Converting ActiveDs.LargeInteger to Long in -

I'm trying to compute the password expiry date, and most of the example code is in C#
One sample has:
IADsLargeInteger largeInt;
largeInt = (IADsLargeInteger) largeIntVal;
myLong = (long)largeInt.HighPart << 32 | (uint)largeInt.LowPart;
If I try something similar in
dim myLong as Long
myLong = largeInt.HighPart << 32 Or largeInt.LowPart
Then I seem to get an invalid value. How can I obtain similar results in VB?

According to this the problem is because VB.Net has no unsigned integer class.
The solution is:
props = resultDE.Properties("pwdLastSet")
Dim prop As ActiveDs.LargeInteger
prop = props(0)
Dim int64Value As Long
Dim strTemp As String
strTemp = "&H" + CStr(Hex(prop.HighPart)) + CStr(Hex(prop.LowPart))
int64Value = Val(strTemp)


How to use substring() function to get middle string with relative index?

I want to extract characters from a string. However, the string doesn't have the same length every time.
Basically I get data from a database and I want extract the value I need in it. But I'm stuck on step where I have to extract the right value.
So first I get data like that :
infoDataset2 = accessRequet_odbc("select st_astext(st_snaptogrid(geom, 0.01)) from netgeo_point_tech", myConnection)
The result is something like : POINT(921021.98 6671778.45). What I need are the 2 figures, but their length is not fixed. I just want to remove POINT( and ).
Then I work on each line of the DataSet I get to cast each lines into a string with only the value needed.
For i = 0 To infoDataset2.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1
geomPt = infoDataset2.Tables(0).Rows(i).ItemArray(0).Substring(geomPt = infoDataset2.Tables(0).Rows(i).ItemArray(0).Substring(1 + infoDataset2.Tables(0).Rows(i).ItemArray(0).LastIndexOf("(")))
This was my last try, where I was able to remove POINT( but I'm struggling with the length to cut ).
I want to learn from this, so, if possible, explain to me what I'm doing wrong here, or if my approach is lacking insight.
It will be horrible to debug that one long line. It makes no difference to the computer if you split it up into easy-readable parts. Here's some code to get the x- and y-coordinates from a string formatted as shown in the question:
Dim s = "POINT(921021.98 6671778.45)"
Dim b1 = s.IndexOf("("c) + 1
Dim b2 = s.IndexOf(")"c, b1) - 1
Dim parts = s.Substring(b1, b2 - b1 + 1).Split({" "c})
Dim x As Decimal = Decimal.Parse(parts(0))
Dim y As Decimal = Decimal.Parse(parts(1))
Another way of parsing the string is to use a regular expression, which can be more flexible. In this example, I used named capture groups to make it easy to see which parts are for the x and y:
Dim s = "POINT(921021.98 6671778.45)"
Dim x As Decimal
Dim y As Decimal
Dim re = New Regex("\((?<x>[0-9-.]+) (?<y>[0-9-.]+)\)")
Dim m = re.Match(s)
If m.Success Then
x = Decimal.Parse(m.Groups("x").Value)
y = Decimal.Parse(m.Groups("y").Value)
' Could not parse point. Do something about it if required.
End If
Andrew Morton has given a nice answer, i upvoted that one, if you need an even easier way and that was still complicated use this
Dim s = "POINT(921021.98 6671778.45)"
Dim part1 As String = s.Remove(0, 6)
Dim part2 As String = part1.Substring(0, part1.Length - 1)
Dim split() As String = part2.Split(" ")
Dim x = split(0)
Dim y = split(1)
Here is an even probably easier to understand solution:
Dim s as String = "POINT(921021.98 6671778.45)"
Dim coordinate() as String = s.Replace("POINT(", "").Replace(")", "").Split(" ")

Array Out of bounds error VB

Sorry for the terrible wording on my last question, I was half asleep and it was midnight. This time I'll try to be more clear.
I'm currently writing some code for a mini barcode scanner and stock manager program. I've got the input and everything sorted out, but there is a problem with my arrays.
I'm currently trying to extract the contents of the stock file and sort them out into product tables.
This is my current code for getting the data:
Using fs As StreamReader = New StreamReader("The File Path (Is private)")
Dim line As String = "ERROR"
line = fs.ReadLine()
While line <> Nothing
Dim pos As Integer = 0
Dim split(3) As String
pos = products.Length
split = line.Split("|")
productCodes(productCodes.Length) = split(0)
products(products.Length, 0) = split(1)
products(products.Length, 1) = split(2)
products(products.Length, 2) = split(3)
line = fs.ReadLine()
End While
End Using
I have made sure that the file path does, in fact, go to the file. I have looked through debug to find that all the data is going through into my "split" table. The error throws as soon as I start trying to transfer the data.
This is where I declare the two tables being used:
Dim productCodes() As String = {}
Dim products(,) As Object = {}
Can somebody please explain why this is happening?
Thanks in advance
By declaring the arrays like you did:
Dim productCodes() As String = {}
Dim products(,) As Object = {}
You are assigning size 0 to all your arrays, so during your loop, it will eventually try to access a position that haven't been previously declared to the compiler. It is the same as declaring an array of size 10 Dim MyArray(10) and try to access the position 11 MyArray(11) = something.
You should either declare it with a proper size, or redim it during execution time:
Dim productCodes(10) As String
Dim productCodes() As String
Dim Products(,) As String
Dim Position as integer = 0
'code here
While line <> Nothing
Redim Preserve productCodes(Position)
Redim Preserve products(2,Position)
Dim split(3) As String
pos = products.Length
split = line.Split("|")
productCodes(Position) = split(0)
products(0,Position) = split(1)
products(1,Position) = split(2)
products(2,Position) = split(3)
line = fs.ReadLine()
End While

Get last number from string and increase it by one

Have some problems with my function. In database i could have diffrent numbers. For instance below: ( i know it looks strange )
12 312323.3
3.23.14353.55 WHATEVER 345.193
87.3 ojojo 23.434blabla 24.424.7
What i need to do is increase number after LAST DOT so just make + 1.
The problem is its not working when it comes after dot more than one digit then.
here is my current code:
Dim inputValue as String = "34.234234.6.12"
'--Get Last char from string and add 1 to it
Dim lastChar As String = CInt(CStr(inputValue.Last)) + 1
'--Remove last char and add lastChar
Dim nextCombinNummer As String = lastValue.Nummer.Substring(0, lastValue.Nummer.Length - 1) & lastChar
Return nextCombinNummer
I think the problem is lastValue.Last + 1 as it will take only one digit, and also when i remove by substring last digit but only 2 will be removed.
Can you help me out with this? How to always take number after last dot from string and then increase that number by 1 and return new entire number?
I think i am able to get and increase the number but still dont know how to remove and put it at the end:
Think that's ok:
Dim inputValue as String = "34.234234.6.12"
Dim number As String = inputValue .Substring(inputValue .LastIndexOf("."c) + 1)
Dim numberIncreased as integer = CInt(number) + 1
'How to do this correctly? :
Dim nextCombinNummer As String = lastValue.Nummer.Substring(0, lastValue.Nummer.Length - 1) & numberIncreased
An easy solution is to cast as Integer the last part of the string, add one, then recompose your string :
'Original Value
Dim val As String = "123.456.789"
'We take only the last part and add one
Dim nb = Integer.Parse(val.Substring(val.LastIndexOf(".") + 1)) + 1
'We recompose the string
Dim FinalVal As String = val.Substring(0, val.LastIndexOf(".") + 1) & nb.ToString()
I'd use following which uses String.Split, Int32.TryParse and String.Join:
Dim numbers As New List(Of String) From {"12.312323.3", "013.43.9", "3.231435355345.193", "728937.3", "87.323.43424.424.7"}
for i As Int32 = 0 To numbers.Count -1
Dim num = numbers(i)
Dim token = num.Split("."c)
dim lastNum = token.Last() ' or token(token.Length-1)
Dim n As Int32
If int32.TryParse(lastNum, n)
n += 1
token(token.Length-1) = n.ToString()
End If
numbers(i) = string.Join(".", token)

Get points in Cimplicity using Visual Basic script engine

I would like to get the values from points that i have connected from control system, using basic script engine. The problem is there are many points, so i want to build a somewhat loop like below :
For i As New Points = 0 To 70
Dim Para + i AS OracleParameter
Next i
instead of doing this :
dim SST01 as New Points
dim SST02 as New Points
dim SST03 as New Points
the problem is, the points can not be defined as an array. Would somebody have found same problem with me ? any open idea is very much appreciated. Thank you
I know this is old but here you go.
Dim ptMTR as New Point
Dim pointName as String
Dim pointType as String
Dim MTR_Value as Integer
Dim i as Integer
pointType = "_H_MTR"
For i = 0 To 70
if i < 10 then
pointName = "SST0"
pointName = "SST"
end if
ptMTR.Id = pointName + cstr(i) + pointType
MTR_Value = ptMTR.GetValue
'Write code to use the point value here
'Go get the next point value
next i

integer to string problems

I'm trying to make a slot machine program. This procedure that I'm trying to do will assign a name to 3 randomly generated numbers. For some reason I'm getting a conversion error saying that it cant convert the integer to a string. I tried cstr() as well but the problem persisted
Sub GenerateNumbers()
Dim numbers(2) As Integer
Dim names(5) As String
Dim x As Integer
names(0) = "Cherries"
names(1) = "Oranges"
names(2) = "Plums"
names(3) = "Bells"
names(4) = "Melons"
names(5) = "Bar"
For x = 0 To 2
numbers(x) = names(CInt(Int((6 * Rnd()) + 1)))
Next x
End Sub
gives me error: conversion from string "Oranges" to type 'Integer' is not valid
The problem is that you are getting a random string from the names array and trying to assign it to numbers, which is declared as an array of integers. Of course this is not gonna work.
Apart from that, there is also the issue with out of bounds index as Eric pointed out.
Edit in response to comments:
To get the text values of those randomly generated slot machine results you just need to declare the array to store results as strings, same way as names is declared.
To be able to get the results from a separate procedure, you need to change it from Sub to Function, which is a procedure that can return a value, an array of strings in this case. Then you can call this function from your Main or any other procedure and store the returned value in a variable.
I also corrected the part with random result generation.
Module SlotMachine
Sub Main()
Dim slotResults As String()
'Get the results
slotResults = GenerateResults()
'Some further processing of results here, e.g. print results to console
For Each item In slotResults
'Wait for keypress before closing the console window
End Sub
'Generates random results
Function GenerateResults() As String()
Dim results(2) As String
Dim names(5) As String
Dim x As Integer
names(0) = "Cherries"
names(1) = "Oranges"
names(2) = "Plums"
names(3) = "Bells"
names(4) = "Melons"
names(5) = "Bar"
For x = 0 To 2
results(x) = names(Int(6 * Rnd()))
Next x
Return results
End Function
End Module
Int(6 * Rnd()) will get you 0-5, if you +1, then overflow