Handling Multiple databases with NHibernate in a single application - nhibernate

At the moment I define the connection properties in a configuration file and only ever connect to one database. I'd like to be able to at some point have a user login, figure out (via a seperate central database maybe) what database they should be connected and from that point on all sessions created will talk to that database.
Whats the best way to achieve this. Create a configuration file for every possible database? Or could I have a single session manager and change the connection url on the fly accordingly? What sort of options do i have?
Update: Apologies I should have mentioned this was NHibernate. I didn't think it would matter but some things like Hibernate Shards will not be applicable to be as I believe NHibernate Shards is waiting.

You just need to make two datasources then call the one you need for the specific query.
Please take a look at this:
Some official solutions.
And here:
an online thread about this issue.


Can my employer see what tables I look at?

We have several database servers at my work, most of which I have access too. In one server there is a database within that contains a table I want to look at but don't "need" to look at. It's more curiosity, would any one be able to know or be notified if I looked at this table?
I am assuming you are referring to SQL Server. Refer here for a better understanding of how easy it is to track such activities.
Auditing is one of the basic capabilities of any database server. If there is a business need for the DBAs to monitor access to any specific database / table, chances are they might already be logging it. Better ask your DBAs about it if you are really interested in learning about that table.

Execute sql statement before normal execution with aop

I'm trying to create a Multitenant application with spring.
I'm trying to have a different schema for each Tenant on a PostgreSql database.
I first created a TenantAwareDataSource extending org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.AbstractDataSource where basically I manage a Map of org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource, configuring setConnectionInitSqls() for each tenant. (The datasource the project had before was org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource)
But then discussing it with a friend, we came up with the idea of changing the schema for every statment executed with an aspect (aop), simply adding a set search_path to statement just before normal execution.
This could greatly simplify the problems related to having too many connections to the database (a connection pool for every tenant at any given time).
Has anybody executed additional statements using AOP?
Any pitfalls to overcome?
I'm thinking on put back org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource and intercept java.sql.Statements.exe*(..)
I'm not very experienced with Spring persistence. Or SQL statement execution interception for that matter (haha).
Is it ok?
I found this article but I don't think I need to obtain a reference for each connection.
Am I right?
Also found this one. The author is using org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcOperations. Not sure it's the case in my Spring Roo generated project.
Thank you all.

Querying multiple database servers?

I am working on a database for a monitoring application, and I got all the business logic sorted out. It's all well and good, but one of the requirements is that the monitoring data is to be completely stand-alone.
I'm using a local database on my web-server to do some event handling and caching notifications. Since there is one event row per system on my monitor database, it's easy to just get the id and query the monitoring data if needed, and since this is something only my web server uses, integrity can be enforced externally. Querying is not an issue either, as all the relationships are one-to-one so it's very straight forward.
My problem comes with user administration. My original plan had it on yet another database (to meet the requirement of leaving the monitoring database alone), but I don't think I was thinking straight when I thought of that. I can get all the ids of the systems a user has access to easily enough, but how then can I efficiently pass that to a query on the other database? Is there a solution for this? Making a chain of ors seems like an ugly and buggy solution.
I assume this kind of problem isn't that uncommon? What do most developers do when they have to integrate different database servers? In any case, I am leaning towards just talking my employer into putting user administration data in the same database, but I want to know if this kind of thing can be done.
There are a few ways to accomplish what you are after:
Use concepts like linked servers (SQL Server - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms188279.aspx)
Individual connection strings within your front end driving the database layer
Use things like replication to duplicate the data
Also, the concept of multiple databases on a single database server instance seems like it would not be violating your business requirements, and I investigate that as a starting point, with the details you have given.

Multiple database with NHibernate 3.x

I found a couple of articles how to use NHibernate with multiple database, for example this one
But all articles are very old, and may be there is some new approach with NH 3.x? I looked in documentation but did not found anything, but maybe i missed somthing?
Does anybody knows some better way (native NH3.x way) to use NH 3.x with multiple database than described in this article?
AFAIK, there is nothing new in NH 3. But there are still more options to use several databases than in the blog post you linked.
You can open your own connection and pass it to NH when opening a session.
You can open a session and switch to another database on the same server (eg. by executing a use database statement on sql server).
You can provide a schema (database) name on each table you map in the mapping file. It is not useful to have it hard coded, but you can still replace it after loading the mapping files or use mapping by code.
The articles you linked are still the way to go. Each SessionFactory is responsible for a single connection (connectionstring) and schema.
There is one special case where ou split the database into multiple with the same schema to load balance. This is called sharding and there is the contrib NHibernate.Shards to deal with it.

couchdb read authentication

how can i handle read authentication in couchdb? i know roles can be defined in seperate databases but i want to implement read authentication on document level. i am thinking about using node.js but it does not seem an elegant solution because couchdb also has a http server and i dont want to add one more (or another application server like ruby or python). is there anyone working on this?
In the recent O'Reilly web cast on CouchDB, J. Chris Anderson mentioned that read authentication was best handled by a combination of partial replication and multiple databases per reader group. Each database would contain only the documents pertaining to that specific group.
It makes the most sense when you think of each readers CouchDB as a filtered instance of an authority database.
That's basically the correct answer. What I'd add is that document-level read control is hard to get right, especially in the presence of views. Filtering map rows at read-time is doable, but not very IO efficient. Generate reduction values based on filtered map rows, however, is prohibitively expensive.
For those reasons we encourage you to operate something like a database per access group, and make the entire database readable by all users.