Same app name on iTunes not allowed after deleting old app which has same name too? [closed] - itunes

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I deleted my app which has name "xyz" on one account and is not available on iTunes. Now I want to use that same app name "xyz" with different account on iTunes, but I am getting error as "The App Name you entered has already been used".


What is used to open file extension .bp2? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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The full name is filename.tp2.bp2. I can't seem to find any good info for either.
Searching google for .bp2 and the first result was this
AutoCad 2013 opens it

can I change sitemap name in Google Site submission? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am using sitemap.xml for my sitemap, which is traditional naming system. Can I change this as anyName.xml? to prevent to view by third parties.
You can name it whatever you want according the sitemaps website.

Deleting Loads of Openfire users [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have an OpenFire chat server running for clients. I need to delete all users who have not logged in for about 6 months. I think it will be around ~1500 users that need to be deleted. Clicking delete and confirm is taking a lot of time. Is there any way to do it via a script or command line ?

itunes music developer app referral [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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How do App developers get a referral bonus for sending users to the itunes store to purchase a song? If i'm not mistaken theres a 30% referral bonus, so to speak, just trying to determine how to tap into that.
It's documented here. I'm pretty sure the referral fee is 5%. Not 30%. It may depend on the type of media you're getting the commission on.

i want to share a document with one role to another role using sharepoint [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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how one user share their douctment to another user.
Using a document library where both user roles have permission to view the document in question.
Or if the document is already in a library, then add view permissions for the user role that you would like to see the document.