Multiple database with NHibernate 3.x - nhibernate

I found a couple of articles how to use NHibernate with multiple database, for example this one
But all articles are very old, and may be there is some new approach with NH 3.x? I looked in documentation but did not found anything, but maybe i missed somthing?
Does anybody knows some better way (native NH3.x way) to use NH 3.x with multiple database than described in this article?

AFAIK, there is nothing new in NH 3. But there are still more options to use several databases than in the blog post you linked.
You can open your own connection and pass it to NH when opening a session.
You can open a session and switch to another database on the same server (eg. by executing a use database statement on sql server).
You can provide a schema (database) name on each table you map in the mapping file. It is not useful to have it hard coded, but you can still replace it after loading the mapping files or use mapping by code.

The articles you linked are still the way to go. Each SessionFactory is responsible for a single connection (connectionstring) and schema.
There is one special case where ou split the database into multiple with the same schema to load balance. This is called sharding and there is the contrib NHibernate.Shards to deal with it.


Execute sql statement before normal execution with aop

I'm trying to create a Multitenant application with spring.
I'm trying to have a different schema for each Tenant on a PostgreSql database.
I first created a TenantAwareDataSource extending org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.AbstractDataSource where basically I manage a Map of org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource, configuring setConnectionInitSqls() for each tenant. (The datasource the project had before was org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource)
But then discussing it with a friend, we came up with the idea of changing the schema for every statment executed with an aspect (aop), simply adding a set search_path to statement just before normal execution.
This could greatly simplify the problems related to having too many connections to the database (a connection pool for every tenant at any given time).
Has anybody executed additional statements using AOP?
Any pitfalls to overcome?
I'm thinking on put back org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource and intercept java.sql.Statements.exe*(..)
I'm not very experienced with Spring persistence. Or SQL statement execution interception for that matter (haha).
Is it ok?
I found this article but I don't think I need to obtain a reference for each connection.
Am I right?
Also found this one. The author is using org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcOperations. Not sure it's the case in my Spring Roo generated project.
Thank you all.

static sql for entity in nhibernate log file

I am using nhibernate to query my db and am seeing various statements in my log files as follow -
static sql for entity
static select for entity
version select
snapshot select
followed by queries using my domain entities.
I believe these are common when building a session factory, but I just wanted to make sure. Does anyone know what these entries mean?
thanks for any help.
It's just letting you know the sql it's going to use the predictable queries such as get by id etc. They are created when setting up the session factory and then cached for optimization. Very normal.

How to use SQL Cache Dependency Wtih EF DbContext?

I found this article on using Sql Cache Dependency with Linq2SQL.
is it possible to do this same thing in Entity Framework with DbContext?
I have a multi-database app so each DbContext Instance Connection is different depending on the user.
But I feel like utilizing this technology would be the best way to invalidate the cache.
any help is appreciated.
Take a look at this, will give you a starting point:, I tried it and it works fine but I have chosen to use a more custom and light weight approach.
Basically I retrieve the TraceString which is nothing but the raw SQL from my IQueriable<T> and create a standard SqlCacheDependency cache entry.
Your DbContext should live only for single unit of work. In your case for single request processing so there is no reason to involve any database dependency in EF.

Handling Multiple databases with NHibernate in a single application

At the moment I define the connection properties in a configuration file and only ever connect to one database. I'd like to be able to at some point have a user login, figure out (via a seperate central database maybe) what database they should be connected and from that point on all sessions created will talk to that database.
Whats the best way to achieve this. Create a configuration file for every possible database? Or could I have a single session manager and change the connection url on the fly accordingly? What sort of options do i have?
Update: Apologies I should have mentioned this was NHibernate. I didn't think it would matter but some things like Hibernate Shards will not be applicable to be as I believe NHibernate Shards is waiting.
You just need to make two datasources then call the one you need for the specific query.
Please take a look at this:
Some official solutions.
And here:
an online thread about this issue.

S#arp Architecture / NHibernate with multiple databases

I'm using S#arp Architecture (which uses NHibernate). I have some entities mapped to tables in one database and others mapped to a different database. Disclosure: Databases already exist so i can't do model first.
How do I configure this to work?
EDIT: Would the SchemaIs method in Fluent NHibernate be the recommended approach to map an entity to a table in a different database? I believe this is possible via NHib's xmp mapping files too.
You should use NHibernateSession.AddConfiguration instead for additional database. The call to NHibernateSession.AddConfiguration goes immediately under NHibernateSession.Init(). An explicit session factory key will have to be defined for the second initialization.
The whole process is explained here in detail.
The way I have done this is to initialise multiple NHibernateSessions in InitializeNHibernateSession within global.asax.cs using multiple nhibernate config files. I then used [Transaction("nhibernate.dbname")] (dbname being names assigned to WebSessionStorages) in the controllers against each appropriate action method.