Fox-Goat-Cabbage Transportation - optimization

My question is about an old transportation problem -- carrying three items across a river with a boat only capable of tranferring one item at a time. A constraint is certain items cannot be left together, such as the cabbage with the goat, wolf with the goat etc. This problem should be solveable using Integer programming, or another optimization approach. The cost function is all items being on the other side of the river, and the trips required to get there could be the output from Simplex (?) that tries out different feasible solutions. I was wondering if anyone has the Integer Programming (or Linear Programming) formulation of this problem, and / or Matlab, Octave, Python based code that can offer the solution programmatically, including a trace of Simplex trying out all paths -- our boat rides.
There was some interesting stuff here

I recommend using binary variables x_i,t to model the positions of your items, i.e. they are zero if the item is located on the left shore after trip t and one otherwise. At most one of these variables can change during a trip. This can be modeled by
x_wolf,1 + x_cabbage,1 + x_goat,1 <= 1 + x_wolf,0 + x_cabbage,0 + x_goat,0 and
x_wolf,1 >= x_wolf,0
x_cabbage,1 >= x_cabbage,0
x_goat,1 >= x_goat,0
Similar constraints are required for trips in the other direction.
Furthermore, after an odd number of trips you nedd constraints to check the items on the left shore, and similarily you have to check the right shore. For instance:
x_wolf,1 + x_goat,1 >= 0 and
x_wolf,2 + x_goat,2 <= 1 ...
Use an upper bound for t, such that a solution is surely possible.
Finally, introduce the binary variable z_t and let
z_t <= 1/3 (x_wolf,t + x_cabbage,t + x_goat,t)
and maximize sum_t (z_t).
(Most probably sum_t (x_wolf,t + x_cabbage,t + x_goat,t) shold work too.)

You are right that this formulation will require integer variables. The traditional way of solving a problem like this would be to formulate a binary variable model and pass the formulation onto a solver. MATLAB in this case would not work unless you have access to the Optimization Toolbox.
In your formulation you would need to address the following:
Decision Variables
In your case this would look something like:
x_it (choose [yes=1 no=0] to transport item i during boat trip number t)
Objective Function
I'm not quite sure what this is from your description but there should be a cost, c_t, associated with each boat trip. If you want to minimize total time, each trip would have a constant cost of 1. So your objective should look something like:
minimize SUM((i,t),c_t*x_it) (so you are minimizing the total cost over all trips)
This is the tricky part for your problem. The complicating constraint is the exclusivity that you identified. Remember, x_it is binary.
For each pair of items (i1,i2) that conflict with each other you have a constraint that looks like this
x_(i1 t) + x_(i2 t) <= 1
For example:
x_("cabbage" "1") + x_("goat" "1") <= 1
x_("wolf" "1") + x_("goat" "1") <= 1
x_("cabbage" "2") + x_("goat" "2") <= 1
x_("wolf" "2") + x_("goat" "2") <= 1
You see how this prevents conflict. A boat schedule that assigns "cabbage" and "goat" to the same trip will violate this binary exclusivity constraint since "1+1 > 1"
Tools like GAMS,AMPL and GLPK will allow you to express this group of constraints very concisely.
Hope that helps.


How to model domain index with subset of set in minizinc

I am working on a nurse scheduling problem with the constraint stating that there should not be a day shift assigned to nurse after a night shift in previous day.
The constraint looks like this:
The shift set is "set of int: shift=1..7",
set of int: dayshift ={1,3,4};
set of int: dayshift={2,5,6,7};
How to model this constraint in minizinc?
I've tried:
forall(e in Employee, d in Day where d != Day[card(Day)])(
Assign[e, d, sh in NightShfit] + Assign[e, d+1, sh in DayShift] < 1
error: MiniZinc: type error: undefined identifier `sh'
The solution to your problem is to compute the sum of the "Assign" variables for both of the shift:
constraint forall(e in Employee, d in Day where d != Day[card(Day)])(
sum(sh in NightShift)(Assign[e, d, sh]) + sum(sh in DayShift)(Assign[e, d+1, sh]) < 1
As a side note I would like to remark that using 0/1 variables for these kinds of problems is only a good way of modelling for mathematical optimisation solvers (MIP). Constraint Programming (CP) solvers and Lazy Clause Generation (LCG) solvers will not work efficiently even though they are great for these kinds of problems.
My recommendation would be to have the different kinds of shift (for every day) as an enum and then assign one version of it for every employee for every day. Constraints like the ones your expressing here then often fit well into a regular constraint which performs great of both MIP and CP/LCG solvers. (In case of MIP it gets automatically transformed into a flow model).

Closest position between randomly moving objects

I have a large database tables that contains grid references (X and Y) associated with various objects (each with a unique object identifier) as they move with time. The objects move at approximately constant speed but random directions.
The table looks something like this….
CREATE TABLE positions (
objectId INTEGER,
x_coord INTEGER,
y_coord INTEGER,
I want to find which two objects got closest to each other and at what time.
Finding the distance between two fixes is relatively easy – simple Pythagoras for the differences between the X and Y values should do the trick.
The first problem seems to be one of volume. The grid itself is large, 100,000 possible X co-ordinates and a similar number of Y co-ordinates. For any given time period the table might contain 10,000 grid reference positions for 1000 different objects – 10 million rows in total.
That’s not in itself a large number, but I can’t think of a way of avoiding doing a ‘product query’ to compare every fix to every other fix. Doing this with 10 million rows will produce 100 million million results.
The next issue is that I’m not just interested in the closest two fixes to each other, I’m interested in the closest two fixes from different objects.
Another issue is that I need to match time as well as position – I’m not just interested in two objects that have visited the same grid square, they need to have done so at the same time.
The other point (may not be relevant) is that the items are unlikely to every occupy exactly the same location at the same time.
I’ve got as far as a simple product query with a few sample rows, but I’m not sure on my next steps. I’m beginning to think this isn’t going something I can pull off with a single SQL query (please prove me wrong) and I’m likely to have to extract the data and subject it to some procedural programming.
Any suggestions?
I’m not sure what SE forum this best suited for – database SQL? Programming? Maths?
UPDATE - Another issue to add to the complexity, the timestamping for each object and position is irregular, one item might have a position recorded at 14:10:00 and another at 14:10:01. If these two positions are right next to each other and one second apart then they may actually represent the closest position although the time don't match!
In order to reduce the number of tested combinations you should segregate them by postime using subqueries. Also, it's recommended you create an index by postime to increase performance.
create index ix1_time on positions (postime);
Since you didn't mention any specific database I assumed PostgreSQL since it's easy to use (for me). The solution should look like:
with t as (
select distinct(postime) as pt from positions
select *
from t,
select *
from (
a.objectid as aid, b.objectid as bid,
a.x_coord + a.y_coord + b.x_coord + b.y_coord as dist -- fix here!
from t
join positions a on a.postime =
join positions b on b.postime =
where a.objectid <> b.objectid
) x
order by dist desc
limit 1
) y;
This SQL should compare each 10000 objects against each other on by postime. It will test 10 million combinations for each different postime value, but not against other postime values.
Please note: I used a.x_coord + a.y_coord + b.x_coord + b.y_coord as the distance formula. I leave the correct one for you to implement here.
In total it will compute 10 million x 1000 time values: a total of 10 billion comparisons. It will return the closest two points for each timepos, that is a total of 1000 rows.

geolocating self join too slow

I am trying to get the count of all records within 50 miles of each record in a huge table (1m + records), using self join as shown below:
proc sql;
create table lab as
select distinct, sum(case when b.value="New York" then 1 else 0 end)
from latlon a, latlon b
where <>
and geodist(,a.lon,,b.lon,"M") <= 50
and a.state = b.state;
This ran for 6 hours and was still running when i last checked.
Is there a way to do this more efficiently?
UPDATE: My intention is to get the number of new yorkers in a 50 mile radius from every record identified in table latlon which has name, location and latitude/longitude where lat/lon could be anywhere in the world but location will be a person's hometown. I have to do this for close to a dozen towns. Looks like this is the best it could get. I may have to write a C code for this one i guess.
The geodist() function you're using has no chance of exploiting any index. So, you have an algorithn that's O(n**2) at best. That's gonna be slow.
You can take advantage of a simple fact of spherical geometry, though, to get access to an indexable query. A degree of latitude (north - south) is equivalent to sixty nautical miles, 69 statute miles, or 111.111 km. The British definition of nautical mile was originally equal to a minute. The original Napoleonic meter was defined as one part in ten thousand of the distance from the equator to the pole, also defined as 90 degrees.
(These defintions depend on the assumption that the earth is spherical. It isn't, quite. If you're a civil engineer these definitions break down. If you use them to design a parking lot, it will have some nasty puddles in it when it rains, and will encrooach on the neighbors' property.)
So, what you want is to use a bounding range. Assuming your latitude values and are in degrees, two of them are certainly more than fifty statute miles apart unless BETWEEN - 50.0/69.0 AND + 50.0/69.0
Let's refactor your query. (I don't understand the case stuff about New York so I'm ignoring it. You can add it back.) This will give the IDs of all pairs of places lying within 50 miles of each other. (I'm using the 21st century JOIN syntax here).
select distinct,
from latlon a
JOIN latlon b ON<>
AND BETWEEN - 50.0/69.0 AND + 50.0/69.0
AND a.state = b.state
AND geodist(,a.lon,,b.lon,"M") <= 50
Try creating an index on the table on the lat column. That should help performance a LOT.
Then try creating a compound index on (state, lat, id, lon, value). Try those columns in the compound index in different orders, if you don't get satisfactory performance acceleration. It's called a covering index, because the some of its columns (the first two in this case) are used for quick lookups and the rest are used to provide values that would otherwise have to be fetched from the main table.
Your question is phrased ambiguously - I'm interpreting it as "give me all (A, B) city pairs within 50 miles of each other." The NYC special case seems to be for a one-off test - the problem is not to (trivially, in O(n) time) find all cities within 50 miles of NYC.
Rather than computing Great Circle distances, find Manhattan distances instead, using simple addition, and simple bounding boxes. Given (A, B) city tuples with Manhattan distance less than 50 miles, it is straightforward to prune out the few (on diagonals) that have Great Circle (or Euclidean) distance less than 50 miles.
You didn't show us EXPLAIN output describing the backend optimizer's plan.
You didn't tell us about indexes on the latlon table.
I'm not familiar with the SAS RDBMS. Oracle, MySQL, and others have geospatial extensions to support multi-dimensional indexing. Essentially, they merge high-order coordinate bits, down to low-order coordinate bits, to construct a quadtree index. The technique could prove beneficial to your query.
Your DISTINCT keyword will make a big difference for the query plan. Often it will force a tablescan and a filesort. Consider deleting it.
The equijoin on state seems wrong, but maybe you don't care about the tri-state metropolitan area and similar densely populated regions near state borders.
You definitely want the WHERE clause to prune out b rows that are more than 50 miles from the current a row:
too far north, OR
too far south, OR
too far west, OR
too far east
Each of those conditionals boils down to a simple range query that the RDBMS backend can evaluate and optimize against an index. Unfortunately, if it chooses the latitude index, any longitude index that's on disk will be ignored, and vice versa. Which motivates using your vendor's geospatial support.

What is the use case that makes EAVT index preferable to EATV?

From what I understand, EATV (which Datomic does not have) would be great fit for as-of queries. On the other hand, I see no use-case for EAVT.
This is analogous to row/primary key access. From the docs: "The EAVT index provides efficient access to everything about a given entity. Conceptually this is very similar to row access style in a SQL database, except that entities can possess arbitrary attributes rather then being limited to a predefined set of columns."
The immutable time/history side of Datomic is a motivating use case for it, but in general, it's still optimized around typical database operations, e.g. looking up an entity's attributes and their values.
Datomic stores datoms (in segments) in the index tree. So you navigate to a particular E's segment using the tree and then retrieve the datoms about that E in the segment, which are EAVT datoms. From your comment, I believe you're thinking of this as the navigation of more b-tree like structures at each step, which is incorrect. Once you've navigated to the E, you are accessing a leaf segment of (sorted) datoms.
You are not looking for a single value at a specific point in time. You are looking for a set of values up to a specific point in time T. History is on a per value basis (not attribute basis).
For example, assert X, retract X then assert X again. These are 3 distinct facts over 3 distinct transactions. You need to compute that X was added, then removed and then possibly added again at some point.
You can do this with SQL:
create table Datoms (
E bigint not null,
A bigint not null,
V varbinary(1536) not null,
T bigint not null,
Op bit not null --assert/retract
select E, A, V
from Datoms
where E = 1 and T <= 42
group by E, A, V
having 0 < sum(case Op when 1 then +1 else -1 end)
The fifth component Op of the datom tells you whether the value is asserted (1) or retracted (0). By summing over this value (as +1/-1) we arrive at either 1 or 0.
Asserting the same value twice does nothing, and you always retract the old value before you assert a new value. The last part is a prerequisite for the algorithm to work out this nicely.
With an EAVT index, this is a very efficient query and it's quite elegant. You can build a basic Datomic-like system in just 150 lines of SQL like this. It is the same pattern repeated for any permutation of EAVT index that you want.

Distance between two coordinates, how can I simplify this and/or use a different technique?

I need to write a query which allows me to find all locations within a range (Miles) from a provided location.
The table is like this:
id | name | lat | lng
So I have been doing research and found: this my sql presentation
I have tested it on a table with around 100 rows and will have plenty more! - Must be scalable.
I tried something more simple like this first:
//just some test data this would be required by user input
set #orig_lat=55.857807; set #orig_lng=-4.242511; set #dist=10;
SELECT *, 3956 * 2 * ASIN(
SQRT( POWER(SIN(( - abs( * pi()/180 / 2), 2)
+ COS( * pi()/180 ) * COS(abs( * pi()/180)
* POWER(SIN((orig.lng - dest.lng) * pi()/180 / 2), 2) ))
AS distance
FROM locations dest, locations orig
WHERE = '1'
HAVING distance < 1
ORDER BY distance;
This returned rows in around 50ms which is pretty good!
However this would slow down dramatically as the rows increase.
EXPLAIN shows it's only using the PRIMARY key which is obvious.
Then after reading the article linked above. I tried something like this:
// defining variables - this when made into a stored procedure will call
// the values with a SELECT query.
set #mylon = -4.242511;
set #mylat = 55.857807;
set #dist = 0.5;
-- calculate lon and lat for the rectangle:
set #lon1 = #mylon-#dist/abs(cos(radians(#mylat))*69);
set #lon2 = #mylon+#dist/abs(cos(radians(#mylat))*69);
set #lat1 = #mylat-(#dist/69);
set #lat2 = #mylat+(#dist/69);
-- run the query:
SELECT *, 3956 * 2 * ASIN(
SQRT( POWER(SIN((#mylat - abs( * pi()/180 / 2) ,2)
+ COS(#mylat * pi()/180 ) * COS(abs( * pi()/180)
* POWER(SIN((#mylon - dest.lng) * pi()/180 / 2), 2) ))
AS distance
FROM locations dest
WHERE dest.lng BETWEEN #lon1 AND #lon2
AND BETWEEN #lat1 AND #lat2
HAVING distance < #dist
ORDER BY distance;
The time of this query is around 240ms, this is not too bad, but is slower than the last. But I can imagine at much higher number of rows this would work out faster. However anEXPLAIN shows the possible keys as lat,lng or PRIMARY and used PRIMARY.
How can I do this better???
I know I could store the lat lng as a POINT(); but I also haven't found too much documentation on this which shows if it's faster or accurate?
Any other ideas would be happily accepted!
Thanks very much!
As Jonathan Leffler pointed out I had made a few mistakes which I hadn't noticed:
I had only put abs() on one of the lat values. I was using an id search in the WHERE clause in the second one as well, when there was no need. In the first query was purely experimental the second one is more likely to hit production.
After these changes EXPLAIN shows the key is now using lng column and average time to respond around 180ms now which is an improvement.
Any other ideas would be happily accepted!
If you want speed (and simplicity) you'll want some decent geospatial support from your database. This introduces geospatial datatypes, geospatial indexes and (a lot of) functions for processing / building / analyzing geospatial data.
MySQL implements a part of the OpenGIS specifications although it is / was (last time I checked it was) very very rough around the edges / premature (not useful for any real work).
PostGis on PostgreSql would make this trivially easy and readable:
(this finds all points from tableb which are closer then 1000 meters from point a in tablea with id 123)
tablea, tableb
st_dwithin(tablea.the_geom, tableb.the_geom, 1000)
and = 123
The first query ignores the parameters you set - using 1 instead of #dist for the distance, and using the table alias orig instead of the parameters #orig_lat and #orig_lon.
You then have the query doing a Cartesian product between the table and itself, which is seldom a good idea if you can avoid it. You get away with it because of the filter condition = 1, which means that there's only one row from orig joined with each of the rows in dest (including the point with = 1; you should probably have a condition AND != You also have a HAVING clause but no GROUP BY clause, which is indicative of problems. The HAVING clause is not relating any aggregates, but a HAVING clause is (primarily) for comparing aggregate values.
Unless my memory is failing me, COS(ABS(x)) === COS(x), so you might be able to simplify things by dropping the ABS(). Failing that, it is not clear why one latitude needs the ABS and the other does not - symmetry is crucial in matters of spherical trigonometry.
You have a dose of the magic numbers - the value 69 is presumably number of miles in a degree (of longitude, at the equator), and 3956 is the radius of the earth.
I'm suspicious of the box calculated if the given position is close to a pole. In the extreme case, you might need to allow any longitude at all.
The condition = 1 in the second query is odd; I believe it should be omitted, but its presence should speed things up, because only one row matches that condition. So the extra time taken is puzzling. But using the primary key index is appropriate as written.
You should move the condition in the HAVING clause into the WHERE clause.
But I'm not sure this is really helping...
The NGS Online Inverse Geodesic Calculator is the traditional reference means to calculate the distance between any two locations on the earth ellipsoid:
But above calculator is still problematic. Especially between two near-antipodal locations, the computed distance can show an error of some tens of kilometres !!! The origin of the numeric trouble was identified long time ago by Thaddeus Vincenty (page 92):
In any case, it is preferrable to use the reliable and very accurate online calculator by Charles Karney:
Some thoughts on improving performance. It wouldn't simplify things from a maintainability standpoint (makes things more complex), but it could help with scalability.
Since you know the radius, you can add conditions for the bounding box, which may allow the db to optimize the query to eliminate some rows without having to do the trig calcs.
You could pre-calculate some of the trig values of the lat/lon of stored locations and store them in the table. This would shift some of the performance cost when inserting the record, but if queries outnumber inserts, this would be good. See this answer for an idea of this approach:
Query to get records based on Radius in SQLite?
You could look at something like geohashing.
When used in a database, the structure of geohashed data has two advantages. ,,, Second, this index structure can be used for a quick-and-dirty proximity search - the closest points are often among the closest geohashes.
You could search SO for some ideas on how to implement:
If you're only interested in rather small distances, you can approximate the geographical grid by a rectangular grid.
POWER(RADIANS(#mylon - dst.lng)*COS(RADIANS(#mylat)), 2)
)*#radiusOfEarth AS approximateDistance
You could make this even more efficient by storing radians instead of (or in addition to) degrees in your database. If your queries may cross the 180° meridian, some extra care would be neccessary there, but many applications don't have to deal with those locations. You could also try to change POWER(x) to x*x, which might get computed faster.