What is the difference between 7zip's 7z.sfx and 7zsd.sfx? - automation

I can't figure out what the difference is between the 7z.sfx file available with 7zip and the downloadable 7zsd.sfx from the developer's site, which is not bundled with 7zip. The 7z.sfx appears not to honor my request to include the config.txt file I created for it, but the 7zsd.sfx inclusion method works perfectly.
7zip comes with 7z.sfx bundled. The application history.txt in the program files directory shows that 7zsd.sfx used to be bundled with 7zip back in 2005. 7z.sfx is referred to as "uncompressed SFX" in the history.txt file as well.
This is the config used:
This is the syntax I'm using and the responding behavior:
C:\Users\<me>\Desktop\Updater\Recorder>copy /b 7z.sfx + config.txt + "RecorderVer0.0.0.4".7z "RecorderVer0.0.0.4".exe
1 file(s) copied.
The same response occurs with the use of 7zsd.sfx indicating that indeed the config file included is being utilized. However, when executing the 7z.sfx created RecorderVer0.0.0.4".exe the prompt for where to install the contents of the 7z archive is prompted for. Using the 7zsd.sfx created RecorderVer0.0.0.4.exe version directs files to the config set location without any prompting as desired.
To my knowledge 7z.sfx is not downloadable via the developer's site, but I may be wrong. His official page is no longer available, but the information provided from the Internet Archive should be adequate.

I had this previously posted as a comment to my own question.
I found the answer to my question in 7-Zip documentation of all places! :) Looks like there are a total of 4 sfx modules and these are the differences:
SFX_Module : Description
7z.sfx : Windows version.
7zCon.sfx : Console version.
7zS.sfx : Windows version for installers.
7zSD.sfx : Windows version for installers (uses MSVCRT.dll).
Source: http://sevenzip.sourceforge.jp/chm/cmdline/switches/sfx.htm
Acquiring the 7zS.sfx and/or 7zSD.sfx stuffs is easy:
The installers are on the official download page. Just look for keyword 7-Zip Extra. Version 9.20 for example is https://www.7-zip.org/a/7z920_extra.7z

Just in case anybody stumbles across this post looking for the 7zS.sfx and 7zSD.sfx, you can find the 7z_extra files for the (currently) latest version at http://sourceforge.net/projects/sevenzip/files/7-Zip/9.22/7z922_extra.7z/download.

I was also looking for the other sfx modules and managed to find them in the related LZMA SDK archive on the actual 7-zip website:
Download the latest version of the LZMA SDK and look in the bin folder.


Metaplex-master on github only has Readme file

I am trying to set up a Solana candy machine. I am using the Hasplips Metaplex-master but it only has one readme file. Its supposed to have a js folder, some .JSON files and more. Can any send me a link to the correct Metaplex-master for the candy machine? I can only find the Metaplex contain a readme file.
When I extracted the files all I found was a read me file. I created a js folder myself and tried to run some yarn commands in the Visual Studio code terminal but I need the other .json files that were supposed to be there to execute the commands.
You are using a very old guide. The js sdk has been deprecated and removed from that repo for months now.
It is way easier to create a candy machine with sugar, e.g. following this guide https://docs.metaplex.com/programs/candy-machine/how-to-guides/my-first-candy-machine-part1

How to install apktool on Win 10?

I have downloaded both apktool_2.1.1.jar & apktool_2.0.0rc4.jar from https://bitbucket.org/iBotPeaches/apktool/downloads and pasted it in C://Windows. Yet when I run apktool in cmd, it returns:
'apktool' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Any help will be appreciated.
->Download Windows wrapper script from here https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iBotPeaches/Apktool/master/scripts/windows/apktool.bat
(Right click, Save Link As apktool.bat)
->Download apktool-2 https://bitbucket.org/iBotPeaches/apktool/downloads
(find newest here)
->Rename downloaded jar to apktool.jar
->Move both files (apktool.jar & apktool.bat) to your System32 directory (Usually C:\Windows\system32)
If you do not have access to C:\Windows\system32, you may place the two files anywhere then add that directory to your Environment Variables System PATH variable.
->Try running apktool with admin previlages via command prompt
Apktool is a tool for reverse engineering 3rd party, closed, binary Android apps. It can decode resources to nearly original form and rebuild them after making some modifications. You will find apktool indispensible if you want to extract resources (i.e. images from an Android application. Actually, the tool has no competitors at all!)
An online version of the apktool is available here: www.javadecompilers.com/apktool

SvcTraceViewer Tool

Where can I get the SvcTraceViewer Tool please?
I tried downloading and installing many SDKs.
I've looked in the bins of the Program Files.
I need it to trace whats going wrong with my WCF call.
You can get it by downloading the Windows SDK. The latest one can be found at https://developer.microsoft.com/en-US/windows/downloads/windows-10-sdk/, but if the link doesn't work, searching for "Download Windows SDK" should take you to the correct link.
When you install it, it may be added to the path variable. If not, you can search under the 'Microsoft SDKs' folder under 'Program Files (x86)'. For example, in my machine, it is found at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\bin\NETFX 4.8 Tools.
I'm on Windows 10 and this works for me:
Use a search engine on "Win 7 SDK ISO", to get a Microsoft site result, such as this one:
You may need to click into the site's 'Archives' section.
Then download the ISO, such as:
Right click the ISO file to Mount it to a local drive (such as your I drive), then double click this file to open it:
Scroll down to find this file in the cab:
And right click to Extract it somewhere like your Documents folder.
Rename the file to SvcTraceViewer.exe and launch it.

ImageResizer : Classic Asp : Trying to thumbnail PDF : Ghostscript not found

I am trying to use ImageResizer (http://imageresizing.net/) installed as COM object to thumbnail a PDF file.
I have got imageresizer successfully working with a JPG file, and moved onto using the PDF render plug in.
Classic ASP code
Set c = Server.CreateObject("ImageResizer.Configuration.Config")
set p = Server.CreateObject("ImageResizer.Plugins.PdfRenderer.PdfRendererPlugin")
c.BuildImage "d:\temp\wibble.pdf", "d:\temp\tractor-rotated.jpg", "format=jpg&rotate=45"
Error Message
ImageResizer.Plugins.PdfRenderer error '80131509'
Ghostscript native library for this platform not found: gsdll32.dll
/resize.asp, line 11
(line 11 is p.Install(c))
Now I have downloaded and installed Ghostscript.
I have put the gsdll32.dll and gsdll64.dll in the /bin directory
But it will not work.
What am I doing wrong?
I have imageresizer installed and working successfully using Classic ASP; I have resized and rotated a plain old .jpg file fine; the issues I am having are with the PDF Rendering plug in... that too seems to be working it is just it is looking for Ghostscript which does not seem to be installed..
Re: Ghostscript. I have run the Ghostscript install program. It seems Ghostscript is actually installed but that the PDF render plug in cant find it.
I copied it to the /bin folder because that is part of the install instructions and I wondered if that is where it might be looking (trying to eliminate variables)
I have created a standalone project to test this and have run the Classic ASP apppool in both 64 and 32 bit modes to again eliminate variables.
But I am still stuck with the error as defined above.
From the update I eliminated most possibilities; I also ran Ghostscript from the supplied documentation so I knew that ImageResizer and Ghostscript were both installed and working but not talking finding each other ....
So the fix is ... add the Ghostscript bin directory(s) to your PATH environment variable, that way ImageResize can find it and after a reboot it all worked. In my case I added
;C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.10\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\gs\gs9.10\bin to PATH
I have not found this documented anywhere else; so I hope it helps someone else
You can't just drop your dll into the bin folder the way you can in asp.net. With classic asp third party components you need to register the component (which the installation process should have done for you anyway), then you need to give your IUSR account read/execute permission on the registered dll. I haven't used Ghostscript but at a guess look in Program Files/Ghostscript/ or Program Files(x86)/Ghostscript. Another thing to watch out for in Classic is that if you're using a 32 bit component you need to enable 32 bit applications in your app pool

docx4j: help converting docx to PDF

My goal is to take an existing .docx file and convert it, from a Linux command-line, to PDF using docx4j (http://www.docx4java.orghttp://www.docx4java.org). The "getting started" guide (http://www.docx4java.org/svn/docx4j/trunk/docx4j/docs/Docx4j_GettingStarted.html) refers to a samples directory that isn't actually included in the latest (2.8.1) package. Regardless, I located the samples directory in their SVN browser, created a 'samples/' subdirectory in my docx4j folder containing all the .jar files, and downloaded the CreatePdf.java file into the samples directory. Then I tried running:
java -cp docx4j-2.8.1.jar:log4j-1.2.15.jar org.docx4j.samples.CreatePdf my-file.docx
And I get the error:
Error: Could not find or load main class samples.org.docx4j.samples.CreatePdf
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The samples are included in 2.8.1. Nothing has changed there, except the name of the sample, which is now ConvertOutPDF
Please try that instead.
btw, the SVN repository has been superseded since May. See docx4j-from-github-in-eclipse