I look, it says that I should define a new token and give it higher precedence than the binary minus operand, and then use "%prec TOKEN" in the rule.
I've done that, but I still get the warning. Why?
I'm using bison (GNU Bison) 2.4.1. The grammar is shown below:
#include <string>
extern "C" int yylex(void);
%union {
std::string token;
%token <token> T_IDENTIFIER T_NUMBER
%right T_EQUAL
%left T_MUL T_DIV
%left UNARY
%start program
program : statements expr
statements : '\n'
| statements line
line : assignment
| expr
assignment : T_IDENTIFIER T_EQUAL expr
expr : T_NUMBER
| expr T_PLUS expr
| expr T_MINUS expr
| expr T_MUL expr
| expr T_DIV expr
| T_MINUS expr %prec UNARY
%prec doesn't do as much as you might hope here. It tells Bison that in a situation where you have - a * b you want to parse this as (- a) * b instead of - (a * b). In other words, here it will prefer the UNARY rule over the T_MUL rule. In either case, you can be certain that the UNARY rule will get applied eventually, and it is only a question of the order in which the input gets reduced to the unary argument.
In your grammar, things are very much different. Any sequence of line non-terminals will make up a sequence, and there is nothing to say that a line non-terminal must end at an end-of-line. In fact, any expression can be a line. So here are basically two ways to parse a - b: either as a single line with a binary minus, or as two “lines”, the second starting with a unary minus. There is nothing to decide which of these rules will apply, so the rule-based precedence won't work here yet.
Your solution is correcting your line splitting, by requiring every line to actually end with or be followed by an end-of-line symbol.
If you really want the behaviour your grammar indicates with respect to line endings, you'd need two separate non-terminals for expressions which can and which cannot start with a T_MINUS. You'd have to propagate this up the tree: the first line may start with a unary minus, but subsequent ones must not. Inside a parenthesis, starting with a minus would be all right again.
The expr rule is ok (without the %prec UNARY). Your shift/reduce conflict comes from the rule:
statements : '\n'
| statements line
The rule does not what you think. For example you can write:
a + b c + d
I think that is not supposed to be valid input.
But also the program rule is not very sane:
program : statements expr
The rules should be something like:
program: lines;
lines: line | lines line;
line: statement "\n" | "\n";
statement: assignment | expr;